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Sister Surrogate

Page 8

by LaChelle Weaver

  Chapter Sixteen


  ridgette hadn’t slept much the last two nights because she was still reeling from her argument with Nick about being Savannah’s surrogate. Even though the queen-size bed in the guest room was comfortable enough, sleep just wouldn’t come to her. She’d just lie there as hours passed. She was still too hurt and angry, and the thoughts racing through her mind wouldn’t let her. Bridgette had hoped that Nick would come to her in the night and apologize for hurting her feelings and ask her back in their bed, but he hadn’t. And this morning like the one prior, he’d practically ignored her when he’d come into the kitchen as she was making the boys their breakfast. There was no “good morning” or the kiss that usually followed. He just gave the boys their usual high fives, made his breakfast shake without so much as a glance at her and left the house to head to work.

  Bridgette couldn’t believe how he was acting, and even though she wanted to give him a piece of her mind, she refrained because her boys were present, but they were definitely going to revisit the situation later. She wouldn’t be disrespected in her own home and she wasn’t going to spend another night in the guest room either. They were going to have to come to some kind of resolution about this surrogacy issue because she wasn’t going to back down. She was going to do it and that was that.

  She could hardly keep her eyes open as she stared at the financial document she’d pulled up on her computer screen. She took a swig of her usual Starbucks java, hoping that it would give her the boost of energy she needed.

  A few seconds later, the phone to her office rang and she frowned when she saw the name displayed on the caller ID. She ignored it until it stopped and then, it rang again. She blew out a deep breath before she picked up the receiver to try to calm her nerves that were already being worked on just by seeing who it was.

  “What’s up?” she asked, not bothering to hide her annoyance when she finally answered.

  “Why have you been ignoring my calls?” asked the irate voice on the other end.

  Bridgette rolled her eyes because she wasn’t in the mood for Ivy’s foolishness this morning, especially not after the night she’d had or morning for that matter.

  “What is it, Ivy?”

  “Why are you being so snappish, Bridgette? What is your problem?” Ivy demanded. Her voice sounding equally annoyed.

  “I’m busy and I have a long day ahead of me, so I don’t have time for your pettiness today,” Bridgette retorted.

  “Have you been busy every time I’ve called or texted you?”

  Bridgette rolled her eyes again, but didn’t respond.

  “And who’s being petty? You’re the one who has been ignoring me. Not the other way around. And to be quite honest with you, I have no clue as to why. I just don’t get it, but that’s neither here nor there because that’s not what I want to talk to you about,” said Ivy.

  “Well, I wish you would get to it because I have work to do,” Bridgette snapped.

  “This won’t take long, so you’ll be able to get back to icing your little cupcakes or whatever it is you do all day.”

  Bridgette was getting irritated with Ivy by the second. She’d insulted her again like it was nothing and she was two seconds from going off on her. She decided to ignore Ivy’s little snide remark about what she did for a living, as if putting pounds of make-up on people’s faces made what she did better. Ivy had really let her career go to her head and Bridgette was tired of it. Hobnobbing with the rich and famous and dating all of those athletes and actors had made Ivy more self-centered and arrogant than she already had been. That Hollywood ego had certainly rubbed off on her to the point where Bridgette couldn’t stand to be around her sometimes. She’d become materialistic and in Bridgette’s opinion, a borderline alcoholic with her voracious intake of red wine. She drank it like it was water. Although she loved her sister, she was disappointed in what she’d become and their parents would be disgusted much like she was.

  “What is this I hear about you wanting to be Savannah’s surrogate? And more importantly, why on God’s green earth would you present such a ridiculous notion to her at such a vulnerable time in her life?” Ivy questioned.

  “Because I can and I did. And really, it’s none of your business, Ivy. And to answer your question, unlike you, I have sympathy for what Savannah is going through and whatever way I can help her to get through this, I’ll do just that. So, I couldn’t care less what you think about it quite frankly,” Bridgette snapped and it was all she could do not to hang up on Ivy.

  “Well, in my honest opinion, I think it’s just another way for you to poke your nose into someone else’s business. I could see if Savannah asked you to do this, but the fact of the matter is, she didn’t. And furthermore, you should be more concerned with her concentrating on treatment and recovery and not giving her something else to stress over,” Ivy stated.

  “Well, you know what they say about opinions and again, this has nothing to do with you, Ivy. You’re never here anyway which is typical; I thought that you would’ve made yourself a little more available knowing your sister is sick. But, I guess it’s too much of a task to think about anyone else besides yourself.”

  Ivy snickered with sarcasm. “Savannah knows how much I love her and I don’t have to justify it to you. But, just so you know, I will be there for her surgery and recovery. And I hope that whatever silly grudge you have against me, you’ll put it to the side for her sake. She really doesn’t need us bickering, especially over some foolishness. I won’t go there with you. I refuse to. We can keep our distance as need be.”

  Bridgette rolled her eyes once again. “I certainly have no problem with that. Now, as I said, I have work to do. So, you have a nice day.” She ended their call before Ivy could respond.

  Their conversation had been pointless to say the least and it only irritated Bridgette further. Ivy had some nerve questioning her motives. It was almost like she’d forgotten the sacrifices Bridgette had made for her. She peered down at the scar on her left hand that extended the width of her thumb, a constant reminder of just how much.

  Chapter Seventeen


  few hours later at home, Bridgette settled into the family room with her MacBook laptop when the boys went upstairs to their bedroom after having dinner. She’d decided to pick up a couple of pizzas because she was just too tired to cook after her day at the bakery, and partly to spite Nick since he always preferred a home cooked meal. She knew he would probably grumble about it when he got home from the gym, but just like he’d been ignoring her, she would reciprocate his behavior—two could play that game.

  Bridgette was stretched out on her favorite red sectional creating a new seasonal menu for the bakery when her iPhone buzzed and Savannah’s image appeared on the screen.

  “Hey sis,” Savannah said, when Bridgette answered.

  “Hey, baby sis. What’s going on with you?” Bridgette asked.

  “I’m good. How are you? Was work really busy today?”

  “Always, but I’m blessed that people still have a sweet tooth because that certainly keeps me in business. Did you have a chance to talk to Dr. Stein about your fertility decision?” Bridgette asked.

  “I did. And he gave me a referral, but he recommended starting the in vitro fertilization process after my surgery. He doesn’t see an issue with delaying chemo and radiation, but he’ll only put it off for about eight to twelve weeks provided everything goes well with the surgery, so we’ll basically be on the clock.”

  “Wow,” said Bridgette.

  “Julius is going to have Heather draw up a surrogacy contract. It turns out that she’s handled these types of situations before since she practices family law, and she strongly suggests one, even though we’re family and doing it on our own without the help of an agency. It’s just to lay everything out in black and white.” said Savannah.

  “That sounds reasonable enough.”

  “And, she also mentioned that in her experien
ce, along with the obvious medical screenings, psychological evaluations are usually recommended as well,” said Savannah.

  “I remember reading that, but I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’m not one of those crazy women in those movies that’ll kidnap the baby and try to keep it for myself,” Bridgette joked, making Savannah giggle.

  “What’s the update on Nick? Is he budging any?” Savannah asked. “As your husband, he’d be required to go through all of the testing as well.”

  “He’s still not speaking to me.”

  “Are you serious?” Savannah asked, and Bridgette could hear her disappointment.

  “Well, probably because I told him I’m going to do it regardless. He’ll just have to get over it.”

  “This is what I was afraid of. As much as I want this baby, I don’t want it to be at the expense of your marriage, Bridgette. I would feel really guilty about that.”

  “Don’t worry yourself about it, Savannah. I’ll talk to him again and make him understand what a good thing this is. He’ll come around,” said Bridgette, even though she wasn’t convinced of that herself. She was worried that he wouldn’t.

  “Are you sure because we don’t have to do this?” asked Savannah. Bridgette knew it’s not how she really felt.

  “Nonsense. We’re going to do it. So, go ahead and start setting up that nursery you’ve always talked about designing.”

  “Only if you’ll go shopping with me. It’ll be so much fun to baby shop together,” said Savannah, and Bridgette could tell she was smiling. It shined through in her voice.

  “I can’t wait,” said Bridgette, now smiling also.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll keep you posted on everything else once I meet with the fertility specialist and Heather draws up the contract. Do you still have the same attorney to be able to go over the contract once we get it?” Savannah asked.

  “I do. I’ll give her a call tomorrow and give her the heads up on what we’re planning to do,” said Bridgette.

  “Sounds great. Oh, and by the way, I talked to your sister Sunday night and told her the news,” Savannah said, chuckling.

  Bridgette rolled her eyes like she’d been doing a lot lately when it pertained to Ivy.

  “Ummph…well, unfortunately I had the displeasure as well. She really tried me today, and she didn’t realize how close she came to really setting me off.”

  “Oh Lord. What is with you two these days? I don’t understand what’s going on and I wish one of you would clue me in,” said Savannah.

  “She called me to let know how much she disagreed with this whole thing regarding the surrogacy, and pretty much accused me of being a bad sister. And if that wasn’t trifling enough, she insulted what I did for a living, almost like it was beneath what she does,” Bridgette rebuffed.

  “Wow. Are you kidding me?” Savannah exclaimed. “I could tell she wasn’t feeling the idea, but I had no clue she’d call you and tell you so.”

  “No, but it’s no surprise to me. That’s how she behaves. Well, towards me anyway. I’ve really held my tongue about the things she’s done and said, but just like she can’t seem to do the same, I won’t do it anymore either. Between her and Nick the past few days, I’ve really had my fill of them both.”

  “I really hate to hear this. But, like I told her when she was here last for Easter, I need you two to try and resolve whatever is going on because it’s not that serious. We’re sisters. And I don’t want to sound so dismal, but life is much too short and our trio could end up a duo without warning. Just food for thought,” said Savannah.

  Bridgette didn’t like the last part of her comment, and she hated for Savannah to be thinking in such a macabre manner.

  “I hear you, and I do understand that. But, I won’t continue to be disrespected, especially by people that are supposed to love me. I always have everybody else’s best interest at heart, but it doesn’t seem like anybody has mine. I’m really getting fed up with it,” said Bridgette and she could feel herself getting riled up. The thought of both Ivy and Nick was making her angry.

  “Just try and relax, sis. Because God is what?” she asked.

  “Able,” Bridgette answered.

  “And He can do what?” Savannah asked.

  “Turn any situation around,” Bridgette responded, smiling now.

  “Let the church say, ‘Amen’.

  “Amen,” said Bridgette.

  The two sisters shared a laugh, and Bridgette felt a little better, that is until she looked up and saw Nick staring at her from across the room.

  “I’ve got to go, baby sis. Love you,” Bridgette said before ending their call.

  Chapter Eighteen


  hat’s up?” Bridgette asked, when Nick joined her on the sectional. He gazed at her a few seconds before responding.

  “I just came back from meeting up with Jules,” he said.

  Bridgette didn’t know how to respond, so she didn’t. Since she had no idea that he and Julius were meeting, and Savannah certainly hadn’t mentioned anything about it, so it was obvious she hadn’t known either. But, Bridgette did have a pretty good idea what the topic of conversation was.

  “Since you’re dead set on doing this despite how I feel about it, then I guess the only thing left for me to say is that I won’t stand in your way. I don’t want to fight about this anymore,” he continued.

  “Nick, I absolutely care about your feelings, so please don’t think that I—,”

  He put up his hand to silence her.

  “Let’s not keep traveling down the same path. You’ve made your decision, so I guess that’s that. And even though I don’t agree with it, I understand it. You want your sister to have what we have. I get that. And, I think Jules deserves it as well. Heck, the way our boys love to be around him and how he treats them as if they’re his own, I know he does.”

  Bridgette nodded in agreement.

  “But, I will say that I hope in the future you’ll think about all of these sacrifices you’re always so quick to make for your sisters because I seriously doubt that if the roles were reversed they’d do the same.”

  Bridgette wanted to disagree with him, but decided to pick her battles. It didn’t matter anyway because she never did the things she did for reciprocation. It was always out of love, and that’s what family was about for her. Always had been and always would be.

  “Honey, are you giving me your blessing or your resolve. There’s a difference?” Bridgette asked.

  “I don’t think that matters now,” he said, rising from his seat. “I’m going to turn in early tonight. I’m beat. But, you can join me later if you want to.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

  Bridgette was conflicted by his words. While she was happy that he’d finally done the right thing and invited her back in their bed, and he seemed to be semi on board with the surrogacy plan, she couldn’t help but to feel that the issues regarding it weren’t resolved, but she hoped that would change. What they were doing for Savannah and Julius was such a blessing, and Nick would see that in the end.

  She picked up her iPhone and typed Savannah a message.

  I don’t know what your husband said to mine, but Operation Baby Yancey is a go!

  Chapter Nineteen


  ther than her wedding day, this had to be one of the happiest moments of her life. Savannah stared at the small monitor in awe of the two white, pea-sized images displayed on the screen of the ultrasound machine. She blinked back tears because her heart was so full of joy and gratitude in what she and her big sister were experiencing together.

  “My babies,” Savannah uttered at the sight of her embryos that had just been transferred into her sister’s uterus. She gazed up at her husband, his face replete with just as much joy. Everything she’d endured over the past few months seemed worth it for what she felt in that moment. The nurse handed her a sonogram picture.

  “Wow. I think they look like me already,” Julius joked as h
e peered at the photo, causing everybody in the room to break out in laughter.

  “Bridgette, how are you feeling, sis?” Savannah asked. She’d been holding her sister’s hand during the transfer procedure as she lay on her back with her feet in stirrups and covered from the waist down.

  “I feel fine. I can’t believe we’re finally doing this,” said Bridgette, beaming as she stared at the screen. They were all donned in blue hairnets, gowns and booties.

  “I know. If somebody would’ve told me a year ago that this would be our life, I would’ve thought they were crazy. The Lord really does work in mysterious ways,” Savannah mused.

  “He certainly works it out, but I had no doubt that He would,” Bridgette said.

  Savannah smiled in agreement.

  “So, what’s next Dr. Billingsley?” Savannah asked the fertility specialist.

  “You’ll go home and rest for the remainder of the day,” Dr. Billingsley said to Bridgette as she removed her gloves and dropped them into a nearby trashcan. “Also, you’ll continue your hormone injections for eight to ten weeks”—Bridgette groaned and the doctor chuckled, “but, I’ll see you back here in about a week or so for a pregnancy test.”

  “Sounds good,” said Bridgette.

  “Thank you again, Dr. Billingsley,” Savannah smiled at the attractive, forty-something-year-old, African-American woman.

  “You’re quite welcome. How have you been feeling since the retrieval?” she asked, referring to the egg retrieval procedure Savannah had five days ago, six weeks after her hysterectomy, which she’d had ironically, the Monday after Mother’s Day. So, they’d been able to do a live transfer, instead of having her eggs frozen beforehand, but she would have the remaining embryos frozen since they’d all decided to transfer just two. She was praying for twins.


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