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Tanya's Torment

Page 12

by Tessa Valmur

  Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Tanya sat up and looked around her and then she saw that she was not alone. Stood over the table of equipment just a short distance away from her were three men and a young woman all of whom she recognised. The men, seeing she was now awake, said something to each other in a language that Tanya didn’t understand but guessed was Spanish. They were young, lean and well muscled with tanned olive skin and dark hair. Had Tanya encountered the men at a nightclub or bar she would have been thrilled to see them now move swiftly towards her, smiling. However, right now, Tanya felt far from confident that she was ready to deal with what was about to be thrown at her.

  These guys had spent more than their share of time during the last fortnight enjoying her body and whilst many of the crew were content simply to give Tanya a good shafting these lads enjoyed tormenting her as much as she could cope with. The girl had joined them for several sessions and though she’d skilfully masturbated Tanya repeatedly making her climax she’d also subjected her to some moments of torment that had made the tears roll down Tanya’s cheeks.

  ‘What a minute guys... I feel a bit dizzy, sorry...’

  ‘It’sa no problem, you just stay there.’

  Even as they spoke to her, one man dropping to his knees on the bed beside her, Tanya felt a strong hand snatch hold of her wrist and draw her arm behind her back.

  ‘Please...not yet...’

  Ignoring her protest the men pushed her face down onto the black vinyl and both her arms were pinned behind her back and a pair of leather wrist cuffs fastened upon her, leaving her hands trapped together at the small of her back. The two young men then discarded their work overalls and leisurely stripped off until they stood over Tanya, both quite naked and each displaying a rock solid erection as they looked down at her.

  ‘Pretty girl... what’s your name?’

  Until now the men had not spoken a word of English and they hadn’t spoken to Tanya throughout the days that they’d frequented the games room. One of the men knelt beside her and stroked his hand down her bare back.


  ‘Okay Tanya, my name’s Antonio, you can call me Tony. You pretty girl, very pretty...’

  ‘Thank you, Tony,’ Tanya answered, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt.

  The young man smiled sympathetically and gestured to one of his friends who went back over to the table and returned with two more leather cuffs.

  ‘Very sexy clothes, you feeling sexy yes?’

  Without waiting for an answer the man’s fingers slipped under the waistband of the lacy white briefs Tanya had found herself wearing and a second later they were dragged down her legs and discarded. Tanya felt the cool suppleness of soft leather being wrapped around her right ankle and then the binding was pulled tight and buckled snugly against her skin. Her second ankle was likewise bound, the cuffs around her wrists were then separated from each other and Tanya was made to lie on her back.

  ‘Now pull your legs up Tanya, there’s a good girl.’

  Encouraged by the men’s hands Tanya obligingly drew her legs up until her ankles were pressed up against the back of her thighs. She had become almost conditioned over the last couple of weeks to submit to the men’s demands and besides, what was the point of resisting, she was one girl against three men?

  Simultaneously pulling on her wrists the men drew her arms down until her wrists met her ankles and promptly the bulldog clips dangling from the leather wrist cuffs were fastened to the bindings around her ankles, leaving her pinned in position.

  ‘Very good... now you ready for good fuck, yes?’

  Yes, thought Tanya, gazing down at her helpless position, legs pulled up and eased apart, her pussy nicely exposed, the lads had obviously done this a few times, she thought, sighing uncontrollably as Tony eased himself down over her prone body and without any further preamble sank his cock into her pussy, drawing a gasp from Tanya.

  After the leader had satisfied himself they took four slender red ropes from the table of equipment and binding one around her left ankle they drew it down to the left corner of the bed fed it through a canvas loop and pulled it tightly back up to her ankle and bound it several more times around her before knotting it firmly in place. Having then dealt with her other ankle in the same fashion two of the young men settled themselves either side of where Tanya’s head and shoulders rested against the black vinyl.

  ‘Very nice... very firm...’

  As Tony caressed one of Tanya’s breasts with his hands, she gazed sideways at him, sighing in response to his touch.

  ‘Okay baby... you gonna like Tony.’

  Tanya glanced up at the young woman who was stood watching. Her dilated, dark eyes showed her arousal and she smiled when she saw Tanya looking at her. Tanya watched apprehensively as the young man turned away from her for a moment and fastened one end of another of the red ropes to the canvas loop sewn to the top corner of the bed. Pulling the rope taut with one hand he gave an order to his friend who reaching across Tanya’s chest, cupped her breast with both hands and lifted it up into a cone of flesh between his hands. As he did so Tony drew the rope under and around her breast, looping it fully once around her breast before drawing it back to the top corner of the bed and feeding the rope through the canvas loop he drew it taut. Tanya, panting hard, tried to wriggle herself higher up the bed to ease the pressure the rope had applied on her breast but the ropes they’d bound to her ankles prevented her gaining more than a fraction of an inch and the sensation of her breast being bound so cruelly was making her whimper plaintively.

  As the men bound her other breast in a similar fashion, she knew that this was just the beginning of a session as cruel as any she’d been subjected to so far. Gazing down at her breasts, held firmly proud of her chest by the red ropes, she sighed despondently as the men now dangled two long bootlaces before her.

  ‘Oh God... no, please...’ Tanya shook her head, gazing pleadingly at the two men who were now grinning with delight at her expression of discomfort. Whilst one man held each of her tits in turn the other bound one of the bootlaces tightly around the trapped cone of flesh until that part of her breast which was left exposed above the repeated binding swelled out, purple and painfully distended.

  ‘Feels tender, yes? If I touch you like this?’

  ‘Uhhh...please! Hurts!’

  ‘Silly girl, there’s no good with you struggle like that, you not get away. You stay like this long time yet. Now, let’s feel some more...’

  ‘UHH! The cords are too tight, please... loosen them just a little, please!’

  The men ignored her. Gazing up through tear blurred eyes Tanya could see that Tony, now stood looking down at her with a satisfied smile, was hard once more, his thick, circumcised cock, glistening with her pussy juices and the cockhead heavily engorged and seeping a little lubricating fluid from it’s eye-hole as he watched her writhe helplessly.

  ‘Very pretty sight... you have big nipples, you like it if we make you feel good, yes?’

  What Tanya might have wanted was irrelevant and if she thought that her poor breasts had suffered enough tormenting already, she realised with dismay, she was sadly disillusioned.

  ‘No guys... please, don’t...’ Tanya looked wide-eyed with alarm as Tony produced a small black box trailing a couple of slender plastic coated copper wires.

  ‘Okay Tanya, you know this make you feel real Tony.’

  ‘No...please, stop...’

  Tanya writhed helplessly as her right nipple was caught between a thumb and finger and coaxed into a state of full hardness. With her breast tightly bound, the sensation of having her nipple treated in this way was achingly arousing but there was more to come, much more...

  ‘Good girl, nearly ready...look, see looks good, eh?’

  Tanya craned her head forward a
nd watched as Tony wrapped the exposed end of copper wire around her nipple, twisting it snugly tight against her erect teat. Tanya sighed, tossing her head and dragging her arms ineffectually against where they were pinned to her ankles as her other teat was likewise treated.

  She had been subject to this shock treatment for the last two days by some of the other crew but she suspected this time was going to be worse. The first time two men had simply attached the electrodes by means of sticky tape to her breasts and on the second time, the men who’d tried out the device on her whilst they had fastened the wires with clips to her tits, they’d only given her one short sharp shock, which had made her come, crying out so loudly that they didn’t bother with the machine any more after that but contented themselves with stretching her from the ceiling by her bound wrists and shafting her from behind. Now though as Tanya looked anxiously at her nipples bound tight by the fine copper wire, she knew that she was in trouble. Something told her that these men and the girl weren’t acting with the permission of the ship’s Captain. It was the middle of the night and Tanya had never had to work at night.

  ‘You pretty wet, you enjoying this... now we make you really wet. You see.’

  ‘No please... don’t,’ Tanya begged, gazing down at her tightly bound breasts, her nipples aching from the wire wrapped around their delicate flesh.

  The sensation of one of the men stroking her clit was abruptly replaced by a hot, needle sharp sensation shooting from her nipples into her breasts, making Tanya cry out at the sudden intensity of it and though the electric shock lasted but a couple of seconds she was left feeling dazed and breathless.

  ‘Now let’s feel, see you like it, yeah?’

  The man was fingering her pussy once more and Tanya groaned deliriously as he drew his thumb up the crease of her sex, which was slick with arousal.


  Before Tanya had time to recover the man removed his hand from between her tethered legs and another short, sharp shock of electricity was discharged into her tits. The alternating sensations of pleasure and pain were too potent and Tanya knew that she was about to have one hell of an orgasm.

  ‘You gonna come for us now, you see...’

  One of the men stroked Tanya’s tousled, perspiration-drenched blonde hair clear of her anguished face whilst the other man slid two fingers into her sex, drawing a fevered moan from her before withdrawing his hand and then came another short, sharp and all too exquisite shock to her aching tits.

  ‘No! Please... let me go...uhh...’ Tanya sobbed, twisting her arms and legs desperately against the leather cuffs and ropes that held her immobile. A fingertip stroked against her swollen clit then there came another jolt of electricity into her cord bound breasts and the sensation was too much... with a loud cry Tanya came, her orgasm washing over her in waves, making her cry out in sobbing gasps as the exquisite sensation was prolonged and heightened by the men giving her poor breasts several more short shocks as she came.

  Dazed, breathless and still trying to recover from what she’d just been subject to Tanya watched through tearful eyes as the young woman knelt down beside her and examined Tanya’s throbbing breasts. The rope and cord-bound flesh ached agonisingly and her nipples throbbed madly. Panting hard, Tanya turned her head sideways and looked beggingly at the young woman as she stroked the little of Tanya’s tits that remained exposed above the cone of tightly bound cord.

  ‘Please... make them take the cords off... hurts so much...please...’ Tanya begged.

  The young woman fingered one of her breasts, making her gasp and squirm and fresh tears spill down over her already wet cheeks. The young woman tormenting her turned to the ringleader and spoke with him in Spanish and Tanya, though she couldn’t understand what was being said, knew from the man’s tone and cruel smile that he was agreeing to some suggestion that the girl was making.

  Delicately removing the copper wires from Tanya’s still throbbing nipples the girl then stroked between Tanya’s tethered legs and teased her sex with her fingertips. Shaking her head with despair as she guessed what was to happen next Tanya was still unable to prevent a sigh of pleasure escalating into a long moan as the girl skilfully played with her sex, stimulating her until Tanya was trying to buck her hips as she was coaxed closer and closer towards another orgasm.

  ‘Oh, no, please...’

  Smiling as she worked the girl was binding the exposed ends of copper wire to two small steel crocodile clips.

  ‘No, please, I won’t be able to bear it, please don’t.’

  ‘Hush, pretty girl...’

  ‘No! You have to stop! You can’t...’

  The bite of the steel clip upon one of her sex lips was enough to make Tanya beg with her tormentors but when they ignored her pleading and she felt her other sex lip subjected to the same treatment, Tanya shouted at them to stop and struggled frantically to get free from what she knew would happen next.

  ‘Silly girl... you no escape... too bad you no like, we have many, many hours yet to play games with you.’

  ‘Someone help me! Let me go...’

  A firm hand smothered her mouth. Fingers furrowed her tousled hair then twisted, pinning her thrashing head still. Tanya glimpsed another man stood over her a something dangling from a rubber strap in his hand.

  The men were speaking to each other. One bent down beside her on the bed where she was struggling against the ropes that held her. He had another rope in his hands. Tanya shook her head but couldn’t pull free from the hold Tony had on her and his hand remained pressed down against her mouth.

  ‘Okay, let’s see if you like this.’

  The hand covering her mouth was abruptly withdrawn and fingers and a thumb pressed into her cheeks coaxing her jaws open and before Tanya could react a rubber ring had been jammed into her mouth pinning her jaws wide. As she gurgled in protest and tried shaking her head a thick rubber strap was dragged around her cheeks and jerked tight and buckled fast.


  As Tanya shook her head, crying out incoherently through the ring-gag for them to stop, the men calmly took another rope, fed it behind the small of her back, bound it tightly around one of her arms then drew it back behind her and pulled it tight around her other arm and tied it leaving her arms now all the more firmly pinned against her sides. Looking up at the men and the girl and dragging her wrists and ankles ineffectually against the tight ropes, Tanya felt a surge of fear but also a rush of excitement as after all the experiences of the last couple of weeks she realised that she was in store for some even more demanding time at the hands of these people. The piquant bite of the steel clamps on her labia was as tormenting as it was painful and a dark voice in her head was already urging them to flick on the switch that would send a jolt of electricity into her pussy. The thought alone was almost enough to make her come. Panting hard through the gag she looked at the faces around then realised that she’d stopped trying to scream and shout for them to let her go.

  When the first short, sharp shot came it was like a dart that seemed to shoot from her pussy straight to her brain and made her cry out as best the gag allowed. With the second shock Tanya came and as she lay breathless and basking in the after glow of her orgasm, she saw the leader of the gang watching her closely then giving an order to one of the others, the rubber gag was removed, Tanya was left free to speak once more.


  The next shock made her writhe helplessly where she lay tethered but other than crying out at the intensity of what she as being subjected to, Tanya made no protest. She tried to convince herself that this was because she knew they wouldn’t free her but she knew deep down it was because she was now helplessly aroused and deeply enjoying being forced into such a state of helpless submission and then tortured in the way these people were.

  ‘You want more?’

  Tanya turned her head to
see the young woman questioning her. Dreamily she nodded affirmatively. The woman smiled triumphantly and said something to the men. There was a moment’s pause and then Tanya was trying to convulse against the ropes as the searing sensation of the electricity rippled through her naked body.

  ‘Uhhh...God... enough...please...’

  The next shock was more prolonged and seemed too much for Tanya to bear but it had left her pussy throbbing with arousal and very close to coming yet again. Tanya gazed up at the girl, panting hard and whimpering as the ropes bit into her flesh where she struggled so much.

  ‘You had enough?’ the girl questioned.

  ‘Make me come... please...’ gasped Tanya.

  The girl turned to the men and nodded. Two of the men left the bed and turning her head Tanya watched them cross the room to where there was a large box and when she saw what they unpacked she could hardly believe her eyes.

  Tanya hoped that they would subject her to the machine straight away, she was so aroused, she was desperate for gratification but her tormentors had other ideas. The ropes that bound her ankles and wrists were all removed and the men hauled Tanya to her feet and dragged her across the room to the padded cross. Her arms were held outstretched to either side of her and bound with ropes against the padded red vinyl. They didn’t bother to bind her legs but there was still no way that she could have freed herself and although in moving her from bed to cross the ropes and cords had been removed from her breasts, once she was tethered against the cross the young woman examined her aching breasts and satisfied that they could take more punishment she had one of the men hold each tit in turn whilst she bound it with cord.


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