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My Kinda Kisses

Page 15

by Lacey Black


  “Meghan and I had only been dating for a few months, and she was still living at home with Brian and the grandparents. I brought her home one night and she convinced me–it wasn’t very difficult, mind you–that I should come upstairs to her room. I woke up in the middle of the night and tried sneaking out. Walked out in the damn hall and Orval is standing there in his tighty whities with a damn smirk on his face. I’ve never been so embarrassed before in my life!”

  My laugh is instantaneous and hearty as I picture that scene. Knowing that Josh and Meghan had their own embarrassing rendezvous busted by Orval and Emma makes me feel a lot better about mine. Okay, both of mine.

  “The next time I saw him, he slipped a box of condoms in my truck cab and told me to knock myself out. I thought I’d drop dead on the spot right then. Good thing I was already head over heels in love with her. Otherwise, I might have been tempted to run.”

  I can’t stop laughing.

  “Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to realize that’s just how they are all the time. They’re completely nuts but I love them.” Josh takes another drink, emptying his bottle.

  “Yeah, they have a way of sticking with you,” I confirm knowing that even after only a month of seeing Jaime, I’d do just about anything for her family as well.

  An hour and two glasses of water later, the girls are finally wrapping up their game. I’d be surprised if Jaime actually broke eighty points. Watching her laugh and carry on though, that was the highlight of my night. The more alcohol they consumed, it appears the livelier they became. Bon Jovi, Poison, and even Joan Jett had them rockin’ 80’s hits like they were on stage, but let’s not get into how bad they were off-key.

  “Handsome, take me home,” Meghan proclaims as she struts to the bar, if not slightly unsteady on her feet.

  “I’d be honored, beautiful. Let’s get you to bed,” Josh replies. He practically jumps off his stool and throws money on the bar before turning and catching his girlfriend in his arms when she stumbles. Josh waves as he leads a tipsy Meghan towards the exit.

  Turning my attention back towards the others, I find the five remaining sisters making their way towards me. Jaime’s leading the pack and none of them appear to be any more stable on their feet than Meghan was.

  “I need a favor,” Jaime purrs in my ear, her warm breath tickling my ear and sending all blood rushing southbound towards my belt.

  “Anything for you, gorgeous.” Her eyes dance with excitement.

  “Well, since you and Josh were both here, we decided that the designated driver for the night could have the night off. Since Josh and Meggy already left, that leaves you and your truck.”

  My cock doesn’t mistake how she licks my earlobe as if to punctuate her statement. “So you need me to give everyone a ride home?”

  “Yes, please. I promise to reward you handsomely.” Again, that wicked tongue darts out and slides along my jawline.

  “We stopped drinking an hour ago, and I only had a few beers, so I’m fine to drive,” I tell her, wrapping my arms around her thin waist and pulling her in close.

  “I figured. Josh always stops drinking early in the evening so he can drive us home. This may or may not be the first time our DD has ended up three sheets to the wind.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but she cuts me off. “But don’t worry, if we didn’t have a driver, we would call Grandma. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s come to collect us.”

  “Good to know you guys wouldn’t drive intoxicated. I’d be happy to take them all home. Might be a tight fit though. I only have seating for five.”

  “That’s okay, Ryan. We’re used to piling in the back of a truck. At least your truck is a crew cab. Josh’s is only a cab and a half. Try fitting four in the back and three in the front of that thing!” Lexi exclaims through laughter.

  “That was the night I got my head stuck between the seat and door panel,” AJ says somberly.

  Jaime, Payton, Lexi, and Abby all burst out laughing, each one competing to be louder than the others.

  “All right, ladies, let’s head out before they kick us out.”

  With my hand resting comfortably at the base of her spine, I steer a weaving Jaime towards the truck. The giggles get louder the closer we get to my vehicle.

  “Is this, like, the scene of the crime?” Payton giggles, her green eyes brimming with unshed tears.

  “Oh God, it is! This is where they did it before the Po Po interrupted,” AJ adds.

  “Hey, Ryan? Is it true you went outside without your clothes on?” Lexi asks, her eyes bright with laughter.

  “Wait. You were free-ballin’ it?” AJ’s mouth is wide open as she stops, awaiting my answer.

  “Ladies, ladies, ladies. Let me just tell you, Ryan has nothing to be ashamed of in the package department. In fact, I think he got a lot more than his share, if you know what I mean,” Jaime adds before being greeted by a chorus of hoots and hollers.

  I shake my head and open the back door. Three slide in, while Jaime and Payton slide in the front. They’re a mess of giggles and cackles as I pull out of the lot and head towards AJ’s apartment.

  “No wonder you couldn’t wait to get back to his place. If he’s packin’ that kinda meat–and he wasn’t already taken–I would have jumped him in the parking lot before he even had the truck in drive,” Payton says.

  “Jaime, are we talking bratwurst or summer sausage?” Lexi questions from the back seat.

  “We’re talkin’ the biggest summer sausage I’ve ever seen.” Jaime turns around as far as she can, considering the seatbelt to nod her head. “Like…big.” She uses her two hands and moves them apart a good fourteen inches.

  As good as she is for my ego, clearly she’s exaggerating the size of my cock. If they weren’t three sheets to the wind right now, I’d put a stop to her comparing my man-meat to a something you’d buy in the grocery store. But it’s actually kinda hysterical–and flattering–so I let them go.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve seen a bratwurst, let alone enjoyed a summer sausage,” Abby says absently. By the look on her face and the redness in her cheeks in the rearview mirror, I’m pretty sure she didn’t intend to say that out loud.

  “I’m going to have to break out BOB tonight,” AJ mumbles to another chorus of laughter.

  “Bob?” I ask.

  “Battery operated boyfriend,” Lexi replies before breaking out into more laughter. I’m pretty sure the burn in my cheek is a blush.

  It’s a long fifteen minutes as I deliver Jaime’s sisters to their respective homes, especially when they’re talking about sex the entire way. When the truck is finally quiet, I glance over and see startling green eyes focused entirely on me.

  “Can I stay at your place tonight?” she asks. As if there was any other option.

  Nodding my head, I reach over and link her fingers within mine as I make my way towards my condo. Jaime waits as I slip around to the passenger seat to help her out. Keeping one arm wrapped around her, I open my door, thankful to finally be inside the privacy of my own home.

  The moment the door is secure, Jaime pounces. She leaps into my arms, causing me to stumble a few steps until I right myself. Her lips are urgent and filled with passion as she deepens the kiss. We go from zero to sixty in less than a second with no sign of slowing down. We’re each grasping at clothes, yanking and pulling until there’s nothing between us but air.

  I lead us to my bedroom, savoring the taste of her beer-stained lips every step of the way. Still wrapped around me, I press her against the wall, my throbbing cock so very close to sliding into heaven.

  “Can I tell you something?” she whispers against my ear.


  Jaime pulls back slightly so that she can see my eyes. “I’m falling for you.”

  Her words are heavy as they settle right in the middle of my chest. I grip her ass and pull her as close as possible, h
er legs wrap tightly around my waist. “Is this the alcohol or Jaime speaking?”

  “A little of both, I guess. If not for the alcohol, I’m not sure I would have the courage to tell you, but they’re still my words.”

  Shaking my head, I keep my eyes locked on hers. “Well, then, it’s only right to confess that I’m falling for you too.”

  The truth is that I’ve already fallen. I’m in love with her, but I still won’t say it. I don’t want the first time I proclaim my love for her to be while she’s intoxicated and I’m about to thrust inside of her ready body. I want it to be perfectly timed where she’s liable to receive my declaration better.

  Instead of plunging forward against the wall the way I had planned only moments ago, I move us towards my bed. Laying her down atop the comforter, I cover her body with my own. Her skin is warm and her face flush, and the look in her eyes convey everything I need to know. Trust. Desire. Love.

  “I need a condom,” I state, caressing her lips with my own.

  “Please hurry,” she replies breathlessly. I make quick work at sheathing myself and slide back atop her waiting body. Our gaze is fire and locked on each other as I push forward, sending us both spiraling into a world of pure nirvana, like nothing I’ve ever known.

  Jaime is quickly becoming my world, my everything. Life without her in it doesn’t seem like much of a life at all. In fact, it would fucking suck sweaty, hairy balls.

  So, I vow to make sure she’s always a part of my life. I won’t let her go. Hell, I won’t be able to. Even if I wanted to, I need her like I need air. She’s it for me.

  The one.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I crush the Doritos and stir them into the taco salad, while Grandma pulls her famous potato salad from the fridge. She’s humming along to the new Justin Timberlake song on the radio, which instantly puts a smile on my face. Not that I’m lacking for smiles much lately anyway. Anytime I see, hear, or think about Ryan, a smile graces my lips.

  “I’m glad to see your father has help at the grill today,” Grandma says casually, but the meaning is clear. She’s happy Ryan is here.

  Glancing out the window in the kitchen of my childhood home, I take in the sight of Ryan helping my dad flip burgers and brats. It’s a sight I all but gave up on seeing before he came along.

  “Me too. They seem to get along well.”

  “Of course they do. Your dad sees Ryan for who he is: A sweet, caring man who’s in love with his daughter.”

  Grandma’s words startle me. In love with me? She thinks he’s in love with me? Sure, Ryan confessed last night that he’s falling for me, but full-blown love? It hasn’t been long enough to fall in love, has it?

  “You think so?” I ask, the words all but lodging in my dry throat.

  “I don’t think. I know. You can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. All day I’ve caught him staring at you when you’re not looking. His eyes lighten and soften at the same time, and a little smile plays at the corner of his lips every time. He’s in love with you.”

  Realization slams into me hard. Sure, I’ve fallen in love with him, but to know that the feeling could be reciprocated leaves me lightheaded and breathy. I never expected this. Hell, I never even wanted this, but here I am, in love with a wonderful man who makes me happy. Every second that I’m with him, memories of Gavin become cloudier and more distant. The hurt and pain that I experienced then is replaced with smiling brown eyes and tender touches.

  “I take it you’re in love with him, too, right?” Grandma says behind me, pulling my gaze from Ryan at the grill. “I mean, I’ve never seen you look at anyone the way you look at him. And that includes the douche bag who will not be named on this gloriously sunny day.”

  Chuckling at Grandma’s bluntness, I confirm what she already knows. “Yes, I’m in love with him.”

  “Good. Now what are you going to do about it?” she asks, grabbing the basket filled with plastic silverware.

  “I don’t know,” I confess. “I’m scared.”

  Turning to face me, Grandma looks me square in the eye. “Love is a scary thing, honey. When I realized I loved your grandpa, he was ready to head off to boot camp. I was terrified that I would never see him again, or worse, that he would forget all about me.”

  Realizing I’d never heard this story, I sit down on the stool, and encourage her to continue. “What happened?”

  “He left for Texas and wrote me every day. Turns out, he was afraid I’d find someone else and forget about him, so he took a few minutes at the end of his day to write me. Those letters kept me going when I was sad. They brought me comfort when I was lonely. He told me he loved me every day, even when he wasn’t here to do it face-to-face.”

  “I didn’t know that. When did you see him again?”

  “When he graduated boot camp, I rode with his parents to Texas in a station wagon with no air conditioning and windows that barely worked. It was a long, exhausting trip, but so worth it. I got to see him graduate with his peers and friends in the Army. As soon as the ceremony was over, he ran across the yard, threw his arms around me, and asked me to marry him as soon as possible.”

  “That’s the sweetest.” Tears fill my eyes as I picture my young grandfather proposing to my grandma.

  “It really was. Then we snuck off to the car and did it until we were both so exhausted we couldn’t move.”

  “Grandma,” I chastise.

  “Jaime, just know that it’ll all work out if it is meant to be. I know this is scary for you, but don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it. Love is a beautiful thing if you let it in your heart.”

  Pulling her into an impromptu hug, I let her words wash over me. I vow that as difficult as it’s going to be, I won’t run and hide from Ryan or the love he’s offering. When the time comes to have the conversation, I’ll tell him what’s written in my heart. As difficult as it will be to say the words for the first time since Gavin broke my heart, I’ll tell him exactly how I feel.

  “Come on, sweetie. Let’s get all this food out there before the natives start to get restless.”

  I follow Grandma outside, arms full of side dishes. When Ryan catches my eye, there’s no mistaking the smile he gives me, or the look of love in his eyes.

  It’s time I embrace it.


  Ryan slides in beside me at the picnic table. Both of our plates are loaded up with enough food to feed a small country. My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach. I try to eat on the healthier side, but that still doesn’t stop me from making a fully loaded cheeseburger and adding taco salad, Grandma’s potato salad, strawberry Jell-O salad, baked beans, and a deviled egg to my plate.

  “This looks amazing,” Ryan says before taking a big bite of potato salad.

  “She’s famous for it. Anytime she goes anywhere, she’s expected to bring it.”

  “I can see why,” he adds before taking a bite of his burger.

  “Thank you for helping my dad man the grill.”

  Wiping his mouth, he says, “It was no problem. I enjoyed it, and I got to talk to him for a bit.”

  “What did you talk about?” I ask casually, even though I feel anything but.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he replies with a cocky smile and a wink before turning back to his burger.

  I watch him for several moments before I realize I’m staring. Averting my eyes, I look across the table and straight into the smiling eyes of both Payton and AJ. Payton’s eyebrows shoot upward, as if silently daring me to deny the fact that I was gawking. A blush sweeps across my cheeks, but I won’t deny it. I can’t.

  “Ryan, how is the Hazelton place going? I heard you started it last week?” Chris asks from the other end of the table.

  “Good. It’s a big house, but we got all the floor beams and joists in place and started on the walls. The tresses were delivered Friday, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many on a house,” Rya
n replies between bites.

  “I saw the layout of the house when they came in to the bank a few weeks back. It’s going to be a grand house,” Josh adds. He works for his dad at a local bank that has been in their family for four generations.

  “Maybe we should talk to Ryan about building a house for us. I’d love to have something that’s completely ours, where no one lived before us,” Chris says to Lexi.

  There’s something in her eyes that tells me whatever problems they were having before are still unresolved. “Maybe,” she replies happily, but the smile she presents him is fake. I can tell.

  Ryan must pick up on it as well. The look he gives me is questioning and filled with concern. Even after only a month of dating, he seems to already know and understand my sisters.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I hear over my shoulder and turn to see Levi strolling through the backyard.

  “Hey, Levi,” I add to the chorus of greetings for Abby’s friend.

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as Abby sits up a little straighter and flattens her skirt. She won’t outright admit it, but I know she has feelings for her best friend. Even with his bed-hopping ways, I’ve always gotten the vibe that the feeling isn’t entirely one-sided either.

  Levi sets a platter of cookies down on the table of desserts and heads over to Abby. He’s always been super protective of her, in that big brother sort of way, and it doesn’t surprise me when he places a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Glad you could make it, Levi. Did you just get off work?” Dad asks from the second table.

  “Yeah, it was a long shift. There was a big accident out along Bay Road. Two cars, head-on.”

  Levi works as an EMT full-time, and still manages to squeeze in time as a volunteer firefighter. But what really draws the attention from the ladies is his time playing guitar for a local band, Crush. He wears a uniform and plays guitar. No wonder women throw their panties at him every time he’s on stage.

  “Are they okay?” Abby asks, tears prickling her green eyes. Abby and her tender heart. She’s never met a stranger who she wouldn’t give the shirt off her back or the food off her plate.


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