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Sell Like Crazy

Page 5

by Sabri Suby

  your career.

  I also personally believe this is a function of the business you should never

  completely remove yourself from – as we’ve already established, sales are the

  lifeblood of your business.

  Salesmanship Multiplied: The Most

  Lethal Skill In Business

  Let’s go back to the converted shipping container where, as mentioned, I got

  my start in sales at seventeen.

  Remember? I was being yelled at, abused, and I couldn’t understand why

  people were so angry. I asked myself, ‘Why won’t anybody listen to me?’

  It was from pondering this question that I had my first breakthrough. While it

  might seem obvious, I realised that nobody cared about me, my product, or

  anything else I was babbling about on the phone.

  They cared only about themselves! I realised then and there that my pitch had

  to only be about how I could benefit them. I stopped talking about our

  company, our products, our services, our mission, or even the name of our


  If a prospect asked, ‘What company are you calling from, I missed that?’ I

  would simply divert back to the reason for my call and switch the focus

  entirely onto how we could help them. I quickly found the more the call

  focused on solving their problem, the more sales I made.

  Once I partnered this with my single parent mother work ethic, I was like a

  dog on the back of a meat truck. You couldn’t shake me once I had this


  I was relentless.

  I had finally ‘cracked the code’ and figured out an approach that worked!

  The Graduation

  After working in this direct sales environment for companies large and small

  across the world for the better half of a decade, I had a realisation.

  I realised no matter how good I got, there were only so many hours in a day.

  Only so many calls I could make. My income was limited by the clock.

  It was at this stage I fell down the rabbit hole of direct response marketing

  and measured-results marketing. And so, I transitioned from selling one-to-

  one to selling one-to-many.

  I applied my master salesmanship skills to print, audio, video, and other

  assets I could leverage to multiply those salesmanship skills.

  And instead of personally making 300 calls per day, I wrote ads that could

  call on 300,000 people per day!

  It was a quantum shift and a completely different dynamic, an incredibly

  powerful one where there was no limit to the impact of a sales message.

  The ability to write ads and marketing messages that sell is by far the most

  lethal money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire.

  If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money.

  The ability to write a sales message that brings in new customers on a

  profitable basis, consistently and predicably, is the rarest skill on Earth. And,

  if you can do it – I mean really do it – you can virtually write your own


  The bottom line is, no matter what business you’re in and no matter what

  you’re selling, your pursuit for wealth and success will always and forever be

  served by your ability to craft a killer sales pitch.

  You can make great money selling one-to-one. But there’s a limit. As we

  know, there are only so many hours in a day, only so many calls you can

  make, only so many doors you can knock. And, if you limit yourself to one-

  on-one selling, you’ll never really make big money.

  To truly make big money, you’ve got to use an automated selling system to

  get your sales message in front of huge numbers of people all at the same

  time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

  I look at my sales message as being my salesman soldier. I look at Google

  Ads, Facebook ads, and radio and YouTube ads as the delivery vehicles I use

  to deploy that salesman soldier and deliver my message automatically

  without me having to exert more effort the more times I deliver it.

  The reality is that the technology of delivering that sales pitch will be forever

  changing. Newspapers, direct mail, TV, the Internet, Google, Facebook,

  LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat… The list will go on into perpetuity.

  The way you deliver your sales message may change abruptly and radically.

  Yet what you put into that message will always be based on the classic tools

  of world-class salesmanship and human psychology.

  Listen carefully: You can always hire people to deliver the work, set up the

  technology, do your company accounts and tax returns.

  But the guys who know how to craft a killer sales pitch that forces people to

  whip out their wallet and throw money at you will always be rare…

  incredibly valued… outrageously well paid… and sitting in the driver’s seat

  of their abundant future.

  Good advertising is simply a sales pitch. Or better put, salesmanship


  Your advertisement and sales message should act like an army of tiny

  salesmen soldiers. And they should go forth, regardless of the delivery

  medium, and deliver a concert pitch.

  If you’re running a YouTube ad that’s viewed by 200,000 people, that’s

  200,000 chances to give your best sales pitch. It’s 200,000 separate prospects

  all seeing and hearing your ad via one-on-one communication.

  Think about it this way – if you had a chance to make a 60-second sales pitch

  80,000 times to 80,000 prospects, what would you say to them during those

  60 seconds to give the most compelling information, build the most desire,

  make the best case, and reduce the risk for them to take the next step?

  What would you say? If you were right there in person, in front of your

  dream buyer? Would you blurt out, ‘Here’s our stuff — come buy from us for

  no justifiable or rational reason’?

  I hope not! Sadly, most advertising you see and hear is weak and vague. It

  would be taken hostage and eaten alive by the money-multiplying soldiers

  described above.

  You see, after coming into contact with tens of thousands of business owners

  every month and speaking with thousands from all over the world, I’ve

  noticed that not even 1% of businesses put together advertising that builds

  any kind of a case for a prospect to want to buy their products or services.

  Instead, it just fires features and benefits at the prospect, serving no more

  purpose than to announce, ‘We exist, so buy our stuff’, instead of giving a

  compelling reason why they should do business with you.

  A good example of this sort of ‘here’s-my-stuff-come-buy-from-us’

  advertising can be found on any Google search results page.

  Just do a search on ‘financial planners’. Here’s what most say: ‘Financial

  Planning Services, Friendly & Trusted Experts, Tailor-Made Advice, Trusted

  Advisors, 30+ Years of Experience, blah blah blah....’

  Every single ad basically says the same thing. It’s impossible for a prospect

  to make an intelligent decision about whom to call based on any criteria other

  than who’s got the prettiest website.

  The prospect can’t determine if any of the products or services are any better

  or any worse or different than those offered by the
sea of competitors.

  This situation is true for any medium. Your ads should make a red-hot pitch

  for your product or service in the same way as a salesperson would in a face-

  to-face selling situation.

  Look at your ads. If you were talking live to a hot prospect, your dream

  buyer, would you say the same thing your current advertising says to

  convince them to buy from you? If you’d say something different, then you

  need to light those ads on fire and rethink your whole advertising strategy.

  When somebody is considering buying something, the one thing they want is

  information — useful, helpful, no-nonsense information. The more

  information you can give them in your ads, the better your chance to generate

  an action.

  Before we get deeper into the quality of your information, let’s first talk

  about a problem that vexes many business owners: the level of traffic to their

  website or store.

  The Biggest Misconception

  When it comes to growing sales, businesses generally have one or more of

  the following challenges to overcome:

  SMALL LIST: Your list may be small or even non-existent. Meaning, you

  don’t have a large enough database of prospects or previous clients you can

  call upon to generate tens of thousands of dollars on demand.

  LOW TRAFFIC: Meaning you’re simply not getting enough people to your

  website, store, or landing page.

  LOW CONVERSIONS: If you’re getting enough traffic but you aren’t seeing

  as many leads and sales as you want, then you have a conversion problem.

  Meaning, what you’re offering simply isn’t compelling your prospects to


  People often ask me, ‘Sabri, I really want to grow my business and I just need

  more traffic... Can I hire you to get me more traffic?’ Most of the time they’re

  looking for the latest ‘hack’ to triple their traffic… A golden Google

  leprechaun that skyrockets their rankings... The latest Facebook ad tactics to

  increase their click-through rate... Or the Instagram bot that secretly follows

  people and reaches into their pockets and deposits their money into the

  company’s bank account.

  But you don’t need the latest traffic hack. You see, in today’s day and age,

  traffic is a commodity. Just like milk, bread, or a pack of Tim Tams. If you

  want to buy groceries, you go to a supermarket. And if you want to buy

  traffic, you go to a traffic supermarket.

  Just like a supermarket where you can go and buy as many groceries as you

  want or can afford, you can also go to a traffic supermarket and buy as many

  website visitors as you want or need. Literally, as many as you can handle!

  Never have businesses had such instant access to millions of consumers

  within minutes. Now, when it comes to traffic, there are only two names

  worth mentioning. You can think of them as the Woolworths and Coles of the

  online traffic world. They are Google and Facebook. And they account for

  more than 90% of traffic online.

  Get this: On Google, people make 3.5 billion searches per day. As for

  Facebook, there are over 16 million active users in Australia alone. You can

  have a Google Ads account set up and running in under 30 minutes, giving

  you access to literally millions or billions of people within hours. Or you

  could set up a Facebook Ad campaign in a couple of hours and have access to

  the 1.8 million Aussies who log on every day!

  We’re living in an age where you have access to millions of prospects within

  hours. It’s incredible, and I could go on about this for hours, but here’s my

  point: If there is so much traffic available at your fingertips, and you can

  literally go and buy as much as you want at any time, then why do businesses

  say they have a traffic problem?

  The truth is this: They don’t have a traffic problem!

  They have a conversion problem. When you really think about it, this

  traffic complaint makes zero sense. How can you have a traffic problem

  when digital marketing has made traffic more abundant then it’s ever been?

  The real issue here is not in buying traffic. Anyone with an internet

  connection and a credit card can do that.

  The real issue is converting that traffic into actual sales using a system

  based on unit economics that makes buying traffic profitable and self-

  liquidating. Meaning it pays for itself like a modern-day golden goose. I’ve

  spent millions of dollars battle-testing different traffic sources and marketing

  strategies for our clients. After all this testing, I came to one conclusion:

  If you want to land those high-value clients like clockwork and grow your

  business to $1,000,000 a month in revenue or beyond without spending 70 or

  80 hours a week in your business, then you need an automated lead

  generation and client conversion system that turns advertising into profit.

  You need a system you can put $1 in which generates $2, $5, $10, $50 or

  even $200 back. You see, the most dependable and predictable way to grow

  sales and generate wealth is to turn advertising into profit.

  And if you can’t pay money to acquire a new customer, then you don’t have a

  business. Let me say that again: If you can’t pay money to acquire a new

  customer, you do not have a business.

  If you’re solely relying on free traffic, referrals, joint ventures, or other

  channels like these, then you don’t have a predictable and dependable way to

  grow your business. You’re simply at the whim of whatever fate drops in

  your lap. However, generating a return on investment from paid advertising is

  like pulling a lever and having cash drop into your account. It’s predictable,

  repeatable, and scalable.

  This isn’t something I made up because I thought it was cute. We’ve helped

  small businesses flourish into multi-million-dollar companies using this

  approach. And it’s grounded in the same principles used by some of the

  world’s wealthiest investors.

  A Wiser Investment Than Savings,

  Stocks, Or Real Estate

  Instead of relying on luck to deliver you customers and cash injections

  when you need them, you must do what billionaires do. Invest in assets

  and get returns on those assets. Look at how much return some of the

  most prolific billionaire investors in the world are getting from their assets:

  Carl Icahn: 31% annual returns

  Warren Buffett: 20% annual returns

  George Soros: 20% annual returns

  Peter Lynch: 29% annual returns

  Clearly, these giants of investing are not relying on referrals to average a 20%

  annual rate of return or more. They are putting in $1 and getting $1.20 or

  $1.30 back on a predictable, billion-dollar scale.

  In other words, they maximise and leverage money to make more money.

  And think about this...

  These are the most famous and wealthy investors in history and they’re

  completely happy to invest billions to generate a return of just 20-30% per

  year. More on why this is important in just a moment.

  First, let me ask you this: What are some of the ways you could try and

  leverage your money? And what kind of returns could you get?

  Remember – you’re not a
billionaire or genius investor, so you’re going to

  have rely on something simpler and more accessible to get the same results.

  Let’s look at some options together, starting with high- interest saving

  accounts or term deposits. If you were to invest in a high-interest savings

  account, you’d typically look at a 2-3% annual return. In other words, you

  put $1 in and get $1.03. This isn’t great, right?

  So, what about stocks and bonds? A recent report by the Australian Stock

  Exchange showed that over the last 30 years, Australian shares have

  produced a 9.5% return per annum on investments. In other words, you put

  $1 in and get $1.09 after a year.

  But these are just two examples, so let’s look at another. There are a lot of

  people making a ton of money from real estate and property investment,


  Well, real estate investment has yielded an average annual return of 11.8%

  per year over the last 20 years. Now that’s better than the others – on average

  – but it’s still not the kind of money that could transform your life and build

  wealth fast. You’re still only getting 11 cents for every dollar you put in.

  Not very inspiring. But you’ll be happy to find out that investing in your

  business, more specifically your advertising, smashes these woeful

  returns on investment.

  Look at this advertising expenditure from one of my client’s Facebook

  accounts. $4,403.64 was spent for a return of $17,850.00. That’s $13,446 in

  profit in just two days. That’s a return on investment of 305%!

  Even if you consider product costs of 30-40%, this business is still making an

  unbelievable return from its advertising investment. They put in $1 and got

  $4.05 back. Or more specifically in their case... put in $4,403.64 and got

  $17,850.00 back!

  Here’s another example from Facebook. The advertising spend is $7,334.06

  and the return is $104,683.48! That’s a 1,356.96% ROI! In other words, they

  put in $1 and got $14.27 back. Or once again, specifically, they put $7,334.06

  in and got $104,683.48 back! If that doesn’t get you excited, I’m not sure

  what to say.

  But here’s another example. In this case, we were generating leads for a

  business. We spent $12,252.75 and generated 2,968 leads! The cost was just


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