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No Cure for Love

Page 32

by Jean Fullerton

Fresh laid eggs and milk every day - and help! She looked again at the house that was now their home. It was timber-clad and whitewashed and stood in its own plot of land. It had steps up to a front porch which ran the length of the house and two good-sized rooms on either side of the front door with sash windows. Of course they hadn’t enough furniture yet to fill the two rooms, but, as Robert had told her, now he had bought a practice in Grand Street it wouldn’t be long before they could take a trip across the river to buy whatever she wanted for the house. They had already furnished the upstairs rooms with some comfort: a massive iron bedstead for them, a spindle four-poster with delicate drapes for Josie, a carved cradle for Bobbie. The living area downstairs was rapidly becoming a snug family home too, with woven rugs, sofas and a deep-buttoned chair for Robert.

  ‘Are you sure you want to stay in America, Robert?’ she asked, as she thought briefly about the home they had both left.

  Robert lowered his head and kissed her hard.

  ‘I’d be happy to live in America, London, anywhere else as long as we are together. It is you, Ellen, only you, that matters to me and nothing, nothing else.’ He held her to him again for a long moment. Bobbie wriggled in protest at being squashed between her parents. Robert gave her a swift kiss on her baby curls. She smiled up at her father and grabbed his nose. ‘It might not be forever. Society won’t accept us as a married couple for a few years but things are changing.’

  ‘What about your family? How do you think your mother will react when your letter arrives about Bobbie?’ she asked, as a cart full of vegetables heading for New York trundled along the dusty road in front of their house towards the ferry.

  ‘I am certain she will be pleased,’ he replied, tickling his daughter under the chin and making her laugh. His face grew sombre. ‘I can’t say I have the same hope of my father.’

  ‘Oh Robert.’

  He had told her of his visit to Edinburgh and how his father had reacted. Much as she would dearly like to, she couldn’t change what had happened, she could only love Robert and help deal with the hurt.

  He looked intently at her. ‘You, Bobbie and Josie are my family now,’ he said in a firm tone. He raised one eyebrow and gave her a crooked smile. ‘Besides, my skills as a physician are as sorely needed here in the Five Points and the Bowery as ever they were in Wapping and Shadwell.’

  Ellen picked up his lighter mood and gave a deep sigh. I suppose that means that I haven’t heard the end of drains and pumps then.’

  Robert puffed out his chest. ‘I should think not. In fact I plan to follow up my successful publication of Observations on the Diseases Manifest Amongst the Poor, with the Effects on Health of Sanitation and Overcrowded Living Conditions. I have already written the first few chapters.’ He raised his eyebrows high and looked down at her. ‘Did I tell you the surgeons’ library in the hospital has two copies of Observations?’

  Ellen let out a bubbly laugh. ‘I think you mentioned it once or twice.’

  Robert joined her laughter.

  ‘Josie,’ Robert called, as his excited stepdaughter poked her nose out of the window beside them.

  Josie reappeared on the front porch. ‘Ma, there’s a bath in a room all by itself up there.’

  ‘Take Bobbie from your mother,’ he said, lifting Robina from Ellen’s arms. He puffed in an exaggerated fashion. ‘I swear this child gets heavier by the day.’

  ‘I think you’re right. I’ll have to stop carrying her soon,’ Ellen said sending Robert a meaningful glance.

  He didn’t notice her change of tone as he was struggling to stop Bobbie from wriggling out of his arms. For all that she had inherited her father’s serious ways of investigating her dolls and bricks, she was as lively as her sister ever was.

  Ellen smiled to herself. It was early yet, she had only just missed one monthly flow. But her breasts were tender and she had been unable to eat breakfast for the last three days. That would cause a stir, especially if Robert’s next child arrived a little early. They had only been married six weeks.

  ‘Now let’s do this properly, shall we,’ he said scooping Ellen off her feet and holding her effortlessly in his arms. Ellen flung her arms around his neck although she was in no fear of falling. Josie squealed, which set Bobbie off giggling.

  ‘Welcome to your new home, Mrs Munroe,’ Robert said, stepping over the threshold and into the hall. She laid her head on his shoulder, knowing she was truly home and safe. She felt his lips on her hair.

  Robert carried her into the front parlour where the settee and side table looked lost in the vastness of the room. He stood in the middle, holding Ellen aloft.

  ‘I don’t know about Bobbie getting heavier, you seem to be too, my dear,’ he said, his eyes twinkling at her. ‘It’s probably that little Munroe you have tucked under your skirt.’

  ‘Robert, how—’

  ‘For goodness’ sake, Ellen. I’m a doctor.’ He gave a quick look to where Josie had set Bobbie down and lowered his voice. ‘Besides, my new scientific study is watching you undress each night.’

  She looked up into the deep-brown eyes that would hold her heart captive until her dying day. ‘Robert, I love you,’ she said simply.

  ‘And I love you,’ he replied. He set her on her feet but held onto her, taking her to the window. Holding her against him he looked deep into her eyes. ‘Do you know, my love, I used to dream about finding cures for diseases, and, who knows, one day I might succeed. But there is one thing I will never find a cure for. Love. Because I know there is no cure for love.’




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