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Distraction: An underground kings novel

Page 22

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  “Jesus,” I whisper, closing my eyes and dropping my forehead to rest against hers.

  “I hope that’s a good ‘Jesus,’” she whispers back, and my eyes open to meet hers.

  “Never been happier, baby. I swear, I think you give me happy, and then you top that shit with something else every fucking time,” I tell her, and a loud sob tears up her throat as she drops her forehead to my chest and wraps her arms tight around me. Holding her to me, I rest my cheek on the top of her head.

  “We need to call your mom and Aunt Viv.”

  Chuckling, I pull her head from my chest so I can see her eyes and shake my head. “We’re not calling my mom, or anyone else for that matter.”

  “But she’ll be so excited.” She pouts, and I lean in, kissing her softly.

  “She’ll still be excited when you tell her later,” I mutter as I turn her, lifting her onto the counter.

  “But I want to tell her now.”

  “Sorry, baby, we’re celebrating. Then you’re gonna be too tired to call her, so like I said, that call’s going to have to wait,” I inform her, pushing her knees apart as I tweak her nipple, hearing her gasp. Gripping the back of her head with one hand, I thrust my tongue into her mouth, while my other hand leaves her breast, slides up her inner thigh, and my fingers roll over her clit.

  “I’ll call them tomorrow,” she agrees, wrapping her legs around my hips as her head tips back so I can take her mouth again. Lifting her off the counter, I carry her to the bed. Planting her on the mattress, I end our kiss and make my way down her body, stopping along the way to kiss each nipple and her lower stomach, settling myself between her legs.

  Swiping my tongue up her center, her thighs tighten around my head and the heels of her feet press into my back, lifting her higher into my mouth. I drink down her first orgasm and settle myself between her folds for her second, where I release my own deep inside her.



  “IS HE ASLEEP?” Myla asks, walking into Maxim’s room wearing her nightgown, her wet hair down around her shoulders.

  “He is. How are you feeling?” I ask, pushing my fingers through her hair, tilting her head back.

  “Good.” She smiles softly, running her hands up my chest.

  “How’s my daughter?” I ask, sliding my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me while travelling them down to cup her bottom.

  “We could be having another boy,” she murmurs smiling softly.

  “But we’re not,” I say, nuzzling her neck while bending her back as I slide my hands down the back of her thighs, lifting her up.

  Wrapping her legs around my waist, her hands move from my shoulders to grip around the back of my neck as her mouth trails lazily up the side, ending at my ear, where her warm breath whispers, “I need you inside of me.”

  Pressing her to the wall in the hallway, I push her panties to the side and flick her clit. “Are you going to feed me?” I ask on a rumble, feeling her wetness soak my fingers as I push two inside her, rubbing her G-spot.

  “I’ll do whatever you want,” she breathes, riding my hand as her heels dig into the back of my thighs.

  “I like that answer.” I lick over her mouth then bite down on her bottom lip. Pulling her away from the wall, I walk to our bedroom, kicking the door closed behind us. Once I carry my wife to the bed, I take my time, giving her everything before taking even more.

  WALKING DOWN THE beach toward Myla and Maxim, I smile as I listen to my wife’s laughter and my son’s giggle as the waves crash into them, sitting in the sand near the shore.

  “Come on, Daddy.” Myla smiles, turning her head toward me as I close the distance between us. Settling myself behind her, I grin when Maxim splashes his hand in the water and babbles.

  “Are you happy, Makamae?” I ask, pressing my lips against her neck. Her hand comes up to wrap around the side of my head as her own turns to catch my eyes.

  “This is my happiness, Kai—this moment, and a million others just like it that you’ve given me.”

  Looking into her beautiful eyes, I know she’s right, and now, the rest of our days will be spent just like this.



  A year and a whole lot of happiness later

  SMELLING BACON, MY stomach growls and I try to fight it. I really do, but this baby has a mind of its own, and I swear it only wants meat. Sitting up in bed, I push my hair out of my face, place my hand over my large, round stomach, and ask, “Why couldn’t you like tofu?” like he understands me. I feel a sharp kick right to my bladder, and I pull in a deep breath.

  I didn’t even have to take a pregnancy test to know I was pregnant. One day, I woke up and the thought of tofu made me queasy, while the idea of a hamburger made me salivate. That morning, I told Sven I was pregnant. He told me I was crazy. We had only been trying to conceive for a month, and even if I was pregnant, I wasn’t far enough along to come up positive with a test. A week after my food cravings didn’t diminish, I went and bought a test. It was still a week until my period was due, but I took the test anyway, and it came up with two pink lines—one slightly darker than the other, proving I was right.

  Awkwardly rolling out of bed, I put my feet to the floor and push myself off the mattress then waddle to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and taking care of business as quickly as a nine-months pregnant woman can. Pulling my robe from the back of the door, I slip it on and tie the waist then move out of the room.

  Sven got his wish and we moved to Tennessee a month after all the drama went down. It didn’t take me long at all to fall in the love with the town he called home, or the people he considered his family. When we moved to town, we stayed in Susan and James Mayson’s house while our home was built.

  Our plan hadn’t been to stay with them. We planned to rent a house for a few months, but after Susan heard this news, she went all mom-mode on Sven and me, and insisted we stay with her and James, that they had plenty of room. I obviously tried to convince them otherwise, not wanting to be an inconvenience, but I learned quickly that when Susan wanted something, she got it, and she wanted us to stay with them.

  I never knew people like the Maysons existed before. People who are good through and through, people who would do anything for those they consider family, and Sven and I were just that to them. Mayson Construction built our home, and most days, Sven could be found helping the men he considered brothers with the job of building our house. It made it that much more special when it was complete, and he knew his hard work went into the place our kids would grow up.

  Walking down the long hall from our bedroom, past Sven’s office, I head through the great room, with its floor to ceiling windows and view of the large pond in the backyard, and into the big open kitchen where Sven is standing shirtless in front of the stove with the phone to his ear.

  Spotting me, he grins then mutters, “I gotta go Ace.” And he drops the phone to the counter. Ace bought the club from Sven and funny enough he and Eva got together; I don’t know how it happened, but she turned him into a one-woman man.

  “Was wondering how long it would take you to get here,” Sven says, using a fork to scoop out bacon from the frying pan onto a plate covered with a paper towel.

  “You know it’s not actually me who likes bacon—it’s your son—right?” I ask, moving around the long counter and stealing a slice of crispy bacon from the plate.

  “I’m glad my boy likes meat,” Sven mutters, wrapping his hand around the side of my neck, leaning in, kissing my mouth, whispering, “Morning,” and then dropping his hands to my stomach and bending down.

  “I say we make a no-tofu rule for the house. What do you say?” he asks my belly, and our son kicks hard at the sound of his dad’s voice. “I’m taking that as a yes.” He smiles, looking up at me.

  “I’m eating tofu. I’m only not eating tofu right now, because he makes me sick every time I try,” I tell him, something he already knows.

  “Whatever you sa

y, baby.” He grins as I reach for another piece of bacon. “You excited to see Morgan?”

  “Yes, but I think she’s just coming so she can decorate and hog Maddox when he gets here.”

  “She’s gonna have to fight me for my boy.”

  I know he’s telling the truth, as his eyes light with a fire that’s only there when he talks about his family, especially his son. He’s excited to be a dad, and I have no doubt he will be hands-on. I honestly think I’ll have a hard time getting our kid away from him.

  “I really can’t wait to see my mom and dad,” I tell him quietly as he rubs my tummy. My relationship with my parents changed drastically. They are no longer absent, but fully involved in not only my life, but also my sister’s. They even bought a small RV so they can travel to Tennessee to visit Sven and me, and to Colorado, where Morgan now lives with her fiancé.

  After Morgan got out of rehab, she stayed with my parents for a few months then took a job in Colorado at a rehab facility for troubled youth. The owner of the facility, Greg, took one look at my sister and fell in love—as he puts it. They’re happy, and best of all, my sister is doing amazing in her recovery, and I really believe her helping young kids find the right path has been good for her.

  “What time are they arriving?” he asks, kissing my forehead before moving away to the fridge.

  “I think tomorrow sometime, but if Dad has his way, it could be late tonight,” I tell him, and he looks over his shoulder and grins.

  “I’m guessing your mom is still on her ‘Kama Sutra across the US’ kick?” he asks, coming out of the fridge with eggs and a block of cheese.

  “It’s so weird,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  “She’s got a lot of followers.” He smiles, setting the carton of eggs on the counter. He isn’t wrong; my mom started a few social media pages and has close to forty thousand followers. When she and my dad travel, they stop along the way, and my mom teaches classes on the Kama Sutra, though she still hasn’t talked Sven into taking one. She tries every time we see her.

  “It’s still weird,” I repeat, listening to him laugh.

  “I still have the book she gave me on her last visit. I think we should try out a few of the positions.”

  “This is kind of in the way,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around my large belly.

  “I’m sure there’s something in there we could try.” He grins, and I feel the place between my legs tingle at the thought. One thing for sure—the heat between us hasn’t died down, not even a little bit, and I have no doubt it never will.


  “QUIET, LITTLE MAN. Momma’s sleeping,” I hear Sven whisper, and I keep my position in the bed but open my eyes and watch him pick up Maddox from his bassinet and carry him out of the room. Sitting up, I slip out of bed and head down the hall, making sure to stay quiet as I follow behind them. Standing in the doorway of the living room, I watch as Sven walks to the kitchen to make a bottle then walks to stand in the middle of the room with Maddox in his arms, swaying him from side-to-side as he feeds him.

  Biting my lip to keep from crying, I listen as Sven tells our son the story of how we met then smile when he adds that he thought I was crazy. I have no regrets. Looking back at every single moment, the bad ones included, I have no regrets about any of it, because I know the foundation we built when we became an ‘us’ is solid; nothing will ever break us.

  Moving back to the bedroom, I stop in the hall and look at one of the pictures I had framed right after Maddox was born. Sven is standing with his parents, his mom next to his father, both looking happy and smiling at their grandson. His mom will never be normal, but looking at them as a family, I know Sven needed that connection, and even more so, I know his parents needed it, and I’m just glad they all have it now.

  Moving down the hall, I get back into bed and pull the blanket up over my shoulder, and I try to fight it, but I fall asleep.



  “SHIT, MAGS.” I run my fingers through the hair on either side of her head while her hand works in sync with her mouth, taking me down her throat. “Fuck, come here,” I growl, but she shakes her head with my cock still in her mouth. “Now,” I demand, raising my hips off the bed as she takes me deeper, pushing me closer to the edge. Putting my hands under her armpits, I jerk her away from my cock, flip her to her back, push her legs apart, and then slam inside her. “I come inside of you, not in your mouth,” I remind her, moving my thumb to her clit and rolling my finger over it.

  “Yes, inside of me,” she whimpers, wrapping her legs around my back.

  “You’re so wet, baby. Jesus, you love sucking me off, don’t you?” I ask, rolling her clit faster.

  “Yes,” she hisses, and my mouth travels down her neck, nipping the skin as I go, ending on her breast. Her nails dig into my back and I pull her nipple into my mouth, biting down on the tip and feeling the walls of her pussy contract around me. “Sven!” she cries, and I lift my head to watch her come apart under me as I thrust faster, her orgasm pulling mine from me.

  Planting myself against her cervix, I cover her mouth with mine and groan down her throat as I lose myself deep inside her. Feeling her limbs wrap around me, I pull my head back and run my fingers through her hair then roll us, settling her against me while I attempt to catch my breath.

  “I love you,” she murmurs, kissing my chest, and I tilt my head down toward her and give her a squeeze.

  “Love you too, baby,” I tell her, dragging the blanket up over us as she presses her face into my chest and tucks her hands between us. Hearing her breathing even out, I know she’s asleep. Kissing her forehead, I pull her closer still.

  Looking at the TV monitor next to the bed, I watch my son’s chest rise and fall steadily for a moment, and then rest my chin on the top of my wife’s head, close my eyes, and fall asleep knowing I’m living the impossible dream.


  Justin and Aubrey


  HEARING THE RATTLE of an old car and the sound of squeaky breaks, I get up from my couch and go to the window and pull back the curtain, just enough to see outside without drawing attention to myself. It’s dark but the light from the street lamp in the parking lot has cast a glow on the car beneath it. The rusty beat-up powder blue Buick needed to go to the junkyard a few years ago. The bumper is hanging on by ropes someone tied around it and the trunk. The back right taillight is covered in red tape, and I know from seeing the car in daylight that there is more rust on it than there is paint.

  The driver’s side door opens and my heart pounds against my rib cage, the same thing it does every time I see her.

  Watching her get out of the car, I grin as she closes the door only to have it swing open again. Taking a step back, she kicks the door with so much force that the car rocks from side to side. I’m sure she just added another dent to the car, not that anyone will notice or that it will matter.

  Blowing a piece of her long blonde hair out of her face, I watch it flutter in the light as she leans her head back to rest her hands on her round stomach.

  She must be at least seven months pregnant if not more. Then again, I could be wrong. Her small size makes her stomach look huge. I would guess she’s around five one. She has a slim body except for her breasts, which are about a handful and her stomach, which looks like a basketball tucked under her shirt.

  Watching her walk toward the building with her face free of makeup and her long blonde hair pulled over one shoulder and her simple jeans and tee, I wonder how the fuck she came to live with Shelly. She doesn’t look like Shelly’s friends, who I know because every time Shelly has a party, which is most nights, her friends and whatever men they pick up are usually outside standing around the front of the building smoking and drinking. Shelly wears too much makeup and not enough clothes, and her friends are the same. Then there’s her. She doesn’t fit, which makes her more interesting.

  As she gets closer, I notice the dark circles under her eyes and the
exhaustion in her features. Every time I see her, she’s either coming from work or going to work. Okay, I should say every time I spy on her, since I’ve never actually spoken to her and she has no idea I even exist. She pauses right outside her door and her head drops. Even though she’s in profile, I can see the annoyance and deflation on her face. As she opens the door, loud music streams outside and a room full of people can be seen inside.

  I’m sure her roommate isn’t helping her level of exhaustion. The urge to protect her—to do something—has me moving to my computer.

  Twenty minutes later, I go to the window and watch a group of ten people along with Shelly leave the apartment across from mine. Smiling, I go to the couch to sit down, put on my headphones, and start up Call of Duty.

  Chapter 1

  HEADING FOR MY Rover, I look to the left when I hear, “You stupid piece of crap, open now.” Then I watch my neighbor pull and tug on her car door, trying to get it open as she yells at it.

  “Need some help?” Startled, she jumps back. Her eyes get big and her cheeks turn a shade of dusty rose.

  “Um…no…no, I got it,” she says putting one foot on the door and pulling harder than she was before.

  “Let me help,” I tell her gently, ignoring her protest as I move her out of the way, then pull on the door expecting it to open for me. But then I feel like an ass when it doesn’t budge. When I pull it again, still nothing. How fucking hard did she kick it shut last night? “It’s stuck,” I mutter, and then hear giggling coming from her that rings through my ears and brings my dick to life. Turning to look at her, I pull in a swift breath. I knew she was going to be beautiful up close, but I didn’t realize how fucking gorgeous she would be. Her blonde hair is up in some kind of bun on top of her head, drawing attention to her big blue eyes, soft feminine face, and totally fucking kissable lips.


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