Marsden (Wilkerson Dynasty Book 1)
Page 14
“Maybe she was and was protecting you once more from Eita. You told me once a while ago that she’d done that before. Kept you from being hurt by all the woman.” He nodded. “Mars, I would think that she was there and that she was giving you advice to keep you safe for me. I want to believe that. That she’d somehow approve of this very quick falling in love with each other.”
“I know she would. Mom was never one for romantics. I mean, she read a great deal, but never romance novels. I think she would have been afraid of men and dating for the rest of her life. She could nurse them, keep them healthy, and make sure that they were well cared for. But she wouldn’t even think about dating anyone.” Abby thought that was sad. “She didn’t think of it as being sad. She told me once that she couldn’t trust. It wasn’t the fault of the men that would ask her out, but herself. You must remember that all the men in her life, including her own father, betrayed her in some way. First, the man that took her, then her dad, and finally her brothers. I think it was just too much for her heart. Now, are you going to kiss me, Miss Abby, or are you going to sit there and tease me?”
“Both, I think.”
The kiss was long and lingering. She tasted of the strawberries that they’d eaten with the ice cream for dessert. He knew a little more about her now, thanks to dinner with his uncle. Abby didn’t care for sweets in general, but her favorite dessert was plain vanilla ice cream with fruit. Fresh, not frozen.
Mars felt his cock stretch and fill, his body hardening with his need for her. When she pulled away, taking her top up and over her head, he unbuttoned his own shirt until she simply yanked it apart, and buttons went everywhere. When she grinned at him, he felt like he fell in love with her even deeper than he had before.
“We should just make love right here. That way, you won’t be able to roll around on the bed and hurt yourself before I hurt you.” He asked her if she was going to hurt him. “No, no more than you want me to. I’m not into pain, but I want to make you suffer, just a little before I slide my pussy over you and ride you like a bucking bronco.”
“Christ, woman.” She reached between them and undid his pants. Sliding her hand into his pants, her warm hand wrapped around his cock, and he moaned loudly. “You’re making me nearly out of my mind with need. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yes. You have no idea what this is doing to me, either.” She moved her hand up and down his shaft, making him dizzy with the need to come. “I was going to play around, take my time with you, but I need you inside of me, Mars.”
“I’ll help you.” Her bra was off before he could get his zipper down all the way. Taking her breast into his mouth, he savored of the taste of her. The way she smelled as he suckled hard on just the tip. When she moved over, Mars never took his mouth off her, but he felt his cock being exposed and looked down at himself. “Christ, baby, I hurt with need.”
“I need a taste first.”
Before he could tell her no, that he was too close to the edge, she took him deep into her mouth. When her tongue swirled around him, then up the thick vein, he cried out when her tongue played with the tiny hole at his tip. Fucking her mouth was the most difficult thing he’d ever done. The need to hurry, to take his release and to slow down so that he didn’t hurt her, was just too much.
Moving her body so that she was poised over him, he watched her face as she slowly lowered herself down over him. Even holding his cock for her was hard for him to do. The slightest breeze or touch would send him over the edge if he wasn’t careful.
When she was seated, Mars needed a breather. He could have come, hard and quickly, inside of her, but he wanted her to come too—with him, he hoped. When Abby’s hips began to move, rolling back and forth over him, he put his hands on her hips to still her. Instead, he began helping her, showing her what he wanted. He leaned forward just enough to taste her breast again, and Abby leaned to him, wrapping her hand around his neck and holding his mouth to her lovely breasts.
“Mars, you’re making me wild with need.” He couldn’t say anything back to her, as he was enjoying what he was doing. “You have to let me come. I need to come all over your pretty cock, Mars. Please?”
Rolling her to her back on the couch was painful, but almost as soon as she was wrapping her ankles around his hips, the pain seemed to have dissipated. He took her slowly, feeling the way that she not only held him tightly within but also how wet she was. The heat of herself.
When she bowed up off the couch, nearly unsetting him, he cried out when her sheath tightened around him, milked him as her hand had been doing before. When she screamed out his name, telling him how much she loved him, Mars joined her.
Coming with Abby was like two volatile chemicals coming together. He exploded with his release, holding her to him as he gave her the rest of himself over and over as he emptied. When she dug her nails into his back, he cried out again. Coming with her when she came the second time had his entire body drained of every bit of energy that he had ever had. And then some.
He knew that he was heavy, much too heavy for her tiny frame. However, moving was nearly out of the question. Even rolling to his side sent him into such spasms of pain that Mars had to bite his hand to keep from screaming.
“I’m going to get out from under you. I can’t move either, but you’re hurting, and I’ll struggle through to get you some meds.” He thanked her, about all he could manage. “I knew this was a mistake. I’m so sorry, Mars. I didn’t mean to kill you.”
“It was worth it. I know I don’t look like it now, but I loved every second of you. Your taste too. You tasted so wonder—” Abby told him to shut up. “I hurt.”
“I know you do. I can almost taste your pain. Let me get you something.” Once she got out from under him, he could almost roll to his back without too much more pain. Not to say that he wasn’t hurting—he was—but now he wasn’t laying on his chest, which seemed to pain him the most right now. “Here. I know you don’t like the way they make you feel when you take two, but I’m going to make you take three of them. Not to alarm you or anything, but you’re bleeding too. I’ll call Wats when I get you into the bedroom. All right?”
Mars didn’t even argue with her about it. He took all three of the pain pills and drank the water. Twenty minutes later, he was drugged and could move a little easier. Staggering to the bed with Abby’s help, he sat on the edge of the bed and tried to breathe like he’d been told. In his mouth, out his nose slowly. It was another five minutes before he could easily lay back and close his eyes.
He’d not known that he’d fallen asleep. When Abby came back to see him, saying his name, he looked at her and tried to remember what had happened. She told him that she’d just called Wats and what he’d said to her. Twice, Mars thought. His ears must have gotten the bulk of his pain meds.
“You’re drooling. Kinda not sexy, just so you know. I talked to Wats, and he said that since there isn’t too much blood, you’ll be all right. He said he was taking the stitches out tomorrow anyway. But he wants you to behave yourself for the next couple of days. He’ll come here to check you out tomorrow.” Nodding, Mars tried to figure out which of the Abbies he should be paying attention to. “You’re very funny when you’re drugged up. Did you know that?”
He wasn’t sure that he answered her, but really, he didn’t care. There was a bed beneath him, a place where the pain would be softened. When Abby crawled into bed beside him, he wrapped her up in his arm and kissed her on the head. That was, he thought, the nicest way in the world to go to sleep. After that, Mars didn’t hear or remember another thing.
Tina was none too happy with her husband, nor her son. Watson was supposed to be here every day, but so far, she’d not seen anything of him nor his father. When she got out of jail, Tina was going to take over Eita’s spot in the household and make them all toe the line. First and foremost, Tina wanted answers. She had called and l
eft a message with North, thinking his father much to grief stricken to come see her.
She’d been notified about an hour ago that she had a visitor. What was taking them so long to come to her was annoying the piss out of her. Tapping her foot, something that hadn’t gotten her anywhere yet, she glared at the guard. The butch bitch just laughed at her, like she didn’t care how inconvenienced she was.
“What you gotta do when you get back to your cell, Tina? You thinking that you’re going to have the president or somebody coming by and you need to spruce up your hairdo? Trust me, you look just like every other inmate in this place. And believe it or not, nobody cares a shit about what you look like.” Tina told her that she’d probably get a husband if she took the time to spruce herself up too. “Don’t care for men. And I have me a very nice girlfriend. I also have four sons that treat me a damn sight better than most of you women here get treated at home. Now you just sit there and wait, or I’ll take you on back to your cell. I’ll send that nice young man on his way.”
“My son or one of my nephews?” The guard, Tina hadn’t tried to learn her name, told her that she didn’t know her family. “You’ll get to know them when they come here to get me out of this place. I didn’t do a thing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Christa killed our Eita. I hate that it happened, but now that it has, things are going to be changing.”
“Like what?” She looked at North, and when he smiled at the guard, Tina looked back at her. “She and I have been talking a great deal over the last few days. You’re not even a nice person when you’re locked up, are you, Tina?”
“I’m your aunt, and you will pay me the respect that I deserve.” North said nothing, but he did look at her. “Did you hear what I said, North? I will not tolerate the shit that you pulled on your dear departed mother. You’ll listen to me, or I’ll give you twice whatever she did.”
“You can think you will, but I’m not taking shit from anyone anymore. Especially whores like you and the others.” If she’d been able to pull her hands free of the chains, she would have knocked him on his ass. The nerve of this little fucker saying things like that to her. “I’m to tell you that Wats said for you to lose his number. He’s not coming here to talk to you. And even if you, by some grace of God, get out, he won’t talk to you then either.”
“I’ll take care of him when I get home. And you’d better bet that I’m getting out of here. And soon too. I’m guessing that Wesley is trying to find me a good attorney? You tell your uncle that I want the best there is. He’s not to pinch pennies on it either. I didn’t kill your mother, and my heart breaks every time I think about what was done to her. Now, I want details on her funeral, and what she will be wearing. I need to make arrangements to go to the funeral with the rest of your aunts.” North told her that there wasn’t going to be a service. “Oh. That’s very nice of your father to hold it off until we get out. That way, we won’t have to have guards with us when we go to the grave. What is she wearing?”
“Mother? I haven’t any idea that they put anything on her.” Tina was confused and told him to explain himself. “She’s not having a service at all. Dad had her cremated as soon as the police were finished with her body.”
“You tell him he’s not to do that. Eita has friends that will want to see her. She needs to be dressed in that blue and pink dress that makes her look slim. And her hair. It has to be just so, North, or people will talk. I don’t know why your father would tell you such a thing. Cremation isn’t something that is done to Wilkersons. We need to be on full display for all the underlings to see and marvel at our beauty, even in death. You tell him to get her pink roses too. Nothing else but pink ones with a little green. He’ll need to call— Why are you not writing any of this down? North, you’re just as stupid as your mother always said you were. Get a pen and paper and start taking notes on what is to be done for your mother’s funeral. I swear to Christ, I should be out there telling him how to handle this. It’ll be the talk of the town if it’s not just perfect.”
“I’m not taking notes. Because as I said to you, she’s been cremated. Dad didn’t even put anything in the paper because he didn’t feel, nor do I, that she deserved anything civil done for her after all that she did to Holly and Dad.” Tina told him he was being ridiculous. “Am I? How ludicrous was it that you lied to Grandpa Wilkerson about his daughter? Lied so much that he not only disowned her, but he also left her to struggle on her own for decades without any help from any of her family. Aunt Holly was a wonderful person. A better mother to all of us than you and the other women would ever hope to have been.”
“Poor Holly, the little girl who was taken advantage of. So the fuck what? If she’d have had a backbone, we would never have gotten away with half the shit we did to her. The very fact that she decided to keep that bastard child of hers just goes to prove what a fucking dumbass she was. Christ, when I think of her making her way in the world with that thing attached to her hip, I want to laugh my ass off. You have no idea how much fun we had at her expense. Do you want to know why, North? So that you and the real Wilkerson sons could have a good way in life. A head start in finding a good paying job. A wife of higher standards than most. You needed to be groomed and had any of us known of your little trips to see Holly, we would have doubled our efforts to have her killed. Also that little bastard of hers.” North asked her if she’d had Holly killed. “Of course I did. I was going to tell the others about it when we had our next weekly meeting. That man that hit her had no idea what he was about when I made him drunk as fuck. I had to smell him on myself for days, no matter how many showers I took because I drove his car to plow into Holly’s car.”
“You killed her?” Tina was in her element now. She had a captive audience, and it was a very heady feeling. “Why? What did Aunt Holly ever do to you that she deserved to be killed like that?”
“She was born? That alone was enough to piss each of us off enough to want her dead. We’ve all tried so many times to have her taken out of the family. The first time was when we arranged for Holly to be taken. They were supposed to kill her then, not allow her to escape. No one will use those buffoons again. We had so much fun taking care that they’ll never be telling who hired them.” Tina wished she had a camera so that she could take a picture of the look on North’s face right now. No wonder Eita liked what they did. It was like being high all the time. “You should have seen the way her brothers treated her. Not to mention her father. He gave her everything. And you want to know what she did for us? Nothing. She never appreciated that we were suffering because of her. Our husbands never looked at us the way they did her. Holly always acted so surprised when they’d give her something special. She’d go on and on about how they didn’t have to do that. That they shouldn’t have spent their money on her. No, I tell you, they shouldn’t have. It was us that the money should have gone to. Not some brat that was forever demanding the attention of everyone.”
“I doubt very much that Aunt Holly ever demanded anything of anyone. Isn’t that right? Her brothers loved her because she was good and kind. Because she was smart and beautiful.” Tina just stared at North. “You were jealous of her. You weren’t mad at all. You were jealous of the fact that her brothers and father loved her unconditionally, and you couldn’t have that. You killed the greatest woman in the world because you were petty cunts that couldn’t stand any competition from a fifteen-year-old girl.”
“You think you’re so smart, don’t you, North? Well, with her out of the picture, you got to grow up in that fine house that your grandfather left for your dad. Your mother got you in the best schools without much in the way of effort. The best was always the only thing that the Wilkersons could handle. And now, here you are whining to me about how poor little Holly was shafted because her brothers didn’t love us as much as they did her. Well, fuck you, young man.” Tina laughed. “What do you think is going to happen when we’re all out of here? Nothing
is going to change, but the person in charge. Which, because I’m married to the second son, I get to be the one making the calls and doing my best for the betterment of the Wilkerson name. I’m making plans right now to move into the big house and rule from there. As your father is no longer married to that wonderful wife of his, he’s going to be relegated to the lower floors and watched over so that he doesn’t do anything stupid again. You just wait and see if things that change for you are going to be harder because I’ll make sure that not only do you stay away from that fucking bastard but that you live right there with your father so that I can keep my eyes on you.”
“Really? Is that what you think?” North stood up, and she told him to sit down. “No, I don’t want to. And here is something that you might want to stew over too while you’re admitting to murdering Holly and plotting the death of her son. Everything you say is recorded. Everything that you said can be used against you. I think you did very nicely in admitting all to the recording devices that are all over this room.” She looked around and only just then noticed that there were several places where it said there were cameras. “There will be no moving into the big house because Mars and his new wife are moving in. The brothers, my father included, have decided that since they did their sister so horribly, thanks to you, that it should belong to him. I think he might want to change it into something more modern. Perhaps make it a museum for you wives to show what you can miss out on when you plot and plan. Also, they’ve decided that they’re giving up one-sixth of their wealth to her name. To fund a college scholarship for young unwed mothers who have been tossed aside by their families. Oh, and one more thing before I leave you here with the others to rot; none of us will come here again. I was, I guess you could call it the bearer of good news. For us anyway. But we’re not returning. Not to get you an attorney, to bring you things to use while locked up. Nor are we planning to have you buried on the family lands. You’re going to be stuck out there with the pauper’s graves like the rest of the unwashed and unwanted.”