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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Tyler noted he and Bull’s place of entry on the side of the house. They placed their masks in position over their face and checked their valves one final time. The fire had not spread that far yet. Hollywood, Bear, and Nate Hawkins the probie, were seconds behind them pulling the two-and-a-half-inch hose with them between two parked cars in the driveway. All the firefighters were dressed in full gear. They could see the smoke inside the house through the pane of glass on the side door, it was thick and Tyler wondered where the family could be. The house was large and the custom design would surely throw them for a loop as they tried to conduct a search.

  The side door remained locked. Tyler waited for the “okay to enter” by the chief once the roof men made their incision and provided ventilation of the fire. The chief radioed in and a second later, Tyler kicked in the door. Tyler and Bull entered the smoke-filled laundry room.

  A short hallway led to a wooden slotted door, there was smoke everywhere. Cautiously, they moved forward.

  Bull opened the door and the thickness of the smoke instantly hit them. Tyler adjusted his breathing mask. The fire was spreading fast and they needed to hurry.

  “Firefighters. We’re here to help. Firefighters!” they called out, identifying themselves as they pushed through toys and furniture. They were in a playroom. Bull headed toward the staircase. The bedrooms were upstairs and the fire was moving toward the hallway.

  “Help us!”

  Tyler saw a man and a woman, they were frantic, covered in black soot and coughing as they made their way through the smoke.

  “This way, come on!” Tyler yelled, taking the woman by the hand.

  “Our boy! We can’t find Kevin!” the mother screamed, tears streaming down her blackened cheeks.

  Bull joined Tyler by the stairs. Tyler radioed it in.

  “Where are the bedrooms?” Tyler asked the parents and they told them. “Up the stairs and to the left.”

  “I’m here!” Hollywood yelled as he approached the stairs.

  “The parents, can you get them out? I will help Bull search for the son. The boy must be hiding.”

  Hollywood told the parents to follow him. He led them through the smoke and heat to two other firefighters and to the safety of the outside. Hollywood returned, helping Bear and Nate pull the hose through the laundry room.

  * * * *

  Outside, Ice had Lance and Marcus, hosing down the right side of the house to contain the fire and provide more time for Bull and Tyler to search for the boy. The others were making their way to the top of the house where the fire was building. They continued to try to stop the fire from spreading any further. The fire from the right side of the house began to extend through the playroom. In seconds, the fire reached past the staircase that led upstairs and to the laundry room where the firefighters had entered only moments ago.

  There was thick smoke and flames coming toward Hollywood, Bear, and Nate. They radioed in, informing their lieutenant of the status of the fire. They began to spray the hose, putting out the fire just as it feasted on hanging coats, clothing and other flammable material in its path. The fire roared ferociously and extended through the laundry room. Hollywood and Bear held the hose tight and continued to spray the bursts of red and orange, as Nate pulled what he could that was combustible out of the line of fire.

  * * * *

  Ace and Eddie cautiously walked on top of the roof. The red and orange flames shot up from the top peak of the roof on the right side where they had made the first incision with the powered chain saw. At this point, the fire was craving more oxygen and the side windows began to shatter. Ace and Eddie knew that they needed to provide some more controlled ventilation. Eddie called it in to the chief.

  “Chief, it’s getting worse up here. We need to make another cut. Where is search and rescue?”

  “Go ahead, Eddie. I’ll find a location and status on search and rescue.”

  “Bull! What’s your position?” the chief radioed to him and Tyler.

  “Hallway, no sign of the kid yet. Two more bedrooms to search,” Bull responded.

  The chief then radioed Eddie giving him an update.

  * * * *

  The thick black smoke engulfed Eddie and Ace as they used their skills and training to make a hole in the roof. Eddie restarted the gasoline-powered chain saw. The sound echoed through the night air as the blades made contact with the roofing shingles. Pieces spit up and around them but he was determined to make the incision and give his fellow firefighters, his friends, more time to search and rescue the missing family members.

  Ace tore at the slices of material with his Halligan tool, pulling pieces of shingle and plywood, trying to make a hole large enough to spray water through.

  * * * *

  Tyler and Bull slowly made their way up the stairs ducking together as the ceiling filled with an ocean of flames. Black smoke started making its way from the attic and the right side of the house to the center where they now stood. Tyler and Bull searched the rooms to the left. Tyler noted that the window might be their only means of escape.

  He eyed the fancy tapestry and loads of magazines and newspapers that covered the whole sidewall of the living room. The fire was only feet away from igniting the paper material.

  Tyler called into the radio to Hollywood, Bear, and Nate.

  “We need that hose up here. The fire is spreading fast.”

  “We just got the laundry room and furnace area wet down, these people have filled gasoline containers down here. We’re moving them out,” Hollywood responded.

  Tyler realized that Hollywood, Bear, and Nate had their own problems. They would not want the fire to get a hold of any filled containers of gasoline. That could kill all of them.

  Together Tyler and Bull searched and moved down the small, enclosed hallway. Bull was just ahead of him.

  They continued to look around. Bull headed toward the first room, Tyler toward the second right next door. They were running out of time. Tyler could hear the water spreading against the house. The crew was trying to put the fire out, giving Tyler and Bull more time to search. They heard what sounded like large objects crashing and pounding to the floor. Simultaneously, Tyler felt the rush of heat, then saw flames spreading down the hallway. Tyler knew that the stacks of magazines and newspapers were igniting and the sound had to be the towers of magazines crashing to the floor.

  He called out to Bull just as the wallpaper and the hallway carpeting went up in flames. Smoke was everywhere. Tyler felt the need to escape, to hurry up and search these last rooms and then get out before they were trapped inside. He looked at Bull and they continued to search.

  “We’ve got to move it. The fire will spread this way and we’re going out the window,” Bull stated.

  “I’ll check this room. You take the other. Call on the radio and we’ll meet out the window if we get trapped,” Tyler stated. Bull was already headed into the last bedroom.

  * * * *

  Bull entered the room, searching with his hands, moving the mattress off the bed and thinking of all the possible hiding spots a kid could think of. He pulled the Thermo Imaging Camera from the clip and turned it on. He slowly pointed it forward while making a slow circular direction around the room.

  The bed was empty and the corner was, too. The camera indicated a heat pattern coming from inside the closet. Bull immediately opened the closet, pushing aside clothing on hangers and anything that would cover a small child.

  Then Bull saw a movement and thought he heard a scream.

  Frantically Bull pushed the boxes to the side. The small child sat curled up in a ball. He held on to the poles in the closet for life. Bull instantly knew his appearance had frightened him, but they needed to hurry.

  Bull reached for the child, but he would not budge.

  “It’s okay, kid, I’m here to help you, come on.” Bull reached for him again and the kid held tighter.

  The full gear is scaring him. It must be the mask.

  Bull remove
d his mask, knowing it was a bad idea but the kid was not making things easy.

  “Come on, kid. We have to move. Your parents are outside, they’re waiting for you.”

  The kid let go and at the same time Tyler’s voice echoed over the radio and the doorway burst into flames.

  “Bull, we got to go.”

  “The kid’s in the closet. I got the kid. Oh shit!”

  Bull yelled as the hallway filled up with flames in an instant, trapping, Bull and the victim in the room.

  The fire was at the doorway where Bull was. At this rate, Bull knew that Tyler would be trapped in his room, too. Tyler and Bull both radioed in their location and the need for the ladder truck.

  “The kid’s badly burned. We need the basket!” Bull yelled into the radio as Ice made his way up to the bedroom window in the bucket. Bull was hanging out the window with the kid in tow and his turnout coat over the kid.

  * * * *

  Tyler grabbed onto the ladder. Ice grabbed his hand, assisting him into the bucket. Tyler ducked under the basket, which was secured into place.

  They moved the ladder bucket toward the next window. The smoke and water sprayed their face masks and the air around them. Instantly the room Tyler was in burst into flames. It was a classic flashover effect. He could feel the force of the flames against his turnout coat, ducking down deeper into the bucket, the flames shot over their heads as the ladder moved toward the other window.

  The firefighters below were now shooting water toward the window right beside the ladder. Tyler was at the other bedroom window and he could see the flames practically engulfing Bull and the kid. Bull emerged yelling, “We’re burned. Let’s move.” He passed the child to Tyler and Ace, they secured him into the basket, buckling him in as the child cried. Then Tyler reached for Bull, assisting him out of the window and into the bucket just as the entire room ignited. It was a tight squeeze in the basket, but everyone was safe.

  They slowly lowered the bucket to the ground where EMS workers immediately tended to Bull and the child. Above them, the fire was unrelenting as black smoke penetrated the air around them and their fellow firefighters continued to fight to extinguish the flames.

  “We’d better call Serefina and let her know that Bull is headed to the hospital,” Tyler said and then started coughing.

  Lance stared at his younger brother. “You did good, bro, but I think you should get checked out, too.”

  Tyler jumped into the back of the ambulance with Bull. “We all did. Let’s get to the hospital. I hope that kid is going to be okay,” he stated.

  “The kid’s alive and so are his parents. That’s what matters most. You need to get checked out as well. We’ll meet you there,” Ice ordered as the doors to the ambulance closed.

  * * * *

  “You need to keep your mouth shut. You shouldn’t be anywhere near a police station, Melanie. What if Dash or James finds out?” Agent Merk asked her. Melanie was scared. She was so worried about her cousin Tasha and about how Dash had taken such an interest. Something was going on here. She didn’t trust any of these people.

  “I’m worried about my cousin.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that Dash has taken a liking to her. Why is that?”

  “I don’t know. She’s beautiful, classy, and he likes showing off.”

  The agent seemed to think about what Melanie said. She swallowed hard.

  “You better tell her to cooperate. If she goes to the police then this investigation is over. Dash will kill her the moment she’s alone.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then convince her to keep her mouth shut. Call her, right now. Tell her that there are police involved and she’d better not press any charges against Dash. Do it.”

  * * * *

  “Two weeks? Two freaking weeks ago this happened, and this guy has been harassing you, and you just tell me about it now? How could you think him sending you flowers, and calling you apologizing for his behavior is acceptable? I don’t like this. We should call Jake. Your cousin is a jackass. She always has been, Tasha. This is why you separated from hanging out with her after high school. It’s why you’re in a professional career and she’s looking for the easy way of life.”

  Serefina was beside herself with anger and concern as she paced the living room in Tasha’s apartment.

  “Please calm down, Serefina. This is why I didn’t want to tell you, to tell anyone. I don’t need all this with Mom sick in the hospital, and all the bills to pay. ”

  “I think this guy is up to something. Hell, go to the Sheriff. Jake will find out about this guy and if he’s some creep, Jake will not stand for this, any of it. My men will protect you, so will my brothers.”

  “Oh God, I don’t need to blow things out of proportion and I especially don’t need this added aggravation. I just wanted to talk to you about it. I’m not saying that I’m already involved with the guy, just about how we met and what’s been going on. His attention, even though kind of intense, has helped me to deal with everything else going on in my life. Please don’t say anything to Jake, to anyone,” Tasha begged of her.

  * * * *

  Serefina knew that Tasha had a thing for Lance, Eddie, and Tyler. Hell, she knew that her brothers liked Tasha, too, but Tasha was their sister’s best friend, and she was ten years younger than them.

  Serefina took a deep breath and released it. “Tell me everything. From the time you met this guy and all the things he’s done or said to make you think he may be an okay guy.”

  Tasha twisted her fingers together. Serefina noticed that Tasha was wearing a lot of bracelets on her wrists. It was a funkier look than Serefina was used to seeing Tasha sport. As Tasha began to explain everything, Serefina became more angry and concerned. This guy Dash was a real piece of work. As Tasha explained about him restraining her outside some club, Serefina grew angrier. Then she mentioned the latest incident, which was why she confided in Serefina tonight. He called her, sent her flowers, and apologized for his behavior.

  Serefina needed to be here for her friend, just as Tasha was there for her all this time. She reached out and covered her wrist with her hand when Tasha pulled back and held her wrist against her chest. Serefina scrunched her eyebrows together and stared at Tasha. “You’re hurt?”

  Tasha placed her hand over her lips in an attempt to stop herself from either speaking or gasping. She nodded her head.

  “It’s no big deal. It’s from that night at the club, the night he apologized for coming on so strongly. He’s a big guy, and very muscular. I don’t think he realized how much force he used holding my wrists.”

  Tasha was a beautiful woman with long reddish brown hair, thick sexy eyelashes and eyebrows that enhanced her gorgeous green eyes. She was a real looker, but as much as she played up experienced and capable, Serefina knew the truth. Tasha was particular about who she dated, and even more particular about who she shared her bed with. Her last boyfriend before Serefina returned home from the Carolinas had cheated on Tasha. She hadn’t dated anyone since.

  “That concerns me. He should treat you with respect, not force, no matter how muscular or strong this guy is,” Serefina stated.

  “I know. I think he was being honest. He was so determined to make sure I forgave him and understood. I think he legitimately felt badly.”

  “Something else happened. Something more recent. Tell me. It’s why you’re confiding in me tonight, and I want to know.”

  “After that night at the bar, and him telling me that I was his girl, he showed up outside of my job yesterday. Before that he was calling me, leaving messages on my answer machine saying he was out of town on business and wanted to get together as soon as he returned. I ignored them, thinking that he would just go away and get the hint that I’m not interested. But Melanie was right. This man doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Has he tried hurting you again, physically?” Serefina asked.

  “When he showed up at my job last night, he threatened punishme
nt if I didn’t start showing him some respect. I think he meant to spank me. Like sexual discipline or something. I realized that maybe he is a bit extreme, and again, I don’t need any more drama in my life.”

  “Spank you? He isn’t even dating you. What?”

  “I told him that I’m not interested, but he said I would be and that he would change my mind. He didn’t want me going off of my first impression of him.”

  “Oh God, Tasha. I can’t believe this guy. I can’t even fathom that Melanie has been with her guy James for six months and this is how he treats her, too. Who are these men?”

  “I don’t know. All is know is that Dash has this look of pure evil in his eyes, and my gut tells me that what he says, what he threatens is true and he’ll do it. I’m going to avoid him. It’s all I can do right now.” Serefina pulled Tasha into her arms and hugged her tight.

  Tasha’s phone was ringing and she answered it. Serefina could only hear one side of the conversation and Tasha seemed upset.

  “Excuse me a minute. It’s Melanie and she got into an argument with James,” Tasha told her. Serefina rolled her eyes and leaned back on the sofa with her wine glass in hand. She watched Tasha walk into the kitchen.

  * * * *

  “Okay, say that to me again.”

  “Tasha, you need to keep calm and not tell anyone about Dash and how he likes you,” Melanie told her.

  “Why not?”

  “Because there is some kind of police investigation going on and there are agents working undercover. One of them just stopped me from pressing charges and getting an order of protection against James.”

  “Oh God, Melanie. What did this investigator say?”

  “To tell you to keep quiet and to just go along with things. Someone will be contacting you. Tasha, this so serious. Anyone you tell could wind up dead. If James finds out I was even near a police station, never mind that I was talking to a cop, an agent, I would die. Promise me that you won’t tell anyone about Dash and him harassing you? Promise me, because both our lives depend on it.”


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