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The effect of the entropy (Logical Poems)

Page 3

by Rm Shanmugam Chettiar

  To impress no more

  Are chief factors making

  Death a deadly horror

  To the one facing it.

  Apr., 2013

  No World’s Harmony

  Harmony cannot be brought to the world

  By any messiah or god incarnates

  As one eats the other for one’s living

  Without mercy, and God is a witness.

  Apr., 2013

  The Role Of Instincts

  Victory is sweet; sweeter is revenge.

  Relief is sweet; sweeter is escape.

  Gain is sweet; sweeter is lottery.

  Sex is sweet; sweeter is adultery.

  Liberty scores over freedom.

  Selfishness scores over justice.

  Jealousy scores over affection.

  Bribery scores over honesty.

  Instincts disobey conscience

  Whenever it finds the convenience.

  Apr., 2013

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  Brain’s Master

  Man’s brain possesses

  Manas, the mind,

  Buddhi, the intellect,

  Chitta, the subconscious,

  Ahankara, the egoism.

  Manas faces choices,

  Buddhi makes selection,

  Chitta does scrutiny

  And ahankara approves or vetoes

  Ahankara is the fiber,

  Giving stiffness too life

  In the form of selfishness,

  The essence of existence.

  Apr., 2013

  Reliefs And Burdens

  A death is a loss and a relief too.

  A birth is a gain and a burden too.

  A thing comes to you and with a price tag.

  A thing goes from you and with a load too.

  When you own a car, it would own your care.

  Be light to loss and gain on their visits.

  Apr., 2013

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  My Death Is My Loss.

  My death is a loss

  Only to me,

  And not to any.

  My death is a pain

  Only to me,

  And not to any.

  My death is my fear,

  Not anyone’s;

  It gives me more pain.

  I have to face it.

  It is one’s fate.

  I fear pain to die.

  Apr., 2013

  Man And Other Mammals

  Man invented Time and bought restlessness.

  Man invented God and brought ignorance.

  Man devised Money and forgot humanism.

  Unlike other mammals, he has more fears.

  Apr., 2013

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  The False Necessity

  Bras are a false necessity.

  A recent study has found it.

  Denied gravity by the bra,

  Breasts get no escapes from sagging.

  Rather, they are eager to sag.

  No anatomical gain comes.

  Yet bras are a necessity

  To man’s eyes trained in that bracket.

  Gods are a false necessity;

  Theories are there to confirm it,

  The mindset cannot be altered.

  Gods will stand a necessity

  To humans’ mind tamed in that order.

  Apr., 2013

  Money Goes And Comes.

  The sea is robbed of water by the clouds.

  The sea gets water from rivers in turn.

  The clouds and the rivers are same to it.

  Let takers and givers be same to you.

  May, 2013

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  Intentions and results

  Between provocation

  And retaliation

  There’s no correlation.

  It’s like a seed and tree.

  A spark of fire can spread

  To destroy a forest.

  A rebuke thrown at one

  Can lead to a suicide.

  Reaction can go high.

  Retaliation is still more.

  Repercussion might be

  More than perceivable.

  The affected are upset

  With the attacks received,

  For their intended ends

  Are not the resultant ends.

  Apr., 2013

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  Are You Loyal To God?

  A theft is not a theft

  If man commits it

  On plants and animals.

  It’s not a robbery

  When it is employed

  On plants and animals.

  A kill is not a kill

  If it is inflicted

  On plants and animals.

  Thefts, robberies and kills l

  Are so among humans,

  All religions profess.

  You cannot please the God

  By harming other lives,

  Which too are His products.

  You cannot lead a life

  Without these, and with these

  You aren’t loyal to Him.

  May, 2013

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  The Leftover Get Over.

  Being harmless, helpless or innocent

  Or being weaklings, disabled or old

  Will generate pity in others’ hearts.

  Pity is translated to love and concern.

  The leftover, thus, get over their ills.

  While pity enters, jealousy exits

  May, 2013

  For a long life

  You may water;

  You may manure;

  You may spray

  And guard a tree.

  A storm may blow

  And fell it down.

  A good health is

  Not a long life.

  May, 2013

  Seniority is not counted.

  The first come is the first to go;

  It is retirement.

  The last come is the first to go;

  It is retrenchment.

  No such rules are for births and deaths.

  It is dismissal.

  May, 2013

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  Distances Hide.

  A stone statue looks smooth

  When seen at a distance,

  With its spores out of sight.

  Great men keep distances.

  May, 2013

  Fate And God

  What happens is the fate;

  How can you alter it?

  What is feared is the God;

  How can you avoid Him?

  May, 2013

  Temples Are Empty.

  Visitors are sinners

  Or beggars of favours.

  Inmates are workers

  With vested interests.

  Fed up with those loveless,

  Gods went out of their shrines

  To find love of others

  Who mind their business.

  May, 2013

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  Friend Turned Foes

  Two friend turned foes are more hostile,

  With the stored bitterness finding its way.

  Two foe turned friends are more benign,

  With the stored sweetness leaking its way.

  May, 2013

  Fearfulness Moves Up And Down.

  Fearfulness manifests in friendliness.

  Fearfulness manifests in spitefulness.

  Fearfulness is like temperature

  That can show plus and minus Celsius

  May, 2013

  The Diseased Have No Loss.

  The contents cast, the can goes empty.

  A balloon burst, is the balloon empty?

  Both gone, neither is loss to the other.

  It occurs when a death takes place,

  With no loss to the body or life.

  May, 2013

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  Evaluate Friendship.

  Better are foes than faithless friends,

than terminal illness,

  Blows than contempt and censures

  Than tributes to the worthless ones.

  [Based on a Tamil four line poem,Naladiayar; 200AD, under the head,Friendship, of Jain religion.]

  May, 2013

  Exercise The Ego.

  To manage is the exercise of ego.

  It gives ego a sense of wellbeing.

  It is at its best in play and fine arts;

  Also at work done with an interest;

  May, 2013

  The Upper Class Purity

  If there did break a racial war

  Where the white and the black live,

  Which side would the mixed race lean on?

  The black only will admit them.

  May, 2013

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  No Messiah Can

  The level of evil can be

  Brought down to that of certain time

  If the population is also

  Cut down to that of that time.


  Perception Is Fluid.

  Contents and conveyance

  Of an object perceived

  And knowledge and intellect

  Of a person perceiving

  Are the four factors that

  Together contribute

  The resultant perception,

  Which is subject to change

  As factors are variable

  Due to space and time.


  Veneration And Reverence

  We venerate certain places;

  We revere certain people.

  Mecca isn’t same to non-Muslims.

  So is Jesus to non-Christians.

  Things are made great by the condition.

  May, 2013

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  Belief Is Taken As Truth.

  The earth is flat- once held as true.

  The sun revolves- once held as true.

  Many things now we hold as true

  May later turn to be false.

  What I believe is true, though not.

  What I disbelieve is false, though not.

  May, 2013

  Ego Is The Cause.

  Be it an emperor or a messiah.

  Both are driven by the same impetus:

  Pleasure in expression of their self-worth.

  Both are ruthless in their endeavor.

  Both are merciless against adversaries.

  Next only come their mission and visions.

  May, 2013

  Are We At Peace?

  To learn running faster is the cheetah’s concern.

  To learn running faster is the deer’s concern.

  Their existences are linked to that feat.

  They have no separate gods to rescue them.

  Fear is the complex that cripples all lives.

  We delude ourselves that we are at peace.

  June, 2013

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  Kill ‘ I’.

  ‘I’ is high in all God’s utterances.

  ‘I’ is high in all messages uttered

  By sons of God, messiahs and prophets.

  They want us to kill our ‘I’ to reach God.

  June, 2013

  Life Has No Timetable.

  When it starts, it will be its starting time.

  When it halts, it will be its reaching time.

  In that case, it runs neither fast nor late.

  Like this is the life journey, unscheduled.

  July, 2013

  Do The Masters Deserve?

  A farmer is a planter and a grower.

  He is a reaper too.

  A shepherd is a breeder and a keeper.

  He is a butcher too.

  The God is a creator and a provider.

  He’s a terminator too.

  Must the crop, the sheep and man show their love

  To their respective masters?

  July, 2013

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  Delay Wipes Not The Scar.

  The scar caused by a denial

  Is not removed by its supply.

  Things given not wholeheartedly

  Will be acknowledged halfheartedly.

  July, 2013

  The True Atheist

  Saying that God does not exist

  Will not make you an atheist.

  You must’ve courage to face the world

  Without fear for the unknown.

  Absence of fear for the God

  Will not make you an atheist.

  Absence of fear for Satan

  Must also in you follow suit.

  July, 2013


  I depend on you and you do on me.

  I depend on him, who is, on someone.

  No one is independent of others.

  A chain of dependence is the law of nature.

  It’s not that one is fully dependent

  Or fully independent in existence.

  Interdependence is the rule of the game,

  Be it life, planets or the galaxy.

  Aug., 2013

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  The Mouth Leads To The Anus.

  Every mouth will end with an anus.

  Every anus is led by a mouth.

  To expect a mouth without an anus

  Is to expect only advantage from one.

  Aug., .2103

  No Present Or Centre

  Time has the past and the future.

  There is no present in between.

  Space has the left and the right but

  There is no centre in between.

  The middle is further divisible.

  Aug., 2013

  Credits To Water

  Water falls in waterfalls.

  Water runs in all rivers.

  The cause is the gravity.

  Credits go to the water.

  Aug., 2013


  Food wasted by humans

  Is used by animals,

  Whose waste is used by plants.

  Nothing will be wasted.

  Aug., 2013

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  The Future Is Coloured.

  The past is mud; the future is a spring.

  With past in mind, we step into future.

  With mud on legs, we step into the spring.

  Don’t blame future and springs for their colour.

  Aug., 2013


  The anxious mother is

  The cautious devil.

  The anxious husband is

  The possessive demon or

  The suspicious evil.

  Anxiety in excess

  Is a peril to the owners.

  Aug., 2013

  Life Floats In Illusion.

  The moon looks bigger than any planet.

  The bomb explodes harder than a thunder.

  One’s eyes deceive and one’s ears deceive.

  Ignorance believes; innocence accepts.

  Sep., 2013

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  The World Of Jain

  The whole world consists of two entities:

  Life and Non-life; both are independent.

  Life is the state of pure consciousness.

  Non-life is of motion, rest, space, time and

  Gross matter, the five being infinite.

  Life through Non-life forms all living organisms.

  The law of cause and effect is in force.

  Injuries breed injuries; abstain from them.

  Non-injury is the spirit of Jainism,

  Which does not, hence, envisage any God.

  Sep., .2013

  Anger And Dream

  Anger is a reaction;

  Dream is a reflection.

  Irritations give anger;

  Activations [of brain] give dreams.

  Anger and dreams are respondents

  No initiative from their parts;

  Anger and dream need no actions.

  They, when left, die them

  Sep., 2013.

  Nights Bring Days.

  Nights I passed had brought me

  As many days before.

  Partings I suffered too

  Had as many courtships.Sep., 2013

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  Common Nouns

  A cow does not know how people call her.

  A crow does not know how people call him.

  So is the case for all things people named.

  What about all gods named in mythologies?

  Sep., 2013

  The Protector And The Predator

  One is the protector

  And the other, a predator

  For each living body.

  There is a constant fight

  Between them on it.

  The protector wins battles

  And the predator, the war.

  Sep., 2013

  Life Is Amoral.

  Survival demands killings

  For food and securities.

  Morals and codes drawn by men

  Are out of this venue.

  Sep., 2013

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  Non-rebirth Is Bliss

  Most religions profess the bliss

  In the form of getting no rebirth,

  Which we realize when we die.

  No one wants to be born again

  For its inherent live struggles

  And no guarantee of its standard.

  Sep., 2013

  The Unsung Heroes

  It is not that the best seeds got sown.

  It’s not that the best sperms got ovum.

  Many worthy men are dead unsung.

  Don’t sing men who managed to be great.

  Sep., 2013

  Do It That Would Die.

  The name you earn will not stand forever.

  The print you make will not stay forever.

  Knowing this, you must yet strive to do good.

  Don’t we try to live though death is certain?


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