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Sophie and the Rising Sun

Page 17

by Augusta Trobaugh

  I fretted myself for most of the afternoon, but when Eulalie brought me a cold chicken sandwich a little later, she delivered it with such hopefulness in her face that I made myself eat it. And after that, I felt a little better. And finally, I decided that even if Big Sally seemed to be quite confused, there could be an element of truth in what she said.

  Because that’s what I wanted very much to believe.

  But I didn’t get a chance to feel better for very long. Because things weren’t through happening yet. Things that would almost break my heart.

  Late that afternoon, somebody or other came up on the porch, and Eulalie went out and talked with them. I couldn’t hear what they said, just low voices. I thought it was the sheriff. Probably just checking on all of us. Making sure we had everything we needed.

  Eulalie didn’t come back into my room until she brought my supper tray to me—a nice cup of tea and homemade soup and a plate of cookies. But the minute I saw her face, I knew that something was very, very wrong.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked her—because she was all red-eyed and puffy-faced. Looked even worse than she had when the doctor took Mr. Oto away from her and brought him to live in my gardener’s cottage.

  She looked at me for so long that I thought she’d never speak, and my mind was just racing around, trying to figure out what it was she had to tell me. Mr. Oto? Had someone found him? Alive? Or...

  “Sophie’s gone,” she whispered, and her voice almost broke, what with just trying to get the words out. Why, that was the last thing I would have thought of.

  “Gone?” I croaked. “Gone where?”

  “Just gone,” Eulalie repeated. “In the storm.”

  “What do you mean—gone?” Because on the one hand, it didn’t make a bit of sense, whatever it was she was saying. Or trying to say. And on the other hand, I felt like someone had just kicked me right in the stomach

  “Her house is empty. No one can find her. She’s gone.”


  I didn’t even realize the doctor had come in the door behind Eulalie. And I also didn’t realize that that horrible moaning I could hear was me. Not until I saw the doctor rolling up my sleeve and Eulalie holding my arm still, so he could slip the needle full of blessed oblivion into my vein.

  I don’t know how long I slept—if slept is the right word. And awakening wasn’t like any awakening I’d ever done. Occasionally, I could see the dresser in my room or Eulalie’s anxious face. Sometimes it was daylight and sometimes it was dark. Without rhyme or reason.

  But at some point—I don’t know when—I fluttered to wakefulness during the night and I saw Big Sally’s face very close to mine.

  “Big Sally?” Again, my voice was little more than a faint croak.

  “You hush up that hollering you been doing! I told you not to worry! And you didn’t listen to me! You’re not to worry about either one of them. And I told you to call me Queen Sally! Didn’t I tell you that?”

  “What do you know about Sophie?” I tried to yell. “And who in the hell is Queen Sally?”

  But then I remembered how she had been hit awfully hard in the head. Still, if she knew anything, she had to tell me. She just had to. And she had to be specific.

  But she wouldn’t say anything else. Just glared at me. And then her face disappeared. Later, I thought that maybe I had dreamed it, gotten my hopes up for nothing. Because of my being sick and because of all that medicine Big Sally was taking. And her getting hit in the head so hard.

  So I was never sure. Never.

  Oh, the sheriff formed up search parties, and they all looked and looked for the longest kind of time. But they never found a thing. Not Sophie. Not Mr. Oto.

  And finally, in the long run, perhaps Sophie’s mama was right. Because nothing lasts.

  Not even grief. Not even pain. And not even not knowing.

  Because time heals up everything. Sooner or later.

  It helped that I always held onto a lot of hope about what happened to Sophie. Thought that poor old Ruth had been right after all. Maybe Sophie just finally up and ran off at last, like we all thought she’d do when she was young and right pretty.

  And yes, I certainly did keep my part of the bargain with Ruth. The very first Sunday my ankle was healed, I went to church. Took Big Sally—Queen Sally—with me, just like I’d planned on doing all along. And when we walked in together and sat down together, I wish you could have seen Ruth’s face—guess she couldn’t understand that Sally and I had become very, very good friends. But most of the other folks got used to it, eventually, and the two of us went to church together—at Ruth’s church—every single Sunday for many, many years.

  That was a new thing for me to do, go to church. But that terrible little hurricane changed a lot of things for all of us. Probably the most of all for Mr. Oto and Sophie.

  So that when it was over, there was a lot more gone than just the four houses all from the far end of town. Sophie was gone, too. And Mr. Oto. And a lot of things I used to worry about that weren’t worth a hill of beans anyway.

  Sally’s mama’s old house was just fine, like most of the older houses. They all stood the blow. But part of the roof was blown away on my sunroom, that’s all. And the funny thing was, that fragile little birdhouse hanging from the crepe myrtle tree beside my porch was still there when the storm was over. Can you imagine?

  Tree limbs blew down all over the place, but that little birdhouse was still there. The limbs crushed most of the flowers in the garden. Knocked down all but one of the little pink dogwoods Mr. Oto planted for me. Later on, I got to where I liked it that way. It looked real pretty like that.

  Eventually, I did start calling Big Sally Queen Sally, just like she wanted—like she insisted on—and she was surely a different person, so I guess she deserved a different name. Why, for the rest of her life, she was the sweetest, best-natured lady you would ever hope to meet. A little confused, sometimes, because she never did fully recover from that blow on her head.

  I asked her to move in with me. Not as a servant, but as a friend, and she did. She’s still with me, and we’ve sure had some good times together—besides going to church. We play cards and sit on the porch in the afternoons, and we take care of each other, too.

  The only thing we’ve never really shared is whatever the whole story was about Mr. Oto and Sophie—not in so many words. And I don’t even know if Queen Sally ever really knew what happened. Or whether she made it all up. Or whether I dreamed it.

  Now that she’s getting on in years, she falls asleep in her chair almost every afternoon, and she says things in her sleep—mostly, “You should have seen their eyes!”

  That’s a comfort to me, it is. But of course, we never know how it’s going to be for us when we get older.

  Or maybe it’s even like she said—that she is a lot better at keeping secrets than I was.

  Because I want with all my heart to believe that Sophie went off with Mr. Oto and that they are together still, so that’s finally what I have come to accept as the truth. Completely.

  But I never did know for sure.

  So I tell the story of Sophie and Mr. Oto to anybody who’ll listen—makes it seem to me like they’re still here. And sometimes—when I’ve just told their story again and have them especially on my mind—I catch Queen Sally watching me. Just like an old hawk, I tell you! Why, she’ll study me hard for a long time and then nod her head, just once. She’s got that big old secret in her and won’t ever let it out—not in words, that is. But I like it when she nods at me like that. And once in a long while, I think about Sophie and Mr. Oto so much that I can almost see them. Sophie just a little girl in a white dress, skipping along so happy-like. And Mr. Oto? Well, sometimes I see his face the way it always looked when something especially beautiful bloomed under his gentle care.

  Then I can see them together. Sophie all grown—soft and pretty and with a lovely glow about her. And him bowing deeply to her, cherishing her with all his hear
t, and nurturing her into the beautiful flower she was always meant to be.

  Oh! How lovely!

  (Continue reading for an excerpt from Augusta’s next book and more information about Augusta)

  Next from Augusta Trobaugh


  COMING IN 2012


  Chapter One

  1924, Love-Oak, Florida

  Dawn had not yet arrived, but the rain had ended and the eastern sky turned a fragile, golden pink. The clouds moved away, revealing a moon still hanging in the sky and casting a silver sheen across the quiet lake.

  All night, the storm lashed the land, shredding the palm fronds and blowing water from the lake up onto the sandy road. But now, a new dawn had come, and the storm was gone, leaving the earth fresh-scrubbed and chastised.

  In the deep brush of palmettos behind the main house of the old fishing camp, the air was still thick with the breath of heavy rain, and from time to time the soft cries of a night bird pierced the moist silence—perhaps an owl perched high in a Water Oak, grateful for the end of the storm and watching intently for a tender mouse-morsel to scurry from the sanctuary of the flooded palmetto fronds below.

  Tree frogs pulsated the air with their mesmerizing thrumming, and water lapped in the estuary as the tide changed. From a distance, a bull alligator bellowed three times in quick succession and then fell silent. Closer, another sound, only softer—a newborn baby whimpering in troubled slumber.

  Moonlight filtered through the Spanish moss that hung from the rain-soaked limbs of ancient water oaks and decorated the side of the old house in random, ghostly shades of silver. Where the paint had long ago peeled away, specks of weathered wood showed through, and the screen door to the long back porch hung slightly off-center, as if balancing against the tilt of the house on its concrete block foundation

  At the base of a silvery-trunked Cypress tree off to the side of the house, a child, a small boy—barely a toddler—sat with his knees drawn up under his chin, his eyes wide, watching for anything that might come at him from out of the damp darkness.

  The woman had put him at the base of the tree, pressing down on his shoulders and shaking him slightly. “You stay right there. You hear me? Don’t you move a single inch! And yes, I know the ground is wet. But you just do as I say.”

  She lifted her hands from his shoulders and taking a biscuit from a paper sack she had carried inside of her blouse, she pressed the biscuit into his hand and then walked away from him toward the house, reluctance slowing her steps. He watched as the pale triangle of her skirt disappeared behind the house.

  “You stay right there, you hear me?” she repeated over her shoulder, but in a softer voice, almost a voice that said “goodbye,” but without the words. “You be a sweet boy, honey.” Her golden-honey-toned words melted away into the darkness beyond the palm fronds and the tall grasses.

  While his eyes clung to the swinging skirt as it moved away, a noise in the palmetto bushes startled him, making him want to cry out for the departing figure. But he knew the storm was gone, the rain and wind had stopped, and she had said for him to be quiet, so he made not a sound, not even when, from among the dripping palmetto fronds, he saw deeply tanned hands—big hands!—separating the fronds, followed by a face—but not the face of any monster he had ever dreamed in his short, non-verbal life. This face had eyes that were soft but black and almost lifeless—the watchful eyes of a hungry alligator? And a hooked nose above a stern mouth. In the wet, black hair, a single, white egret feather. No doubt whatsoever in his childish mind: he knew this creature, a beautiful, magical creature from the stories he had heard. He wanted to cry out to the face, but the cry caught in his throat, and he remained silent.

  Instead, the boy listened as the woman’s departing footsteps ceased and her knuckles rapped loudly on the screen door of the house; at the same time, the creature-face disappeared, moving backwards silently and finally dissolving into the poisonous black-green of the undergrowth. From nearby came the low, throaty growl of a panther, but not a growl to threaten—more of a sound coming from deep in the massive chest to comfort and to say, “I am here, and I will not leave you.”

  The woman’s knock on the leaning screen door of the old house was the last thing the boy heard, because in spite of the sadness of watching the woman walk away from him and the surprise of seeing the magical creature in the brush and the feeling of the wet, wild grasses against his skin and hearing the soft growl of the panther—despite all of these things, the heaviness of his eyelids became too much to bear. His body softened slowly, and he relaxed against the base of the tree, still watching for the beautiful creature-face in the palmettos and with the panther speaking its comforting growl. So he remained where the woman had put him and told him to stay, and despite everything, he drifted away into a deep, sweet sleep and into dreams where the creature-face smiled at him and the panther’s growl was a peaceful lullaby, and where the grass and the trees were soft and dry. And for the rest of the night before that dawn, he did not awaken. Not even when he dreamed human voices, one so familiar and another so foreign to him and a flashlight beam that came wavering toward him from the back of the house. Not even when strange, trembling arms lifted him out of the wet grass and carried him away. Not even when the biscuit dropped from his uncurled fingers and rolled away into the underbrush.

  Chapter Two

  “We can bathe him after awhile,” a voice said. “Let him sleep for now.”

  “What we should have done—is cleaned him up right away and put something on all those mosquito bites. Calamine lotion,” another voice said, and both were women’s voices. “Makes me sick, that does! That baby so filthy and all those nasty old bites on his legs.”

  “Let him sleep,” the other one admonished. “We’ll have plenty of time to clean him up, but sleep’s the best thing right now. Doc said so, and he ought to know.”

  “But he needs something to eat,” the other protested. “Looks like he’s been starved half to death. And that diaper! Goodness!”

  “I know. It smells just awful, but it sure doesn’t seem to be bothering him.” A long hesitation then and the other woman saying, “Maybe he’s used to it being that way.” Another hesitation and then the finalizing words: “Doesn’t matter right now. Doc said let him sleep. You just go on in the kitchen and put on a pot of grits. This child will be hungry when he wakes up, and we can get that nasty diaper off and give this baby a good scrubbing.”

  “What I don’t understand is why Doc didn’t come right on over here, when we called him and told him we had a little child some woman just walked off and left in our yard!”

  “He has his reasons, I’m sure. Maybe he’s gone out looking for the mother.”

  “Almost scared me to death! That knocking on the door before good daylight even, and us seeing that poor woman, and her pointing to the tree where we found this baby. And then us trying to ask her about it, and her simply disappearing into thin air!”

  “Well, we’ll hear from Doc soon enough, I expect. But in the meantime, we have to take care of him.”

  “I think he needs a big dose of castor oil, right off the bat,” the other one exclaimed. “Needs a good dose to get him all cleaned out.”

  “No castor oil!” The words were whispered in an angry manner. “That’s always your answer to everything, and I’ll not stand by and see you torture this precious little thing with it. No need to ‘clean him out,’ because maybe he hasn’t had anything to eat in a long time. Leastwise, that’s the way it looks. So you just go tend to those grits, like I told you to.”

  “And why do we keep calling it him, is what I want to know.”

  “Well, we don’t know, but it sure looks like a him.”

  “You gonna look in that diaper to see for sure?”

  “No! We’ll just leave it alone until we get a bath all fixed. It’s too nasty to look, until we can take it all the way off. Now please go on a fix those grits.”
  Following the whispered fuss between the two women, the child sensed footsteps retreating and heard a mild and fading grumbling. A door closed softly, and only then did he open his eyes.

  The room was dim, despite the fullness of the sunlight on the other side of the drawn shade, and the one finger of sunlight that came through the side of the shade held the promise of a hot summer day ahead. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and searching for the skirt he had watched disappear into the dark. Trying to reach for it, press his face into it.

  But there was no skirt. He had not stayed where she told him to stay, so maybe that’s why he couldn’t find the skirt. Tears, far warmer than the long finger of sunlight, tried to come, but he choked, swallowed, pushed the tears away, and made not a sound.

  As if she had heard his silent cry, one of the women came back into the room. She was short and round and wore a white chenille bathrobe with a huge peacock woven into the front—a gold, green and blue peacock with a rich crown of delicate feathers on its head. In fact, the peacock seemed to mirror the woman herself, because her head was covered in fine, golden curls, each one a perfect corkscrew. Her curls didn’t stand up as high as the peacock feathers, but they bounced and quivered as she came across the room to the bed where the boy was lying. She gazed at him with sad blue eyes, the curls bobbing softly, then she moved forward, gathering him into her arms. He pushed against her, but she held him, and still, he made not a sound. But, in a breath that was little more than a stifled sob, he inhaled her scent: talcum powder and some aroma like lemons. Or watermelon. And from the soft curls came a perfume he had never known before. Later, he would learn that it was lavender.

  Her warm, tender body held him and rocked from side to side, in sadness, in comfort.

  Again, he pushed against her, but not quite as hard, and she simply gathered him back, pressing him into her soft warmth.


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