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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

Page 5

by Penny Winestone

  “Lighter or darker complexion?”

  He was going so fast I couldn’t keep up. “Lighter?”

  “Hmm… Darker.” He said, disagreeing with me. I fidgeted in my seat, occasionally looking in the mirror. I had never been a huge fan of makeup. It was a huge time suck, especially for someone like me. I always had places to be and people to see, so I had always opted for the quick and easy makeup solution. I had never applied foundation in my life.

  “So, I hear Keith Davidson will be here tonight. He’s sure to spend quite a lot.” Emanuel started to blend foundation into my face, getting it everywhere. “Relax the face… that’s it.” He was very thorough, getting an even coat on every inch of my skin. “You know, he just went through a particularly bad divorce and I’m sure he wants to blow off some steam.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, wondering what a divorced man had to do with all of this. “Is he apt to spend more because of the break up?”

  “Definitely. They think overspending will make them feel better. They also get really competitive during the auction.”

  “But that’s good isn’t it? Prices will go up.”

  “Exactly. Hey, it seems like you’re getting the hang of this.” He smiled at me. “You’ll be a natural.” I nodded, hoping he was right. But, what I still couldn’t understand, was why I needed to put on so much makeup for an auction. Part of me was starting to figure out that this wasn’t your usual run of the mill auction. I had the feeling I wouldn’t be selling antiques…

  Emanuel put down the blender and grabbed some highlight, painting my face like a canvas. “Is this going to take a while?”

  “Perfection always takes time, dear.” He responded. “But I promise that when I’m done with you, you’re going to look flawless.” He layered on some more product on my face before he moved away to give me a look. I was shocked. I looked like a completely different person. My high cheekbones were accentuated. My every flaw was hidden behind the makeup.

  “Wow… this is really good…” My eyebrows had never looked this well-defined before.

  “Now for the eyes. My favorite.” He picked up the purple eyeshadow before putting it down. “I think I changed my mind. He started rummaging through his makeup case. “The twins are rumored to be here too.”

  “A couple of red heads?”

  “How’d you know?” He asked.

  “I saw them step through the gate.”

  “Oh. They are a lot of fun, but they just lost their last plaything. They are looking for another.” He grabbed a small brush, holding it in his hand like an artist. “Close your eyes.” I did was I was told, feeling him dab the brush against my crease. “I decided to go with a copper color and purple eyeliner.”

  “I see.” I tried not to twitch as he applied my makeup. “So what do you mean by plaything?” I asked.

  “Oh, you know. Girls will be girls.” He answered mysteriously. “But they aren’t even the guests of honor. Everyone’s been talking about Charles Branlon –”

  “Did you just say Charles Branlon?” I jumped out of my seat.

  “Oy vey! Look what you did!” Emanuel gasped, dabbing at the line of makeup that was now streaked against my forehead. “I might have to start all over now!”

  “Did you just say Charles Branlon?” I repeated. My skin crawled at the mere mention of his name. . It felt like I was rooted in place. Branlon was the last person I wanted to see tonight - especially on my first night on the job.

  “Oh, honey did I hit a nerve?” He asked, putting his brush down. “If you want, I can stop talking about him, but he really will be the talk of the night.” He pushed me back into the chair and grumbled, trying to fix the mistake.

  “No. Tell me.” I answered through gritted teeth.

  “Well, since you asked.” He waited for me to close my eyes before he started to re-apply the eyeshadow. “Charles always attends these events. But, like I said, he hasn’t shown up for a few weeks so there are some rumors spreading around that maybe he found himself a committed girlfriend but I don’t believe it myself.”

  “What does that have to do with anything? Why would his girlfriend prevent him from coming to the auction?” I asked.

  “Oh, honey, you really don’t know anything, do you?”

  “Well, no one has decided to explain anything to me.”

  Emmanuel clicked his tongue and shook his head. “I’m not really the one that should be explaining this to you. When you see Victoria, make sure to ask her for clarification. You really shouldn’t be going into this blind.”

  I was no longer listening to him. All I could think about was Charles Branlon. As memories welled up inside of me, I clutched the chair, feeling my stomach flip. The thought of Charles with another woman got under my skin.. But why should I care? Charles meant nothing to me. I hated him. Who he decides to date – and fuck – shouldn’t affect me. I tried to calm down but I was already grinding my teeth in frustration.

  “And unfortunately, you won’t be the first girl that prays she goes home with him.”

  “I don’t want anything to do with him,” I said coldly. Emanuel stopped and looked at me. “You heard me. I don’t care if every girl in the world swoons over Charles Branlon. I don’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Well, that’s a first.” Emanuel shrugged. “To each their own, I guess.” He grabbed the purple eyeliner. “Look up and don’t blink.” I sighed and did as he asked. I was getting tired of sitting there and being treated like a doll. “This is coming out so good. You might not want anything to do with Charles but my bet is he won’t be able to keep his eyes off you.”

  I ignored the makeup artist, suddenly remembering the first night I met Charles.

  We were still at the club. I was leaning against the bar, getting close to him, a drink in my hand and a smile plastered on my face. His eyes were glued to mine and I felt like I had him in the palm of my hands.

  “You know, rumor has it that you mysteriously disappear once a year. No trace. It’s like you don’t even exist… I wonder where you go.” I had read countless news articles speculating about his whereabouts during that one week period: private islands, Russia, an underground bunker. Some were more plausible than others.

  His posture had shifted for a split second. He looked uncomfortable before his killer smile flashed across his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about but I wouldn’t mind disappearing with you.” He got up, pulling me along with him. “How does my hotel suite sound?” He whispered and that’s how he lured me into bed with him. If only fallen for that smile…


  “There. That should do it.” Emanuel had instructed me into a mauve-colored gown with a plunging neckline and off the shower sleeves. “You look perfect.” He purred, rolling his Rs as he looked at me. “Now for the piece de resistance.” He pulled out some open toe, white lace pumps. “Fifth Avenue.” He grinned.

  “You mean Saks Fifth Avenue.”

  “That’s the one.” His grin deepened. “Limited edition.”

  I snatched up the shoes and grinned. I hadn’t held a designer shoe in my hand since I sold off my collection to pay off some of my debt. “And I can wear them?”

  “Of course you can, now hurry, your escort will be here any minute.” I nodded and sat down to put them on. They fit me perfectly. I stood up and looked down. The knee length front hem of the dress allowed the shoes to be on full display.

  “How’s the back hem? You’re not going to trip, are you?” I looked behind me. The train of the dress just barely skimmed the ground.

  “I should be okay.”

  “Then my work here is done.” As Emanuel started to pack up his things there was a knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, I opened it. I felt a little more confident now, especially since Emanuel had transformed me into some kind of goddess. I still had the fear I would smudge my makeup throughout the night or that one of my fake eyelashes would fall off or something but Emanuel had assured me that n
othing would happen and I trusted him. At the door, a security guard stood there looking like a giant. Even with my heels on, he towered over me. “Come with me, Ms. Winslow.”

  I followed as best I could. The dress fanned out behind me and I worried that maybe I would trip over it after all but it was too late to go back now.


  We arrived at a ballroom. It looked like something straight out of a movie. Floor to ceiling windows draped with gold-colored curtains. Chandeliers. A brilliant dance floor. Elegantly placed tables surrounding it.

  The room was large, but still it was crowded. Waiters walked around holding platters filled with appetizers. Large shrimp surrounded a dish of cocktail sauce. Chucks of gourmet cheese. Bruschetta. Quinoa sushi rolls.

  A waiter walked up to me and handed me a glass of champagne. I held it, taking a sip before walking around. I kept my eyes on some of the guests. I spotted the red-haired twins who were standing near a couple of men in deep purple tuxedos. They looked very similar. Same sharp nose. Same black hair. But one of the men was a bit shorter than the other. Fraternal twins maybe. Their laughs were identical: bellowing and straight from the gut.

  I kept walking around, lingering near a large group where I blended in easily. Being in this atmosphere was easy for me. I had spent a fair share of my time at parties from galas to get togethers to functions. I watched a tall, dark-skinned man with braided hair walk toward a beautifully crafted ice sculpture. He was on his phone, pacing around, looking distraught. His dark eyes burned. His plump lips moved rapid fire as he shot words into his phone.

  I looked away, spotting a few older men, reminding me of Bruce. One of them with shocking white hair and a crooked nose, kissed a young woman on the hand, behaving like a perfect gentleman. The girl had a soft giggle that traveled through the air. Her short, brunette hair bounced off of her shoulders. I took another sip from my drink, surprised how everyone in the room seemed to be incredibly attractive, no matter their age. I wondered how on Earth I compared to these other women, especially since some of them looked like supermodels with their long legs, killer bodies, and flawless smiles.

  Feeling self-conscious, I moved toward the doors, thinking no one would notice me but I could feel the weight of various gazes. I looked seductively over my shoulder making eye contact with a man who looked to be in his late thirties. He had an angular face and deep-set eyes and short hair. He grinned at me and I smiled back, tossing my hair over my shoulder before I walked away. He looked very good for his age. Very rugged. A man’s man.

  I placed my empty champagne glass on a table and lingered there. I still didn’t know what my job was here at Breslyn’s, but I had a hunch that the more attention I gained from the men, the better it would be.

  Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around, face to face with the rugged individual. He was even more handsome in person. There was a bit of gray stubble on his face but it suited him well, softening his otherwise harsh appearance. His eyes were hazel and kind. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were…”

  “Why would you apologize?” I asked, grinning at him.

  He beckoned over a waiter, grabbing two more drinks. I grabbed one out of his hand, making sure to brush my fingers against his skin. “Thank you.”

  “I’ve never seen you here before.” He pointed out.

  I tensed a bit. “Oh, you just weren’t looking,” I said smoothly. I didn’t want to give away that I was new at this and that frankly, I had no idea what I was doing. I grabbed my champagne, taking a slow, seductive sip, making sure not to smudge my lipstick. I couldn’t remember if Emanuel said it was the long-lasting kind or not. Either way, I didn’t want purple lipstick on my face.

  “I don’t think I’d overlook someone as beautiful as you.”

  “You flatter me.” I could feel my cheeks burn with blush and wondered if it showed through the makeup.

  “You haven’t told me your name,” I whispered, getting closer to him, mimicking some of the other girls.

  “Greg Ferguson.”


  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Greg.” I rested my hand on his arm and smiled. “If you don’t mind, however, I think I should mingle with some of the other men. Wouldn’t want anyone to get jealous now, would we?” I winked and walked away, my third champagne glass in my hand. I was starting to feel warm and tingly inside. I smiled as the atmosphere, alcohol, and situation, all worked to loosen me up.

  As I mingled, the men were all very flattering. They complimented me every opportunity they had. It seemed like there was a competition between them to see who could make me blush the hardest.

  Then, when I left a group of stockbrokers, I stopped dead in my tracks. Across the room, I spotted my former financier, Bruce. “Crap.” What was he doing here? Quickly, I tried to hide behind a group of girls, but they all walked away in a herd toward the bathroom. Bruce spotted me once more and I carefully stepped behind the ice sculpture. The dark-skinned individual was still on his phone.

  I tried to engage him in conversation, hoping it would stop Bruce from approaching me, but suddenly, he was right behind me. “What do you want?” I asked, turning to face him. I knew he wasn’t going to leave me alone. I held my head up high, determined to keep my composure in front of this man.

  “Haley, I just want to talk to you. The last time...”

  “Look, if we’re just going to have the same conversation we had before, don’t waste your breath. I’m over it.” I lied, trying to remain convincing. I was still trying to handle the fact that I had crashed and burned, but I wasn’t going to let him know that. I wasn’t going to show him any weakness. “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I really do feel terrible about what happened.”

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t have allowed it to happen in the first place.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “You know I didn’t have a choice in the matter -”

  “Well, neither did I when you left me out to dry.”

  “I’ve bounced back, I could help you again.”

  I held up my hand to stop him from continuing. “Don’t bother. I don’t need your money. Going forward, I’m going to handle things on my own. It’s the only way I know I won’t be swindled.”

  “I didn’t try to swindle you.”

  “Either way, depending on you only caused me to fail.” I said, my voice calm. “I need to do things on my own. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do.” Without another word, I stepped past him, rejoining the crowd. That’s when I saw him: Charles Branlon.

  I froze in place for a split second before my eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape route.

  I spotted Michael Grayson in the crowd and sighed in relief. He was one of the more charming and handsome men at the event. He had cute blonde hair and wore an adorable polka dot bow tie. Just like many of the other men in the room, he was a self-made billionaire with a real estate empire spanning all over the world.

  “Haley!” He said, catching me in his arms as I stumbled forward in my attempt to avoid Charles. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I just tripped.”

  “Well, in heels like that, I’m not surprised.” He helped me up, his hand under my elbow to steady me. He had a friendly smile on his face. “Or was that an excuse to get in my arms?” He grinned moving closer to me, his breath against my neck. I looked up, our faces inches apart. “You know, I was hoping you’d come talk to me again –”

  “Excuse me.” Charles suddenly interrupted with his hand on my shoulder, spinning me around so I would face him. “But do you mind if I join you two?” He asked politely, acting like a perfect gentleman.

  Michael looked annoyed, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “Fine.” He answered and I groaned inwardly. It seemed Michael was one of those guys who were just too nice to say no. I stood there, feeling awkward, knowing I couldn’t get out of the situation without coming up with a good excuse to leave.
  “But please, continue with your conversation, I’ll get us something to drink.” Charles squeezed my shoulder before he left. I felt my skin crawl.

  “Do you know that guy?” Michael asked.

  “I used to. Briefly. A long time ago. Feels like another life…” I trailed off. “If you don’t mind, I need to go the ladies room.”

  “Aww. Come on now. You used that excuse the last time you talked to me.” He grabbed my elbow and pulled me close. “Don’t let that guy get to you. A lot of the men here are complete jerks. Just ignore them.” He smiled at me and I relaxed a little.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I asked, my voice playful.


  “Well, if I ignored men like Charles Branlon, I’d be more inclined to be with men like you, wouldn’t I? I have to say, you use your charm quite well.”

  He laughed, fixing his bow tie. “Well, I have to find some way to compete with everyone’s good looks. It’s not easy being the sweetheart in a crowd of sharks.”

  “I’m sure you do just fine for yourself…” I got closer to him, enjoying his kindness. “Besides, those glasses give you a rather cute nerdy look. I like it.”

  “You think so?” He adjusted them on the bridge of his nose. “I’ve considered getting contacts.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think it would suit you…” I took off his glasses and looked at his soft, gentle face. “No. Definitely keep the glasses. You look much cuter with them on.” Carefully, I put them back on his face and smiled. “Trust me.” I kissed his cheek for good measure.

  Behind me, someone cleared their throat. “Here we are.” Charles handed Michael a drink, a look of contempt on his face. I sipped my champagne, feeling triumphant that I had managed to push Charles Branlon’s buttons.


  “So, what were you two talking about?” Charles asked, trying to smooth over the situation.

  “Oh, I was just telling Michael here how much cuter he looks with his glasses on,” I said, knowing I was getting under his skin.


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