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Enslaving the Princess (Mind Control Breeding)

Page 2

by Nadia Nightside

  “The imposter King, Master?”

  He smiled. “That's right, pet. You tell the guards it's from Dell, the herbalist. For the King's cough.”

  “This will cure the King's cough?”

  Master smiled. “It will seem to make the symptoms subside, for about six hours. And then all of a sudden, he will not be able to stop. He should die within the week. Do you have a problem with that?”

  She shook her head. Of course not. The imposter had to be punished. Master had to assume his proper position. And Princess Mariana should serve him as the Queen.

  All of these things made such perfect sense. She was so lucky Victor explained them to her.

  Mariana, finally, was back in her quarters. She loved her Royal Tower—its enormous chain of bedrooms, the voluminous bath that was the size of some common people's houses, the enormous outdoor garden that had its flowers changed out three times a day. The size of it, the opulence, the wealth dripping off the walls—these were all just reminders to her that she absolutely deserved her exalted position.

  The numerous mirrors she had positioned on every wall were similar reminders. The multitude of her reflections were, of course, each fabulously stunning. Be it her thick mane of gorgeous golden blond hair, her vibrant emerald green eyes, her sensationally trim form with such perfectly shaped breasts, her exquisitely long legs, or even her face—so perfectly angelic and haughty, ideal for her station—all of these were just reminders that she deserved her place at the top.

  Furthermore, they were reminders that, if she was not one of the Seven Divines in human form (as she was so justifiably starting to believe as she grew in beauty each day), she was at the very least chosen by them to be their prophet of beauty and power to the Kingdom of Elysia.

  As Mariana went, so went the Kingdom of Elysia. The Princess had heard the saying. It was quite a lot to live up to, but she felt more than up to the task. Tomorrow, she would be coronated as Queen with the ceremony on the Ten Thousand Steps, and the belief in her as the divine ruler of the country would be solidified ever more.

  Her outfit certainly wasn't doing anything to disprove that belief. Today, she had on a rich crimson gown trimmed with golden chain. Her delightful breasts were on full display by the cut of the dress. Long, wide slits in the fabric started at her hips and ran the length of her scorching hot legs. Tall stiletto heels decorated her feet, with golden ribbon wrapping upward from the heels on each leg to her thighs. Her ornate crown rested perfectly in her perfectly arranged volume of golden hair, the diamonds there sparkling with every move. Elbow-length gloves, decorated again with golden chain, completed the regal look.

  She was glad to be back in these quarters, alone once more. The morning had been tumultuous, to say the least. There had been an overwhelming amount of evidence to convict that damned herbalist, Dell, for killing the King.

  Mariana had never had much love for her father, and in fact was rather glad to see him go. Just as she knew she deserved her position as Princess, she knew she deserved an even higher one, as the one Queen of the Realm. But still, punishments had to be dealt out. Even if Mariana didn't automatically believe he was guilty—and with his ratty grease-sponging hair and his misshapen face and body, it was hard not to—there were over twenty eyewitnesses that collaborated the story that said he had wanted to kill the king for some time now.

  Still, it was quite odd how all of the witnesses just so happened to be some of the most gorgeous young women in Fairmount Palace. And more than that, over half of them were Mariana's servants. When asked why they hadn't stopped the herbalist on their own, or why they had not alerted the guards, they simply said they never thought he was really serious.

  Mariana—the final decider in these matters, after hearing the prosecution led by Counselor Victor—felt it was a simple decision to make. She could hardly say all those gorgeous maidens were lying, after all, even if she knew firsthand that a great deal of them weren't quite maidens.

  The herbalist denied it all thoroughly, of course. He was quite vehement about his innocence, and seemed rather shocked when he had been assigned to the dungeons for the rest of his life. That wouldn't be much longer, Mariana knew. One could hardly let a killer of kings go on living.

  She sighed. She could really use a lay. Only a month ago, that thought would have never entered her head. She would have never considered calling in one of her handmaidens to skillfully lick her pussy while she looked down and stroked the dear pet's hair, cooing softly in royal tones. But now, it was second nature.

  At times, Mariana found it curious that her sexuality—now that it had finally decided to bloom—was focused so directly on women. Women were gorgeous, of course, delicious little playthings for her to admire and enjoy. But it did not seem the norm.

  In her dreams, sometimes, she was pinned against a wall and fucked mercilessly by a tall man. One wearing a crown. She called him King. His shaft riding into her virgin cunt, throbbing inside her with the pulse of the universe.

  But, every man she came across hardly measured up to those dreams. One of many disappointments to stomach as Princess, and soon, Queen.

  She called out to the servants waiting just outside. “A drink!” she called.

  There was no response.

  Annoyed, she called out again.

  “A drink, I said! One from Camille!”

  The drinks from that particular servant were the only kind that did the job, as of late. Mariana did not know what the delectable brunette put in the beverages. She did not care. She just wanted more of them.

  There was still no response.

  Ready to fly into a rage, Princess Mariana strutted back across the marble floor in her magnificent heels—she had never quite learned to walk without strutting and showing off how gorgeous she was—and opened the door.

  Camille was right behind the door already, holding a goblet full of the milky red liquid. Frilly little green gloves decorated her hands as they held the goblet. The dazzling brunette was smiling warmly, wearing a green silk dress, the fabric entirely sheer. It was impossible not to stare at Camille's bulging pregnant belly, her milk-engorged breasts.

  Camille held the goblet up in a green-gloved hand. “Your refreshment, my Princess.”

  Mariana snatched it from her, taking a sip. The euphoria swept over her instantly. Everything started to feel better.

  “Where are my guards?” asked Mariana. “The other servants?”

  Camille looked around. The usual posting of ten armed guards and a servant for each was nowhere to be found.

  “I believe they moved down the hall,” said Camille. “To give you your privacy on this tiresome day.”

  Mariana had already stopped listening. Tiresome. It was all so tiresome, that was exactly the word. She had no mind to keep track of the movements of servants.

  The gorgeous royal teenager strode back inside her quarters, and found the nearest couch to slide her luxurious body on. She sipped away at her drink, enjoying its thick texture, the constant state of euphoria it spread through her hot body.

  “When did you get so pregnant?” she asked.

  Camille had followed Mariana, sitting at the edge of an adjacent couch. Mariana was resting deep in the pillows, almost flat, and Camille was looking down at her. The long tresses of the brunette's sparkling, soft hair tickled Mariana's face pleasantly. Everything was so pleasant.

  “Oh, not too long ago, Princess. My Sir . . . his seed is so strong. I won't be pregnant for much longer.”

  Mariana giggled. “That doesn't make sense, dearie. I'll have to educate you sometime about how it all works.”

  “I'd love to have you educate me, Princess.”

  Camille placed a hand on her shoulder. Soft, small. It was only inches away from her breast. So daring. So bold.

  “Do you think I'm pretty, Princess?”

  Of course she thought Camille was pretty. What a silly thing to ask. Even though she was enormously pregnant. Maybe even partly because of that. Camil
le was positively glowing. And her breasts, formerly delicious little morsels, had turned into amazing feasts for the eyes. Perhaps for more than just the eyes.

  “Oh yes,” said Mariana.

  “It's just that,” Camille opined. “You've never let me lick you like you have the other girls.”


  Certainly that wasn't true. Mariana took a deep gulp from the goblet. Camille was so very gorgeous, and Mariana had never slept with her? That was akin to blasphemy.

  “Really, Princess. And I understand if you don't think I'm attractive. It's just . . . I would very much like to.”

  Mariana took another deep gulp, the warm euphoria washing over her. What a novel idea, having Camille lick her. What a fun little task for the day. She sat up a bit on the couch, spreading her legs.

  “Why don't you start, then?”

  Camille's face lit up. She had such a gorgeous young smile. “Wonderful! Thank you, Princess!”

  She got into position between Mariana's legs, started to move downward, and then stopped suddenly.

  “I'm sorry,” she said. “My necklace here is getting in the way. Let me move it.”

  She pulled out from her expansive cleavage a shiny, bright crystal. Mariana could not stop staring at it. The crystal shone and shone, pouring out blue light into the expansive quarters.

  “Do you like it?” asked Camille. “Master gave it to me. The same man who impregnated me. He's so very good.”

  “ . . . very good . . .” said Mariana, her eyes caught on the stone.

  “When the crystal is out, you have to watch it. You have to follow it.”

  “Have to watch it. Follow it.” Mariana's voice had gotten very quiet.

  “You know that everything I say is so true. So right.”

  “Everything you say . . . so true. So right.” Mariana giggled, her eyes becoming more and more blank, even as little sparks of blue began to grow larger and larger in her pupils.

  “You trust me,” said Camille.

  “I trust you.”

  Camille, still holding the crystal steady, slid off the Princess's panties. An easy maneuver. Mariana didn't notice at all.

  “Everything I say is sooo right,” Camille said again.

  “Everything you say. Sooo right.”

  Camille slid one pair of gloved fingers around Mariana's pussy, stroking the folds gently.

  “My words are your thoughts.”

  “Your words. My thoughts.”

  The goblet in Mariana's hands lost its battle with balance and tipped clumsily to the floor. The potent concoction spilled everywhere. Its hot smell slid into the overwhelming heat pouring out from the pussies of the two teenage beauties on the couch.

  “Being a Princess is so hard.”

  “Being Princess.” Mariana sighed deeply as Camille's fingers pressed more insistently. “Is so hard.”

  “Being a Queen will be even harder.”

  “Being Queen. So much harder.”

  Camille's fingers were rubbing intently on Mariana's clit, now. It was such a hot little button. Camille loved it—loved everything about Mariana.

  “You belong with a husband.”

  “I belong with husband.”

  “You belong with a King.”

  Mariana nodded helplessly. “Belong. With King.”

  Camille, even though she was the one holding the crystal, was still rather vulnerable to it. So even as she was helpless to do anything but follow her Master's orders and carry out the induction for him, her eyes could not help but lock on to the crystal and reinforce all these beliefs that Master laid out for the Princess. As Camille hypnotized Mariana, Camille hypnotized herself.

  “Touch your tits, Princess. It's good for you to touch your hot tits.”

  “Good to touch my tits.”

  Mariana complied happily, sighing and then moaning as her dainty, gloved fingers adored her nipples.

  “You need a man to tell you what to do.”

  “I need a man . . . tell me to do.”

  “Your mind is just a weak female's mind.”

  “My mind issa weak. Female mind.”

  “Only one man is fit to rule you.”

  “Only one man fit to ruuule me.”

  Camille's gloved fingers were sliding in and out of Mariana's pussy fast now, hard. It was so wet down there. Her thumb still riding over the Princess's royal teen clit. So slick and hot. Her hot little fuckglove getting so primed for a thick, hard cock inside of her.

  “Only one man is fit to rule this realm.”

  “One man. Only. Rule the realm.”

  “You obey this man.”

  “Obey this man.”

  “Counselor Victor is this man.”

  Mariana nodded helplessly. It all made so much sense now that Camille said it.

  “Counselor Victor is man.”

  “Counselor Victor is your Master.”

  “Victor is Master.”

  “You obey Master.”

  “I obey Master.”

  Mariana's voice was clouded with the need to cum. She was sooo close. She just had to keep obeying, keep repeating. That was all sooo good and so was everything else in the world, thanks to her obedience. Camille was so wonderful to teach her like this.

  “You love Master.”

  “Looove Master!”

  “You worship Master.”

  “Worshiipp Masterrr!”

  “Keep saying it. You obey Master. You love Master. You worship Master.”

  Camille slid her face down at last to Mariana's pussy.

  She started licking immediately, relishing the Princess's sweet, royal teen cunt's juices all over her beautiful face. Master had taken so much of her mind, and justifiably so—so much of it was useless and served no purpose to Master's plan—but Camille still had enough of it to recognize that she had wanted Mariana's hot young pussy for the longest time.

  Every single lick, every little nudge of her lips, every hot gasp she breathed into her darling Princess's flesh, was heaven come down to Camille.

  Mariana kept chanting out, obeying happily as Camille licked her.

  “Obey Master. Loove Master. Worshiip Master. Obeeyyyy Masterrr. Loooveee Master. Worrrship Masterrr. Obeeyyy Master. Looove Masterrrrr. Worshiiiiip Masterrrrr.”

  Camille's tongue was so soft, so slick and insistent. Mariana came with a hot chanting scream, thrashing up and down in the couch.

  “WorshIIPP MastERRR. OBEY MASterrr. LOVE Masssterrrr.”

  For a moment there was silence as Mariana's mind tried to grasp what it was, exactly, that was happening. Or, it felt like silence—Mariana kept chanting, though, and there were still tiny schlicking sounds as Camille studiously attended the young Princess's pulsating cunt.

  Camille slid away after a moment, though.

  “Would you like to meet him, Princess? Would you like to meet your new King?”

  The double-doors banged across the quarters. Counselor Victor entered the room, immediately disrobing. Mariana gasped at his sensationally cut musculature, his throbbing pecs and solid brick of abdomen muscles. And his manhood! It was monstrously huge, thick as a bottle and just as long. It would rearrange her entire life just to have him inside of her. She was desperate for such change.

  He was godly. He was certainly her God. She needed to obey him. Love him. Worship him.

  He closed the distance between them shortly, and put a strong hand underneath her chin.

  “Hello there, Princess. I'm sorry I'm a little late. I had to convince my other special girls that fucking guards to distract them wasn't betraying my trust.”

  Mariana giggled helplessly. He was saying so many things at once. It was hard to focus on them all. She just nodded, agreeing happily. “Yes, Master.”

  His smile broadened. Mariana felt her cunt do backflips just from that small gesture. He pushed Camille to the floor, where she landed with a little happy giggle. Her face was smeared with Mariana's juices. That was so hot. This was all so hot. Mar
iana pulled at Master, guiding him downward.

  “Please, Master,” she moaned. “Please, fuck me like I deserve. Fuck your Princess like no one else can.”

  He said nothing, just smiling intensely. His cock was so monstrously hard. Her cunt was slick, perfectly lubricated thanks to Camille's efforts. He entered inside of her with complete ease. Every throbbing inch of him pushing aside her maidenhood like it was nothing at all. She barely felt the pain—pleasure was the name of the day as his cockmeat filled her gentle teen pussy more and more.

  His massive size dominated her entire mind—there was no other thought that could possibly penetrate her skull when he was penetrating her so thoroughly. Completely, that was the word. She was complete, now, with him inside of her. It was so wonderful, so perfect, that her very first man was actually her God, was her husband-to-be, was her supreme King.

  And then. Then he started to fuck her properly. The enormous size pumping in and out of her tiny cunt. The meat so completely dominant, so large and veiny and diamond-hard. He ruled her, totally. She squeezed her tight snatch as best she could, hoping her soft warm wetness was so nice for him. There was nothing she wanted more than to possess the hottest, wettest, tightest place in the world for his wonderful cock.

  She was so happy, serving underneath him. This was her true place, her true role. Princesses were made to serve Kings like him. He slapped her lightly on one cheek, and then the other, his hands moving downward to paw artlessly at her enormous breasts. She smiled at him, licking her lips.

  Camille was on the ground next to them, fingering her pussy, cumming again and again from the sight of these two individuals fucking each other so hard. Her hair had become a tangled, sweaty mass around her pregnant body, wrapping around her tits and ass in a loving coil. Her dress was all disheveled, hanging loosely off of her swelling breasts.

  “My Royal Slave,” grunted Master, as he fucked Mariana even harder.

  “Your Royal Slave!”

  He pumped harder and harder at Mariana's affirmation. His thumbs running over her big nipples.

  “You are my PrincessFuckToy.”


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