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Stealing Grace

Page 23

by Shelby Fallon

  Though she wasn’t thrilled about the gun and the fact they he had bought it and chose to hide it from her, she recognized Alex’s need to protect her for what it was. And as she continued to think about it, she was touched at his attempt to keep it from her, to shield her from the worry he knew she would feel over his worry.

  He was trying to protect her in that way too.

  Alex began to stir and Elena debated whether she should just put the pillow back and pretend she hadn’t seen it or just let him begin to explain. She decided he needed this. In his mind he needed to think that he was protecting her the best way he could and her knowing about the gun would only make him reluctant about it.

  She replaced the pillow, and tip toed to the bathroom just as he opened his eyes. She watched from behind him for a moment. She could see him check under the pillow and then grab the bridge of his nose and sigh.

  She turned and started the faucet, feigning brushing her teeth so he would know she was there. He quickly got up and walked to the bedside, replacing the gun in the drawer, and turned around trying to look excited to see her.

  “Hey, sweetness. Did you sleep at all last night?” Alex moved closer and she could see the dark circles under his eyes, knowing he had sat in that chair all night long. He had been watching her, watching the door, nodding in defiance to his droopy eyelids. Her heart swelled for him, and ached too.

  “I guess so. Tossed and turned a bit. You?” she said, turning back to the mirror.

  “I slept ok.”


  “Got a little more comfortable in the chair.” He smiled and grabbed her waist from behind, his chin on her shoulder, his eyes closed like he could fall asleep at any second.

  “So what’s on the agenda for today, captain?”

  Alex smiled at that, eyes still closed.

  “Well, Agent Wright should be calling me shortly. He’s going to come by and we’re gonna try to devise some kind of... plan.”

  Elena turned in his arms, setting herself up on the bathroom counter.

  “Do we need to check on Amy and Rog?”

  “Nah, I checked already. They’re fine, still sound asleep.”

  Elena should have known he’d been checking on them all night too.

  “So, what do you think? You’re thinking it was the community, aren’t you?” she asked wanting to talk it out with him.

  “Not sure anymore. I thought about it but... Why?” he asked questioningly.

  “Because I don’t,” she said, shifting to be closer and placing her arms on his shoulders.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the community is just made up of a bunch of men, yeah they might hurt someone on their own turf, but I honestly don’t see them coming way up here in the middle of the night to kill us in our sleep, leaving wives at home and all. I think they’d let the traffickers do their dirty work for them, and why wouldn’t they help? Not only are we messing with their business, but also pointing the police in the right direction for their own demise as well. I think the traffickers are the ones who were in the house.”

  “Smart girl,” he preened proudly and then leaned his head against hers. “That’s what I think too. I didn’t want to tell you, I figured it’d scare you more but I should’ve known you’d figure it out.” Alex seemed pleasantly surprised at Elena’s revelation, probably because he was too tired for explanations.

  “What do we do?” she asked softly.

  “We’ll see when Wright gets here. But one thing is for certain, I might hide for the time being, but I will not run away any longer.”

  The way he spoke the words, Elena knew he meant it.

  * * *

  Amy and Roger joined them in their room shortly after that. Wright and the crew of common vigilantes all sat around the little round table in Alex and Elena’s room, curtains still drawn, Amy sprawled on the bed, wanting to take part but morning sickness was in full swing. She had a cool towel on her forehead and a can of soda water by the nightstand that she was sipping through a straw.

  The lamp in the corner flickered occasionally adding flair to the whole hideaway scene. Elena tried to just listen and let the men discuss the details, she kept reaching for Amy’s leg to pet and reassure her. She couldn’t sympathize but she empathized.

  Roger seemed like he was torn, wanting to be there for Amy but needing to be part of the scheme that was being plotted. Amy kept assuring him morning sickness was normal. It sucked but she’d be fine. Elena thought his face looked like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; happy then sad, focused then worried, assured then distracted. He couldn’t focus and pay full attention any more than she could.

  Alex was the only one enthralled by the conversation, in full captain mode. Elena was thankful that he took that role on.

  Wright told them the raid had been postponed until tonight in light of recent events. He still had no clue as to who or how there could be a mole in his operation. He was headed back that way now but said he wanted to check in with the ‘traitors’, as he now jokingly called Alex and his crew.

  Agent Wrights mood was a little lighter today, which everyone seemed to enjoy. It meant he was confident about the raid and wasn’t worried. At least, that’s what everyone told themselves.

  He wanted them to stay right where they were until everything was over with. He had posted chief Parsons, the one Alex and Roger met before at the station, at the motel with them, just in case, while he was gone. Not wanting to insult grown men, he assured them it was only because he needed them all prepared and in one piece for the trial and not because he was worried about them.

  Elena thought it was comical the way some men worked, always needing to protect and preserve. That was after all one of her favorite traits of Alex’s and one of the very reasons she had fallen in love with him; his need to protect his mother and her.

  She decided she liked the way Agent Wright worked.

  “So all in all, that’s about it. Just cool your heals here and I’ll call you tonight. Same rules apply; order room service or delivery and don’t talk to anyone but me or Parsons.”

  “Ok, greasy food straight to the door and no talking the mole. Got it,” Alex joked as Wright shook his hand, then Roger’s.

  Elena was happy to hear Alex’s mood lighten. She was worried he would drive himself insane here with worry, not knowing what was going on with the raid.

  They stayed in Alex and Elena’s room for lunch after Wright left, Roger peeking out the window occasionally at Parsons sitting in his cruiser, trying to look inconspicuous. The pizza was greasy as expected but good to four people who hadn’t eaten anything all day.

  Amy downed three huge pieces and immediately regretted it, Roger tried not to laugh at her. The girls lay on the bed together and watched ‘The Notebook’ on the television while Alex read his new book with his feet rubbing Elena’s on the bed. Roger took a nap with his head on Amy’s lap.

  Later that night, Alex had found a deck of cards in the bedside stand. Motel property as it was approximately stamped. After the delivery dinner of Chinese noodles and egg drop soup, they sat around the impossibly small table and tried to play Spoons with the plastic silverware that came with the food.

  Everyone was laughing so hard and actually having a great time in spite of everything. Alex was playing footsy with Elena under the table and then played footsy with Roger by mistake which caused another uproarious laughter at Roger’s incredulous accusations and pointing over the table.

  Elena worried the neighbors would call the cops if they didn’t quit down. Then, she realized they didn’t have any neighbors. She’d be surprised if there were that many guests anyway.

  Another thought occurred to her. It was amazing how much fun people could have with no alcohol or drugs or trouble. Just hanging out with friends and being yourself, Elena thought. She had never had this before and was grateful to have found it now, no matter the circumstances.

  Roger checked out the window once more for Chief Parsons, th
ere he was. They felt kinda bad for him, sitting out in his cruiser all day. It was dark, past 10:00 and Alex was wondering why he hadn’t heard from Wright yet. These things took time he pondered aloud, more than once. The day had passed quicker than any of them expected. Roger was asking Amy if she was ready to turn in when Alex’s phone chirped and everyone froze, not from fear but from anticipation. Had everything they had gone through been in vain? Had they made a difference or had the community somehow gotten away with it all?

  Alex opened his phone and looked down at Agent Wrights one line text and read it aloud.

  “Turn on Channel 4 News.”

  Everyone searched frantically for the remote. Elena found it under the pillow and quickly tuned in. They couldn’t believe it. There it was.

  The community was on the national news front and center. They could see the men they all knew so well in handcuffs, the wives and children being put into big plain white vans. The men were spitting and yelling and trying to cover their faces with bound hands, not like anyone on the outside knew them anyway.

  It was an assembly line. One after one they loaded them into cars to be hauled away. Some of the children were crying, which was to be expected. They had no idea what was happening to them or why nor what was going on. Some of the women were crying too, but not sad tears. Elena had seen it before. Happy, I-cant-believe-this-day-has-finally-come tears, what-am-I-gonna-do-now tears.

  The four of them were frozen, not blinking but watching not wanting to miss a minute of it. The newscaster interviewed one of the officers asking him details about the raid.

  ‘Well, we got a tip from a reliable source and made our way down here and sure enough, a whole little community, as they call themselves, was here with all these women they had bought from human traffickers. This has been going on for years and years. Now we just gotta catch the ones who supply the women to people like this. If there wasn’t a supply, there wouldn’t be a demand.’

  The newscaster asked what would happen to the women and children.

  ‘We’ll take them to a rehabilitation facility in a secure location. Most of these women have known this life for a long time and the children have only known this way to live. We have to debrief them and get as much information as possible so we can shut down the whole operation, and then these women can start to recuperate and rebuild their lives.’

  Everyone could tell the officer was grandstanding, but he was at least being factual. Everyone was brought out of their stunned trances with Amy’s whimpering. She was sobbing with joy. It didn’t take Elena long and she was going at it too. They all formed a sloppy hug around Amy and just sat there, all touching, all grateful, all in awe.

  It wasn’t over though. They knew they still had the traffickers to deal with and with the recent break-in knew it wouldn’t be easy. But the woman and children had been set free. Elena wanted to call Agent Wright right then and tell him to come get her and take her to the girls.

  She wanted to comfort them and rejoice with them. Instead she settled with a group hug of four unlikely friends and lovers who would forever be an anonymous part of history and always in each others lives.

  This was a true family.

  * * *

  They said their good nights after a few minutes of smiles and laughs. Even though it was very late, 11:00 by then, Elena was in no mood for sleeping and neither was Alex. Elena was picking up the cards when she felt Alex behind her, sweeping her hair aside and kissing her neck.

  She turned around to face him letting out a sigh. Not just a sigh, a weight from her shoulders lifted.

  “It’s over, it’s really over. The girls...” She said, crying openly.

  “I know. I don’t think any of us have really let it sink in yet,” he soothed hugging her into his chest. “None of this would have happened if not for you,” he whispered into her hair.

  “Don’t start that again. You’re the one, you’re the hero here. I was just your muse,” she said smiling, trying to stop the tears with joking.

  “Mrs. Brooks, are you finally admitting that you are my inspiration?” he said smiling and wiping her tears with his finger.

  “Ehh, that’ll take some getting used to...Mr. Brooks.” They both laughed as neither had really heard the name on their new drivers licenses but that one time they picked up their I.D.’s and marriage certificates.

  “I love you, Mrs. Brooks. No matter what your name turns out to be. I love you. No one could be happier than me tonight.”

  “Except me.”

  He picked her up into his arms and carried her to the not so comfortable bed. He ran his hands over her, every inch in memorizing and awe filled touches that made her shiver. She kissed him and said his name in whispers as he groaned his love for her into her ear. He made love to her slow but passionately, furious in their need for each other but still wanting it to last forever. There was no need to rush. They had all night.

  They had their whole lives.

  It wasn’t convenient sharing a wall with friends on nights like this but considering the circumstances, no one really cared tonight.

  Afterwards they made love again before finally falling asleep in each others arms. Alex forgot all about the gun in the drawer and the waiting danger that would come for them soon, about the chief outside in his cruiser, everything.

  Right then, it was just him and her and the euphoria that seemed to fill the room. The four slept soundly and peacefully that night.

  The next morning, Elena woke and found Alex beside her. She was sprawled awkwardly over him, precisely how she had passed out last night, exhausted deliciously from head to toe and sheets entangled in her legs.

  She found the remote immediately and turned the TV on.

  All the news channels were buzzing about the raid. ‘The Community’ donned every newspaper heading and channel headline. They had even starting debating on some of the national news stations what to do with the women and children and was it fair to break up these “families”.

  Elena was disgusted with all of it after just a few minutes times. All these so called ‘experts’ who’d never been in any kind of situation even remotely resembling that one and now they somehow knew just how to deal with it all. What has this country come to that this is what they worry about the next day? I think I’ll tell Alex I’m ready to move to Italy now.

  The couples kept to their own rooms for most of the morning. Elena was a little embarrassed anyway, thinking she might have gotten carried away last night and that the walls were not forgiving. Amy or Roger would never say anything of course and Elena thought that would make it even worse. Why do I care? I’m married! And it was a very happy occasion after all, wasn’t it? She laughed to herself thinking about it.

  Alex, who had woken when she turned on the TV, heard her giggle and raised his eyebrow at her, smiling. She just laughed some more and waved him off.

  * * *

  Agent Wright had come to replace Chief Parson that morning and given them the ok to go get some groceries and things, he would shadow them there. Even the guys were excited about the grocery shopping trip, mainly to get out of the motel room. If they didn’t get some snacks they were all going to go crazy.

  Elena thought if she had to look at another take out box she’d never eat again. Each room had a microwave and small refrigerator so they would work with that. Once they were all piled in Alex’s truck, they headed for the local grocery dive.

  The couples split up and took their time, walking down each aisle whether they needed anything down it or not. A few familiar faces from being around town said hello. This was a nice quaint town. Elena couldn’t really think of a better place to live. Of course it wasn’t only up to her and she was hoping that Amy and Roger would be close to wherever they were. They were family now.

  Elena picked up a jar of green olives and they both grabbed a few microwave meals and sodas. Alex got some crackers and snacks. They laughed as they heard Roger and Amy in the next aisle. Roger insisting Amy shouldn’
t be pushing the shopping cart in her ‘condition’, Amy insisting sweetly that it was fine and she enjoyed it doing it.

  They met at the end of the aisle and checked out in the same lane. They all grabbed a couple magazines from the rack to read, Alex had already grabbed another book and a T.V. guide. Even when you’re with the ones you love, boredom comes fast when you’re locked away in the same room all day.

  The guys loaded everything in the truck, not letting the girls lift a finger. Wright was in the parking lot, as he said he would be and followed them back to the motel. The guys loaded the bags up and they piled onto the elevator.

  Alex struggled with holding all the bags, as he refused to let Elena help and trying to fiddle the key in, Elena laughing at his stubbornness and acts of chivalry.

  She finally took the key from him to open the door and ran inside to switch on the lamp. After they put everything away they heard a knock on the door. Agent Wright had come to talk to the girls about the community women. After Alex got Amy and Roger they once again sat around the table and listened to Agent Wright.

  “I’ve got a proposition for you girls. When we take the women away from the captures we bring them to a holding facility. A rehabilitation center. A lot of people don’t agree with these places, but you have to understand that we can’t just let these women go back into society like they are. One, lots of them have no where to go, no home, no money. More than that, they have sustained so much trauma they can’t even function properly in society. Second, lots of women, not knowing any other life, resent what we’ve done. They think we’ve made things worse for them. They consider it a prison. We council them, learn their backgrounds, learn about their family and history, see if they have someone to help them or not. Some of these women have only known that life and wanna return for fear of the unknown. Also, the traffickers often threaten their families if they talk to the police so they try to escape from the facility. It’s not a good situation and we want to know if ya’ll might be interested in helping. Become, not really counselors, but mentors, for the girls. Come tell your stories, spend a few days a week there. Talk to them. Show them you’re ok with being out and on your own, in the world again. It’s ok if it’s too much...I understand that you-” Before he could finish Elena interrupted him blurting out her response.


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