Book Read Free

Take the Fourth

Page 17

by Jeffrey Walton

  Like most problems, solutions can be rather difficult to come by at times. Solutions can be found through hard work and dedication, through experimentation and examinations, through simplification and modification, and even by accident or chance in the strangest of places. The amplification was solved through a little bit of all the aforementioned but the big breakthrough came while an Etimiz employee was at home watching the latest blockbuster on Blu-ray. The light bulb was so bright it almost blew. Sitting in the couch and laughing his head off, his wife wondered what was literally so funny. The fact it was so simple was indeed the joke only he understood at that moment.

  Everyone, including his boss Francis Simoski also got the joke, for they knew they were one step closer to reality, in fact this was the last major roadblock of the project, nothing but open road was ahead of them. So instead of having a mini transmitter and an amplifier combined on a single nanochip, they separated them into two components, much the way high-end audio systems separates the tuner, CD player, or turntable, from the amplifier; then if you need more power just add another amplifier or two or three or four. They just had to find the right ratio of transmitters to amplifiers to support their goal and eventually they did.

  Yielding enough power to extend the range of a signal beyond the human body, these nanotransmitters and nanoamplifiers are a work of pure genius, not to mention a work of art in their own right to anyone who is privy enough to see them. The sheer beauty of these devices lies not only in their size but to how they interact with one another, how they communicate, thousands of tiny little particles, that cannot be seen by the naked eye or even under a standard microscope, working in conjunction to receive and produce a unique and amplified signal. It is a miracle that they even exist. From his ideals in college, to the papers of theories and proofs in his studies, to their creation within his laboratory, it took little more than twenty years to grasp something tangible, for his/his network’s dream to materialize and the real shocker being—it was only a few million dollars over budget. What he received in return from his prolonged dedication was a product that is profound in every aspect of its existence and not one ounce of recognition, no history book footnotes, no television interviews, no magazine articles, nothing. What he received instead was a power unlike anything man has ever held before.

  Micro identification tags or nano identification tags or NID’s as they are truly known to inside crowd, are ingrained with a unique serial number so to speak, and can transmit this unique signal to a specific target or scanner. They are small and almost untraceable and they are not known to exist outside the realm of a few privileged individuals. That secret is well kept unlike its big brother, the radio frequency identification tag. The RFID has been touted as the miracle of all time-saving devices. In this day and age the barcode is slowly beginning to be replaced by the RFID chip that is no bigger than a grain of rice. This small device can track packages, cars, and even lost animals and children. It can make shopping a breeze by bypassing the checkout lines. Just stock the grocery cart to the brim, pass under a scanner and every single product’s price is uploaded to the checkout screen almost instantaneously, pay, and then leave—a breeze indeed, except when it comes to bagging, that’s another story. The public is just beginning to react to the endless possibilities of the RFID chips and so has the government. In fact, several states have already placed laws on their books to protect its people from the misuse of RFID’s. The state of Wisconsin was among the first to protect its citizens with Act 482 which states “no person may require an individual to undergo the implanting of a microchip.” It has nothing against the individual who solely permits the implants. A parent may eject a RFID under the skin of their children in order to keep a watchful eye but if the government mandates such a creed then a closer step to an Orwellian society everyone will be. It’s obvious through these laws that the government’s best interest is protecting its people, keeping the privacy pirates at bay but the truth of the matter—it is a mere façade. Now imagine that RFID, that grain of rice, is replaced by hundreds of thousands of these nanotransmitters and nanoamplifiers aka NID’s, being dispersed within the human body without the knowledge of the individual. The possibilities for such devices are endless. Well in actuality, there is only one really good reason for this and the only reason they were devised in the first place. That reason being is for identification purposes—identification without detection. If no one knows of their existence, then no laws can be passed to help protect its people.

  Unlike its big brother, NID’s are supposed to go unnoticed but just how is this supposed to happen? That’s were STB5 comes into play. The inventor used his cost effective stabilizer, STB5, as the delivery system for the NID’s. Easy to do, his company owns the stabilizer, his company owns the NID’s, his company owns the process of mixing the two and no one is the wiser. Anyone needing a vaccination simply had a small dose of NID’s injected into the blood stream along with the needed vaccine. The only side effect from the several hundred thousand NIDs embedded within the human body is feedback, in other words, just a very faint high pitched sound from time to time when a television or another electronic device is turned on in the same room as the NIDs, otherwise the NIDs are totally harmless and can last a lifetime. Each NID transmits a different signal, each individual package of STB5 has a lot number based on a five digit ASCII code, and each vaccine’s lot number contains the stabilizer’s lot number as well and all this information is stored in a database at Etimiz.

  Connect this database through an undetectable interface within the IIS database and the power of a system starts to unfold. The IIS database, by law, stores the lot number of the vaccine that was injected into an individual and the best way to identify that individual is through their government identification number aka—social security number. The government has a person’s social security number tied to a vaccine lot number, that vaccine is tied to a stabilizer lot number that contains the NID’s. The NID’s transmit a unique frequency when oscillated by another transmitted wave. Now link this technology with a global positioning system and the worst fears of big brother watching are a reality.

  History has never seen the likes of this power. The dominance of the Roman Empire, the horrors of Hitler, the thrusts of the Saturn 5 rockets, the destructiveness of the atomic bomb, the winds of Katrina—all are just flashes in the pan, mere child’s play, compared to the power bound by this system. From the moment a person is vaccinated and linked to the IIS database, they can be tracked via the invisible lines of latitude and longitude within this blue marble. Every move calculated and stored. Every move, from their first steps to eventually their final resting place and every step in between is calculated and stored. Every move calculated and stored. There is no hiding. No lying. No secrets. No escaping the eyes of the creators. It’s the power of god’s all-knowing ability stored as ones and zeros in a database.

  Linkages are the keys to this all-knowing power. Linking NID’s, satellites, supercomputers and databases creates the true power of the system. The satellites fly over the globe, transmit and receive the signal from the NID’s and their exact location calculated, then stored. Each and every signal is processed through the supercomputers. Thousands, even hundreds of thousands signals are turned into raw data in an instant. The data is simplistic in form and contains only four pieces of data, the nano identification number, the latitude, the longitude, and the time. This information is stored in a database only few have access. From this data everything else can be derived through interfaces into other databases throughout the world. Every database that is online can be accessed to provide a wealth of information. They can pinpoint the exact location of any individual that is online and determine who they are with or what they buy or when—almost in real-time and they have access to this information forever. An individual’s past becomes stored as ones and zeros. Their entire life is stored as ones and zeros. Their truth is stored as ones and zeros. That truth is knowledge, and that knowledge is th
e power. NID’s, satellites, supercomputers, databases, all tied together create the most powerful system/network in the world—a system that is held within the hands of the government and even the government doesn’t know the system exists.

  Only a selected few hold the power of God in their hands. It started out as a very small circle of friends, more like a triangle than a circle really, and it hasn’t grown much since then. Each primary individual played a significant role, from securing of funds and lobbying for laws, to creating interfaces and databases, to developing stabilizers and nano devices; without each piece of the triangle the system would not exist. The complete system took time to exist, years in fact, years of planning, scheming, and conniving. They had to lay the objectives out in a linear timeline. They had to have laws in place before the public would accept certain things. They had to make friends in very high places. They had to do many things outside the box in order to meet all their objectives. One of their main objectives was for the system to be fully functional with the majority of Americans logged online within twenty years of graduation. They fell a little short of their target date, four years give or take, and mainly because of the delivery method was geared more towards newborns and children.

  Vaccination was their primary delivery method, though vaccination is not the only method of delivery. It is the best because of its natural linkage to the IIS database, however other shots help fill in the voids within the complete demographics of a society. Given the fact that within sixty-five years almost ninety-seven percent of all Americans will be injected with NID’s through vaccination, this does not help in today’s world, in today’s tracking ability. Since the system came on line, ninety-two percent of the population under the age of twenty-five has been vaccinated. But what about the adults? Again, this is where STB5 comes into play. This stabilizer is also used in flu and tetanus shots and anything else needing a shelf life. Flu shots are meant as a yearly precaution against sickness and are mostly consumed by the elderly via free injections with the help of subsidized funds from the federal government. One of the nice features about the NID’s is they will continue to broadcast the older serial number if existing NID’s are encountered in the bloodstream; so a patient who receives a yearly flu shot will continue to transmit the embedded serial number on their first injected NID’s. The lot number of the flu shot is then connected to the social security number and stored in a database just like the logging of the vaccinations. With only children and the elderly being logged in droves into the system this leaves a huge chunk of citizens still unaccountable but not to worry. The biggest chunks of citizens, known as the baby boomers, are just getting ripe for their annual flu shots and are becoming linked into the system. Still this leaves a large number of unaccountable citizens but again, not to worry. More and more mandates, laws, and government sponsorship are encouraging flu shots in the workplace and in schools. At this point in time roughly half to two-thirds of all legal Americans are online within the system, not too shabby; all thanks to vaccinations and free flu shots but inevitably, people will slip through the cracks and across the borders. The government will play a huge part in this as well. Entering the country will require proof of shots thus linking a passport number to the shot number and again this is stored into a database. But still people will slip through the cracks. A plan was needed to fill in those cracks, to ensure the protection and safety of its people, to promote health and the welfare of its people, to ensure the traceability of its people, to ensure all the people become online.

  Early on Francis Simoski considered this problem and early on he had a solution to this problem. Cell phones and OnStar could help fill the voids but they could easily be compromised. His solution was much more simplistic. It was fear, fear for one’s life. Simple indeed. He just had to bestow fear into the common man and make them want to be injected. He knew how things worked, how rumors began, how they traveled, so he wrote an article or two under a pseudonym and had them published in a medical journal in Indonesia. Then, after a few months he linked the articles to a wide spread story in Asia, again under a pseudonym. Through whisper down the lane the story grew until it was picked up by the mainstream media. Blogs were written on the subject, even a science fiction thriller or two. It appeared in Time and on World News Tonight and in other media outlets even on the internet. It left a lasting impression on the people who read or heard anything about it. Every once in awhile another article or television news report will surface confirming that the fears are true. Funny thing is, no one actually tries to confirm if the fears themselves are based in reality. No one tries to locate the doctors who first made the discovery or wrote any of the other articles. No reporters or medical practitioners are flown to secluded places to examine the bodies of the dead. No one does any true research. They just reference bogus articles after bogus articles, talk to so-called experts, just to generate hype or whip the public into a frenzy, like the bones the media throws in for the eleven o’clock news during primetime shows—“There could be something in your fridge right now that will kill you, more at eleven,” and it turns out to be milk older than two years, well duhhh. The scare tactics are easy, make it plausible, make it inevitable, and make it news.

  “Yes, I’ve heard of them, I think the first was the Avian Flu, also known as the bird flu if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Originally this new strain of the Tanjung Flu was confined to our feathered friends but recent studies from Indonesia have proven that a crossover into different species could exist, same thing happen in Mexico with the Swine Flu, tomorrow it may be goat or cow. This is the worst of the bird flues we have seen in awhile.”

  “Usually something like this is rare, right?”

  “Right, but it has been known to happen, take the Black Plague or Bubonic Plague for instance.”

  “Black Plague, that’s some pretty serious stuff.”

  “Events like that define history. This flu could very well be another history defining moment for our species.”

  “So we’re saying this flu, this Tanjung Flu from Indonesia has many similarities to the Black Plague?”

  “The theory is based on a disease that infected the rat population which also made the crossover to humans, killing almost two-thirds of all of Europe in the fourteenth century.

  “From what I gather, the same could happen here.”

  “Right you are again, it becomes much more advanced than we originally feared, then makes the crossover from species to humans and then begins to move across the globe,”

  “Is there any proof to back up such claims?”

  “Enough evidence has shown that many deaths throughout Asia and now Eastern Europe are linked to a severe strain known as H5N1, the last reported cases were in Turkey. England had a slight scare about two months ago but it was proven to be false… . for now.”

  “Now is this strain, what was it you said… H5N1, something to worry about?”

  “Don’t really know, this strain may peter out and give way to an even more infectious strain. If that happens then we will really need to worry, it could possibly wipe out up to seventy percent of the entire planet, only three out of every ten will survive and no race, class, or individual will be truly safe. We need to take precautions now.”

  “Jesus… you mean this could be more deadly than the plague, is there a cure?”

  “Eventually, well I mean hopefully, it’s rather difficult to pinpoint an exact cure for an exact strain but there are governmental agencies and pharmaceutical companies throughout the world working towards that goal as we speak, regular flu shots will help somewhat, in the meantime, until an actual vaccine is created and to answer your other question, yes, I think seventy percent of the population wiped off the face of the earth is more deadlier than the plague.”

  “Frankly I’m scared to death now, I had no idea something like this was feasible in our lifetime.”

  “Fear it because it is possible and probably will happen in our lifetime and if we don’t sta
rt planning, ramping up on distribution centers, stocking up on medication, and taking the threats seriously, repercussions are going to happen.”

  “Repercussions meaning seven out of every ten people we know and love could vanish almost overnight in a worldwide epidemic? Sorry we are almost out of time… any last thoughts?”

  “Epidemic, no. More like pandemic. This is the way the world ends… . This is the way the world ends… . This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men. Can you envision that world?”

  “Yes… . yes I can… . Thank you Doctor Simoski, thank you for your time and… the truth.”

  . . .

  Chapter 28

  Over the next few hours, the two of them traced their steps and double and even triple-checked their data and always came to the same conclusion—they were being watched, maybe not watched per se but being tracked, their lives being recorded—it was an uneasy feeling. They scoured their backdoor entries into the machine to see if anyone was watching them and as far as they could tell only the President and Scott were ever on this machine… . and of course root, aka the administrator, whoever that may be. Greg knew his way around this machine and he made the conclusion that nobody knew they were there, that is after he deleted a few system generated log files that tracked their movement on the box. This was a matter of a few simple keystrokes and their records had vanished and vanished for good, unlike the data deleted on a personal computer, most often than not that data remained stored on the drive and the only thing deleted were the file pointers to that data. This is the reason many would be thieves are caught, just because they can’t see the data doesn’t mean it’s gone. Greg was smarter than that, not only did he delete the pointers but also the data… it was gone and so were they when they logged off around 10 am.


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