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Every Which Way

Page 23

by Sasha White

  “Sim—” she began but was cut off when out of nowhere, Kaden stepped up to Simon, Tate close behind him.

  “I believe the lady said she wanted you to leave.”

  Simon spun around, and she knew him well enough to know he was about to cause a scene. As if to stop him, Kaden put his hand on Simon’s shoulder—a firm grip—and in a very controlled, yet calculated way, he defused the situation and walked him out the door.

  As they disappeared outside, Tate dropped to one knee beside Janie, his blue eyes full of concern as they moved over her face, and it occurred to her that Kaden, like every other cast and management member from the Devious Women set, knew about her situation with Simon.

  Tate took one of her hands in his, gently rubbing the rough pad of his thumb over her knuckles. “Look at me, Janie. Just let it go. Kaden’s got this under control.” The low, soothing tone of his voice washed over her, calming her shattered nerves. As if by magic, the tension slowly left her body.

  He looked at her friends and gave them a warm, charming smile. She could almost hear the air leaving Angie’s lungs as her eyes moved over him.

  “What is he going to do?” Janie asked. She stole another glance outside. While she couldn’t hear what Kaden was saying, from the intense look on his face to the alarm in Simon’s eyes, it was clear that he was putting the fear of God into her stalker.

  “Whatever he has to.” Tate gave her a reassuring smile. “Kaden never allows anyone to hurt those in his charge,” he said, like he knew this from personal experience. It made her wonder more about the two men, about their past and how they got to where they were today. If she did decide to get involved with them, it would be on a physical level only, yet she couldn’t help wanting to know more about these men and their unique relationship.

  Wait! Did that mean she was considering it? She glanced at her friends, sitting there staring at Tate in mute fascination.

  “It’s okay. Let us take care of you,” Tate said.

  She swallowed, sensing he was talking about now…and the dungeon. “I didn’t… Where did you two come from anyway?” She looked past Tate’s shoulders. Kaden, dressed in his track pants, towered over Simon as he moved him farther down the sidewalk, out of her line of sight. Everything in the confident way he walked and how he took control of the situation sent heat through Janie’s blood.

  “We’d just finished our run in the park and stopped in for a protein shake. I saw you sitting here, how pale and frightened you looked…” Her glance fell from Tate’s face and took in his rain soaked running clothes.

  “Everything okay, here?” Kaden asked, putting a hand on Tate’s shoulder as he stepped up to them.

  Janie’s glance shot to Kaden’s face. When intense gray eyes met hers, it stole the air from her lungs. “I…uh…”

  “Everything is fine now that you two are here,” Maria said, coming to Janie’s rescue.

  Kaden smiled at her friends, then leaned toward Janie. “Okay, if you need me, you know how to get hold of me, right?”

  Janie nodded, remembering the exchange of cell numbers last night.

  “I’ll see you Monday, then.”


  He gave her a grin that moistened her pussy. “Yeah, we work together, remember?”

  “Oh, right.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Okay, ground, open up anytime now so you can swallow me whole.

  Tate stood and gave her hand a squeeze. “I hope to see you later, Janie.”

  Their eyes met as she gave a nod, and as the two men walked to the counter, the girls all watched silently, just enjoying the view.

  As soon as the guys were out of earshot, Angie threw her hands up in the air. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit is right,” Maria picked up her napkin and fanned herself.

  Janie turned to Eden and shook her head at the smile on the other woman’s face. “Not you, too?”

  Eden laughed. “Yeah, me too.”

  “What am I going to do with you guys?”

  Maria jerked her thumb toward Kaden and Tate as they left the café. “Never mind what you’re going to do with us. I think the real question is, what are you going to be doing with them?”

  * * *

  Sitting on the back deck, Kaden looked out over the pool. The sun was just beginning to set when the second text came through. He glanced at the screen on his phone, and heat zinged through his blood. Here it was, Friday night, a full week since he’d first introduced Janie to Sanctuary. Other than their run-in at the café and the few glances she’d cast his way on the set, they’d yet to connect.

  Until now.

  He looked at the text again, and the one word staring at him—Sanctuary—told him she was ready to play. Well, play they would. He had no idea what had changed her mind, or why she suddenly found herself warming to the idea of entering into a physical relationship with them, he was only glad she had. Showing her what she really needed and sending her into sub space during a scene, where she would find unimaginable pleasure, was going to be one hell of a satisfying experience for all of them.

  He climbed from his lounge chair and made his way into the air-conditioned house.

  “Tate,” he called out as he walked to the den where he found his friend pounding away on his laptop, a common sight, even on the weekend. The man was a damn workaholic and really needed to get out more.

  “What’s up?” The wheels on Tate’s leather chair squealed as he pushed back from the desk.

  Instead of answering, Kaden walked across the room and held his phone out. A wide smile split Tate’s face, and he slicked his hair off his forehead.

  “You knew she’d want this, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Kaden said and then frowned. They’d need to be careful with her. She was new to the lifestyle, and under his care. He took that responsibility very seriously. “But tonight is going to be hard on her. Everything from her reaction to the dungeon to the type of men she goes out with tells me she has demons. We need to help her overcome this, so we can’t push too far too fast.”

  “I understand. She’s in good hands with us, and no one can read a sub quite like you.” Tate climbed to his feet, came around the desk, and slapped a hand to Kaden’s shoulder. “It might have taken years for you to find the right girl, but as soon as I met her, I knew the wait was worth it.” He glanced at the clock. “Why don’t you go get her? The club doesn’t open for a few hours anyway, and I need about an hour to finish up with some work before play.”

  Kaden nodded and text backed. “I’m on my way.”

  He waited for her to respond, which seemed to be taking an awfully long time. He could see on the screen as she began to type, then delete. For a minute, he wondered if she was having second thoughts, but when his phone pinged and he read, “Okay,” he turned on the balls of his feet and headed for the car.

  Kaden sped through the streets, anxious to see her—more anxious, actually—than he probably should have been. He parked his vehicle outside her place and rushed up to her door. Feeling like a teenager on his first date, he smoothed his hair back. Hell, next thing, he’d be checking his breath in the palm of his hand. Rolling his shoulders, he lifted his hand, and just as he was about to knock, the door clicked opened.

  His eyes met hers, then trailed lower to take in the silk, form-fitting black dress she was wearing. He sucked in a breath, and once again, his heart pounded just a little too hard. She was so beautiful, and it humbled him that she was about to put herself in his hands when it was clear trust didn’t come easily.

  His glance moved back to her face, and the tiny flecks of honey dancing in her green eyes deepened when he met her gaze straight on. “You look gorgeous.”

  She gave him a smile, and it took all his restraint not to drag her to him, to plant his mouth on hers and kiss her the way he wanted to. But he knew he needed to go slow and make this good for her.

  He took a measured step toward her and watched the way her cleavage heaved as he moved into her personal s
pace. He touched her chin, lifting it until her eyes met his. “I promise you, nothing will happen unless you want it to.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  His glance moved over her face. “For this to work, you have to believe that.”

  “I do,” she said. Even though he heard conviction in her voice, he could tell it was forced. She blinked and lowered her lids, her uncertainty evident in her actions.

  “Janie,” he pushed. “If you don’t want this—”

  Her lids flew open. “No, I want this,” she said quickly. “I actually did a little…”

  She stopped speaking, like she’d said too much. “Did a little what?” he pushed.

  “A…a little research,” she admitted.

  He grinned, happy that she was committed to this. “Good.” Capturing her hand in his, he led her to his car. In a bid to relax her, he made small talk on the way to his place, asking her questions about her friends and her work. Her nerves seem to have fallen to the wayside—until he pulled into his garage.

  He killed the ignition and turned to her. She opened her mouth like she was about to say something but he dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers as he worked to coax the unease from her body. But good God, he never expected her to taste so sweet, so addictive and intoxicating. He deepened the kiss, wanting, needing more…needing all of her. O-kay…that he hadn’t expected. After a long while, he pulled back and ran the rough pad of his thumb over her lips.

  “What…what was that?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “That, sweetheart,” he began, “is just a taste of things to come.”

  Chapter Four

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  The thought whirled through her head as Kaden led her inside the mansion. Despite her mixed feelings on what she was about to do, her body hummed, ready to experience what had been promised to be the best sex of her life. Honestly, while one part of her couldn’t believe she’d actually sent that text, another part of her was beyond curious, ready to see what this lifestyle was all about and why her three best friends were encouraging her to go for it.

  Even though she’d decided to do this, the idea of not being in control scared the hell out of her. Then again, everyone, including Maria, Eden, and Angie, had assured her that she would be the one in control. Still, it took a ton of trust to put her body in another man’s hands. Let alone two!

  Did she trust these two men?

  Obviously there had to be a part of her that felt secure in giving her body to these two, otherwise she never would have sent that text. It was that part of her that had sent the text—that wanted this. So yes, on some level she trusted them to stop if she said the word.

  As they walked through the massive foyer, Kaden kept his hand on her lower back and his eyes on her face, as though gauging her reactions. It made her feel safe, like her well-being really did matter to him.

  She angled her head and gave him a small smile. He returned it, the warmth in his eyes touching something deep inside her and easing the last threads of trepidation weaving their way through her blood.

  “Janie,” Tate said as he came from the office to greet her. Gorgeous blue eyes full of heat and warmth met hers. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Her gaze left his and went to Kaden’s, who was looking down at her with a new kind of intensity, one that gave her a little thrill.

  “I’m glad to be here,” she replied, heat zinging through her.

  “We’re going to take you into your first scene,” Kaden said. “Do you understand what that is?”

  She nodded, because she’d read all about what a scene was. “Yes.”

  “Tell me what it is.”

  “It’s a stage or setting where BDSM activities take place.”

  “And your safe word? You know what that is?”


  “What is your safe word, Janie?”

  She looked at the door leading to the dungeon. A door she’d walk out of if things got too much for her. “Door,” she said.

  Kaden nodded in understanding. “During your research, did you learn about hard and soft limits?”


  “Then we need to discuss them now, before we go any further.”


  “What will you not do under any circumstances? What is a complete no for you?”

  “I… well after research, I know I’m not in to blood play, breath play or fire play and when we do play, I want everything to be consensual.”

  “Okay, is there anything else that makes you uncomfortable? Something you might hesitate over, but could be possible?”

  She rubbed her wrists. “I’m not sure I would like to be constrained.”

  “Is that a hard limit, or is that something that can be negotiated?”

  She hesitated.

  “Be honest with yourself,” Kaden said.

  “I think it can be negotiated.”

  “Then you will trust that I know what I’m doing if I chose to constrain you in such a way?”

  She nodded.

  “Say it,” Kaden said.


  “Then shall we,” Tate said, waving his hand toward the doors that led to the dungeon.

  Since her voice took that moment to leave her, she simply nodded and followed Tate. The feel of his strong hand on her back filled her with equal measures of comfort and excitement, and suddenly, her thoughts filled with erotic images—like what it would be like to feel that large palm slap her naked backside.

  A small noise crawled out of her throat, and Kaden put his mouth close to her ear. A fine shiver trickled along her spine.

  “Everything okay?”

  She nodded and descended the stairs, blinking her eyes as they adjusted to the dim lighting. Soft, sexy mewling sounds reached her ears by the time she hit the bottom step, and when both men flanked her as other Doms gave her a once-over, she felt protected…strangely safe.

  People dressed in various costumes walked by. It reminded her of the photo shoot and her pinup suit, and how Kaden had said he wanted to pin her up properly.

  Another shiver moved through her, and her body shook.

  Tate captured her hand, his big palms swallowing hers whole. Without speaking, he led her past a scene where a girl dressed in a maid uniform was strapped to a bench and being spanked. Janie swallowed and followed along, wondering where Tate was taking her as she struggled to remember the layout of the dungeon and the equipment in the private rooms.

  A moment later, he guided her into one of those private rooms. She couldn’t decide whether she was disappointed or happy that she wasn’t going to be on display.

  Good God, what is going on with me?

  As if reading her thoughts, Kaden said, “We want you to feel safe and at ease. That is why we brought you into this room, alone with us. Tonight is all about you experimenting without an audience. Feeling any kind of embarrassment will limit your enjoyment.”

  She felt heat move through her, a tingling deep inside her womb, as rich desire made her body come alive. She sucked in a breath, hardly able to wrap her brain around what was happening. Before tonight, she never imagined she’d be in a BDSM dungeon, let alone find herself excited about it.

  “Now,” Tate began as Kaden continued to stand behind her, his hard chest pressed against her back, the strong, steady, rhythmic beat of his heart calming her. “Let us take care of you.”

  She looked at the chains hanging from the ceiling and the shackles attached to a platform on the floor. Her glance moved to a tray, which held numerous sex toys. Her body quivered, and she was suddenly unsure if she could actually go through with this. Tate touched her chin, his face softening.

  “Tell me your safe word again,” Tate said.


  “Repeat it.”

  “Door,” she said again.

  “Everything stops as soon as you say it. Do you understand?”

p; “Yes.”

  Tate nodded, and Kaden’s hands went to her hips. His fingers trailed lower to her thighs as he pushed a knee between her legs from behind. He pulled her impossibly closer and grabbed a fistful of her dress. He began lifting it, stopping just before he exposed the sexy pinup bottoms standing between her flesh and his hands.

  “Now that we all know what your safe word is, I want you to think long and hard before you use it,” Tate said. “Only when you put your trust in your Master, and only when he’s pleased with you, will you receive ultimate gratification.”

  She thought about something she’d read. “Will he be angry if I use it?” she asked, swallowing past the dryness in her throat.

  “It’s your Dom’s responsibility to read the clues and to know how far to push, therefore, yes he’ll be angry.” As her heart sped up, Tate continued. “But he won’t be mad at you, he’ll be upset with himself for misreading his submissive.”

  “Trust that you won’t need or want to use it, Janie,” Kaden said from behind, his voice deeper than it was moments before.

  “But if I do?”

  Kaden rubbed his thumb along her thigh. “If you do, then you do. I want you to be honest with me, but more importantly, I want you to be honest with yourself.”

  She flicked a glance over her shoulder and felt her nipples harden almost painfully as she watched something inside Kaden shift.

  “Will you—”

  “Leave everything up to me,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “I’ll be reading you, and your body will be telling me what you want without you ever having to ask for it.”

  “That’s another thing to remember,” Tate said. “Don’t ask for anything during a scene, and disobedience comes with a price. Everything from your pleasure to your pain is your Master’s responsibility.”

  “Everything is my responsibility,” Kaden repeated.

  The intensity behind his words made her tremble from head to toe. God, he was all controlled power, like a leashed animal ready to break free and claim its prey. The muscles along Kaden’s jaw clenched, and his face took on a new hardness as he stepped into the role of Dom, a role that would demand she trust her body in his hands.


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