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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

Page 2

by J. N. Pack

  I sit my ass in the sand and lean back on one of the logs as Maddie passes me a bottle of vodka. I pop the lid and turn the bottle up.

  Simple Man by the Stixxx plays in the background as we pass the joint around and find the only peace we allow in our lives.

  Chapter 3


  Seeing her standing in the hall looking like a wild animal with blood dripping from her chin and hands with a huge fuckin’ grin on her face was one of the biggest turn on I’ve ever had.

  The grin that was on her face while she was beating the shit out of that girl was one dreams are fuckin’ made of. I was told to avoid her by any and everyone I asked about her, but it looks like we may be getting acquainted pretty soon.

  Especially after I walked out of school and saw her blade jammed into the tire of my car. When I looked at her and saw the death glare she aimed in my direction, all I could do was smile. Word has gotten around school that we were kicked out of Lux Island Prep for starting a riot, which isn’t a lie, but it isn’t the truth either. We started a riot, but Dad could have easily gotten us back in that school.

  However, that wasn’t the plan.


  “What was the deal with J’EL this morning?” Ada Jade asks.

  I smirk and take a hit from the joint, “She thinks I fucked Graham.”

  “Did you?” Maddie asks laughing.

  “Probably, but does it really count if I can’t remember?”

  Ada Jade laughs and says, “Yesss! Fuckin’ is fuckin’ regardless!”

  I was drunk and Graham’s fine ass came onto me and who was I to say no to getting laid. Ass is ass. A girl has needs and all that. When it becomes more than that I make sure they kick rocks. Nobody needs that kind of fuckin’ drama.

  “Fuck, marry, kill. Bishop, Killian and Hux?” Ada Jade asks while rolling another joint.

  Maddie smirks, “Definitely kill Hux. Fuck Killian and Marry Bishop.”

  Ada Jade says, “Hells yeah!”

  Maddie looks at me and asks, “What about you Luna?”

  “Kill Bishop. Kill Hux. Kill Killian. Kill all the motherfuckers.” I groan not wanting to talk about them while we are trying to relax.

  “That’s harsh. At least one of them has got to be fuckable.” Ada jade says grumbling.

  Maddie shakes her head agreeing, “Honestly, I’d fuck all three of them.”

  “If I had to fuck one of them, I guess I’d fuck Graham again.” I say smirking definitely not choosing one of the Lucian boys.

  I bring the bottle of Russian Vodka to my lips and close my eyes relishing the burn going down my throat. I hand the bottle over to Maddie and she takes a huge gulp passing it to Ada Jade.

  “Fuck!” Maddie grumbles. Her gaze focused behind me and Ada Jade. She starts laughing and says, “Damn if you don’t speak of the devil and the motherfuckers appear.”

  I lean up, turning to look over my shoulder and fuck me if it isn’t Bishop, Hux, and Killian. I have no fuckin’ clue which is which, but damn I can’t escape these motherfuckers.

  I lean back on my log.

  Ada Jade leans back glancing at them over her shoulder. They haven’t noticed us yet. Thank fuck.

  “I bet that motherfucker has a big dick!” Maddie says.

  Ada Jade snorts and says, “Which one? There are three of them.”

  Their heads turn our way as soon as Ada Jade snorts loudly. I groan. They start walking in our direction.


  One of them parks his ass between Ada Jade and Maddie. I close my eyes ignoring them all. Of course, Maddie and Ada Jade flirt, that’s what we do until it’s time to go to war.

  “You girls look like you’re ready to party.” One of the guys standing says.

  Maddie smirks, “Ready to? This party started long before you guys arrived.”

  “I think this belongs to you.” One of them says standing in front of me. I pop my eyes open and glare up at him. His hand is reached out with my blade in it. Maddie and Ada Jade burst out laughing and I smirk snatching my blade from his hands. He eyes me like he’s expecting me to say something, so I do.

  “Can you get the fuck from between me and the fire?”

  He cocks his eyebrow and moves to the side. The guy standing talking to Ada Jade says, “I’m Bishop, that’s Hux and that guy over by your girl is Killian.”

  Ada Jade smiles and says, “I’m Ada Jade, that’s Maddie...”

  Killian finishes her sentence, “And you’re Lunatic Marlow. We know who you are.”

  “Good for you. Want a medal?” I say as I close my eyes trying my best to ignore them, but it seems they just aren’t going to go away.

  Killian is now sitting on the log beside me. Opening my eyes I look over to him. I climb to my feet and throw my leg across his lap, straddling him while everyone behind us starts laughing and making cat calls.

  I get within an inch from his face and say, “If we aren’t fuckin’ or fighting, you and your boys need to kick rocks.”

  His hands grip my hips as he smirks. “I don’t fuck drunk girls.” He grinds into me once before lifting me from his lap and standing me beside him.

  As he stands up I pull a blow pop from my back pocket and remove the wrapper tossing it his direction. “Your loss!” and pop it in my mouth.

  He smirks, shaking his head. “Hux, Bishop, let’s go.” He waits for them to get to him and he glances at me one last time before they walk away.

  I drop back to the sand and lean back on my log. I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I’ve been drinking since I was a little kid so what he didn’t know was I wasn’t drunk, and I probably would have fucked him... Or fought him.

  Maddie groans, “Fuck!”

  Ada Jade looks at her and asks, “What now?”

  She smiles and whines, “My lady bits are all wet now!”

  We all burst out laughing. Truth be told, we get off on the fighting more than fucking.

  Chapter 4

  We ended up sleeping on the beach that night, but we had to go home and shower, get dressed then pretty much being forced to go to school as soon as we were done-even if we arrived an hour and a half late. But we don’t care. We spend another hour in the parking lot bull shitting around avoiding the hell that is this school.

  When we finally do go inside, it’s lunch time.

  Ada Jade and Maddie go through the line and grab some food as I lie across our table with my head on my arms. Sleep would be great, but this is not the place.

  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and I turn. I glance around with a weird feeling. My skin begins to crawl and I’m on edge.

  There is only one person who has ever made my skin prickle like that and I called her mom. The girls come to the table and Ada Jade asks, “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. Just this weird feeling.” I say trying to shake off the feeling. Then I look up and right there, the bitch herself is glaring at me over Killian Lucian’s shoulder. I stand and anger seeps into every pore of my skin.

  Gina fuckin’ Marlow.

  I take a couple steps in that direction when Ada Jade and Maddie see what I’m looking at and see the anger forming on my face. They both grip my arms holding me in place.

  Killian turns looking in my direction as I shove against Maddie and Ada Jade trying to free myself. Gina smirks and to make things worse she kisses Killian on the cheek. I growl and try snatching my arms free.

  “Let me fuckin’ go.”

  “Let Frank handle it Luna.” Maddie says trying to keep me in place.

  “I’ll fuckin’ kill her.” I growl.

  Killian glances at me and back to Gina. Something clicks and he says something to her. She smirks and turns to leave.

  My anger is still out of control and I try to pull free. They drag me into the hall and down to the janitor’s closet throwing me inside.

  I scream, “Let me the fuck out.”

  I’m beating on the door. I hear voices on the other sid
e of the door. “AJ let me the fuck out now.”

  “No Luna calm the fuck down.” Maddie growls from outside the door. These bitches were pushing it.


  When I looked up and saw her face it clicked as to why Gina insisted on bringing me the keys to Dad’s office.

  She was a fuckin’ Marlow before she married my Dad. She wanted to torment her kid.

  The girl who I’d heard never cries, has red hot tears running down her face. Her black makeup looks like the diamonds on a clown’s face around the eyes.

  Her friends grip her arms and it’s taking everything in them to move her. I watch as they shove her in a janitor closet, and one starts dialing a number on their phone.

  “Fuck! Frank’s not answering.” Ada Jade says. She dials another number.

  “Can I help?” I ask.

  Luna screams from the other side of the door, “Let me the fuck out!”

  Maddie smirks and says, “Yeah, keep that bitch away from here, away from her, and if you love your life get away from this door. When she comes out, she’s going to gut whoever is standing here. If Frank isn’t the one standing here when this door opens, there’s going to be a fuckin massacre.”

  “Dad, we need Frank now!” the other girl said into the phone. “Gina showed up at school.”

  The guy on the other end of the phone growls and disconnects.

  Luna continues to yell, “I’ll kill you. Let me the fuck out!”

  Ada Jade looks over at me after shoving her phone in her pocket and growls, “You still here pretty boy?”

  I shove my hand through my hair, “I didn’t know that was her mom. It clicked after she went crazy.”

  From the other side of the door she punches the door and a barely noticeable whimper leaves her mouth as she yells, “You are dead pretty boy! DEAD!”

  In the next moment I’m being shoved out of the way as Frank and two of his minions arrive.

  “Move girls.” Frank says.

  He puts his hands on the door and says, “Luna girl, it’s Frank.”

  “I’m going to fuckin’ kill them. All of them!” she screams.

  He opens the door and she comes out with her blade in hand slashing at anyone within reach and screaming, “Where the fuck is she?”

  Frank grips her wrist taking the blade. She rips at Frank’s chest as he holds and restrains her all at the same time. The other two guys flank Frank and are keeping people away from her.

  Her eyes land on me and she goes crazy all over again trying to get to me.

  “Get out of here Lucian!” Frank growls, throwing her over his shoulder and disappearing out the door.


  I feel the fresh air across my face as Frank tosses me to the ground. I climb to my feet ready to fight.

  Frank growls, “Get it under control Lunatic. NOW!”

  I can’t breathe. The more I try, the harder it becomes to take in air.

  “I... want... to... kill... her.” I gasp out.

  I start gasping for air as I can’t seem to catch my breath. Fitz grabs me as my body falls limply into Frank’s arms. Before my eyes drift shut the last thing, I see is Killian on the steps of the school watching.


  The other two girls return to the cafeteria and take a seat. No one approaches them and there is a wide berth when people pass them.

  I need fuckin’ answers.

  I slam my hands down on their table and their eyes slide up to mine. “What the fuck was that?”

  Ada Jade rolls her eyes and says, “Do you have a fuckin’ death wish?” she flicks her blade on me putting it just under my adams apple. Hux and Bishop try and step forward, but I put my arm out to stop them. Maddie moves her arm in front of Ada Jade and slides her away.

  Maddie leans forward over the table, “If you don’t want a school massacre on your head, keep that bitch away from here.”

  Ada Jade says, “It’s hard enough keeping her under control without adding Gina to the mix.”

  Hux says, “That’s her mom.”

  Ada Jade shoves her chest against his and growls, “That’s not her fuckin’ mom.”

  I step forward and put my arms between them and say, “I didn’t ask her to come here.”

  Maddie says, “Just stay the fuck away from her if you know what’s good for you.”

  I nod knowing full well I’m not going to stay away, but I’ll give them this moment to get themselves together.

  These girls are hard as steel and it’s going to take a lot to break their barriers.

  For today, I will give them room to breathe. But tomorrow? They are free game.

  Chapter 5

  I jolt awake on the couch in the garage. Frank is sitting on a chair on the opposite wall watching me. He shifts in his seat leaning forward and putting his elbows on his knees. “Remember what I told you when I made Gina leave?”

  I gulp at the mention of her name, and I’m bombarded by his words from seven years ago.

  “My girl, you’re going to come across people in this world who don’t like you, who don’t want you, who can’t stand you. People who want to hurt you and people who have bad intentions. As long as you remember that no matter what they do to you they can’t break you unless you let them, you will be ok! You my child are built to fight. To stand above everything. You are a Queen! I love you little Lunatic!”

  “Don’t let her win. Get it together Queen!” he says standing and walking away.

  I take a shower and pull on my bikini, some cut off shorts, to finish off, I pull on my leather jacket and some black and white DC sneakers. I grab my helmet, phone and shove some cash in my back pocket and head towards my bike. I climb on and pull my hair up in a bun on top of my head, then pull the helmet over it. I start the bike and I look up to Frank who is standing beside me.

  “Beach?” he asks.

  I nod.

  He smirks and says, “Be safe kiddo.”

  I lean forward and pull from the parking lot.


  I pull out behind her as she pulls away from the garage. I very rarely get time alone or away from Hux and Bishop and I’m using this time to watch her.

  She is absolutely beautiful from her scars to her ‘I dare you to touch me’ glare and psychotic grin.

  She is stunning. A true diamond in the rough.

  She comes up to a red light and leans back stretching with her arms above her head. From beneath the leather jacket, the tattoos on her hips are showing.

  This girl has more baggage than Delta Airline, yet I can’t get her out of my head. When I walked into that school and saw her standing in that hallway with blood dripping from her chin, she has plagued my mind.

  She finally pulls off the road onto the same path that leads to the beach.

  The same path I planned to walk down.

  I climb from the SUV and shove the keys in my pocket. This is not the brightest idea I’ve had in my life and after what happened at school today, I may have a death wish after all.

  I walk down to the edge of the ocean and stare out at the water for a while. I glance over at the bonfire she started and figured I better get this over with before she has back up.

  She’s sitting on a log with music playing from her phone. I walk around to the other side of the bonfire so I’m across from her and drop on a log.

  Her head snaps up and she growls, “You really don’t fuckin’ like your life, do you?”

  I shrug. She’s glaring at me like she wants to slit my throat. She turns up a bottle of Russian Vodka and says, “You know what that bitch did to me?”

  I shake my head thinking it’s safer if I keep my mouth shut and let her get it out.

  “I will fuckin’ kill her whether it be tomorrow, next week, or next year, it’s going to fuckin’ happen. Whether that extends to you is your call.” She says taking another swig of the alcohol.

  I shrug and say, “Doesn’t matter to me. There’s no love lost between her and I. She�
��s my Dad’s whore, I really, really don’t give a fuck what you do to her.”

  She stands and walks over to me throwing her leg across my lap and lowering herself. Her hair now loose falls around her face as she leans forward and says, “Fuck me or fight me.”

  She leans down barely brushing her lips against mine, teasing, coaxing me to lean in and taste her.

  When she leans back there’s something in her eyes that causes me to pause for a second. It’s like she was begging me to fight her. I lean forward nipping her lip and whisper, “I’m not fighting you.”

  I wrap my hand around her vodka bottle and turn it up. I hand the bottle back, placing my hands on her thighs, pulling her closer, sliding my hands around to rest on her plump ass. Leaning forward, my lips almost brushing hers, I can feel her warm breath fan across my lips. Just as I’m about to press my lips to hers, we hear motorcycles.

  She doesn’t move, but she drops her head.

  I give her ass a squeeze and she looks up with a grin on her face. Then I hear Maddie and Ada Jade laughing as they make their way over to the fire. They double over laughing when they see us.

  Maddie takes a deep breath trying to control her laughter and says, “I think he really does have a death wish.”

  Ada Jade’s grin widens, “You do realize she was threatening your life less than twelve hours ago?”

  I grin burying my head in her shoulder. I stand and whisper in her ear, “Next time little girl.”

  She grins as I ease her to her feet, “Who says there will be a next time?”

  I smirk and grab my keys from my pocket as she lies back against a log grinning. I turn and walk to my car leaving them there to get drunk or high or whatever it is they intend to do. I can’t hear much of Luna, but I can hear the hysterical laughter coming from Maddie and Ada Jade.


  I knew they would eventually find me. They can read me like a book. Maddie couldn’t stand the thought that I could possibly be mad at her and Ada Jade doesn’t give a fuck as long as I come out the other end of whatever unscathed.

  These girls are my backbone.

  That doesn’t mean I won’t make them pay for locking my ass in a janitor closet. I turn up my bottle of Vodka taking a swig, narrowing my eyes at them both.


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