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Megan's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 1)

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by Pixie Moon


  Dagrinian Love 1


  Copyright Information

  Megan’s Alien

  Dagrinian Love 1

  Copyright © 2015 by Pixie Moon

  First Publication: June 2015

  Cover design by Pixie Moon

  All art and logo copyright © 2015

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  To my husband and children for all their crazy support. Love you guys!

  A shout-out goes to Kara, Jesse and Alexander for their helpful input!

  And to all the people who love a juicy alien story—I’m with ya!

  Table of Contents:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Blurb: Megan’s Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 1)

  Year 5005

  ~ Megan Blaker ~

  Earth is no longer my home.

  I’ve just been given to a new alien. He’s the third one in two days. This purple skinned alien isn’t as dangerous and scary looking as the others and he smells delicious. I have to fight my strange attraction to him because I know looks can be deceiving. As his scent surrounds me, I feel safe, but should I?

  His power of drawing me in is surprising. The heat he’s causing to course through me makes me want to mate him. I don’t understand my feelings for him. Fear of the unknown has me longing to rewind time and not be kidnapped by aliens. I look up into his diamond shaped blue irises and see kindness. My heart lurches as hope and passion flare within me.

  ~Hilam Braknee ~

  I’m not looking for a female. Not even a cute one. My work comes first. That’s why I’m surprised when I’m inexplicably drawn to the little human my brother brought to me. Something in her pretty eyes intrigues me. She needs a bath, some healing, and a good meal. After all of her needs have been met, I’ll decide what to do with my distracting gift.

  My brain says she should be set free. My heart wants to keep her safe and sound. My body wants to mate her. The only logical thing to do is keep her for a few days and see which of my desires wins.

  MEGAN’S ALIEN: A Scifi Romance

  Dagrinian Love 1

  Pixie Moon



  ~ Megan Blaker ~


  Year 5005

  Pain viciously welcomes me back to consciousness.

  My side and arm hurt like hell, plus there’s a dull ache in my chest.

  I’m moving.

  Why am I moving? If my feet aren’t taking steps I shouldn’t be going anywhere.

  All I want to do is stop the motion and the pain. I want to curl up on my pallet and sleep this misery away. Where is my soft pallet?

  The pain in my arm gets steadily worse. It jars me totally back to reality. A reality I don’t want to face.

  I’m not on Earth anymore. I haven’t been for a couple of days.

  Looking up, I see that I’m being dragged through the dirt by a spotted creature. I start struggling. I have to get away. The being tightens its grip on my arm and makes a spooky noise. It turns its large head and stares at me with three hard eyes. Its big mouth opens and it makes an even scarier sound than before.

  I freak out and try to get up. The being never stops dragging me. I can’t get up if it won’t stop or at least slow the hell down. My knee hits something sharp causing me to cry out. The creature dragging me doesn’t miss a step.

  I look around and see many strange beings milling around. Some are watching me with mild interest but most are ignoring me and my captor.

  When a fresh wave of pain shoots through my arm I cry out and then start begging. “Please stop so I can get up.” When the alien doesn’t stop, I call out, “I won’t hurt you, just please stop.”

  The scary beast keeps on moving as though I haven’t said a word. Who is this beast and how the hell did he get me? Patches of newer memories start coming back to me at an alarming rate. They are blending with older memories.

  I was asleep when I was taken from Earth and woke up in a cage. Two other women were taken as well. Hallie Mead and Gayle Balwin. Where are the other two women? I look around as best I can.

  Panic rises in me when all I see is a sea of alien legs. Some with fins, others with thick scales. Long and short. Spotted and solid. The strangest is a three-legged creature with double joints. No human legs, no human legs. I’m alone!

  If I can escape my captor where can I go? Who can I ask for help? My heart sinks when I recall the lizard-men that took me and the others from Earth. They were awful and they didn’t speak English.

  I consider hitting my captor and running. The last time I freaked out and hit my captor I was shot with some sort of stun gun that knocked me out. With no weapon, I’m defenseless.

  Now I’m with a new captor being dragged around like trash. I cry out when I’m dragged over a rock. Once again I try to get up. The bastard dragging me won’t slow down enough to let me stand and follow him. He is merciless. The other beings around don’t care at all.

  My heart becomes heavy. Almost too heavy to bear.

  I’m not on Earth anymore and that scares the crap out of me. What is going to happen to me? Will I live to see another day? By the end of the day will I even want to see another day? A shudder rocks my whole body as doubt and fear crush my world and fuck with my mind.

  With each step the alien takes the crowd thins. Once again, I try to get to my feet but my body isn’t working at top notch yet. That damn gun did a number on me. Starvation is wearing me down as well. At this moment my life sucks.

  When my captor suddenly stops, I scramble to my feet. I wobble a little, but I don’t fall down. I brush dirty strands of hair out of my face and look around. We are standing near a spacecraft that is in a row of many spacecrafts. My captor snarls causing me to look at him. The horrible sound has me longing to step away from him and his overly tight grip.

  A rough voice responds. I look up at the alien my captor is talking to. I gasp when I see how handsome he is. Pearl eyes that have a blue diamond shape in the center glare down at me. My captor makes a few more loud gruff noises. The light purple skinned male’s unique eyes soften for a moment and then harden as his gaze cuts back to the ugly spotted creature tightly clutching my arm.

  Fear snakes down my spine as I watch the aliens communicate in a rough guttural language. I really wish I knew what they were saying. Do the pretty purple aliens eat humans? I don’t want to be anyone’s meal. I shouldn’t be here. Life’s not fair.

  The pretty alien huffs a few times and then the two start talking again. After what feels like an eternity, my captor pushes me forward but doesn’t let go of me. The purple being wrinkles his nose as his intriguing eyes study me.

  Fire blazes across my cheeks. I know I stink and now that I’ve been dragged through alien soil I have to look terrible. My whole body aches and to my horror I feel t
ears welling in my eyes. I blink the tears away and raise my chin to cover my fear and pain.

  The creature that is rudely holding me out to the purple male snarls a last time and then gives me a last push. The three-eyed spotted beast stalks off as I stumble on weak legs.

  The new pretty-eyed alien reaches out and steadies me. I briefly think about fighting him and running off but then I get a good whiff of him. He smells real good. Better than anything I’ve ever smelled. He smirks and starts guiding me onto his spacecraft.

  I panic a little and quickly look into the crowd that is close by. I have to find my cage-mates, Hallie and Gayle. My chest hurts when I don’t see either of them in the mix of strange beings. I really want to know what happened to Hallie. She was nice. Gayle was a bitch so I really don’t care what happened to her.

  Silver walls cut off my view of the spooky beings. I look around and notice that I’m being led down a clean silver corridor. The sound of the door shutting has me jumping and looking back.

  What is going to happen to me now? This alien is the third one to have me in his possession. I shudder as I think about the lizard-men that took me from Earth. They were a nasty mean lot and their spacecraft had been filthy.

  I don’t know much about the scary three-eyed alien who brought me to this pretty purple skinned alien. From my second captor’s actions and the spooky sounds he made I’m sure I don’t want to know anything about him.

  The cleanliness of this craft is impressive. Do clean aliens probe humans? Do they eat humans? Am I being taken to lab or a kitchen? My heart feels as though it is going to explode at any second. I can’t take much more of this. I really hope my death is quick and as pain-free as possible. Maybe clean aliens are nicer killers.

  Fingers wrapping around my wrist have me jumping and then stopping. I look at the light purple hand holding my wrist. It has six fingers. Six! My heart races as my longing to go home hits a new high.

  My newest captor pounds on a door. I bite my lips as I wonder who is on the other side of this silver door. Is it a curious scientist or a chef? My nerves tingle painfully as I wait to see what’s going to happen next.

  When nobody answers the door, my captor pounds on it again. A moment later I hear footfalls coming our way. The door whooshes open to reveal a fiercely scowling male. The anger in his blue diamond shaped eyes has me taking a step back.

  Tears once again well in my eyes. I want to go home. I desperately want to fight my way back to Earth—back to familiar territory. The ache in my chest and pain in my arm and shoulder are strong reminders of my last attempt to fight for my freedom. These alien fuckers don’t play around.



  ~ Hilam Braknee ~


  “What, Riflan? I’m in the middle of something.” I stare my brother down hoping he’ll get the message. He usually doesn’t but I can’t stop myself from trying. It’s a flaw I have and one I can’t seem to overcome.

  My gaze drifts to the being next to Riflan. The female is filthy and stinks but under the stench I smell a hint of something wonderful. Heat swirls around in my belly. I shake it off. I don’t have time for this. Pressing my lips together, I wait for my brother to explain why he’s here bothering me.

  Riflan’s gaze flits to the female and then back to me. “She’s yours.”

  My hands curl into fists. When my brother looks at them I quick relax my hands. “No, she’s not. I’ve never seen her before. Go ask Klimen if he’s lost another female.” If that’s the case, I’m going to hurt Klimen later for wasting my time. The guy needs to settle down. I’ve never seen such a pussy chasing dagrinian in all my life.

  Riflan snorts and shakes his head. “You need to leave your lab more often, little brother. Klimen likes his females cleaner than this one.” His gaze cuts to the female and looks her up and down before returning to me. “I think she’ll be suitable when she’s cleaned up.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I keep my eyes trained on my brother. The little female makes me feel funny. I don’t like funny. “I only left the ship once and that was to get some trylaam chips for my lab. I did not buy a female.”

  A smirk crosses my brother’s face. I long to slap it off but that would only scare the trembling female by his side even more. The last thing I want is for her to start screaming. I hate screaming. I can’t think when people are screaming.

  Riflan makes that ticking sound I dislike and then smirks again. “From what I heard, you did more than buy some trylaam chips.”

  The need to get back to work starts riding me hard. “I don’t know what you are talking about, but I do know that she is not mine and that I have to get back to my lab.” I turn to go back to work. Riflan annoyingly enters my living quarters with the female. I whip around and snarl at my brother. The female whimpers causing me to instantly regret my actions. I look at her with what I hope are apologetic eyes. Heat rolls around in my chest. I don’t like it.

  “Since your memory is hurting today, I’ll help you out.”

  Riflan’s silence has me looking into his knowing eyes. Rizpa nin! I feel like I’ve just been caught rubbing my cock in public. I don’t like this female at all. She is trouble.

  “Now that I have your attention, let me ask you a question. Did you save a morping female from choking to death when you went to buy the trylaam chips?” I don’t like the look in my brother’s eyes.

  My stomach sours. “Yes, I did stop a morping female from chocking, but I don’t know for certain she would have died if I hadn’t helped her out. It wasn’t that big of a deal.” To a morping it may have been. My sour stomach starts burning. I dread the next words sure to come from my brother’s smirking mouth.

  “That morping’s father thought it was a big deal. Big enough that he needed to pay the debt he felt he owed you.” Riflan glances at the trembling female and then back at me. “She is now yours to do with as you please. I suggest cleaning her up and turning her into a sexual servant. You don’t get laid near enough.” With that said my brother pushes the female toward me and turns to leave.

  “Wait. I don’t need a bed partner. You take her.” I can’t have her in my quarters. She’ll distract me. I’m sure of it.

  Riflan snorts and then looks over his shoulder. “I’ve already got a female. There is no way in black stars I’m making her mad at me. This one is yours. Use her well, little brother. But before you do you need to get ready for takeoff. We are leaving this stink-hole of a planet as soon as the engines are warmed up.”

  Before I can protest anymore, Riflan leaves my quarters and the door closes with a thud of doom. My shoulders sag in defeat. One good deed and now I’m stuck with a female that does strange things to me. I don’t like it.

  “Rizpa nin.” I don’t need this. I’m never doing another good deed. Ever.

  I turn to the trembling female and stare down at her. My heart does a little flip at the sight of fear in her eyes. “Don’t be scared. I need you to sit down while we takeoff.” When she doesn’t do anything except take a step back I get the sinking feeling that she doesn’t understand a word I’m saying.

  Can this day get any worse? I don’t have time for this. “Do you understand me?”

  Once again she takes a small step back. Her eyes are huge in her dirty face. She looks like she’s been dragged over a few black stars. I don’t have time to coax an answer out of her.

  I take a step toward her and she takes a step back. Not about to play this game, I lunge forward and easily catch her. She cries out as I check her neck for a communicator chip. Rizpa nin. Of course there isn’t one. This is turning out to be a horrible day.

  She struggles as I drag her to a cabinet and get a chip. Her flailing arms don’t hurt me, but they do annoy me. I don’t have time for this. I quickly clean off her neck and then shoot the chip under her skin.

  By the time the deed is done she is no longer fighting me. I start when I realize that she is sniffing me. That’s strange but it’s better than h
er fighting me. Right now I don’t have time to figure out what her problem is.

  “Can you understand me now?” I ask and desperately hope she can.

  If she’s some creature with such low intelligence that she can’t communicate I’m going to drop her off on the next planet. A rather large part of my heart aches at the thought of doing that to her.

  I don’t like what she does to me. Another part of me now hopes she can’t communicate. I don’t have time for this. For her.

  She touches her neck where I implanted the chip. Tiny lines form between her eyes. “I don’t know how, but I do understand you. What did you put in me?”

  One part of me dies and another leaps with joy. I get myself under control and then answer her.

  “It’s a communicator chip. We are about to leave this planet so I need you to sit down while I ready my equipment.” I point at the seating area and then go to work readying my lab for takeoff.

  I feel her moving to follow my orders and blow out a relieved breath. I don’t have time to argue with an unneeded being so I’m glad I don’t have to.



  ~ Megan ~


  The big alien is kind of rude. I don’t like his tone at all. But you sure like his delicious scent, a snarky voice whispers in my head. I want to protest but this pretty purple alien smells even better than the one that brought me here.

  Not wanting to cause any trouble, I sit on the smallest blue chair. There are only two chairs in the room and one is quite a bit wider than the other. Both are a pretty blue color. Since the craft is silver the blue adds a nice color pop.

  I’ve obviously lost it. What kind of captive admires a touch of color when her future is so uncertain? A desperate one, that’s who. The rumbling of the spacecraft has me jumping to my feet. When it suddenly takes off at a crazy speed my vision tilts and I fall to the floor.


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