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Anaya's Pride: Book Two (A Reverse Harem Love Story) (Beasts of Ironhaven 2)

Page 16

by Chloe Cole

  Her head swam, the world went topsy-turvy and then, she knew no more.

  Chapter Two

  Liam Albrecht was in a foul mood. And when Liam suffered, he made sure they all suffered right along with him. He prowled the large study in circles like a shark hunting its prey. All of the pent up frustration, anger, and worry of the past two days had filled him with nervous energy and a violent sense of anxiety. He could cheerfully strangle someone right now.

  The woman would live; he was certain of it. And while he was inexplicably relieved and comforted by that knowledge, it was also going to cause problems. Major problems.

  His contemplation was interrupted by distant footsteps coming from the far end of the hallway. He could tell by the quick, purposeful stride and the faint scent of lemon it was Maggie. When the knock on the door came a minute later, he was seated behind his enormous walnut desk with his hands folded in front of him, awaiting her arrival.

  She didn’t wait to be invited in, but swept through the door like a storm before stalking over to the desk and hissing, “What have you done, Liam? What the hell have you done?”

  Narrowing his eyes, he stared at her hard for a long moment before she let out a shaky sigh and looked away.

  He hated to pull rank, but she knew better than to challenge him. “Let’s pretend that didn’t just happen and start over again, shall we?”

  She nodded and took a deep breath before she spoke again. “I apologize. Yes, let’s start again. Please tell me what happened out there. Rumors are running rampant and I’m… We’re all very concerned.”

  “I understand your concerns, but I’m not in the habit of explaining myself. I would never do anything to jeopardize this family.” The, “and surely you’re not suggesting otherwise,” was left unspoken, but she got the message loud and clear and had the good grace to blush.

  “Of course not. I have the utmost faith in you, Liam. I just-”

  “Let the rest of the pack know I’ve called a meeting with the area alphas for tomorrow night,” he cut in sharply. “I would rather control the situation and have the discussion on our turf than wait for them to contact me. Hopefully, the opportunity to speak and obtain answers will appease them for now. I have to work. Shut the door behind you.” He picked up the file on his desk and spun his chair around to face the fireplace.

  Silence reigned for a taut moment, but finally Maggie’s heels sounded on the floor and the door closed with a defiant snap.

  Liam let out a long, pent up breath and scrubbed a weary hand over his face. He hated coming down on her, but if he didn’t nip this nonsense in the bud, she’d be the first of many at his door questioning him. Hell, he’d never let them know it, but at this point, he wasn’t even sure he was doing the right thing.

  He glanced down at the open file folder in front of him and stared into the face of the woman at the root of all his troubles.

  Amalie Baptista.

  He took in her stubborn little chin, the rounded cheeks, and the lips that were just a touch too full. But it was her eyes, those damn eyes, that had done him in. A brown so rich they were almost black, almond shaped, and tilted up at the corner. They laughed up at him from the photograph, almost mockingly.

  He groaned and sat back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as Maggie’s question rang through his mind like a warning bell.

  What have you done, Liam? What the hell have you done?

  The pain came before she even opened her eyes. Damn, it felt like someone had tried to rip her guts out. Amalie moved to sit up but regretted it immediately as the ache in her side went from throbbing to excruciating. What the hell had happened to her?

  As if she’d beckoned them, memories crashed through the last of the grogginess and flitted through her brain like an old movie reel. Fur and teeth and blood…

  Holy shit. Someone--no, something--had tried to rip her guts out. She’d been attacked by wolves. No, not wolves, she mentally corrected herself, wolf. She squeezed her eyes closed again and tried to hone in on details. She remembered the smaller wolf running off and the dark-haired stranger rescuing her, but then it was a total blank, no matter how hard she thought. After another minute, she gave up as her head began to pound from the effort.

  She crabbed backward, sitting up gingerly until she could survey her surroundings in the dim light. The room was opulent and the size of her entire apartment back home. Not a hospital, and definitely not something she could afford in the way of a hotel room. Had the man who’d helped her carried her to his house? She was no lightweight, and her cheeks burned at the thought.

  Embarrassment was eclipsed by fear and confusion and she quickly swung her legs over the side of the bed. A chill swept over as she realized she had nothing on but a t-shirt, so long that it stopped only a few inches short of her knees. Someone had changed her clothing as well.

  Footsteps sounded outside the doorway and she scuttled back under the blankets, covering herself from chin to toes. Probably a silly reaction. Her visitor was likely the man who had saved her from bleeding to death. Odds were he wasn’t going to molest her. Then again, maybe he was some creeper who’d helped her just so he could starve her and then Buffalo Bill her later.

  A soft knock sounded.

  “May I come in?” a deep, oddly familiar voice called through the door.

  “Yes.” After all, if he planned on making a dress out of her skin, would he really have knocked?

  As the knob turned, a tingle ran through her. Not one born of fear, but one of anticipation, which made no sense. The door swung open, and she recognized him immediately: the stranger who’d helped her. A bit of the tension seeped out of her. She was glad he hadn’t been a figment of her imagination. Stepping into the room, he closed the door behind him. Her breath came out in a gasp as she met his gaze in the dim light.

  “Hello,” he said after a long moment.

  She remained mute and continued to stare at him. The man was…well, beautiful. Over six feet tall with dark hair, he was muscular without being bulky. His face was carved from stone. The severity of his straight nose and sharp cheekbones was undercut by the raw sensuality of his sculpted mouth. And while she took in those details with a quick glance, she was drawn again and again to those eyes. So familiar, a mix of gold and green she’d seen only once before, they burned into hers with an intensity that made her shiver. What was happening to her?

  Liam drank in the sight of the striking woman lying in his bed and fought a surge of possessiveness. From the second he’d laid eyes on her, he’d suffered a fierce and puzzling need to claim her. She was lovely, to be sure. A little softer, more rounded than the women he was used to, but in a way he found compelling, and he couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be grip her full hips in his hand and-

  He shoved the thought away and tried to keep his voice calm and his presence as non-threatening as possible. Not an easy feat when he wanted to lace his fingers into her sweet smelling hair and kiss her senseless. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he walked toward her.

  “I’m okay. I mean, my side hurts and I have a terrible headache, but I’m okay.” She backed up on the bed, her eyes wide.

  She looked like she was about to run screaming from the room, so he went to the fireplace under the pretense of adding wood in order to give her some space. The last thing he needed was for her to get spooked and take off. Then he’d have to chase her down, and that certainly wouldn’t earn her trust, which he desperately needed if he was going to get them out of this mess.

  “Who are you?” she asked softly. “What were you doing out there? And how did you manage to get us away from the wolves?”

  He paused a moment, trying to think of how to answer each question without scaring her, but knowing there was little time for coddling. Tomorrow night he had to meet with the other packs armed and ready with both a good explanation for his behavior and a resolution to the problem. Anything less would spell disaster.

  He opted to give her bite-sized bits of information for now. Once she’d rested and they’d gotten her pain under control, he’d delve into the heavier, hard to swallow stuff.

  “My name is Liam Albrecht. You’re in my home just outside of Pray, Montana, a few miles from where you were attacked. I was out hiking when I heard the commotion.” Jesus, when he’d see her, bloodied and on her back, he’d nearly lost his mind.

  He shoved the thought away and offered her what he hoped was a comforting smile. “Now that I’ve introduced myself, it only seems fair that I admit I also know who you are. When I brought you back, I looked through your belongings to identify you. Amalie Baptista, nature photographer, yes?”

  She nodded wordlessly, eyes still glassy with something close to shock. He’d given her the basics, and before he said anything else, he needed to get her into a more stable frame of mind.

  “I’m going to get you some food and something to drink. There’s some aspirin on your nightstand along with a bottle of water. I’ll be back soon. Try to rest while I’m gone. I’ll answer all of your questions when I get back. Don’t be afraid, Amalie. You’re safe here.” He turned to go, but her shrill call stopped him.

  “Wait! Please, don’t go. Something…strange happened out there. I can’t remember, but I know something isn’t…” she trailed off, confusion clouding her dark eyes.

  He hated leaving her like this, but she needed sustenance and time to rest. If she didn’t regain some of her strength before he told her the truth, the shock could send her into a tailspin.

  “One hour. I promise.” He left, shutting the door behind him with a snap.

  Yep. One hour before he had to tell beautiful, strong, amazing Amalie Baptista that her life would never be the same.

  Chapter Three

  True to his word, sixty minutes later Liam made his way back to Amalie’s room—his room, rather, not that he planned on sharing it with her—with a dinner tray. He knocked, but received no answer. He let himself in, shutting the door behind him, and looked toward the bed. She was sprawled out, dressed in only his t-shirt, the blankets kicked to the floor during what appeared to be a fitful sleep. He set the tray on a table next to the bed with every intention of leaving, but his mouth went dry as he stood over her. Man, was she gorgeous. Long, shapely legs and that plump ass… He pushed away the carnal thoughts.

  She muttered softly in her sleep and he strained to understand what she was saying, but all he could make out was the word “hot.” Unfortunately, that was enough. He’d hoped for another half a day, maybe more, to work up to an explanation before she began to show any symptoms. Now, however, it seemed he’d be lucky if he had a few hours before she sensed something amiss within her. The time for coddling was over.

  He laid his hand gently on her back and spoke her name to wake her. She was indeed hot, the heat of her skin burning through the t-shirt and heating the skin of his hand.

  Amalie’s body instantly pressed back toward his touch. She moaned, and he swore under his breath as he tried to remain detached. He needed to help her deal with the changes she was going through, not take advantage of her weakness. As he moved to pull his hand away, she protested, rolling onto her back. Eyes still closed, she sat up and tugged the t-shirt over her head. She sank back onto the bed, naked but for the bandage on her side, and he wanted to throw his head back and howl. Her breasts were magnificent, golden and full, and blood rushed to his groin at the sight. The need to cover her…to make her his…to slide his cock in and out until she screamed his name, was almost overwhelming.

  She took his hand again, and pressed it to her shoulder, moving it down her arm, then back up and over to the other arm. The whole time, she made sleepy, sexy humming sounds in the back of her throat.

  He groaned out loud, trying desperately to steel himself against her silken skin and erotic murmurs. She wasn’t herself. The hunger was upon her, and she was caught in the throes. He needed to put a stop to this, but he simply couldn’t muster the will to pull away.

  Her eyes flickered open and she peered at him through a thick fringe of black lashes. Her face was flushed, her brown eyes glassy, her breathing coming in short, choppy gasps. “I feel…funny. Hot,” she murmured. “But no pain at all. What did you give me? Surely aspirin wouldn’t have helped that much. Everything seems so crisp and clear. And something is strange. I should be mortified right now. But I’m entirely unconcerned about being naked in front of you.”

  In fact, as her gaze raked over his body, she seemed rather put out that he wasn’t naked as well. Taking the hand she still held, she cradled her cheek with his palm. Then, with slow but infinite purpose, she dragged his fingertips down her neck and across her breast. She arched into his grasp until he cupped her, whimpering as her nipple pebbled beneath his touch. Another blade of lust sliced through him and he pulled his hand back as if burned. The second he escaped her grasp, she trapped him again, this time, winding her arms around his neck. He tugged at her wrists, but her mouth was on his, open and hot. She licked at him gently, pressing for entry and he couldn’t refuse her.

  Helplessly, almost of its own volition, his hand moved back to cover her breast, kneading first one then the other. So soft. So lush. He growled and she growled back, biting and sucking at his bottom lip.

  Insanity. It was pure insanity, and he could no more stop it than he could the moon from rising.

  She used her weight to draw him down, slowly, inexorably toward the bed next to her. Once he was seated, she wasted no time, climbing onto his lap and straddling him. She pressed her sweet heat against his denim-encased erection and pushed his mouth to her breast. Thoughts of refusing her sizzled away again at the sight of her naked flesh offered so willingly. He latched onto her nipple and sucked hard, his body temperature sky-rocketing as she rhythmically ground her softness against his throbbing cock.

  He was strong---the fucking alpha—and she was laying him low with her uninhibited responses. He needed to push her away, to focus on the things he needed to tell her, but she was making it damned near impossible. The scent of her want hung thick in the air, and it was driving him a little more insane with every indrawn breath. If he didn’t stop now, there would be no stopping.

  Calling on the last shred of his rapidly waning willpower, he tore his mouth from her breast.

  “Amalie, we can’t. You’re going to hurt yourself. There are things we need to discuss. Dammit!” he ground out as she continued to flex her hips against him. He grabbed her hands and pinned them behind her. Unfortunately, that only succeeded in thrusting her gorgeous breasts an inch from his face. He closed his eyes, but the sight of her ripe body was burned into his brain forever.

  She pushed wriggled beneath him and he opened his eyes. Desperation shone in her gaze. “Please. I’m begging you. Don’t stop.”

  He bit back a curse as the truth of his situation became painfully clear. The hunger was rampant in her now. She would not, could not listen to what he had to say in her current state. He needed her relaxed, and there was only one way to get her there.

  Liam took a deep, steadying breath and lifted her away from his body. Unfortunately her delectable scent filled his head—pears and womanhood. Okay, no more nose breathing. Amalie struggled as he pressed her down onto the mattress, anchoring her in place with his weight. He skimmed his hands over her curvy form, stroking her heated flesh as she arched and gasped.

  She tried to caress him in return, but he froze in place. “If you touch me again I’ll stop.” He was a hair’s breadth from snapping and if she put her hands on him, he was done for.

  She stilled instantly and he plucked at her nipple before slipping one hand between her legs. He could feel the heat of her pussy before he even touched her and his stomach clenched with need. Steeling himself for the onslaught, he dipped one finger into her. The molten folds closed over him hungrily and he wasted no time. She was beyond ready and making her wait was unnecessary torture. He thrust in deep, with long, firm strokes.
  “Oh my god, yes!” Her hips pulsed frantically, pushing him to increase the relentless rhythm he’d set, as her head tossed back and forth.

  Liam bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he tried to control his every instinct screaming at him take her. To bury himself to the hilt. She was soft. So tight. He was losing his mind from the effort of holding back.

  He looked down at her face, and regretted instantly because it only made it worse. Her mouth was open, her breath coming in short pants, all while her own rapt gaze was glued to his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.

  “Fuck,” he ground out, and then bent low to suck her nipple as he plunged a second finger deep into her. She tensed for a moment, then let out a low, long groan and began to ride his hand in earnest. Her hips arched as he drove his fingers into her again and again, suckling her nipple and humming his encouragement. If he didn’t finish her soon, the last of his resolve would melt away and he’d be doing the unthinkable.

  He pressed a thumb against her clit and suddenly her she was crying out his name. The blood pounded in his ears as his cock throbbed, desperate for release.

  “That’s it baby, let me feel you,” he ground out.

  Her flesh pulsed around his fingers as she let out a long, low scream. His cock twitched and jerked in perfect rhythm with her clenching pussy as she came hard, her wetness raining down his fingers.

  She was still trembling a long moment later when he finally had the strength to pull away. He thrust himself away from her as quickly as he could and stood at the foot of the bed.

  “What… Why are you going? Did I do something wrong?” she asked, cheeks flushing.

  “Amalie,” he said, his voice low and strained, “we need to talk and we had to get that out of the way before you could listen, but I won’t take advantage of you more than the situation demands.” He looked away from her and took a deep, shuddering breath. “Please cover yourself.” Christ, she was making this hard on him.


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