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Anne's Journey: ... into domestic discipline

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by Susan Thomas

  It is easy to revoke a lasting power of attorney if it has never been actioned. However, my parents actually had power of attorney for over a year now. My solicitor told me that it could be stopped but he would need the medical report to accompany the form. He suggested a second opinion would be helpful. He told me that the Court of Protection was like the wheels of God... it moved slow but exceeding sure. It could take fifteen weeks to complete. Fifteen weeks! My heart sank; I wanted to be back with Tom even if I did have the odd trip over his knee. However, I squared my shoulders and had several sessions with another therapist who said I was wasting his time as I was the most grounded person he'd met in a long while. That made me laugh. My solicitor sent off the paperwork and I steeled myself for a fifteen week wait.

  I had wondered why I'd not heard from Tom and began to feel hurt, but I told myself there must be good reason, and carried on studying the community's manual as if I was meeting him each day. Reading it, I was pleased I wasn't a man. The responsibilities carried by a Head of Household were huge. Even if he used corporal correction he had to follow the guidelines.

  I did speak to my mother... well I had to really as I was living in her house and we had to cooperate over the children. However, I didn't speak to my father because I didn't feel there was any point. He knew he was right and that was that. He knew I was seeing a therapist and assumed that my solicitor's appointments were also with a therapist. He approved of that and thought I was meekly accepting his diktat. Then Tom turned up.

  My father flew into a rage and grabbed Tom to throw him out of the door. Now my father is a big man, and Tom is not as big, but somehow, suddenly, my father had lost all control of Tom and Tom had him in a firm grip.

  "Now then Sir, I want you to calm down. There is no need for any violence. I just want to satisfy myself Anne is OK, and, if you'll listen to me, try and explain about myself and the community. If you won't grant me any of your time I'll leave as long as I know Anne is OK."

  My mother pleaded with my father and I could see him getting control of himself. I think he was ashamed. Really he was just worried about me. My mother made some tea and we all sat down while Tom talked to me. Then my father allowed me some private time with Tom and I explained what I was doing to fight back. He congratulated me and we went back in to see my parents. Tom asked a for a private interview with my father and was granted the interview. Off they went to the study and they were there a long time. What Tom said in there I never knew but when they came out my father was calm.

  "Anne," he said, "Do you really want Tom spanking your bottom?"

  Talk about blunt. "No Dad, I don't like being spanked, but then I'm not meant to. I want Tom to be my husband... but I want more than that: I want him to be my leader, sometimes my protector, my guide, and I want his love. I've seen what the community does for couples. You were too angry to see the new Sally. She is a new woman, but yes, she did get spanked while I was there, and was happier for it because she was in the wrong. Tom has spanked me and it was right. My language was horrible and I allowed myself to get too worked up over things. Already he has helped me. I want to be that better person having Tom as my leader and guide will make me. If that means that sometimes I get a sore bottom so be it. Spanking is not abuse, Dad. I remind you that you spanked us girls when we were young but only ever when we really had been badly behaved."

  That was the end really. Tom had get back to his duties in the community but shortly after the Court of Protection, which didn't wait fifteen weeks, cancelled the power of attorney. My parents came around and we flew out with the children to begin the wedding preparations. Finally, one lovely sunny day Tom and I were married by another minister who came especially for the ceremony. Lily and Ruth were little bridesmaids, David was a page boy and Sally was Matron of Honour. Rose provided some 'musical' accompaniment! Sam was Tom's best man and yes my dad gave me away. At the wedding breakfast Peter Joyce, who chaired the community council, confirmed that Tom would be the permanent minister of the church and everyone applauded.

  Well that's it really. My journey is so bound up with that of Sally she felt I should write it up for you. I'm no Sally. I don't beat up security guards or tackle thugs. I'm a wife and mother by nature and happy to be so. It is silly to want or try to be something you're not. However, when my happiness, and that of my children, is at stake then I can be just as determined as Sally.

  Also by Susan Thomas...

  For a full selection of spanking fiction titles see:

  Further details of all Susan Thomas's ebooks can be found on her blog:

  Sally's Journey

  Following a tragic accident which left her parents and brother dead, Sally leaves her high-flying job in New York to offer help and support to her bereaved sister-in-law Anne and her children. During the six months she stays with Anne's family, Sally re-evaluates her life and finds it lacking. Six months later she returns to New York and attends a fundamentalist church where she chances upon a note pinned to the notice board. A widower with a young daughter seeks a wife. She reads that the man placing the ad lives in a small rural community which abides by domestic discipline principles. Intrigued, she does some research into the community and learns that in each household the man is the leader and his wife accepts his right to bestow corrective discipline when needed.

  Following an exchange of emails, Sally travels to the small town of Wheelton to meet Sam Alden. He does not disappoint, and as the two get to know each other, they discuss the domestic discipline lifestyle. Although it is all completely new to Sally, she begins to understand the thinking behind it, and accepts Sam's offer of marriage. Now that Sally is a happily married housewife and mother, her life is radically different. She makes mistakes along the way - which inevitably lead to her new husband disciplining her. This is the story of how she deals with her new life, falls in love with her husband, and learns how to be obedient and willingly submit to Sam's authority and discipline. It is a rewarding lifestyle...

  The Disciplined Women of Earth Zero

  Sarah has it all ... a good education, a top job in finance, and a handsome fiancé. Life is wonderful, until things begin to go wrong and her world comes crashing down, leaving her with nothing. Miserable and angry, she drives out of the city into snow-covered countryside. Losing control of the car on a narrow road, she smashes into the crash barrier and plunges down a ravine ... and wakes up face down in the snow with no injuries or pain. Rescue arrives in the form of a rugged farmer, Bill Cole. He takes her to his stone farmhouse where he tells her to change into a demure dress belonging to his sister, as the trendy leggings Sarah is wearing are considered immoral, and will offend his Bible Study group. When she refuses, Bill puts her over his knee and spanks her. It is but the first shock of many to come, for Sarah learns she died in the car crash and is no longer on Earth, but a parallel world called Earth Zero.

  Here in Earth Zero, with its theocratic government, women are expected to be submissive to men and defer to male authority, not speaking unless invited to do so. Though women are protected and valued, they are disciplined by their husbands, and if the offence is significant, (such as raising the hem of their skirts) they are subjected to a public punishment and strapped on their bare bottom. Sarah is not used to any of this, and her outspokenness soon earns her a second spanking from Bill. But he is a kind man, and she feels deeply attracted to him on many levels. Romance and marriage follow rapidly, and Sarah gradually adjusts to her new, much simpler yet enriched life. However, her former skills on Earth are also useful on Earth Zero, and she is sought out by the government to undertake a secret investigation. If she is successful, she will be offered an incredible opportunity...

  The Disciplined Women of Chapel Island

  When 18-year-old Kate and her wealthy parents make yet another house move, this time to their luxury new home on Chapel Island, Kate senses from the outset that ther
e is something both mysterious and exciting about the place. The island is beautiful, though somewhat unusual in that it has its own currency and a police and security force known as The Guardians - and it isn't long before Kate has her first encounter with them. Whilst exploring on her bicycle, she narrowly avoids colliding with a golf cart (the mode of transport on the island) and is later questioned by two Guardians who tell her that her mother will be informed.

  Subsequently, Kate is puzzled when she notices that her mother has to go out and pay some kind of penalty, and on returning home is taken by her husband to his study where she later emerges rubbing her bottom. Kate's curiosity deepens and she follows her mother to the Accountability Suite in the House of the Guardians. As a result of Kate's investigations, she discovers that domestic discipline and corporal punishment are an accepted way of life on the island - and the reason Kate's parents chose to reside here. Under this regime, many infractions are dealt with publicly with all manner of spanking implements.

  This is a rite of passage for Kate, who discovers that the ritual of such punishments excites her, and that excitement is carried through to her intimate relationships. When she breaks the rules, she is up for correction, and joins the other island women on stage, all naked and waiting for their punishment, which is often severe. But she is still inquisitive and discovers there is much subterfuge going on, with hidden cameras in her home. Why is she being spied on? Who can she trust? And who are 'The Five' who have control of everything that happens on Chapel Island? She finds out eventually, and becomes empowered...

  Alice's Education

  When eighteen-year-old English girl Alice Watson obtains a place at an American college, she knows exactly what she has signed up for, as the Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women has a strong Christian ethos - and a reputation for strict discipline. The college prides itself on its academic excellence and rigorous discipline, and all students must study the Student Manual and the teachings of the Reverend Charnock Amos Jones who advocates the importance of modesty for the young Christian woman... though it is not considered immodest for her to bare her bottom for her corporal correction.

  Alice shares a student house with nine other girls and Mark Accourt, their supervisor. It falls to Mark to set goals, monitor the progress and behaviour of the girls, and administer discipline. Spankings are a regular occurrence, and Alice feels that Mark doesn't like her ... a fact which proves unfounded. It takes Mark some time to realise his developing feelings towards Alice, and when he does, the two embark on a relationship, and Alice has a big decision to make...

  Erin's Visit

  Instead of going to University, Erin decides to go to America and stay with her Aunt Nicola and Uncle Jack, and work at the family business. Erin's mother has some misgivings as her churchgoing sister and brother-in-law live in a strongly religious area. Undeterred, Erin makes the trip, and discovers that she is now in a totally different environment and culture - because here in this devout Christian community, spankings are the norm. She finds that the church endorses physical chastisement and all the neighbouring houses have a church-approved spanking paddle hanging up in their homes. Erin realises her status as an unspanked 18-year old may mean she may not be popular with the other girls - so she takes steps to sign up to receiving regular spankings from her Uncle Jack. This is a rite-of-passage tale for Erin, who begins to learn the meaning of traditional discipline. She starts a relationship with local boy Josh who comes from an extremely strict family, and as their relationship develops, Erin grows in confidence and maturity and also learns more about the community in which she lives.

  Erin's Cousin

  Eighteen-year-old Jessica has always been somewhat jealous of her cousin, Erin, who, although the same age, seems to do everything better than her, and she eventually grows to resent her. When Erin goes to stay with relatives in the United States, Jessica keeps in touch and gets to hear that she has agreed to accept a church based behaviour contract which involves her being spanked on a regular basis for any misdemeanours. Jessica decides that this is one area where she can compete with Erin and gets her parents to agree to spank her in a similar way. It's not long before she finds herself on the receiving end of her first bare bottom spanking when her father spanks and paddles her for poor results at college. Further spankings follow and later Jessica is surprised to find that her own mother is now also subject to chastisement in much the same way as herself. As the punishments continue, she begins to find that she is becoming a better person and what's more, no longer in the shadow of her cousin.




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