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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

Page 7

by Penny Winestone

  “I don’t understand.”


  “You’re a charming young man. Rich. You have a gorgeous smile. Why do you have to come out to an escort service to talk to or even meet women?” I asked him.

  “Heh.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s a little more complicated.” As we stepped outside, the breeze whipped my hair behind me. “And I’d rather not get into it right now.”

  I nodded. Even billionaires had their secrets, it seemed. “Okay. What do you want to talk about then?” I asked. We started holding hands as we walked the estate together. My heart was beating faster than usual. Michael squeezed my hand before he stopped and looked at me.




  “Yes, you. I bet you have an interesting background. Tell me about it.”

  “You really want to hear my life story? I’m sure it’s not nearly as interesting as that of a self-made billionaire.” I pointed out.

  “Don’t think of me as a billionaire – just a normal guy.”

  “Okay. Well, if you are so interested, go ahead and ask me something.”

  “What’s your passion?”

  I frowned and didn’t answer him for a moment. “Well, it’s always been to own a successful web business.”

  “Oh? Any projects in mind?”

  I thought it best not to tell him about First Date Boutique just yet. Instead, I focused on the side project I had been working on. “Yeah, actually. I’ve been tinkering around with the idea of starting my own online social media consulting service.”

  “What would be your angle?”

  “I want to target up-and-coming businesswomen who might not have time to keep up with their own social media, but still want to have an online presence.”

  “You don’t expect to do this on your own, I hope? I can’t see you posting updates on random people’s lives all day long. You’re much too beautiful for that.”

  “At this point, as long as it pays the bills, I’d be happy,” I answered. “But I don’t know if it will work. I mean, there are plenty of other services that do the same thing.”

  “Well, you’d have to make yours stand out from all the rest. If you are targeting businesswomen specifically, then you’d need the support of some of those successful women. Their opinion will help prove the point that keeping a social media presence is essential.”

  “Right. That makes sense.” I nodded. “It would probably help to have a hotline, right?”

  “What kind of hotline?”

  “Where people could call and ask for opinions about what to say when someone reaches out to them or something.”

  “I’d say that was a good idea, but we aren’t in the 1980s. What you need is a live chat option. No one wants to talk to actual people anymore.”

  “But wouldn’t businesswomen be charismatic…?” I questioned.

  “Sure, but they would still probably prefer to type their question and get it over with instead of holding a phone to their ear for an hour, while they’re put on hold.”

  “You make a good point.”

  “I’m glad you agree. If you ever get serious about it, let me know. I know a few people that could help you get started.”

  “Really?” I bit my lip. “I appreciate it, but I think I should handle this on my own for the time being.”

  “You know, the successful business person isn’t a one man team. They have to learn to trust and work with others. It’s hard at times, but it’s the only way you’ll survive.”

  “I know…” I trailed off. I didn’t feel like telling him what had happened. “But do you mind if we stop talking business and just enjoy the night?”

  He nodded and pulled me toward a large koi pond. “It’s beautiful , isn’t it?” He asked, looking up at the sky. “Sometimes, I wish I lived on the West Coast. The air is so pure…” He looked down at the water, watching the koi fish swimming around.

  “Why don’t you then?” I asked as I leaned down next to him, our shoulders brushing together.

  “I’ve spent my whole life on the East Coast. I have too many connections to leave. Plus, my mom makes a mean Shepherd’s Pie.”

  “You still visit your mom?”

  “What good son doesn’t?” He straightened out and brushed a few strands of hair away from his glasses. “You must think I’m pretty lame, huh?”

  “Not at all. I think it’s cute.”

  “Do you know what I think is cute?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “How you have this bit of mascara on your cheek and you don’t even care.” I was about to wipe it off, feeling embarrassed, when he kissed me.

  I didn’t know what to do at first. The kiss was so sudden and for a moment, I didn’t even know what was going on. His lips were so gentle against mine. His pressed on the small of my back, pushing me even closer to him as the kiss grew bolder. I found myself melting into it, my body locking against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing back, just going with it.

  Just before things got really good, someone cleared their throat nearby. We pulled away, blushing and looking away from each other like two high school students who had been caught kissing under the bleachers.

  Victoria was standing a few feet away, looking like a looming shadow. “Do you mind if I have a word with you, Haley?” Her voice was firm and well-measured.

  I gulped, instantly thinking that I was in trouble. Hesitantly, I moved forward as Michael gave me a little push. He walked back into the mansion, leaving me alone with her. I fidgeted on my feet, my heart tightening with fear. I knew it wasn’t a good idea to be seen alone with Michael. I was certain I was breaking some kind of rule.

  “Don’t look so scared. You’re not in trouble.” Victoria said like she could read my mind. “You aren’t a slave or anything. Like I said in the beginning, you’re free to do whatever you’d like.”

  “I wasn’t insinuating…”

  “Maybe not. But every new Girl expresses that fear at some point.” Victoria ran her fingers along the brim of her hat. “I just wanted to make it clear to you that you’re always free to do whatever you’d like and that no one can force you to do anything.”

  I nodded, my fear starting to ebb away in her presence. “So, I can talk to anyone I’d like?”

  “Of course.” She answered. “I just came out here to tell you that it’s probably best to head back to the party – especially if you’d like to get paid.”

  I nodded. “I took a look at the guidebook in my room –”

  “Did you? That’s excellent, dear. I’m sure you read the part that explains that the more men you have interested in you, the higher the bidding will go.”

  I nodded again. “Yes, but I haven’t had time to mingle as much as I would’ve liked to... something came up –”

  “There’s no need to explain yourself.” As we approached the mansion, I noticed that Victoria’s bodyguards had been with us the entire time. Did they ever leave her side? “However, there are a few individuals who are asking to meet you, and I don’t think it would be very polite of you to keep them waiting.”


  The party dragged on for a few more hours – or at least, it felt that way. I was passed along from guy to guy, listening to them talk about themselves as I upped the charm, trying my best to keep them interested. At this point, I was willing to do whatever it took to make the largest amount of money I could. Talking with Michael about my social media consulting idea got me excited and maybe if I hit it big tonight, I would be one step closer to accomplishing something. Anything…

  As I walked around, however, I felt the weight of Charles’ eyes on me. He mingled with a few girls, but never looked very interested. Every time I looked up, there he was, staring at me from across the room. But he wasn’t the only one. I caught Michael staring at me once or twice as well and I grinned, knowing if I managed to set the rivals against each other, the bidding would go thr
ough the roof.

  Eventually, Michael walked up to me again. I smiled brightly at him, kissing him on the cheek. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from me for long…” I whispered in his ear.

  “How could I? You’re easily the most beautiful girl in this room.” He kissed the side of my neck ever so softly. I giggled, catching Charles’ eye across the room. He looked livid. I just grinned, ignoring him. I threw my hair over my shoulders, giving him the message: I’m over you.

  “So, what do you say we take this back to my room?” He asked, looking down at me, his hazel eyes shimmering with mischief behind his glasses.

  “Oh yeah, and do what?”

  “Well, I’m not one to spoil a surprise so you’d just have to come along and find out.” He wrapped his arms around me tightly. “But only if you want to…”

  “You think that I’m going to say no to someone like you?” I grinned, grabbing his hand.

  “You flatter me.”

  “That’s the point, isn’t it?”

  “Even without the flattery, I’d probably be chasing you all night.” My cheeks burned at his comment and I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. I liked his attention. “So, what do you say?”

  “Don’t we have to wait for the auction?”

  “No. If we walk out of here together, it just means we’ll have a private night. I can pay you whatever I’d like, without competing with other bidders.”

  “And how do I know you’ll give me the best price?”

  “You’ll just have to trust me.” He ran his fingertips along my cheek and smiled. “But I can promise you one thing - I’m not like other guys.”

  “Oh, haven’t I heard that one before.” I laughed and took his hand as we walked out. It was only then that I noticed that the room was getting empty. I wasn’t the only girl leaving the room on someone’s arm.


  “So, do all attendees get their own room in the East Wing?” I asked.

  “No. Just those willing to pay extra.” Michael winked at me, ushering me into a bedroom. “Unfortunately, the master bedroom was taken before I could get to it. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I was speechless as I walked into the room. It was beyond extravagant. The only room I had ever seen that could compare to this was… No. I wasn’t going to think about Charles. Not here. Not while I was with Michael. “It’s very nice,” I said, feeling lame. I walked toward the bed, admiring what looked like hand-carved posters. “I bet this cost you quite a bit.”

  “It’ll be worth it.” He stood at the minibar, pouring himself a drink. “Can I offer you anything?”

  “No. Just make yourself comfortable. I’ll be out in a bit. Just need to use the bathroom for a minute.”

  “You really don’t need to doll yourself up for me.” Michael winked before sitting on the edge of the bed.

  I snuck into the bathroom and locked the door, feeling my heart beating a mile a minute. I leaned against the sink, my hands gripping the edge so tight, it felt like my fingers were going to fall off. “I can’t believe I’m doing this… I’m actually going to sleep with someone for money.” I swallowed back the coppery taste in my mouth before I straightened myself out and gazed into the mirror. But I had to do this. I couldn’t keep depending on other people. Besides, I only had to do this once or twice and then I would have enough money to rent out an apartment and try to get things up and running again. I could do this… I tried to straighten out my now frizzy hair. The copious amount of hairspray Emanuel had used had worn off by now. I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling how stiff it was. “I look horrible.” All my makeup had faded. No way Michael would want to sleep with me, looking like this.

  Frustrated, I grabbed a nearby towel and ran it under warm water before I started to scrub my face clean. A few layers of makeup washed off until finally, my skin was able to breathe again. Looking in the mirror once more, I looked so different. Would Michael still want to be with me, even though I looked like a regular plain Jane now? I bit my lip in worry. What if he didn’t pay me? What if I was kicked out of the club? Could I stand to go back to work for Mackenzie? I shuddered just thinking about the time I had spent in the pig pen. Just the thought of the smell alone was enough to make me gag.

  I shook my head. No. I wouldn’t let that happen. As quickly as I could, I rinsed my hair in the shower. I had no time to wash it properly. I tussled it dry, opting for the wet and wild look. Maybe that would turn him on. Taking one last look in the mirror, I decided I had no other choice but to face him and see how he reacted.


  I stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked. With a soft step, I moved forward, trying to be as silent as possible.

  “What took you so long…” Michael trailed off as he looked up at me for the first time. His eyes roamed my entire body and for a moment, I considered retreating, feeling self-conscious under his gaze, but I was determined to make the most of the night.

  Seductively, I got on top of him, pinning him down onto the bed. “I just wanted to make sure I looked my best for you…” I lied, my voice low and silky. I brushed my lips against his neck, teasing him while also hiding my face. In the dim light, I was sure he hadn’t yet noticed my transformation and I meant to keep it that way for as long as possible.

  “What has gotten into you?” He asked, his hands roaming my back “I wasn’t expecting this from your first time. You’re a natural.”

  “It might be my first time here, but it’s certainly not my first time in the bedroom.” I slowly moved between his legs as I started to unbutton his pants, pulling them down inch by inch, teasing him.

  “Mmm, I love it already.” Michael leaned back, letting me take control. With my ass in the air, I swayed my hips, giving him a nice view as I eased off his boxers, tossing them across the room. His dick, already rock-hard, nearly slapped me in the face.

  “I can tell.” I cooed, taking him into my hand. My fingers barely wrapped around his girth as I started to stroke him up and down, slowly at first, before picking up the pace.

  Michael grunted with pleasure before he grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed me down. I planted small kisses along his length, teasing him further. “You little nymph. You know exactly how to tease a man, don’t you?” He tightened his grip on my hair. “I just might have to punish you for that.”

  I shuddered at the word punish. I didn’t know if he was joking around or he genuinely meant what he said. Either way, the possibility of being at his mercy sent a spark of excitement right through my body. Between my legs, the spark ignited into a powerful flame, causing my lust to quickly go out of control.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked, testing him before I took him into my mouth, wrapping my lips around him. My tongue flicked around his tip until he pushed on my head, forcing me down his length. I started to suck him hard, but slow, bobbing my head up and down in a steady rhythm.

  “That’s it, baby girl.” He guided me further along his cock until his tip pressed against the back of my throat. I started to gag, but he kept my head down until I nearly ran out of air. I pulled away, gasping. “Fuck.” He looked at me. “You’re so sexy.” He pulled me on top of himself, his fingers finding my pussy. “And so wet too…” He mused, pushing one of his fingers inside of me. “I bet you’re dying for me to fuck you, aren’t you?”

  I moaned as he started to finger-fuck me. Just as I had suspected, he was a totally different person in the bedroom and I loved it. His dominant personality turned me on like nothing else. Wanting him, I started to grind against his dick, hoping it would persuade him to take me. “Yes, I want you so bad,” I begged, doing my best to appeal to him.

  He pushed me off and slowly undid his shirt. I watched him, my eyes glued to his body. He wasn’t overly muscular but was still in great shape. A lithe body with an amazing set of abs. Just as I was about to reach out and touch him – to pull him closer, he grabbed me by the hips and placed me on my hands and knees.

t worry, baby girl, I’m going to rock your world.” I barely had any time to process what he said when he suddenly rammed inside of my soaking wet pussy. I screamed out, feeling like he would rip me in half. I arched my back, my hands tightening around the sheets as he continued to fuck me harder and harder. He pushed my head down into the pillow, grunting as he gave me his all.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He started to spank my ass as he did me from behind. I shivered with pleasure, my pussy dripping wet. The lust that rolled off his body worked to excite me even further.

  “Don’t stop!” I cried out, lifting my hips further in the air, giving him better leverage. “Please.” As he rammed into me, I had never felt anything like it. He had complete control over my whole body. Every inch of me wanted him to keep going, to never stop.

  “Cum for me.” He whispered in my ear before he started to suck on my neck. His hands reached around, grabbing my tits. He pinched my nipples, making me groan. He continued to twist them, adding pain to my pleasure until my mind went numb with the flurry of emotions. My thighs started to quiver and my legs felt like jelly as Michael took me on the ride of my life.

  “I’m going to cum!” I screamed out, my back arching. Behind me, he kept ramming into me, his balls slapping into my pussy as I exploded in pure ecstasy. I collapsed on the bed, my heart racing and my skin tingling.

  A few seconds later, I felt Michael groan as he climaxed in ecstasy. I moaned softly when he pulled out, feeling empty without him inside of me.

  “That was amazing.” Michael pulled me close and kissed my forehead.

  I snuggled up close to him and smiled, feeling content. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


  I snuck out of Michael’s room early in the morning. He looked like he would sleep the afternoon away and I couldn’t stand looking at the ceiling any longer. I felt strange stepping out of his room in my wrinkled dress. Not to mention, I couldn’t find my panties anywhere.


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