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The Celtic Serpent

Page 26

by S. Robertson

  “It would if I didn’t intercede,” replied Sirona. “Each night before you retire, I’ll use this vibrating instrument so your body will register a full night’s sleep. In that way, you’ll remain healthy. I’m under strict orders on that point.”

  “Sometime I’d like to discuss that vibrating device,” said Angi, who kept wondering if it was permanently attached to Sirona’s hand. “Does this mean you can juggle time?”

  “In our world we measure time differently. Time is an illusion which can be manipulated. It’s rather odd that you make such an issue of it,” replied Sirona.

  Her response triggered another obvious question in Angi’s mind, “Speaking of time, if you’ve appeared to Guardians at least 2000 years ago, or even before that, how old are you anyway?”

  “I suppose, using this world’s calculation, I could be thousands of years old. But don’t be too impressed, we age just like you,” replied Sirona

  “I recall an old phrase I once read which stated that a hundred or a thousand years of our time was but one of the gods. Would we call you an immortal?” asked Angi trying to grasp the reality of talking to someone of such vintage who looked about her own age.

  “I suppose……….but,” looking oddly at Angi, “you’re also immortal, just different. As I said before, time is an illusion.”

  “Now that’s a topic I’d love to explore,” replied Angi……. “I know, later.”

  “Much later…….We have extensive training ahead and need lots of privacy, so it’s best your colleagues know as little as possible about these sessions,” said Sirona in a firm manner.

  “That might be difficult,” thought Angi, knowing Vette in the next room, her elephant ears sooner or later detecting that Angi was talking to someone. “I’ll do my best. But what happens if someone knocks on the door and tries to enter,” thinking of the security guard posted in the hall.

  “That won’t happen because when I’m here the door will be sealed,” replied Sirona. “If they persist, I can easily leave.”

  “Neat,” thought Angi. “She almost anticipates my questions……..that saves time.” But still wanting to clarify the situation, she pressed on, “Before we begin is there anything I should know about your hologram, although I admit, you look almost real?”

  “I do have some time limits and other restraints. I’ll let you know if anything turns up. I thought the harp music would alert you to my arrival or that I’ve entered the room and have, for some reason, chosen to be invisible.”

  “Ah, invisibility, that’s a neat trick. I’ll eventually get used to you popping in and out however hard it is to understand. I’m glad to see you as I want to learn more about this medallion. After all it’s frustrating to be attached to an ancient piece of technology and knowing so little about it. I’m a quick learner so let’s get started.” Then she remembered the questions. “Oh, I almost forgot, my colleagues would like answers to three questions. Is that OK with you?”

  “Sure, ask away,” replied Sirona in a relaxed mood.

  “First, can you guide us to the last two gemstones?”

  “It’s imperative you locate the gemstones yourself. My directive is to train you in working with the medallion to prevent any major mishaps. However, as you become more proficient I’m hoping it will facilitate your efforts.”

  “Fair enough,” replied Angi, and thought, “she sounds confident, that’s a good sign.” She then proceeded to the next question. “Is the location of the final stage of this quest the Hill of Tara? If not should we be considering another site?”

  “It is at Tara. I’m hoping by then you will be sufficiently trained to open the gate. This invisible gate hasn’t been disturbed in centuries, so it may present some unexpected problems. It has to be opened from your dimension as that’s where it was sealed shut.”

  “So there is a gate at Tara?” replied Angi. “Are there any others?

  “Yes, quite a few, but this is a key one,” replied Sirona, reporting as if it was common knowledge.

  “Let’s leave the others for now, I can only handle so much,” replied Angi. “My last question is whether you can give my colleagues proof of the medallion’s powers? So far, the electrical properties of the medallion have been impressive, but they were hoping to have some sign of its actual powers,” and realizing this seemed as if they were questioning the very purpose of the quest, she went on. “I suppose it’s a question of whether this is just an odd piece of ancient electrical technology or something else.”

  This time Sirona wasn’t so quick to respond. “I understand their concern. However, it all depends on how well we do with the training. When you are ready, I’ll be able to give a more precise answer. It may take weeks.”

  “Fine, in that case let’s begin,” said Angi, contemplating how she would report back to her colleagues by saying enough but not too much.

  “Angi, before we get into the practical training, we first need to explore your understanding of the world around you. Let me digress a bit. Centuries ago your world separated the spiritual and the scientific, which is not the case in other worlds. In the early days of your ancient empires the temples were centers of learning where spiritual and scientific education and practices existed as one. As societies weakened, scientific knowledge was lost and ritual, controlled by priests, dominated the civilizations. In the last 2000 years this separation has been reinforced time and time again; religious leaders condemning scientific advancement and scientists regarding spiritual beliefs and ritual as belonging to the dimwitted. Only now are there signs of the two coming together. So, not wanting to confuse you, I’ll maintain this separation. We’ll start with the spiritual.

  Some of your philosophers and religious leaders envision the physical world as an illusion, created by your mind, senses and thoughts. Even when you are awake, you exist in a level of consciousness which the Australian Aboriginal people call ‘Dreamtime’. In their culture, every person is a dream-child that exists before they are born and after death. To them the past, present and future coexist. Dreaming governs every aspect of life which must be lived in harmony with nature.”

  “That’s fascinating,” replied Angi, “my grandmother held such views and was known for her accurate predictions on the past, present and future. I regret not having enough time to discuss this with her before she died. People came to her with their problems and their dreams. I wasn’t so gifted.”

  “You are if you gave it a chance to blossom,” replied Sirona. “Everyone has the ability it’s just been negated in your society as something evil. This precious gift has been allowed to wither from neglect. Your grandmother’s abilities were not surprising for your ancestors were carefully chosen to assure us of your birth at this time. But let’s stay on course……… Thoughts shape your entire world and each person’s thoughts are unique. For this reason no two people think identically no matter how hard they try. So, the world you see around you is an illusion. It is only as real as your mind, senses and thoughts think it is.”

  “That sounds like something I once read which said that we were but bit players in some play or movie. While watching the movie, the characters seem real as our senses become entwined with the story, but in the end the movie is nothing more than an illusion. So, we are but actors or actresses performing inside some gigantic illusion.”

  “That’s true. Let’s look at it in another way. Just think of a stage magician who is a master illusionist. Once you have an explanation of the illusion you realize that your senses have been tricked into believing the impossible.”

  “OK, if I accept this is an illusion, then what does that have to do with the medallion?” asked Angi. “I’m a practical person.”

  Undaunted, Sirona continued, “Fine, then you need to know that the secret of any illusion is to see beyond its boundaries to the bigger picture.”

  “And what is the bigger picture? Are you telling me that the director of this gigantic illusion is God?”

  “As I recall, your
world has had many titles for this supreme spirit, we refer to it as “the Law of One”. And before you ask, that is a vast topic which is out of our discussion range.”

  In thought, Angi contemplated, “I suppose, we’d have done better with a single concept. It’s not from lack of trying but it never seems to stick for long. It certainly would have saved us centuries of warfare.”

  Sirona determined to continue, pressed on, “It’s important for you to know this as I will be pulling you beyond the illusion so you can work with the medallion’s powers.”

  “So you are implying that we’ve limited our true potential by refusing to look beyond this veil of illusion? Perhaps our own philosophers and religious leaders have been telling us this for generations and we’ve refused to grasp the meaning.”

  “Most people resist change. Comfortable with their own version of the universe, they do not want to think, and some fear, what may lie beyond their senses. A fortunate few with extra sensory abilities already see beyond the veil. But slowly this invisible world is emerging as your scientists venture into the outer limits of your universe.”

  “What makes you think our scientists are reaching such limits?” asked Angi, not convinced she was comfortable with this world of illusion.

  “That’s a good opener to the scientific view. For years the human body has been regarded by your scientists as a complex machine, with surgery, drugs and other therapies used to fix some failing part. The universe was regarded in much the same way, and fixing it followed a similar mechanistic approach. By ignoring the spiritual and energetic fields of all living matter, healing options have not only been limited but the planet has been ravaged without due regard for its living properties. But this mechanistic approach is fading as scientists discover nature’s unifying layers of energy. Some physicists have already come to the conclusion that matter is nothing more than frozen energy.”

  Surprised, Angi asked, “You mean that I’m frozen energy? I liked the illusion idea better.”

  “The physical body is the frozen part. You are actually made up of several layers of energy functioning at different vibrations. Some say the physical part is frozen light………is that easier to accept?” Not waiting for an answer, she continued, “In fact, there are some who describe your entire world as a gigantic real-time hologram.”

  “That does it! ………..You just shot me at warp speed beyond my comfort zone. I’m feeling as if I’ve stumbled into a course on philosophic quantum physics, one I didn’t even register for. ………………You are telling me that I’m a frozen glob of energy existing inside a gigantic hologram. To complicate this further, I’m sitting here talking to you, a hologram from another dimension ………… now that’s weird………. actually it’s beyond weird.” Irritated, she continued, “Isn’t this a bit much to drop on me in the first lesson. We don’t propel our students into the end zone on the first lesson, why are you doing this to me?”

  Taken aback by Angi’s abrupt reaction, Sirona responded, “Good on you, Angi…….. I had to test the boundaries. You absorb quite a bit before exploding. But now I know you will react and tell me off. I hate when someone just sits passively accepting all I dish out and later I find they understood practically nothing. We have little time and this is too important…….. I need you to tell me whenever I’ve gone too far or to fast. Agreed?”

  Warmed by her candor, Angi responded, “Agreed,” and thought, “Well that’s a plus. We should get along just fine if I don’t drown first.”

  “I know this crash course is introducing concepts which may never have surfaced before,” said Sirona, feeling sympathy for her young student. “Would you like a break?”

  “No, I’m not that fragile. Press on, but could we backtrack to the energy layers, at least I’ve heard of them. The seven Chakras, the aura, and the spiritual, mental, emotional and etheric bodies were mentioned when I took yoga classes. Keep in mind my knowledge is miniscule. I’m also aware that our aboriginal peoples and Eastern cultures have followed these principles for generations.”

  “Yes, they persisted in their belief that humans were not machines but multidimensional entities constructed from the same subatomic building blocks as the rest of the universe. They knew that layers of energy existed in equilibrium with higher energy dimensions, that consciousness was a higher form of that energy, and that the physical body was a temporary, all be it frozen, shell needed for learning. However, no matter how much they voiced such thoughts your western nations ignored them or at worse belittled them.”

  “Sirona, can you be more specific? If I accept, in principle, that the universe is either an illusion or a multi-dimensional energy field, then how does this affect the use of the medallion’s powers?”

  “Very well, both views, spiritual or scientific, say in different words that the world around you is not solid but made up of energy which can be affected by your senses and thoughts. So, from this point, be careful what you wish or think, because each energy layer contains information that can be tapped, understood and even manipulated if properly approached. By manipulating the layers, disease can be prevented, or identified weeks in advance of its appearance in the physical body. As these subtle energies are unraveled your world will discover new means of measuring the energies and make better use of ‘alternative’ healing methods. I know this because in my world it is the alternative healing methods which dominate, while the surgical/chemical approach has the least prominence.”

  “The reverse?” said Angi’s, fascinated at what this opposite world might look like.

  “Yes, just think of it, with our approach there is less trauma to the human body and better long-term outcomes. The body doesn’t age as quickly because individuals have their own sound and electronic devices to adjust their energy levels. We never allow disease to get established in the body,” responded Sirona, as if selling a more effective health option.

  “What about accidents,” asked Angi, “surely they exist?”

  “They do, even with the best methods of prevention, but even when surgery is required, we have devices which speed up healing by working with the different energy levels. No one is ill for any length of time. I expect we will have grand talks about this, but…………not now,” smiling at the eagerness of her student.

  “Imagine what this could mean,” thought Angi. “I need to make a list. In this first session I’ve enough topics for a university program.” Then out loud she said, “Sure, I understand…………. let’s push on,” But her mind couldn’t stop thinking of the possibilities such change might bring. “Imagine preventing disease from happening………cancer, infections, immune diseases… what would it do to our huge, costly health industry? The change would be catastrophic to some ………I’d love to see this other system.” Then she charged herself, “Angi, get back on track, your dreaming, now that’s a good one, it seems I’m always dreaming………. Wow, I’ll have to get my head around this, it’s a bit intimidating.”

  Noting Angi’s far away look Sirona thought it was time to shift gears, “To help you understand these energy levels, let’s look at the easiest one, the etheric. Place your hands together, and then gradually pull your fingers apart,” said Sirona, as she demonstrated what she was asking Angi to do.

  Angi complied.

  “Do you feel a tingling or pressure sensation when you pull your hands apart? Now, if you partially close your eyes you may see a haze around the fingers and hands, something like a heat haze,” said Sirona, giving Angi time to respond.

  Excited, Angi reacted, “Heh, your right. I can feel the energy and can see a colorless haze. So that’s the etheric energy layer. Is that the ‘aura’?”

  “The etheric level is part of the aura. The aura, has seven colors, and is often described as a field of subtle, luminous energy surrounding a person or object. The aura in spiritually advanced individuals is often depicted as a halo,” continued Sirona, “examples exist in some of your old paintings.”

  “I thought
that was the imagination of the artist,” as she continued to test the etheric energy of her hands. “OK, now that we’ve seen one layer, show me the rest,” asked Angi, ready for the next demonstration.

  “That’s a bit more complicated. However, for you I can momentarily shift your vision so that you can see the other energy levels. Would you like that?”

  “Great, go ahead…….I’m ready,” replied an enthusiastic Angi.

  Sirona, using the vibrating device made several passes over Angi’s eyes and stepped away. “How’s that?” she asked.

  Momentarily, Angi’s world exploded in light and vibrating energy. She waved her hands in front of her face to observe the flowing bands of energy. When she turned to look at Sirona she was overwhelmed by a blinding light. Caught in a moment of awe, Angi whispered, “How sad we can’t all see this with our own eyes.” And with that it faded. “Sirona you mentioned that our scientists have begun to open this door of energy, what tells you this is happening?”

  “There are several encouraging signs. Crystal research has introduced computers, lasers and holographic technologies. Diagnostic tools have appeared, such as Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans which combine computer technology and x-ray, and the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans which produce photos of the human body based on their reaction to high intensity magnetic fields. Others are using high-frequency magnetic fields to treat rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis, electrical currents to enhance the cancer-killing effects of chemotherapy, electrical techniques to switch off cell replication to destroy tumors and electrical stimulators to relieve pain and to accelerate the healing of bone fractures.”

  “What about Reiki or what some call Therapeutic Touch? These seem to operate on this principle of energy,” asked Angi, who once considered such training.

  “They are the beginning of a new wave of healers but their training needs to be augmented with advanced scientific principles for more effective results,” said Sirona.


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