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Tanya's Torment

Page 7

by Tessa Valmur

  ‘You’d like that would you, Miles?’ Tanya asked, widening her eyes and allowing the tip of one finger to settle against her lips.

  Miles slid his hand higher up thigh, under her skirt, his fingers curving around the swell of her buttock.

  ‘You little flirt.’

  ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Tanya looked reproachfully down at him as she felt his exploring hand find the lace of her thong and his fingers sliding underneath the delicate material.

  ‘You’re desperate for it Tanya, aren’t you?’

  ‘Uh huh...’ Tanya sighed appreciatively as the man eased his thumb up the crease of her pussy. She was already a little slick with arousal and when she felt his thumb brush against her clit she had to hold onto the banister to steady herself.

  ‘Who gave you permission?’ she asked, her voice husky and her breathing ragged as she felt his thumb stroke against her clitoris. Fighting down the urge to push her hips forwards she shook her head admonishingly.

  ‘I haven’t given you permission Miles... if you want to play with me you have to play on my terms.’

  ‘Okay Tanya, whatever you want.’

  ‘If you’re very good I might just let you fuck me. Would you like that?’

  ‘What do you think. Now come with me!’

  Without waiting for her response Miles jerked her by the wrist and obediently Tanya allowed herself to be led by the hand down the stairs.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘Somewhere nice and quiet.’

  Miles took her to a big old-fashioned bathroom. Two of the other men were there but there was no camera to be seen. Tanya was led by the wrist into the middle of the room and behind her she heard the door closed and a dull click as the old key in the door lock was turned.

  ‘Get your clothes off Tanya,’ Miles ordered.

  ‘Where’s the camera?’ Tanya asked, glancing around her. The other two men grinned, Miles caught hold of the Tanya’s crop top with both hands and dragged it up her body and as Tanya backed away from him the skimpy garment was pulled over her slim arms then tossed aside.

  ‘Come here.’

  ‘This isn’t part of the film is it?’ Tanya demanded, ‘ What do you want? Tell me what you want me to do?’

  Miles advanced to in front of her and when Tanya tried to take a cautionary step back he caught hold of her wrist to restrain her.

  ‘Relax Tanya, you’re going to enjoy this.’

  ‘But why are they here?’ Tanya glanced at the other two men and licked her lips nervously.

  ‘Why do you think?’ Miles answered enigmatically, grinning as he fingered Tanya’s skirt.

  There was the faint metallic rasp of the zip on her mini skirt being pulled down then with both hands on her waist Miles pushed the lycra skirt down over her hips and the material slid to around her knees.

  ‘Take it right off.’

  Tanya did as Miles ordered, her heart hammering now with anticipation of what she might be letting herself in for. Discarding her skirt without removing the high-heeled shoes she looked expectantly at Miles as he savoured her near nakedness. She was trembling a little from nerves and the cool air but she had no intention of admitting to him that she was scared as well as excited at the prospect of getting a shafting from one man whilst two others looked on. She guessed that they in turn might well want a go and the scenario reminded her vaguely about one of her fantasies. She glanced at the locked door and her heart skipped a beat.

  ‘Turn around.’

  She did as instructed. Immediately Miles drew her arms behind her back and broad, soft leather wrist cuffs were fastened around her wrists. Glancing over her shoulder she saw each leather wrist cuff had a bulldog clip fastened to a metal D ring and as her wrists were held close together Miles deftly clipped one to the other.

  ‘Enjoying yourself, Tanya?’ Miles asked.

  ‘Of course, no complaints so far,’ Tanya answered as flippantly as she could. In truth she was already feeling a trifle anxious and found the other two men standing watching more than a little disconcerting but then, she reassured herself, all that was going to happen was that Miles was going to give her a fuck and if he wanted to bind her before he shafted her, she didn’t mind at all, it would only serve to heighten the experience for her.

  ‘What do you want to do Miles?’ she asked, trying to not sound at all nervous but her voice trembled a little and sounded thin and timid in the broad emptiness of the large tiled bathroom.

  Miles caught hold of her with one hand by the chin and pressed a finger against her trembling lips encouraging her to be silent.

  ‘Be quiet darling, there’s a good girl. Now tell me, how does that feel?’

  Miles moved his hand to the swell of her breast, curving his palm over the gossamer veil of lace that just covered her tits.


  ‘Good girl; now keep still.’

  Tanya did as she was told, concentrating on trying to control her breathing as the caress against her breast grew firmer as her nipple was rubbed through the lace until, aching pleasantly it swelled and stiffened, making her wish that Miles would stimulate it even more, so enjoyable was the sensation.

  ‘Cuff her ankles.’

  Tanya opened her eyes even as one of the two men appeared crouched beside where she stood. She watched him slip leather cuffs around her ankles and fasten each one tight. Tanya gazed down, watching mesmerized as the broad leather cuffs were drawn snugly around each of her ankles and buckled firmly closed.

  ‘Okay Tanya, it’s wish fulfilment time.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Tanya stammered, nervous now as she sensed a change in Miles’ tone of voice.

  ‘On your knees baby, there’s a good girl.’

  The men encouraged Tanya to kneel, hands pushing down on her bare shoulders then they pulled her face down onto the tiled floor. The coldness pressed against the bare skin of her legs and her breasts were squeezed under her. All three men were gathered around her now. One of them held a rope.

  ‘Just relax Tanya, we’re going to give you a good time; you want to have a good time don’t you?’

  ‘Sure... and you want me tied up, I should have guessed.’

  Tanya tried to sound flippant but whilst the idea of being tied up was admittedly erotic she was a bit anxious about just what exactly the men had in store for her.

  They bound the rope first around one of her arms above her elbow and then around the other arm. When the rope was pulled taut, Tanya’s arms were drawn close together behind her back, pushing her shoulders forwards and making her grunt in discomfort as the rope was then knotted tightly so that she was left barely able to move her arms at all.

  Craning her head she saw Miles walked across to the big, old enamel bath and opening the taps fully, a cascade of water began pouring into the bath. Only when Miles glanced back and grinned at Tanya did it suddenly dawn on her what his intentions were.

  ‘No way! Let me go!’ Tanya demanded. Her words were all but drowned out by the sound of the water roaring from the old brass pipes and tumbling into the bath.

  ‘Keep her still, it’ll only take a few minutes to fill.’

  ‘Let me go! Please!’

  Her squirming body was kept pinned down against the tiles until the bath was filled, upon a gesture from Miles the two other men pulled her legs together, clipped her ankle cuffs to each other, effectively hobbling her, then dragged her by the ankles across to the bath.

  Galvanised by the sound of running water, Tanya struggled frantically but her efforts were useless. Glancing sideways she saw Miles standing beside the bath, water gushing from its big, old brass taps. He grinned at her triumphantly, testing the temperature of the water before turning off the taps. Even as he silenced the taps though he gestured to
the two men crouched over where Tanya lay tethered and one of them clapped his hand across her mouth.

  ‘I’ll tell you what Tanya, if this session gets too much for you, I’ll allow you to use your safe-word,’ Miles ruffled her hair affectionately and smiled reassuringly at her.

  Tanya swallowed nervously. She knew what they were planning but now her panic was quickly subsiding as she reassured herself that if it got too much she could just shout “chocolate” and the session would be stopped. Knowing that, the idea of what she was about to be subjected to was giddily arousing.

  ‘Alright?’ Miles prompted.

  Tanya nodded affirmatively.

  ‘Right, get her in the bath.’

  Miles gestured to the other men who promptly caught hold of her from both sides and lifting her by her bound arms, she was hauled face up against the side of the bath.

  ‘Promise me if I say “chocolate, you’ll stop?’ Tanya demanded.

  ‘I promise,’ Miles smiled reassuringly.

  The next second hands caught hold of her by her thighs and she was upended, her face and shoulders sliding down into and under the water.

  Tanya just shut her mouth in time as the warm water enveloped her. She kicked and struggled to get her head above the surface, nearly made it then felt a hand against the back of her head forcing her down. She thrashed her head; the pressure from the hand eased and her eyes then nose broke the surface and then her mouth and chin were out of the water. She just managed to take a gasp of air before her head was forced back under the water, warm water rushing down her windpipe, bubbles rising in front of her face. They hadn’t given her enough time to get her breath properly! Thankfully though a hand grasped her hair and quickly hauled her head upwards and air rushed into her lungs.

  Miles was smiling at her, the fingers of his hand meshed in her hair, holding her head just clear of the water. Tanya gazed dazedly at him, her lungs heaving, her whole body trembling with excitement and exhaustion. Her protest was cut short as her head was forced back under the water. Of course, Miles would only stop if she used her safe -word, “chocolate”, she realised. She felt the hand release its grip from her hair and using her tethered legs and arms as best she could, struggled frantically to get her head back above the surface.

  ‘Choc...uuh! ’

  Before she could even get out the word out Miles pushed her head down enough for her to be forced to take in a mouthful of water. Tanya felt his fingers tighten their hold on her hair and her head was quickly lifted up again, air rushed into her mouth, she was coughing uncontrollably and then before she could clear her throat her head was forcibly submerged yet again.

  For how long this treatment was kept up she had no idea. First, she’d be held down under the water until she imagined she couldn’t last any longer and then he’d allow just her nose to break the surface and she’d deliriously pant oxygen before being submersed once again.

  After maybe half a dozen times she was so exhausted and breathless that she gave up struggling. She had to say her safe word, “chocolate”, but each time she was given a little air it was only through her nostrils and her mouth was always kept under the surface of the water. She gazed pitifully up at Miles trying to communicate to him with her eyes that she really had had enough now. The man regarded her calmly, a faint smile on his face then he edged her head back under the water once more. This time Tanya felt too weak to even struggle and sensing her energy was now all spent the men hauled her from the bath and deposited her on the tiled floor.

  Tanya gazed dazedly at Miles who was crouched grinning at her. Her body felt utterly drained of all its strength. Giddily faint, she could do no more than lie weakly panting while Miles, kneeling over her, smiling with satisfaction at her condition. For a moment she was too dazed to even realise that she should blurt out her safe word whilst she had the chance.

  ‘Hush now Tanya, there’s a good girl...’

  A hand caught hold of her chin. Before she could react, a soaking wet face cloth was forced into her mouth. Gurgling in protest, Tanya shook her head ineffectually whilst one man held her head still while Miles fingered the drenched cotton into her mouth. A hand firmly held under her chin to prevent her opening her mouth, a towel was then used to wipe her cheeks dry and before she could try to expel the waterlogged material from her mouth a broad strip of adhesive tape was applied across it and smoothed across her cheeks. Tanya shook her head in distress, tears welling up in her eyes.

  ‘Something the matter sweetie?’

  Tanya gave a gag muffled groan of despair.

  The men all laughed.

  ‘Get the hose from the locker and we’ll get her washed out. Drag her over to the shower, we’ll do her in there.’

  The men caught hold of Tanya by her tethered arms and slid her across the tiles and into a broad shower cubicle. One of the men produced a long length of what looked like garden hose and fastened one end to one of the bath taps. With what effort she could summon, Tanya tried weakly to haul herself away but it was hopeless and a moment later, easily held still by one man, the other used a bar of soap to lather between her bound legs.

  ‘Unclip her ankle cuffs, she’s too exhausted to give you any trouble now.’

  A second later and hands encouraged her legs apart so that the soap could be more efficiently applied into the crevice between the firm globes of her buttocks.

  ‘Now keep still Tanya, there’s a good girl.’

  The cold, firmness of the hose end was abruptly pressed against her anus and before she knew what was happening she felt the hose being forced into her rectum.

  ‘Right, switch on.’

  Tanya shook her head, groaning through the gag as a jet of water was delivered into her rear passage.

  ‘Keep still Tanya... there’s no point in struggling we’re nearly finished.’

  The hose was promptly withdrawn. Hands pinned her still. The soapy sponge was pushed against her anus and then it was being forced inside her. Too exhausted to struggle, Tanya lay passively as she felt the sponge expanding inside her rear. As they then pulled it from her she whimpered plaintively through the gag. Once more the hose was inserted into her rear and switched on. Someone caught hold of her by the hair and pulled her from under the shower just as the hose was removed and the shower switched on.

  Tanya was dragged into the middle of the tiled floor and the three men stood looking down at her. She was too dazed now to move and lay panting through her nostrils breathlessly. She looked up with wide, sorrowful eyes at Miles as he stood over her, leisurely unfastening his trousers.

  ‘Hook her up against the back of the door.’

  Too weak to offer any resistance, Tanya was dragged across to the closed door by which they’d come into the room. There were two large coat hooks fastened to the back of the door. Removing the rope that was bound around her arms and separating the cuffs that bound her wrists, her arms were stretched above her head and drawn out to either side, the men slipping the D-rings fastened to each wrist cuff over the two hooks so that Tanya was left stretched, her nipples grazing the door, her feet just brushing the floor. Naked except for her T-shirt that clung damply against her body, she gazed up at her outstretched arms as the men proceeded to unbuckle her high heels. When her shoes were pulled from her, her bare feet were almost left dangling, her toes barely scraping the tiles below her.

  Tanya looked over her shoulder, her eyes wide with alarm as Miles stroked one hand down her back and then over buttocks. In his other hand she saw a bottle of baby oil, which a moment ago had been amongst the items on a shelf alongside the bath. She shivered nervously as cool droplets were dribbled between the crease of her buttocks and ran in rivulets over the tight crater of her anus.

  ‘Right then darling, I’ve read that secret little diary of yours,’ Miles told her, his mouth close against her cheek, ‘it’s time for you
to get the gang-bang you’ve fantasised about so just relax and enjoy it...’

  Tanya twisted by her outstretched arms as the man’s fingers glided over the oiled skin between her buttocks and his fingertips brushed tantalisingly over the lips of her sex.

  ‘You can manage to service three of us can’t you?’

  Tanya stared wide-eyed at the man, panting hard and unable to respond thanks to the face cloth that filled her mouth. Miles smiled with satisfaction at her helplessness as he stroked her tousled hair clear of her face.

  ‘Now let’s make sure you’re nice and welcoming for us.’

  More droplets of baby oil were dribbled between the crease of her buttocks and Tanya sighed through the gag as Miles began to rub his thumb against her anus.

  ‘Does that feel good? Looking forward to a nice, hard anal shafting are you, Tanya?’

  Tanya shook her head urgently, looking over her shoulder imploringly at the man, her eyes wide with alarm as she suddenly realised what was going to happen to her. The bastards were going take her up the rear, she hadn’t expected this and it was something she’d never experienced before. She whimpered nervously through the gag as hands drew apart the globes of her rear and then the man was massaging the oil into her sphincter until it softened enough for him to push his thumb easily inside her. Tanya shook her head vigorously in protest.

  ‘Come on sweetie, you know you want it.’

  ‘Nnhh!’ Tanya shouted the word “no” but it came out as nothing more than a muffled grunt and Miles just laughed. The other two men stood watching, clearly amused to see Tanya’s anguished expression as she suffered Miles’ thumb forced inside her rear. Squirming as she hung helplessly suspended Tanya could do nothing as Miles eased his thumb from her rectum then pushed it back into her. Repeating the action half a dozen times her anal muscle was softened up enough for him to then penetrate her with two fingers together.

  ‘Nnnhhh...’ Tanya twisted against her outstretched arms, shaking her head and trying to say “no” to what she was being subjected to.

  ‘Good girl...’


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