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Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3)

Page 4

by Serena Grey

  “When do you have to leave for work?”

  Her good mood seems to dissipate. It turns out that she doesn’t have to leave anytime soon. “When are you leaving?” She asks me, her voice tiny.

  “At noon.” I ignore the sadness I can hear very clearly in her voice. There’s no point in trying to postpone the inevitable. I’ll leave, and she’ll forget about me. The thought is depressing, but I shrug off the unwelcome feeling as I get up to go to the bathroom.

  The tiny bathroom has barely enough space to turn around in, but I manage as best as I can. I try not to imagine what life will be like for her in a new city. It’s hard enough to find a job when you’re qualified, for her it’ll probably be hell. I explore different scenarios in my mind, trying to find one in which I can offer her my protection, but in each scenario I can’t help taking, and taking everything she has to offer. Somehow, any assistance I can give her doesn’t seem worth everything she’ll give me in return.

  When I leave the bathroom, Sophie’s gone. I find my briefs on the floor, and pull them on. I’ll have to stop by my apartment to shower and change before going to the office. The rest of my clothes are still in Sophie’s tiny living room. As I leave the bedroom to find them, I hear the sound of the doorbell.

  In the living room, Sophie is standing by the door in her robe, peering into the peephole. My clothes are lying on the couch. I start to pull them on, wondering who it is at the door.

  The bell rings again. “Are you going to get that?” I ask. Sophie turns around, looking surprised to find that that I’ve joined her. I want to see who it is. It’s unreasonable how obsessively jealous I feel, but I can’t help it. I had to have her, now I can’t bear the thought of her with anyone else.

  She waits, watching me put on my clothes, and then she turns back to the door, only opening it about an inch.

  “Hey Sophie.” I instantly recognize the voice of the person on the other side. It’s Eddie, from last night at the restaurant.

  “Hey Eddie.” I hear her reply.

  My chest expands as I take a deep breath. There’s no overt friendliness in her voice. The knot in my stomach loosens a little.

  He continues to talk, giving a long speech about wanting to make sure that she’s all right. What’s his deal? I’ll bet he’d like for her to invite him in and allow him to show her how worried he really is.

  I move from my position beside the couch until I’m standing behind Sophie, directly in his line of sight. He looks up, and I watch with satisfaction as his expression changes.

  His boyish smile fades and his voice loses its light friendliness. “I see you have a guest.” He says to Sophie.

  She turns around to look at me, then back to Eddie. “I’m all right, Eddie,” she says, firmly, “You have no reason to be worried about me.”

  That should have been enough to send him on his way, but he just had to try, one last time.

  “Are you sure?” he asks her, his voice grating on my senses, “Because if there’s anything you need, you should know that I would help.”

  The insinuation that she might not be safe with me is irritating, as is the assumption that she would turn to him for help. “She said she’s fine.” I tell him, my tone conveying my impatience with his presence. “She doesn’t need you to take care of her.”

  “And she needs you?” His pleasant face turns into a sneer. “Don’t pretend that you give a damn about her.” He accuses. “We all know what happens now that you’ve had your fun, don’t we?” He adds with a bitter laugh. “The rich playboy strikes again, too bad you couldn’t find someone your own age.”

  He’s only a boy. I tell myself as I rein in my annoyance. That’s the only thing that prevents me from teaching him a lesson he wouldn’t forget in a hurry. “You should go now.” I tell him. “And try to remember that from now on nothing about Sophie is any of your concern or your responsibility.”

  I watch him weigh his options. Then he turns on his heel and disappears.

  Sophie shuts the door quickly, a frown on her face. “I’ve never seen him like that before.” She says musingly.

  “Really?” I ask, jealousy clouding my senses. The fact that he wants her is unmistakably clear to me, and the knowledge that when I’m gone, he’ll find another excuse to come back and inveigle himself into her life is almost unbearable.

  “Really.” She replies with a frown.

  “Really?” I ask again. She is still standing by the door, and I move towards her until she’s backed up against the hard wood, and my body is so close to hers I can feel the heat of her skin. I place a finger under her chin and lift her face towards mine. “Because anybody can see that he’s in love with you.”

  She looks nonplussed. “Why would he be in love with me?”

  “You really have no idea, do you?” I sigh in equal parts exasperation and wonder. “Somebody should have told you how beautiful you are.” I drop my hand from her chin. “I promise you that as soon as I’m gone he’ll be back to offer you his ‘help’ again.”

  She takes a deep breath. “I don’t want his help.” She says, her voice low, with a little hint of stubbornness. Although it’s what she doesn’t say that I hear.

  She would rather have me.

  Her eyes are green pools of invitation. Desire flares in my brain. I slide my hand into her robe and up her smooth thighs. She parts her legs in an invitation I can’t refuse, and my fingers move upwards. I let out a low groan when I find her hot and wet.

  The only thing that stops me from spreading her legs and burying myself in her is the knowledge that it might be too soon for it not to be uncomfortable for her. I tease her with my fingers instead, watching as her face contorts in pleasure while the sweet ache of my arousal fills my pants. I concentrate on her, keeping a tight rein on myself as I stroke her pulsing core, bringing her body to a shuddering climax.

  I cover her mouth with mine, swallowing her cry as she comes. I press her body against mine, unable to control the consuming desire to possess her in every way. I feel as if I have no control. She belongs to me, not to the Eddie Newtons of Ashford.

  “Don’t forget who made you feel like this.” I whisper against her ear.

  She trembles, “Take me with you.” She says, taking me by surprise with the soft words.

  At that moment, there is nothing I want more than to lose myself in the pleasure of her body again and again and again. I feel her stiffen in my arms, and I pull her closer, kissing her hair. I’m not usually impulsive, and on some level I know that what I’m about to do is absolutely crazy. My mind should be on my company, but at this moment, I don’t care about Toby Felt, or Carole with her ultimatums... I’m not vindictive, but if I were going to teach Carole a lesson, what could be better than letting her know how little her demands mean to me.

  “There’s one way you can come with me.” I say, almost amused by the rashness of the decision I’m about to make.


  I pause for only a brief moment, and then, I dive in. “How long does it take to get a marriage license in Ashford?”

  Chapter Five


  I doubt that most people would believe it if I told them. I can hardly believe it myself, until I close my eyes and my nose fills with the soft fragrance of Sophie’s skin, and I can almost see her beautiful body spread out under mine.

  I have a meeting scheduled in five minutes, but I can’t stop thinking about my wife, the soft moans that have become so familiar that I can replay them in my head. I’m going insane, I think, looking up as the door opens and Bobby Ayers walks into my office.

  I turn away from the windows, gesturing for him to sit as I walk towards my desk. He’s been tracking the sales of Preston Corp stock, and from our phone discussion of last night, a substantial percentage of my business has been acquired in a matter of weeks.

  I already know what he’s going to tell me. I did my own investigating last night, working well into the night even though Sophie was lying awake
, waiting for me. By all indications, it’s only a matter of time before Toby Felt makes a public offer for my company. With his minority interest, he could petition for a seat on the board, and if he buys Carole’s shares, well, I don’t even want to think about that.

  As Bobby reveals what I’ve already discovered. My mind is only half on what he’s saying. I have to play this very carefully. I have a plan, but I need time. If Carole discovers anything about Sophie now, there’s no telling how vengeful she can get. She would sell to Felt just to punish me.

  If my plan works, and it will, the last thing on Felt’s mind would be buying Carole’s shares.

  Bobby is still telling me things I already know, while I finalize my plans in my head. Then I call my assistant and ask for my stockbroker. If I’m going to be fighting a takeover, then I’d rather be on the attack. Egomaniacs like Felt never expect to be attacked, so their defenses are never as impregnable as they should be, that’s why I’m taking the fight to him.

  I’m going to preempt him.

  By the time he finds out what’s hit him, he’ll be begging me to buy back the Preston Corp stock he’s already acquired.


  I spend the whole day in meetings. Ironing out the details of my plan with my broker, and then meeting with Rick Cruzman and my marketing and branding team to decide how best to sell his software. Even with the high intensity mental activity, it’s almost impossible to push the thoughts of Sophie from my mind. I’m helpless against the overwhelming and obsessive desire I feel for her, and I hate feeling helpless.

  Finally, as the day wears on, I manage to convince myself that I can push her out of my mind and concentrate on work. Yet, by the time I arrive at the apartment, my anticipation has built up to a level that I can hardly wait see Sophie.

  I find her lying on the window seat in the living room, her hair spilling out in a gold curtain, and immediately awareness and lust assaults my mind. I forget all about work, as she comes to me eagerly, and I indulge my desire, burying my senses in her soft lips. If I’m going to lose everything because of her, then it will be worth it. I swear it will.

  When I finally let go of her, she sways against me, her eyes looking dazed. “Are you hungry?” she asks breathlessly.

  I grin. I’m definitely hungry, hungry for her. “I am.” I reply, my eyes on her parted lips.

  Her cheeks flush and I know she knows what I’m thinking. “Mrs. Daniels left something for dinner.” She tells me.

  “Oh that.” I chuckle, releasing her. There are many things I would prefer to any dinner my housekeeper has prepared, but the night is long. I start towards the bedroom. “I’ll be out in a minute.” I tell Sophie.

  While I’m taking off my clothes, a text comes into my phone. The short message from Carole, asking me if I’ve thought of her offer, totally ruins my good mood.

  I should be working on making sure her threats come to nothing.

  Immediately after dinner, I go to my study, ignoring Sophie and the hurt and disbelief on her face. I have too much at stake to be losing my head to any woman, even her.

  I work till very late, but Sophie is still awake when I get to our room. She’s lying on top of the covers, her legs and thighs bare in a hip-length T-shirt. She sits up when I enter the room, her wide eyes, cloudy and unhappy, and even though I know she has a thousand reasons to feel that way, I really don’t want to deal with it right now.

  “You left so early this morning.” She says tentatively, as soon as I sit on the bed. Her words are hesitant, but I can already hear the other accusations coming.

  The thing about commitment, I think, is how much of explaining you have to do. “I always leave early.” I say wearily.

  “You were gone all day.” She persists.

  I am trying to be patient, but something in me snaps. I know I’m being unfair to her, that I have no one but myself to blame for using her innocence is a tool to tie her to me, but I can’t help myself. “Maybe in your imagination,” I start, hearing the cruelty in my voice, but doing nothing to temper it, “being married means spending every single moment together, but real life isn’t a fantasy, I have a business to run.”

  She flinches, and the pain in her eyes stirs a flood of regret inside me. When she speaks again, her voice is halting and uncertain. “I was just...” She stops, looking like she’s searching for the right words, then she turns away from me.

  I should apologize, but I’m tired, and the words don’t come. “I had a hard day Sophie, I was incredibly busy.” I get up and go into the bathroom, leaving her alone.

  When I return, she’s lying on her stomach, and I wonder if she’s crying. I join her on the bed and stroke her back, feeling her tremble at my touch. I continue, raising her shirt and spreading her legs. Deep down, I know this is not enough, especially not for her, but at the moment, I have nothing else to offer.

  I touch her with my tongue, tasting and teasing until she’s bucking uncontrollably and crying out my name almost incoherently.

  I don’t intend for it to go farther than that, but when she starts to caress my chest, moving slowly down until she has me in her hands, then in her mouth, I feel as if I’m the one who has lost all control. I’m entirely under her power. Anything she asks me now, I wouldn’t be able to refuse. I would give her my life, my heart...


  I grab her and pull her off me, moving her until her hips are spread and poised over my swollen erection. I push her down, pressing myself into her exquisitely tight, warm heat.

  I lose myself in her. My senses reduced to nothing but the sweat induced slickness of her skin, her soft fragrance, the heat of her body so tight around me. My hands move feverishly, squeezing full breasts, spanning her slender waist, as I guide her up and down my full length. I want to touch every inch of her all at once. I grab unto her hips, thrusting deeper into the very depths of her body, feeling her pulse around me as her body urges the most intense pleasure out of me. When she loses control, her cries send me over the edge. I grip her hips tightly, holding her in place as I thrust faster, finally exploding with a helpless groan.

  She collapses unto my chest. Her soft body draped over mine. I forget everything but her warmth, her sweetness, and how easy it would be to let everything go, and allow myself to sink into her, body and soul, completely, forever.

  I hold her against me, listening as her breathing slows and her skin cools, and then I also fall asleep.


  I wake up later than usual. I’m lying on my side, with Sophie snuggled against my chest. It’s surprising how well I’ve slept, considering that I have so much to worry about.

  Sophie protests sleepily when I pull away from her, but she doesn’t wake up.

  I take a shower and start to get ready for work. I’m putting on my clothes when Sophie comes into the dressing room.

  “Hey.” I turn at the sound of her voice and find her standing at the door, watching me with a wistful expression. “I wish you wouldn’t leave so early.” She says.

  I want to tell her that there’s nothing I would prefer to a few carefree days with nothing to do but discover her body in every way. But I’m afraid that if I say the words out loud, I might make another impulsive decision. I turn away from her and walk toward the mirror, busying myself with knotting my tie. I’m on the verge of throwing everything away and taking her somewhere far away, where it’ll be just the two of us...

  “I know you’re really busy...” her voice cuts into my thoughts, faltering, apologetic.

  I leave what I’m doing and turn to her, if anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. “I’m sorry, Sophie.” I take a deep breath. “Yes, I’ve been busy. I’ve had to deal with certain issues at work, issues that were there even before I met you, but that’s no excuse.”

  She moves towards me. “I understand,” She says earnestly, “really. I’m not complaining. I just wish we had a little more time for us.” Her eyes are wide and hopeful. I feel like a bastard.r />
  “Things will clear up soon,” I hear myself saying, even though I have no assurance of that, “and then I’ll make it up to you, I promise. We’ll go somewhere that’ll blow your mind.”

  “You blow my mind.” Her words are shy, but they’re enough to heat my blood. I smile, raising her face to look at mine. I’m about to lean down and kiss her, when she rises up on her toes and places her lips over mine. I kiss her back, my tongue delving into the sweet recesses of her mouth. Then she suddenly pushes me away and runs her hands down the front of my shirt dropping to her knees in front of me.

  Her fingers flit over the front of my pants, and my body responds forcefully. I can hardly wait as she undoes my zipper and frees me from the constraints of my underwear. Then she takes me in her mouth.

  The heat nearly sends me over the edge. Her hot lips, velvety tongue, the sweet moist pressure as she tightens her lips around me and takes me deeper into her mouth... It’s driving me insane. I bury my fingers in her hair, my knees going weak as she moves her head back and forth, her tongue teasing me to madness. There’s no technique to what she’s doing. It’s just her, lovely, sexy, and mine. She moans against me, and the sound pushes me over the edge. I come with a loud groan.

  She swallows. Her lips are still tight around me as I pull out of her mouth. My legs are shaky, and I can’t catch my breath, I drop to my knees beside her.

  “You’re a bag of surprises, aren’t you?” I growl, taking her lips as my fingers delve under her t-shirt to feel how wet she is. She moans, rotating her hips around my fingers.

  “You’re ready for me.” I whisper softly against her ear.

  She nods.

  I stroke her until she’s shaking and moaning her desire, her hips bucking sweetly to my touch. When I know she can’t take much more, I turn her around and enter her slowly from behind.

  She’s so tight and so responsive. Her body tightens around me, her low moan piercing my brain. I close my eyes and let my body take over, pushing myself deeper into her with each thrust. I find her breasts under her t-shirt and fill my hands with their exquisite softness, squeezing gently.


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