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Laws of Attraction

Page 20

by RC Boldt

  And he wasn’t the only one who’d begun to be entranced by her sultry voice. No, siree. Because he watched Foster … as he watched Noelle sing and, in the process, felt as though he should fan himself due to the heat in the other man’s gaze. Eyes darting to meet Lee’s, they exchanged a knowing glance, communicating their thoughts in merely a look.

  Foster had it bad for the sassy blonde seated with them, displaying her incredible voice out on the deck of Mac and Raine’s home. And a part of him could commiserate, having been in a similar position less than a year ago.

  He knew what it was like to have something—someone—call out to him, call out to his heart. Knew what it was like to want someone so much that it became nearly painful to withstand.

  Now, though, he also knew what it was like at the end of that tunnel, what it was like to have that someone you’d fallen in love with, the someone you’d yearned for so badly actually do something crazy.

  Start to love you back.



  Hellrung’s law: If you wait, it will eventually go away.

  Lawson’s take: This does not apply to my Gran. If you wait, she’ll just tell you more about her sexual shenanigans at the assisted living place. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but damn. There’s only so much I can stomach when it comes to hearing of the debauchery that takes place involving my grandmother and her “men”.


  “IMPRESSIVE,” TATE COMPLIMENTED NOELLE WHO had just rejoined them after singing with the guys for a final time. The guys were in the process of putting their guitars back into their cases and preparing to clean up since the women had all contributed to setting everything up earlier that night.

  She smirked at their office manager. “A certain someone was impressed, that’s for sure.”

  “Oh, yes,” Raine piped up, eyes wide with excitement. “I noticed that, too.”

  Noelle’s expression was cautious. “What are you talking about?”

  “Seriously?” Laney flashed her an incredulous look. “My brother has the hots for you. It’s clear as day.”

  The blonde appeared uneasy. Glancing away, she made a dismissive sound. “He can’t stand me so that’s definitely not the case.”

  The rest of them exchanged a knowing look before Laney decided to drop the subject, instead turning to her.

  “So, Lee,” she began, “what’s going on with you two lovebirds these days?”

  “Mmm, not much.” She tried to play it off, casually.

  And, clearly, failed. She knew it by the smile that overtook her face and the beaming grins from the other women watching her.

  Knocking lightly into her shoulder, Raine winked. “So it’s going great, huh?”

  Nodding, she answered, “Yes.”

  “I heard about Laws coming over when you were surfing the Crimson Wave.” Laney’s eyes softened. “That was super sweet.”

  “Wait, I didn’t hear about this,” Raine complained.

  “Zach told me that Laws said he went over to Lee’s place with ice cream in tow when she was all gross feeling from Aunt Flo.”

  Do I even need to be here for this conversation? she thought wryly.

  “That is super sweet,” Noelle remarked.

  “He was really great about it. We sat out on the deck and ate ice cream and he—” She stopped abruptly, unsure if she wanted to divulge the private moment, but it was too late.

  They all but had saliva dripping from their mouths.

  Laney eyed her. “He what?”

  With a sigh, she looked around to ensure they were out of earshot of the where the guys were all conversing. “He gave me a kiss over my stomach to try and make me feel better.” Seeing their confused expressions, she explained further, “He was trying to kiss my boo-boos and make them feel better, he said.”

  Dead silence. The other four women stared at her for a long moment, making her beyond uncomfortable.

  “Awwwwww,” Raine suddenly gushed. “That’s so—”

  “Gagworthy,” Laney finished, getting a stern look from Raine before adding, “but sweet.”

  Making a face, Tate shook her head. “Ignore Laney.” She cupped a hand to the side of her mouth as if telling her a secret. “She tries to come off as a hardass, but deep down she’s nothing but a soft, gooey marshmallow.”

  “Did someone say something about gooey marshmallows?” a deep voice rang out from behind them.

  Turning to see Tate’s husband, Miller, smiling down at his wife, she couldn’t help but recognize the ardent affection in the man’s gaze. Here was a tough, former SEAL who was unashamed at displaying the love he had for his wife.

  “Ooof!” Raine suddenly exclaimed, jerking forward slightly. Seeing Mac directly behind the woman, she laughed, knowing that he’d likely pinched or tapped her on the ass, catching his wife by surprise.

  “Mac!” Raine scolded him, but they could all see the sparkle of amusement in her eyes, hear the playfulness of her tone.

  “What?” Her husband held up his hands in exaggerated innocence. “Can’t help it. I saw it and my hands just had a mind of their own.”

  A hand snaked around her waist and she started in surprise before relaxing, innately recognizing Lawson’s touch, and leaned back into his chest.

  “You ready to head home, gorgeous?” Lawson whispered quietly in her ear.

  Turning her head, twisting slightly to look back at him without breaking their embrace, she whispered back, “Yes, sir.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, giving her a cocky grin. “Love it when you call me sir, I do.”

  She gave him a look. “Stop.” At his exaggerated expression of disappointed, she added, “You must.”

  Burying his face in her neck, he mumbled against her skin, “God, I love it when you go all Yoda on my ass.”

  “Who’s going Yoda on whose ass, darlin’? That sounds all sorts of naughty,” Kane’s unmistakable southern drawl rang out from a few feet away.

  Yeah. Apparently, a super human sense of hearing was common amongst these former Special Ops men. That or Lawson needed to practice mumbling quieter.

  Much quieter.

  “All I heard was Yoda, ass, and Laws. I’m in.” Zach slid his arm around Laney, pressing a quick kiss to his fiancée’s temple before grinning over at Lawson. “Tell me more,” he demanded, smile widening.

  A set of heavy arms slung around her and Lawson, catching her off guard. When she heard the owner of the arms speak, it all came together.

  “Yoda, ass, and Laws have got to be my favorite trio, y’all. What do you say? Are you in or are you in?” Kane drawled.

  “As long as I continue to be the meat in this love sandwich, I’m in like Flynn,” Lawson answered, playfully.

  “My evening is set.” Kane let out a long, happy sigh. “What about you, Ford? What are your thoughts? You in on this love fest with me and your boyfriend?”

  Boyfriend. That word … it did something to her heart.

  “Sure, Windham,” she replied with a distracted laugh.

  Boyfriend. She repeated the word silently. That word alone sent warmth running through her, along with a sense of … contentment. Happiness.

  Fernandina Beach was certainly proving to be a place filled with new beginnings for her, the place where she was attempting to put the past behind her.

  Hopefully once and for all.

  * * *

  “Let me tell you about me and my Ernest.” Lawson’s grandmother gave her a sly wink. “Maybe it’ll give you some inspiration for your sexy times with my grandson.”

  Uhhhhh, ew?

  “I don’t really think …” She trailed off, trying to find the words to kindly refuse the information she knew was coming. Because this woman, Lawson’s Gran, was all sorts of spitfire.

  And clearly a shade of nympho, too.

  “Gran, are you making Lee uncomfortable?” Lawson had just entered the living room, casting an amused look at them as they sat on the couch in his parents
’ home.

  Gran held up her hands in defense. “I’m just offering up some recommendations since I know what works for me and my Ernest.” Turning back to her, his grandmother lowered her voice conspiratorially. “We have to wait for the employees at our assisted living place to go hang out by the monitors at the main desk before we get to … you know.” She made a fist with space in the middle before sliding the index finger of her other hand in and out of it suggestively.

  “Gran,” Lawson warned in a bored tone. Bored, because he’d likely dealt with this numerous times.

  The older woman deflated slightly, disappointment lining her features. “TMI?”

  Wincing before holding up her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart, she answered, “Just a bit.”

  “And when she says a bit, she’s being kind. She really means a lot.” Lawson’s tone held amusement.

  Gran sighed. “Fine. I was just trying to liven up your sex lives with my experience.” Her face lit up as if she’d just had another thought. “What about anal play?”

  She choked out a laugh, meeting Lawson’s eyes. His blue eyes were crinkled at the corners before directing his attention back to his grandmother.

  “Gran, please don’t scare off my girlfriend.”

  “Oops. Too soon for anal talk, then, huh?”

  Closing his eyes, lips pressed thin as if restraining a grin, he finally fixed his gaze on his grandmother. “Too soon, Gran. Too soon.”

  “Well,” she sighed, “you’re missing out on some hot tips. That’s all I’ve got to say.”


  Shaking her head, the older woman stood from the couch, heading off in the direction of the kitchen where Lawson’s parents were working on finishing up dinner. Lawson’s mother had refused her and Lawson’s offer earlier to help her in the kitchen, insisting they sit and relax.

  “I’d better fill your parents in on the latest on Ernest’s response to the new stuff he’s been taking in place of that blue pill …” Gran’s voice trailed off as she walked away from them.

  She darted her eyes up to meet Lawson’s, and they instantly burst into laughter. Shaking his head, he sat beside her on the couch, casually sliding an arm around her shoulders.

  “Sorry. I had to help referee my parents in the kitchen about who cooked the chicken better and made it less dry.” He broke off with a laugh. “I should’ve known Gran would corner you with her sex talk.”

  “It was very, uh, encouraging to know that people that age still have sex.”

  Throwing his head back, laughing, she watched him, those short curls atop his head shifting slightly with the movement, his perfect white teeth, those lips of his stretched wide. The handsome view before her eyes, combined with the fact she had been the one to bring on that laughter, was intoxicating.

  And the thought that she could have that, hear that sound, see his smile, for years to come?

  That was the most utterly tempting thought.

  * * *

  “You sure you want to head back to your place tonight?” he asked her again. He really wanted her to stay over at his house, but she’d mentioned something about needing to go home and check her mail.

  She had mentioned that paying rent and utilities on a place she was barely living in, spending so much of her time at his place, was a tough concept. And as much as he wanted to ask her to move in with him, he’d been holding back. Because it was Lee. As great as things had been lately, he was hesitant to push his luck.

  He was ready, was sure. Lee, however? He knew it was still too soon.

  “I have to catch up on my mail and make sure I haven’t forgotten to pay any bills.”

  They drove in comfortable silence, the Sunday evening traffic light as they made their way back to Fernandina Beach after an enjoyable and enlightening—thanks to his Gran, as always—evening at his parents’ home.

  A few weeks ago, he’d insisted on bringing over the bed frame and mattress that had been collecting dust in the spare bedroom back at his parents’. He’d really had to twist her arm to convince her that his parents no longer needed it as he’d hated the idea of Lee still sleeping on that damn air mattress. Deep down, a part of him wondered if she were living with the barest of essentials because she felt that was all she deserved.

  He’d been beyond pleased with himself once she’d agreed to the new bed. It was a baby step. Selfishly, however, he was thrilled by this advancement because it meant that when he spent the occasional night at her place, he was no longer forcing his tall body into contorting into a pretzel-like form. Because this new mattress of Lee’s? It was a king. Which mean waaaay more room for him. And for their, uh, shenanigans.

  Wink, wink.

  Recalling just how small her shower was, instantly negating any sort of fun shower sex, made him let out a long, internal sigh as he turned onto the road leading to her place. Pulling into the driveway, he unbuckled, getting out and coming around to open her door. He gave himself a mental high-five at the fact he’d conditioned her into waiting for him to be gentlemanly and open doors for her.

  He grasped her hand, helping her step down from the SUV, and said, “Let me get your mail and I’ll meet you inside.”

  “Thanks,” she answered with a grateful smile, turning to head toward the stairs of the small house.

  Walking to the end of the narrow driveway, he opened the mailbox, pulling out some flyers and a few envelopes, before closing it. When he returned to the house, he climbed the steps in haste to get inside the air conditioned home as the humidity felt heavier than normal that evening. Entering her place, toeing off his flip flops, he padded along the hardwood floor to give Lee her mail.

  Completely oblivious to the fact that he held the equivalent of a ticking time bomb in his hands.



  Finagle’s law: Anything that can go wrong, will and it will always happen at the worst possible moment.

  Langley’s take: This is so true. When I think things are smooth sailing, bam! Think again, Ford. That’s pretty much the story of my life.


  “HERE YOU GO.” LAWSON HANDED the stack of mail to her, setting his keys down on the narrow kitchen counter before reaching into her refrigerator. “Want a beer?”

  But she didn’t—couldn’t—respond. Not when she had ripped open the envelope postmarked from the small town she’d left far behind. Barely registering the sound of Lawson grabbing two beers from the refrigerator, he joked, “Too busy ogling my ass to answer, huh?” But when he turned from the fridge, elbowing it closed to find her staring down at the official looking letter in her hands, he instantly quieted.

  “Lee?” he asked hesitantly after a pause.

  There was a moment before she raised her eyes and when she did, she knew there was no masking the desolate, lost look in them.

  Because it was exactly how she felt in that moment.

  “She died.” The crease between her brows popped up, as she shook her head in disbelief. “She died and … left me something.”

  Setting the beers down, he moved toward her. “Who died, Lee?”

  “Regina. My … mother.” She broke off with a laugh that was anything but humorous. “Not like she fit that title. At all. Ever.” There was no disguising the bitterness in her tone. Staring down at the letter in her hands, she shook her head. “She died and named me in her fucking will. Like I want anything from her. What I wanted was for her to actually give a shit about me years ago!” Her voice rose more and more, agitation evident.

  She grabbed the bottle opener and nearly tore the top off of the beer bottle, tossing the cap and opener back onto the counter noisily before walking over to the sliding glass door. Unlocking and shoving it open roughly, she stepped out onto the deck. When she realized he was still standing in the same spot, nearly gawking at her, she turned back.

  “You coming out here?” Her tone was curt but it wasn’t directed at him. She was just hurting, damn it. Feeling so unbelieva
bly raw at that moment.

  “Yes,” he answered quickly, likely fearing if he didn’t, it would give her a reason to shut him out. Hurriedly opening his own beer, he brought it with him, joining her on the deck even though the humidity was nearly cloistering.

  He took a seat in the chair beside her, and she felt the weight of his eyes on her as she sank down into her own seat, pulling her legs up to wrap an arm around them, staring out into the dark night, unseeing. He waited patiently, sipping his beer, as if recognizing her need to sort through her thoughts, through her feelings.

  She had alluded to bits and pieces about her mother to him here and there—not that she’d ever actually called the woman that, of course. Regina had never been a mother, she thought bitterly. No, that woman had been nothing close to a mother, hadn’t been there for her growing up as she should have been.

  “Why?” She turned to look at him, her tone filled with anguish and anger. “Why now? What made her think of me after all this time?” Staring down blindly at the letter in her hand, the fingernail of her other hand began picking absently at the corner of the beer bottle’s label.

  “Lee, I can’t tell you that I understand what you’re feeling, what you’re going through right now—I don’t. But I’ll tell you what I do know.” He leaned his forearms on his knees, dangling the beer from his fingers, eyes locked on her.

  “We all know that not everyone has a moral compass that points due north, that not everyone tries to consistently make good choices, that some people are just fucking selfish as hell. Some people don’t give a shit about anyone else except themselves and it’s a flaw—yes, a fucking awful one—but it’s a flaw. It sucks.

  “But you need to remember that you managed to rise above it. You didn’t let a person like that mold you or influence you. You didn’t let her make you out to be just like her. You are so much better than her. You have character ten-fold, Lee. Ten. Fold. And the fact that you did that all on your own speaks for itself.”


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