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Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Willa Edwards

  He didn’t go far. No man, no matter how strong, could walk away from the gorgeous picture she created, bent over the bed, her mouth wrapped around Marcos’s long, hard dick, sucking it for all she was worth. Her hair was a wild field of strawberry blonde curls, her entire body flushed a rosy pink. Her nipples, pointed and hard, rubbed against the mattress with her movements.

  Marcos combed his fingers through her hair, his thumbs caressing the side of her face. He flicked his gaze up to Dell for a moment before he looked down at her, almost as if gauging his reaction to the small, intimate touch.

  A deep throb pounded in his chest at the intimacy of Marcos caress. He never would have thought seeing his boyfriend touch someone else would actually make him feel more connected to the man, but in some bizarre way, the shared joy they found with Beth brought them closer together. He was glad to be sharing this moment with Marcos, to be sharing Beth with him.

  Dell ripped the condom wrapper open quickly, sliding the smooth latex down his shaft with as little contact as possible. Already on the edge of losing his control from the fantastic show Marcos and Beth were putting on, one more touch just might send him over that cliff.

  He moved back to her and coasted his palm down her back and over the swell of her ass. He rubbed his dick against the slippery outer lips of her pussy, making her gasp. Sweat dripped down his back.

  “I’ve dreamed of this for so long. I can’t believe it’s really happening.” And he had, whether he’d wanted to admit it or not. He’d always dreamed of Beth. She’d owned a part of his heart since high school, and she’d never truly given it back. First loves never really did.

  In one smooth stroke, he pushed inside her. She moaned and cried as he fought for each breath. Her warm, tight pussy clenched around him, robbing all the air from his lungs. The sweet friction of her cunt pulling on him divested him of any rational thought. All that mattered right now was being inside her, thrusting and fucking until they all came in a cry of pleasure.

  When he was fully seated inside her, Dell let out a deep groan. He skimmed her shoulder with his lips, finding the upper curve of her ear and sucking it into his mouth. “You feel so good, sweetheart. So tight and hot.”

  She shivered against him, her legs shaking, and his chest puffed out with pride. His eyes met Marcos’s and they both smiled, reading the same surrender in her body’s reactions. Nice to know they were having a similarly overwhelming effect on her as she appeared to be having on them.

  Marcos’s grip in her hair tightened, drawing her gaze up to him. “Don’t forget about me, bella.”

  She nodded, a slight shake of her head that would have been unperceivable if he weren’t so attuned to her body at the moment. And then she dove back into Marcos crotch with a gusto that could kill a man. When he smiled, that wide glowing grin he know all too well, Dell couldn’t help but be jealous of the damn bastard.

  Later he would get his chance with her wicked mouth. Tonight they’d all have a chance at their fantasies. This was only just the beginning.

  Dell picked up his pace, each of his drives shoving her deeper into Marcos lap. Marcos moaned, lifting his hips and thrusting against her face in time with Dell’s plunges, pushing himself further into her mouth. Their combined groans propelling them all higher. Her hands fisted in the sheets as she rose up, thrusting her hips back against him, meeting each of his thrusts. Dell clenched his jaw, fighting for control over the fire raging through his body and flaming through his cock.

  She trembled, screaming a moan around Marcos’s cock, her whole body twitching beneath their effects. Dell laughed, his grip tightening. “Do you like that, baby?” he whispered in her ear, slamming into her again, sliding deep inside. Her stilted moan was her only response. He smiled. That was all he’d expected.

  Dell looked up from the beauty to his gorgeous boyfriend. Marcos lay back along the bed, every muscle in his body tense. His arms quivered where he held Beth tight to his groin. His eyes clenched closed in a familiar expression he’d seen many times himself when Marcos’s dick had been down his own throat. His jaw clenched, his eyes squeezed shut, he was only moments from spilling into the gorgeous mouth currently sucking him off.

  “Are you ready?” Dell asked, his own control slipping away quicker with each passing moment.

  Marcos fingers tightened around her face, keeping her head still as he pressed his dick further down her throat with each pass. She moaned, her body quivering beneath the pull of them both. “Fottere, I’ve barely holding on.”

  “Then let go, baby.” Dell thrust into her again, slamming deep. Her mouth opened on a soundless scream.

  Marcos moaned, holding her head still and slamming his dick deep. His body shook as he came, lifting his hips toward her face as he spurted down Beth’s throat. She moaned softly, the movement of her throat swallowing, snapping the last of his control.

  He gritted his teeth, fighting back the orgasm burning down his spine as he continued to drive into her. His balls pulled up tight against his body like hard rocks. Her pussy clutched him tight. He fought for breath as she jerked beneath him.

  He shouted, thrusting three more rapid plunges before releasing, spending himself deep inside her sweet body. Holding on tight as the world tilted around them, he heard her moan combine with his. The convulsing of her cunt around his dick gave evidence of her own climax.

  After a moment, Dell dropped down against her, meeting her slick, sweaty skin with his own. She felt so small and delicate beneath him, her body all soft curves and warmth. He nuzzled into her neck, unable to let her go just yet. He’d move in a minute. Wrapping his arm around Beth, he pulled her close as his heart slowed and his breathing returned to normal.

  Marcos lay down beside them. His hand caressed her face, thumb brushing her cheekbone. “Beautiful,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips as his eyes looked up to Dell’s. He couldn’t agree more.

  Smiling, he snuggled closer to her while Marcos wrapped his arm around her waist. They lay together, in one sweaty, content pile.

  Chapter Four

  Beth pulled a brush through her hair, removing the tangles the rousing round of sex had created. Just beyond the bathroom door she heard the hum of Marcus and Dell’s conversation, and was thankful for the moment of privacy.

  Being with two men had been a fantasy, but she’d never anticipated how much it would affect her. In her fantasies it had been just a physical event, the joy of watching two men together, and the heart-pounding pleasure of her own climax. It was all those things, but so much more. That old schoolgirl love for Dell was starting to creep back in. That pure love she’d never come close to experiencing as an adult.

  But Dell was with Marcos now, who she felt a new kinship with. A sweet man who could be hurt by her emotions. They were adults now. Adults didn’t throw themselves into relationships without thought of the consequences. After all she’d been through with Paul, she knew how hard a great relationship was to find. She wouldn’t be the cause for the destruction of someone else’s.

  “I shouldn’t be thinking about this,” she chastised herself. Beth tightened the sash on her terry cloth robe, pulling the soft fabric closer to her naked body.

  She had no idea if he felt anything toward her, and she shouldn’t worry her one night with them away over something that would never be. This was her chance to experience her fantasy. She’d only get this one night. She should be enjoying it. Not hiding in the bathroom worried about tomorrow. In the morning they’d go their own separate ways with no one hurt. But was that what she wanted?

  A soft knock rapped on the door. “Food’s here.”

  “Be right out.” She threw her hair over her shoulder and gave herself one last look over.

  Turning the knob with a jerk, Beth reentered the hotel room. Both men turned toward her, two large smiles on their faces as she walked across the room. Just the look in their eyes calmed her, washing away her concerns and restarting the flutter in her stomach.

�Hungry, bella?”

  Her stomach rumbled at the enticing smells filling the room, answering their question. The two men laughed.

  “I told you she would be.” Dell elbowed his partner, looking up at her with naughty thoughts shining in his eyes. “She always is after.”

  She smirked at him, joining them at the table, trying to ignore the looks between the two men, both filling out their own white terry cloth robes. Though none of them mentioned it, they’d all silently agreed not to dress again. It would be a waste of time since they planned to get naked again soon.

  “What did you get?” She looked over at the guys’ plates. A half-eaten burger and fries sat in front of Dell, while Marcos gobbled down a bright, fresh Caprese salad.

  Marcos leaned over, pulling the silver dome from the third place setting. For a second Beth thought to protest, but stopped herself. She liked the idea of a man serving her. It had been a long time since any man attempted to do so.

  “Dell insisted you’d want this,” Marcos conditioned.

  She looked down at the plate to find a platter of gooey cheese fries, sprinkled with bacon, sour cream, and salsa. She looked up at Dell, remembering that senior prom night too many years ago. She’d ordered similarly smothered fries in a small diner next to the hotel where they’d made love for the first time, to each other or anyone else.

  She nodded. “It’s perfect.” Her eyes met Dell’s over the food, slightly misty.

  Marcos rolled his eyes, clearly not agreeing with Dell or her. “A beautiful woman shouldn’t eat diner food. She should have food as beautiful and natural as she is.”

  She shook her head. “No, this is fantastic.”

  To the side of the plate of fries sat a glass filled with purple liquid. Bubbles fizzled across the liquid surface, and an overly sugary smell wafted up to her nose.

  Noticing her interest in the drink, Marcos put his fork down, looking over at her with regret. “Dell made me order that for you, too.”

  “You got me gator water?” She smiled up at Dell.

  “What’s gator water?” Marcos glanced between them, one eyebrow cocked.

  “Its Everclear and grape soda. We drank it in high school. Our school mascot was the gator. I don’t know why. You’ll never see one in Vermont. And our school color was purple. So we named the drink gator water.”

  Dell picked up his glass and held the champagne flute high. “Let’s have a toast.” Marcos and Beth raised their own drinks to meet his above the center of the table. “To an amazing night together with an amazing woman.” He smiled toward her, creating a fluttering deep in her stomach.

  “A girl could get used to this kind of flattery.” She giggled, smiling at the two men.

  Marcos winked at her, making the heat in her stomach multiply. “That’s the idea, bella.” His wicked lips kicked up in a smile that could turn any woman inside out. Beth still couldn’t believe it was focused on her.

  “Cheers to that,” Dell called with a smile. Beth replied in turn, as Marcos added in his own, “Salute!” They slammed their glasses together with a resounding clink, and pulled the glasses back to their mouths to take a celebratory swig.

  She took a big gulp of the liquid and almost choked. The bubbles fizzed up her nose, the grain and grape flavor coating her entire mouth, the sickly sweet taste making her gag. Coughing, she put the glass down. “It tasted better in high school.”

  “No, it didn’t. We were just too concerned with getting buzzed to care about the taste.”

  Beth nodded. Back in their high school days, things had been simpler. Saturday nights were about finding a quiet place to make out and getting their hands on any kind of alcohol they could. Everything was more complicated now. Relationships, work. Even fulfilling her fantasy turned out to be more complicated than she’d pictured.

  She coughed again, sputtering a bit, at the remaining taste in her mouth. How had they ever drunk this stuff before?

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Concern vibrated through Dell’s voice. She looked up to find two sets of worried eyes focused on her. She tried to nod. She’d be fine, once she got the grape taste out of her mouth, but as she did so, she coughed again, and neither man believed her.

  “I’ll get you a glass of water.” He jumped up from his seat before she could even argue that she was capable of getting it herself. He ran to the bathroom to get her a glass. Marcos leaned over in his chair, extending his arm around her to rub her back. He stroked her in smooth and soothing circles, truly trying to comfort her, not to arouse her or tantalize her, surprising her just a little.

  When she’d trolled the Fantasies Fulfilled website, she’d been looking for a purely erotic experience. She’d never assumed there’d be such quiet moments of intimacy and affection. Yet now that she had Marcos’s soft caring touch, she couldn’t imagine going without it. Just like she couldn’t imagine fulfilling this fantasy with anyone else.

  “Sorry about this,” she whispered as she sputtered again.

  “Nothing to be sorry about, morosa. We like taking care of you. We want you to be well and wonderful. We have a lot more planned for you tonight.” She shivered at the dark intention behind his words, even as his eyebrows rose just a little, drawing a smile to her lips.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He continued his rubbing, though the coughs had mostly come to an end.

  “Why did you want to do this?” He stared at her a bit confused, so she continued on. “I understand why a single person would want to go on Fantasies Fulfilled and find an encounter, but why would you as a couple? Aren’t you afraid it will hurt your relationship? That I might come between you?”

  Marcos shook his head. “No, bella, I’m not frightened of that. Dell and I both wanted this night. We both wanted you. Sharing the experience could only bring us closer.”

  When she only stared at him, Marcos continued on. “I had a man back in Italy that I loved very much. He was everything I wanted, smart business man, looked great in a suit, and could make me roll with laughter all day long.

  “One day he came to me and said he wanted to try something new, he wanted to explore a fantasy he’d always had of being sandwiched between two men.” Beth nodded, she knew that fantasy very well. “Though I understood his interest, I told him I couldn’t explore this fantasy with him. I was too jealous to ever share him with anyone.

  “He seemed to understand my feelings at first, but the longer we were together, the more my lack of being able to share him created a space between us. It started small at first, but with each passing day, it grew, spreading us farther apart.” Marcos looked out into the room, as if seeing this far away time, his hand never faltering as he continued to rub her back. “When he came to me one day and said he was leaving, I wasn’t surprised, even though I begged him to stay. I told him I’d explore the fantasy he wanted. I’d do anything he needed if he’d just stay.”

  The pain in his voice vibrated through her, right to the core. She understood that feeling. She’d been that way with Dell back when he’d cut her off with barely a word. She’d sent him e-mail after e-mail begging him, promising she’d do whatever he wanted as long as they could be together. She’d never received any response.

  Shaking off the feeling, she reached up and touched Marcos’s cheek, hoping the small touch was as comforting to him as his slow gentle back rub was for her. He smiled at her, a little of the weight gone from his eyes.

  “It was too late by then. The damage was already done. He moved out that day. It wasn’t long after that when I moved to the States and met Dell.

  “He’s one of the best things to happen to me. He brought me back to life when I thought my heart would never be complete again. When he suggested we think about exploring this fantasy, I couldn’t deny him. Being with him was too good to risk. And when we found you on the message boards and I was able to talk to you and see how smart and witty you were, I wanted it, too.”

  He smiled at her, and her insid
es melted. She envied the way he could just accept and understand Dell. She wasn’t sure she’d be all right with sharing her partner if the roles were reversed. But being shared was a whole different ball game.

  Dell walked back triumphantly into the room and deposited the water on the table. She took a long deep gulp. The plastic hotel cup crinkled in her grip, but the clear, cool liquid managed to remove most of the horrible gator water taste. “Thank you,” she whispered, placing the cup back on the table.

  Dell only smiled, not needing any more recognition.

  Marcos walked to a silver bucket filled with ice and an already popped bottle. He poured golden liquid into a flute glass, handing her the glass with excitement. “Here, this is what a beautiful woman deserves.”

  She took a tentative sip. After the horror of the gator water, she wasn’t ready to jump headfirst into any drink. Dry and sinful, the champagne hit all the right taste buds, fizzling along her tongue. “That’s fantastic.”

  “Cuvée Belle Epoque Rosé, one of my favorites.”

  Beth swallowed her next sip in shock. She’d met few men who knew enough about champagne to have a favorite. But she didn’t know many gay men that wanted to spend the night with a woman, so maybe she shouldn’t be surprised Marcos was different. He appeared to be different in so many ways that she thanked god for.

  “It’s my business to know the best.” He smiled up at her, reading the question in her eyes. “I’m a wine importer.”

  “That’s how we met.” Dell wrapped his hand around Marcos’s neck, giving him a light squeeze. Her stomach sank at the intimate caress, jealousy zipping through her system.

  “One of my clients was interested in investing in a vineyard but wanted to try the product before he bought. A friend hooked me up with Marcos, and the rest is history.”

  Beth nodded, pulling three fries covered with cheese, sour cream, and tomatoes from the plate and popping them into her mouth. She bit back a moan as she chewed, the creamy cheese, salty fries, and sweet-spicy tomatoes. Heaven on her tongue.


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