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Legend of Love

Page 16

by Kessler, Lisa

  Then it all came flooding back. She wrapped her arms around Hunter’s neck, and before she could stop herself, the dam broke. He pulled her close as she sobbed against him.

  He cradled the back of her head and kissed her hair. “Shh, it’s all right, baby. I’m right here.”

  All the fear, frustration, and shock poured out of her all at once. When she could finally draw an even breath, she wiped her eyes and lifted her head from his shoulder. “Sorry…”

  He shook his head. “You don’t need to apologize for being human.” He caressed her cheek. “I know you’re the doc here, but I think this might call for some ocean therapy.”

  Her lips twitched, aching to smile as she searched his eyes. “When did you get to be such a good shrink?”

  He grinned. “You’re rubbing off on me.”

  Hunter parked on base and walked with Callie over to her favorite bench. Holding her hand shored up his resolve. Last night was a huge wake-up call. Life was too short to waste time hiding his feelings. Callie was worried she’d break his heart, but since when had he ever taken the safe route?

  He wasn’t going to start now.

  They sat down, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Their hands were joined and resting on his lap. His heart was full.

  “Thanks for bringing me here.” Callie spoke without moving. “The ocean makes my problems seem smaller.”

  He brushed his lips against her temple. “I also brought you here because I need to say something and I didn’t want to be interrupted.”

  She straightened, her dark eyes meeting his. “I need to tell you something, too.”

  He kissed her to keep her from talking, but then she tilted her head, her lips caressing his as she opened to him. His fingers slid through her hair. She tasted like the sun on the water. So damned beautiful that words weren’t capable of describing it.

  Her hand moved up his chest, her touch igniting a fire in his soul. If he didn’t stop now, he’d put her over his shoulder and take her back to his room.

  He broke the kiss, struggling to catch his breath. “I need you.”

  She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Let’s go back to your place.”

  “We will. But first I’ve got to get this off my chest.” He caught her chin, his gaze locked on hers. “I love you, Callie.” He searched her eyes, ready for that flash of fear. “I’m not telling you this because I expect anything in return. I’m telling you because whatever happens from this moment on, I want to be sure you know that you’re it for me and I will follow you on every adventure…” He chuckled. “Hell, I’ll even lead you on some. And every breathtaking moment of this life, however much of it we have left, I will love you with every fiber of my being.”

  A single tear rolled down her cheek, and for a second, he couldn’t breathe. Shit. Was she seriously going to try to push him away again?

  He shook his head and lifted their joined hands to his lips. “I’m not letting go of your hand, so if you’re thinking you need to run as far from here as possible to ‘save’ me, think again.”

  She shook her head slowly, her lips curving into a smile that stole his breath. “I’m done protecting you.” She raised a brow. “I gave you fair warning.”

  He nodded. “Over and over again.”

  She rolled her eyes, and gradually, her smile faded. “Last night, I was so scared they were going to find you and hurt you.” She swallowed. “Or worse.” Her gaze wandered over his face. “I’ve heard soldiers tell me there’s no greater gift, no greater love, than to lay down your life for another, but I never really understood.”

  “Last night…” She paused, shaking her head. “I would have sacrificed everything to save you. I don’t know when that happened. I’ve spent my whole life trying to rein in this wild spirit inside me, but you set me free.”

  She kissed him so tenderly his eyes burned with emotion. When her dark lashes lifted, she whispered, “I love you, too, Hunter. With everything I am, I love you.”

  He scooped her up off the bench so fast, she gasped into his kiss. But if he didn’t get her back to the room right now, he’d take her right on the beach.


  The second the door latched behind them, Callie was unbuttoning Hunter’s jeans. They helped each other out of their clothes, leaving a trail of discarded garments all the way to the bed. She laughed into the kiss as they fell onto the mattress, Hunter’s tongue exploring her mouth. His big hands clutched her to him, one at the back of her head, the other on her lower back with fingers splayed open, keeping their bodies pressed together tightly. She slid her legs up, wrapping them around his waist.

  He lifted his head, staring down at her with mussed hair and passion in his eyes. “I love you.”

  His deep voice and the honesty in his gaze made the words into more than a statement. They became an oath, a promise. How had she gotten so lucky?

  That doomed wedding day that used to haunt her had now become a turning point. No one had thrown her a lifeline. She’d saved herself that day.

  And this warrior with a playful smile finally showed her the truth and helped her to believe it. He set her free from the fear and guilt.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  He pressed his hips forward, entering her slowly. A satisfied moan escaped her as he bent to kiss her lips, growling into her mouth. “You feel so damn amazing.”

  Dragging her nails down his back, she rocked into his thrusts. He burned a trail of hot, hungry kisses down her neck, his hand sliding up her thigh. Holding her tight, he rolled them over.

  She smiled, her teeth nipping at his shoulder. “I like being on top…” She sat up, riding him slowly as her gaze moved up his chiseled torso. She ran a finger along his abs, eating up the heat in his eyes. “I like the view.”

  His grip on her tightened as he worked up into her. “Me, too.”

  He slid his hand up her side to cup her breast, teasing her nipple until she arched into his touch. She let her head fall back, eyes drifting closed as she surrendered to the pleasure he offered. Suddenly he sat up, his hot mouth on her breast. She writhed in his lap, threading her fingers through his hair as she opened her eyes, watching his tongue circling each taut tip.

  No man had ever set her on fire like this. She wet her lips as he gazed up at her from under his thick lashes. He growled against her skin, pulsing inside her.

  His hand shot up into the back of her hair, as his teeth brushed her ear. “So fucking sexy.”

  With his other hand, he slipped his fingers between their bodies, searching for that perfect spot. She gasped as he rubbed until her hips moved of their own power, aching for release as she worked into him. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she teetered on the edge. When he moaned her name, her muscles clenched around him, her orgasm burning through her bloodstream.

  His lips fused to hers as he erupted deep inside her, his warmth adding to the passion boiling over until he groaned into the kiss. Hunter trembled in her arms. This warrior, who had single-handedly stopped a yacht to save her, was weak in her embrace.

  She opened her eyes, losing herself in him as their lips brushed together, slow and lingering, until they breathed as one. If she could stop time, this was the moment she’d choose. The rest of the world didn’t exist. They were the only two hearts in the universe.

  He tucked her hair behind her ear, his gaze caressing her face. “I don’t have words…”

  She nodded. “Me neither.”

  He stole one more kiss. “I’m so glad I switched doctors so you’d go out with me.”

  She busted up, giving his shoulder a playful smack. “Don’t bring up Herbert Long when we’re naked.”

  “You were the one who said his name.” He laid back, pulling her with him and then rolled over so she was pinned beneath him. Grinning down at her with that spark in his eyes that set butterflies off in her stomach, he slid his hand down her side. “I will never get tired of hearing you laugh.”

  His erecti
on pulsed, and he rocked his hips slightly. She raised a brow, running her hands down his back to the curve of his ass. “And I will never get tired of making love to you.”

  “Good to know…” His words faded away as his lips met hers.

  Hunter woke with a start. Callie was still dozing, but his cell phone was buzzing across the room in his discarded pants. He slipped out of bed and retrieved it. His shoulders tensed at the number. His commanding officer. He had to take it.

  He went in the bathroom and closed the door, hoping he wouldn’t disturb Callie.

  “Armstrong here.”

  “We have a location for Briggs. And confirmation that he’s alive. We need you here ASAP. I arranged air transport at 1800 from the Crystal City base.”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat, running a hand back through his hair. “I’ll be there, sir.”

  “See you soon, Captain.”

  The call ended.

  Hunter set his phone on the counter. Resting his hands on either side of the basin, he stared into the mirror. So much had changed in the past few weeks. He’d never dreaded a mission before, but now…

  He opened the door to find Callie wide awake, a sheet draped over her. Her smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  He came over to the bed and sat down. “They found Briggs. I’ve got to be at the airstrip in two hours.”

  The mattress shifted behind him as Callie sat up. She settled beside him, staring at her feet. “Wow. I’ve never done this before.”

  He lifted her chin until her tear-filled eyes met his. His chest tightened. “I haven’t, either.”

  A wrinkle creased her forehead. “You’ve gone on plenty of missions.”

  “I don’t want to go.” He cleared his throat, swallowing the ball of emotion choking him. “That’s never happened to me before.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I don’t want you to go, but I’m guessing we don’t get a say in that.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She took his hand, and he watched the way her slender fingers laced with his, suddenly needing to memorize every moment.

  Her gaze locked on his. “You better come back to me.”

  He bent to kiss her, breathing her into his lungs. When he pulled back, he squeezed her hand. “Be safe while I’m gone. Stay close to Nate. Until he nails those bastards, I should be here, protecting you.”

  Guilt, fear, worry—these were all foreign emotions for him. Usually his head was clear when he reported for a mission, ready to focus and do what had to be done.

  But now? Damn.

  He stared into her eyes. “I’m serious. If anything happens to you, I’ll be so fucked up, no amount of therapy will fix it.”

  A sad smile curved her lips. “Right back atcha.”

  He blew out a frustrated breath. “I better get it together.”

  He could pack, but he didn’t think anything would be together again until she was back in his arms.

  Callie followed Hunter to return the rental SUV. She gripped the wheel, watching him talk to the attendant. It was hard to believe that a couple of hours ago he was naked in her arms, and in a few more, he’d be half a world away from her.

  She blinked hard. He didn’t need tears. Tears were a distraction, and where he was headed, his focus needed to be on his mission. She wanted him to be safe, to come back to her unharmed.

  Over the years, she’d counseled soldiers and heard their stories. It was tough for them to leave home. They worried about their families, about not being able to support them or keep them safe.

  And since Hunter had saved her life as recently as the night before, he had reason to be concerned. He came toward her car with his duffel in hand. She’d never seen him in uniform before. His camouflage fatigues had Armstrong across his chest and his SEAL patch proudly showed the traditional anchor crossed by a trident.

  Pride swelled inside her. She’d known from day one when he stepped into her office that he was a SEAL, but seeing him in uniform, ready to drop everything to save a brother-in-arms was different. Real.

  She didn’t want him to go, but the fact that he would, made her love him even more.

  He put his bag in the back and got in the passenger seat. The drive was spent in suffocating silence. He’d already called his mom and let her know he was going to miss Thanksgiving after all, and he texted Reed to meet him at the airstrip.

  There wasn’t anything left to do except say good-bye.

  She parked, sighing as she killed the engine. Reed straightened up, heading their way. Hunter got out and set his duffel on the ground, then embraced his friend tightly. Callie stayed back, trying to keep from crying.

  “Thanks, man.” Hunter pulled away.

  When he turned to her, the spark was gone from his eyes, replaced by a cold mask guarding his emotions. “Reed is going to give you his cell number. Anything you need, or if Nate wants extra backup, call him.”

  She nodded. He had to be able to believe she was safe, and she wanted his mind to be on his mission, not worried about her. “I will.”

  “Good.” He pulled her into his arms. She breathed him in one last time, clinging as tight as she could. His lips caressed her ear. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” The words were the most honest she’d ever spoken. She forced herself back far enough to see his face. “Wait, there’s something else I need to tell you about my muse, about Calliope.”

  He brought a rough hand up to caress her cheek, and a glimmer of that spark lit in his eyes. “She married the God of War.” Callie’s jaw went slack, and his mouth curved at the corners. “Told you I read.”

  She shook her head, an unexpected smile creeping up on her. “Just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more.”

  He watched his finger slide along her jawline. “I’ve known since you told me about your Muse, but I didn’t bring it up because I didn’t want to point out we were meant to be and then watch you bolt for the hills to protect me.” He sobered, his eyes on hers. “This is my last mission. Then I’m going to come home to you, Callie. Whatever happens, keep this in your heart: I won’t quit until you’re back in my arms.”

  Her eyes welled with tears. “They’ll be right here, wide open and waiting for you.”

  He kissed her lips and whispered, “Be back as soon as I can.”

  Without another word, her warrior walked away.


  Three months later

  Callie chucked another piece of drywall into the giant dumpster. Since Hunter had left, she’d thrown herself into the theater renovation. Her sisters thought her hardheaded determination drove her crazy work ethic, but deep down, hard labor was the only thing that helped her pass the hours each day.

  At least now she could Skype with Hunter. The first eight weeks had been radio silence, and it had nearly killed her. Going through the holidays and then facing all the happy faces at Mel and Nate’s wedding while not knowing if Hunter was dead or alive was a tough lesson in faith and trust.

  Hunter was the best of the best or they wouldn’t have sent him. That was her mantra.

  Last month, he finally touched down on US soil, his mission accomplished. When Hunter had called her, the sound of his voice had brought her to her knees. Briggs was in the hospital, but the doctors expected him to make a full recovery.

  And now, she just needed to keep busy. He still had debriefings and paperwork to file for his retirement from the military, but hopefully he’d be home soon.

  The Order of the Titans had been quiet since Ted Belkin, Sr. died, and Nate was keeping a close eye on Belkin Oil. A news story went out after the incident at the marina that reported that Ted Belkin, Sr. had fallen ill and was being tended by his personal physician. So far Nate had no idea why his death was being covered up, but it couldn’t be good, and since Callie didn’t have physical proof of his death, Nate couldn’t do anything.

  Curtis’s death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner. Although the only fingerprints on
the pistol were his, his hands didn’t have any gunpowder residue.

  Callie could’ve told the police Ted Belkin, Sr. was wearing gloves and a robe when he pulled the trigger, and maybe force the Order’s hand when the police showed up to interview a dead man, but Nate decided against the idea.

  There had to be a reason they hadn’t announced his death, and Nate didn’t want to poke the hornet’s nest until he had more evidence.

  While the Tartarus was registered to Belkin Oil, it had been reported stolen that same night Alicia was kidnapped. Given the evidence the police had so far, anyone could’ve shot Curtis, and if she told them it was a dead man on his stolen boat, no one would believe her.

  But one thing had changed.

  It had started small with contractors cancelling appointments, but now no one in town would take money to work on the theater. Although the permits came through for the roof, suddenly no contractors in the entire county had time for the project. She shifted her focus to replacing the plumbing and hit the same wall.

  It wasn’t much of a leap to imagine Belkin Oil had something to do with it. They had money, connections and lobbyists at their disposal. If a contractor wanted a shot at a lucrative contract with Belkin, they might be persuaded to steer clear of working on the theater.

  What else could explain the sudden refusal to accept their money?

  The fight with the Order of the Titans did seem to be more personal now. None of them had lost their jobs yet, but the possibility it could come to that was ever present. Belkin Oil had their fingers in many pies in Crystal City.

  But fear wasn’t going to get in the way of inspiration. They started the demolition on their own, renting a dumpster, which thankfully was delivered. Callie spent most days after work with a sledgehammer, knocking out old drywall and hauling the remains to the trash.

  Her cell buzzed in her pocket. Clio sent a text with a new link. Right now wasn’t the best time. Callie started to pocket her phone when it rang.


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