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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Tasha felt the bile in her throat. It was so sick, distorted, and outrageous behavior. Melanie was a fool, and she thought she deserved to be treated like crap, beaten, and degraded?

  Tasha was shaking with anger, and then Dash walked closer, crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked her over.

  “Why didn’t you listen to Melanie and to my orders?”

  She stood her ground, then remembered what the investigator said. Act shy, inexperienced, and fearful. Well, the fearful part was definitely easy to do. She was scared right now.

  “Why?” He raised his voice and she jumped, and then took a step back as he uncrossed his arms.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off of Dash. Dark hair, dark eyes, deep blue dress shirt with the first three buttons undone, and designer black dress pants.

  “I had to see a friend,” she whispered. His one eyebrow rose up, and he practically snarled at her.

  “Another fucking firefighter?”

  Fuck, they know about Tyler. The two men behind him ratted me out and they told him about it. I have to keep Tyler, Lance, and Eddie safe.

  She turned away from him.

  “Tasha, look at me when I’m talking to you.”

  “I can’t,” she stated.

  A second later he pulled her around to face him and grabbed both her arms. He shook her so hard her neck ached. She gasped and stared up into his evil eyes.

  “Who the fuck was the guy tonight? Don’t say a friend either.”

  “He is a friend.”

  He shook her again. “Don’t you fucking lie to me. Who is he?”

  “No one. He had too much to drink, and his hug turned into a kiss. No big deal. He knows I’ve been going through a lot. I told him he can’t do that, and I said that you were calling me. He apologized and I walked out of there,” she added, trying to remember what the investigator said. But her focus wasn’t so much on herself as it was with protecting Eddie, Lance, Tyler, and Serefina.

  He appeared as if he clenched his teeth. His lips were sealed before he spoke.

  “Leave us now,” he stated, and the two men left the room, leaving her alone with this madman.

  “Why did you go there when you should have come here and waited for me?”

  She thought about her mother. How would she take care of herself if something happened to Tasha? She thought about Serefina and her friends and how Bull was burned in the fire and Tyler inhaled too much smoke. The tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m not what you need, Dash. I’m not the right woman for you.”

  He blinked his eyes and stared at her. She felt the one stray tear roll down her cheek. His grip loosened on her arms and he rubbed them gently, but she still felt the ache from where his fingers dug into her upper arms. Would there be bruises there, too?

  “I chose you. You are exactly what I’ve been searching for, but failed to find.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t give you what you want. Not with everything going on in my life. These past few months have been difficult for me. Please, just let me go.”

  He reached up and placed his hand against her cheek. “Tell me what you mean. Tell me who the two men were and what’s going on in your life. Make me understand.”

  She hadn’t expected compassion. She wasn’t a fool, and saw herself falling deeper under his hold instead of freeing herself. She had to continue to lie, to manipulate the conversation and save her friends, the men she ultimately loved, from getting hurt.

  “They’re friends. I told you. One of our other friends was burned in a fire the other night. That’s when I was at the hospital. They were all meeting tonight at a local bar in town. I had to see them, and make sure that my friend was better. They’ve been there for me.”

  “No more. I’m here for you now.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t understand.”

  He gripped her face with one hand as he wrapped his arm around her waist with the other. Her body was pressed up against his.

  “No, it is you who doesn’t understand. You’ve lived your life working in a measly job that pays you shit. Your boss expects you to do the work of three and you continue to do it. Your mother lies in a hospital receiving treatment after treatment, and you work to pay her medical bills and hope that she lives.”

  Tasha gasped and tried pulling away.

  “Your friends want more. They want what’s mine and they can’t have it. I’ll warn you one more time. If I see you around these men alone, and one of them touches you, they will die.”

  She shook her head. “Please don’t hurt them. They are just friends. It’s all they’ve ever been.”

  “No. You cut ties with them. When you’re not at work, you’ll be with me where I can keep an eye on you.”

  “I can’t. My mother.”

  “Your mother will be well taken care of. Any bills that come in I’ll take care of.”

  The tears rolled down her cheeks and she didn’t know how to respond or what to do. She had to make him believe that she was slowly weakening to his control. Yet, the thought that this son of a bitch did this to her, took control of her life, her everything, and knew so much about her pissed her off. But she needed to be smart for everyone’s sake. For Tyler, Eddie, and Lance, Serefina and even Melanie.

  She let the tears flow and lowered her head to his chest. He caressed her hair and ran his hands down her back to her rear.

  “It’s going to be just fine. I’m going to take care of you, and you’re going to let me. Tonight’s situation must not go unpunished.”

  She lifted her head up, and he stepped back, then caressed her cheeks. “I won’t leave a mark on your beautiful face. Not this time, and hopefully for your sake, never.”

  She never expected the punch to her stomach. She fell to the floor and cried out once she caught her breath. He lifted her up and hit her in the ribs again and again until she lay on the floor in a fetal position crying and screaming for him to stop.

  “Please, Dash. Please don’t hit me again.”

  He stared down at her. “Look at me!” he yelled.

  She looked up, her vision blurry from the tears as she pushed herself to a sitting position on the floor. The pain in her ribs was excruciating.

  He pointed down at her, looking like a mad man as he breathed through his nose. One loose strand of hair hit his eyebrow as he made his demands.

  “You will not defy me ever again, Tasha. No more meeting friends, no more disobeying my orders. You will obey me, or the next time someone close to you will die.”

  She covered her mouth and cried until he pulled her up, lifted her onto his desk, and pressed himself between her legs. She cried out in pain, her ribs surely bruised and possibly broken.

  He grabbed her face and held her gaze.

  “You’re my girl, isn’t that right?” he asked. She was shaking in fear.

  He gave her a squeeze and yanked her hair as he pressed his palm against her battered ribs.

  “Answer me. Who do you belong to?”

  “You,” she whispered.

  “Who’s my girl?”

  “I am.”

  His upper lip lifted slightly right before he pressed his mouth over hers. She gave in. Out of fear, out of having no other choice. She gave in.

  Chapter 6

  Tasha was exhausted as she entered the hospital on her way to visit her mother. She was moving slowly, her ribs sore and badly bruised from last night. All she kept thinking was that it could have been worse. Dash could have forced himself on her, or touched her in a way to make her feel worse then she already did for giving in and leading him to believe he had won. She was filled with trepidation at meeting the investigator. She thought about it most of the night in bed and wondered if she should. Was she in too deep? What did the investigator want? How was she supposed to hide from Dash? Now that she gave in to his control, and let him call her his girl?

  As she rounded the corner, feeling the twinge of pain with every breath she took, she came to her mo
m’s room. She took a deep breath.

  I can do this. I can be brave, and not let on to the pain I’m in or anything that is going on. Focus on Mom. Focus on her needs, not mine.

  She pushed the door open and gasped. There stood Dash talking to her mother.

  * * * *

  The moment the door opened and he saw Tasha, he felt his chest tighten with need. He wanted so badly to take her home last night but she was way less experienced than he had thought. He liked that. It was a first and he would take his time in savoring such a treat.

  “There’s my girl,” he said, and pulled her into his arms. He heard her gasp, and knew she was in pain. It was a good thing. This move was a good one. It would reinforce everything he told her last night. He knew where she was and who she was with at all times.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, her gorgeous green eyes filled with emotion. Her eyes told him so much.

  He caressed her cheek and leaned down and kissed her. “I wanted to meet your mom. You told me so much about her, and I was in the neighborhood.”

  “I can’t believe you haven’t mentioned Dash to me, Tasha. He said that you’ve been dating,” her mom said and then closed her eyes.

  “Mom, you should be resting. What did the doctor say?” Tasha asked, as she took her hand into hers and bent over the bed to kiss her mom hello. Dash saw her cringe in pain and then smile.

  “Honey, are you okay?”

  “Oh, yes, just a belly ache. I didn’t eat lunch yet,” she stated.

  “You need to keep up your strength. I was just telling Dash how hard you work, and that you never take time to relax anymore,” her mom said.

  “I need to work, Mom. We’ve been over this. Now, have the doctors come in with any updates?” she asked.

  Just then the door opened and Dr. Michaels walked into the room.

  “Hello, Tasha,” he said and smiled. Then the man looked at Dash. Dash didn’t like how the doctor greeted Tasha with such a smile. The guy was definitely interested in his girl. Dash walked closer to Tasha and wrapped his arm around her waist as he introduced himself to the dr.

  “I’m Dash McGuire, Tasha’s boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend?” the doctor questioned and then looked at Tasha. Had she kissed this guy, too? Did she lie about her inexperience? He felt the anger hit his side as he gave her rib a squeeze. Tasha gave a small cry and then coughed to cover it up. She was learning fast.

  “We only recently started dating. He stopped in to meet my mom. Do you have any updates?” she asked.

  The doctor looked at Dash, which really pissed him off and then looked at Tasha and her mom.

  “I can talk freely?” And he gestured toward Dash. It took a lot for Dash not to grab the little weasel by his throat. He would talk to Tasha about the doctor tonight.

  “Yes,” she whispered, as she clasped her hands together.

  The doctor walked closer to the bed and opened the file. “Well, the treatment looks like it’s going fairly well.”

  “Fairly well?” Tasha asked, and Dash stepped closer against her back in support of her.

  “I think the surgery is inevitable. I’m sorry I don’t have better news. But I do feel confident that with the surgery, the removal of the cancer with follow-up treatments of radiation and chemo will be our best option here.”

  “Oh God,” Tasha’s mom said aloud as she covered her face with her hands. Tasha moved closer and hugged her mother.

  “That’s expensive, isn’t it, Doctor?” her mom asked.

  “Mom, don’t worry about that. None of that matters, only getting you better does.”

  “You can’t keep working the hours you do. It’s not fair.”

  “Mom, please.”

  “Is there any other option? How much will something like this cost?” her mom asked.

  “There isn’t another option. Without this surgery, I’m afraid your chances of surviving are not good.”

  “Mom, please. Just stop it. You’re having the surgery. Doctor, how long before we can schedule the procedure?”

  “There are some things to do first, some pretesting and of course you’ll have to see the financial department to work out insurance and payment options.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Are you the best surgeon for this particular type of surgery?” Dash asked. He’d had enough of the pompous surgeon and his ability to play with this woman’s life.

  “Dash,” Tasha reprimanded. He didn’t even look at her, he held the doctor’s gaze.

  “I can assure you that I am the best at this type of surgery.”

  “Then don’t worry about the payment. I’ve got it covered. You just be sure to take care of Carry Ann and get her well. If you don’t, then next time you and I talk, it won’t end well for you.”

  The doctor nodded his head and walked out of the room.

  “Dash, you’re not paying for this,” Tasha began to say.

  “No, Dash, it’s too much,” Carry Ann said and then took a deep breath and released it. The woman looked exhausted.

  “Mom, don’t worry about this. I’ll handle everything. You need to rest. Just close your eyes and rest,” Tasha said, and her mom complied. Tasha leaned down and kissed her mother’s hand as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Dash watched her, and he knew this was one of the best strategic moves he had ever done before. He owned Tasha now. There was no way she would push him away or resist his control. Not when he just saved her mother’s life.

  * * * *

  Tasha kissed her mom good-bye as the nurse came in to check on her. She didn’t say a word to Dash. What could she say? A thank-you? An “I’ll do whatever you want even though I despise you in every way”? Her head was pounding and just as she felt like she would pass out, Dash pulled her against his side, wrapped an arm around her waist, and assisted her outside of the building. A moment later, as people passed by hardly noticing them, Dash sat her down on a bench.

  “Take it easy. Everything will be okay.”

  This man is some psycho criminal, isn’t he? Just last night he ordered a beating on Melanie and then he put a beating in on my ribs. I can’t even think straight. I’ve never even had a man to count on, to love me, take care of me. I’ve been alone and dealing with all this shit for far too long. What do I do?

  “Talk to me. Let me know what you’re thinking.”

  She looked up toward his face. He had placed the sunglasses on to block the sun. He looked so in charge and mysterious. The man had two personalities and was confusing the shit out of her.

  “Tell me.”

  “Are you for real? Is this what you do? You get into people’s lives and make them owe you things beyond the monetary? Why do you do it? What is it that you want? I don’t have money. I don’t have a great life. Hell, I don’t even have a goddamn thing to offer you. Why are you here and why did you meet my mom and say that you’ll pay her medical bills?”

  He smiled softly as he pulled her closer. She hadn’t realized that she was practically yelling her last few words. She saw his expression and knew she was in for it.

  “I said I would take care of you, didn’t I?”

  She swallowed hard. “I can’t accept this from you, Dash. I can’t let you pay for this. It’s not your problem. I don’t know you and I don’t want to owe you that money back.”

  He pulled her up off the bench and started directing her along with him to the parking lot. “Dash. Dash, what are you doing? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  As soon as they got to her car, she noticed his car was parked nearby. He turned her around and pressed her body against the vehicle.

  He cupped her cheeks and stared down into her eyes.

  “You are mine. You accepted your place last night at the club.” He covered her mouth and kissed her deeply. He explored her mouth as he used one hand to grip her hair and head and the other hand to press his palm against her ribs. She gasped but he kept kissing her, devouring her pain-stricken moans until
he cupped her breast and squeezed it hard.


  She pulled from his mouth at the sound of the familiar voice. Dash looked pissed off, and Catalina gave Dash the once-over and then smiled.

  “Who is this?” she asked.

  Dash pulled Tasha against his chest and eyed over Catalina.

  “Catalina, what’s going on? How is everything going?”

  “Not as good as it is for you. Hi, I’m Catalina, do you have a friend?” she asked, and Dash chuckled. He took Catalina’s hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it as he held her gaze. “Catalina, such a lovely name.”

  Catalina blushed and shyly lowered her eyes. Tasha tried stepping away from Dash but he reached out and snagged her back against his side.

  “The name is Dash McGuire. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Tasha has spoken very highly of you. You’re a nurse here at the hospital, correct? The ER, I believe she told me.”

  Dash winked and Tasha felt her heart race. The son of a bitch had checked her out thoroughly, and even her friends. He knew that Catalina was a nurse here. Now she would need to worry about Catalina, too.

  “Yes, that’s right. But, I’m afraid that Tasha hasn’t mentioned you at all.”

  “Really? Hmmm, I guess she’ll need a little reprimanding tonight, huh, Tasha?” he asked as he stared on into her eyes and glared at her. His dark eyes and dangerous expression warned her to behave and to concede to his authority. Everything this man did was a strategic action, a ploy to manipulate her and control her as if he had a noose around her neck and was pulling slowly.

  “Stop that, Dash. You’ll scare Catalina off. He’s just joking. We’ve only just started seeing one another.”

  “But it feels like we’ve been together for a very long time.” He pulled her into an embrace.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Dash. I hope to see you around and maybe at the Station. That’s where we all hang out. I’m sure the others will love to meet you.”

  “Sounds interesting.” Dash ran the palm of his hand over Tasha’s ass cheek and squeezed. Tasha gripped his forearms, the move causing instant pain in her ribs.


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