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My Kinda Kisses

Page 21

by Lacey Black

  The environment at this place is relaxed. Even though we’re sharing a table with two other couples, it still feels intimate and personal. The other couples chitchatted with us through parts of the meal, but then it was easy to slip into cozy conversation with Ryan between.

  One couple is from Illinois and is celebrating their third wedding anniversary. They, too, are staying the weekend. The second pair is a middle aged, married couple that have already been here for five days and is staying through Sunday. The final duo arrived shortly after us, but chose to dine in their bedroom this evening. Martin and Phyllis popped in and out throughout dinner to make sure there was always plenty of food available, to refill our drinks, and to visit with us all.

  “Dessert will be ready in about thirty minutes,” Phyllis says as she retrieves some of the dirty plates from the table.

  “Uhhhhh,” I groan. “It was so amazing, but I seriously don’t think I could eat another bite.”

  “I have homemade apple pie with French vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce.”

  “I’ll take her share,” Ryan chimes in causing our tablemates to laugh. “I’m just fueling up for later,” he whispers in my ear, hot breath fanning across my face.

  “You’re gonna be in a sugar coma and probably need insulin.”

  “I could never be too tired or too full to make love to you,” he adds. Then, as if to seal his sentiment, he leans forward and kisses my lips.

  “You two are so adorable. Ollie, remember when we used to make out like teenagers when we first met?” the middle-aged wife, Donna, asks her husband, Oliver.

  “Oh, I remember. I believe that was back when kids had nothing to do but go parking on a deserted gravel road in the evenings,” he says with a chuckle. Instantly, my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

  “Uh oh, she’s blushing,” the female newlywed, Aimee, says with a big grin. “There’s a story there,” she adds with encouragement.

  “No,” I say at the same time Ryan snorts. “No, no story.” I divert my eyes, dropping them to watch my finger slide nervously along my cloth napkin, all while reliving the entire embarrassing night we were arrested in my mind. Ryan remains quiet at my side and gives my knee a gentle squeeze.

  So glad embarrassment could tail me all the way to the southern part of the state.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  There was a time in my life where being in Sara’s company, even after a short period of time, was enough to drive me to drink. I know that’s horrible to say, but it’s true. The writing was on the damn wall in black paint well before the relationship officially ended.

  She used to do this thing where she’d finger comb her hair with one hand and scroll through her social media feed with the other, paying absolutely zero attention to me or anyone else in the vicinity. I could have told her dancing elephants were in the room or that I wasn’t wearing pants while dining at whatever fancy restaurant in the art district of Manhattan she begged me to take her to. Sara never paid attention to me unless it could directly boost her social status, and at times it was enough just to stick out the three-hour date.

  Now Jaime? I want to be with her for hours, days, a lifetime. I don’t ever want my time with her to end. I need her in my bed, in my home, and in my life. Period. In just the short time that I’ve known her, she has become my everything. When she’s not with me, I’m lonely. When she’s with me, I’m more content than ever before. I’m rushing headlong towards the cliff of Happily Ever After, at the corner of Matrimony Way and Forever Drive.

  And you know what?

  I’m ready.

  If I could ask Jaime to spend the rest of her life with me right now, I would. But I don’t think she’s ready. Hell, deep down, I’m probably not quite ready. Not only have we not known each other for very long, we’re both coming out of serious relationships, which come with scars. For me, they’re surface scars, but that doesn’t make them any less visible. Jaime’s scars, on the other hand, aren’t skin deep. She’s still healing, whether she wants to admit it or not, and the last thing I need to do is push her away by talking about china patterns and reception venues.

  No, instead, I’ll take my time, savoring each moment I get with her. We’ll create new memories that will smother the ones that fuckstick left her with. I’ll work on replacing everything bad with new, beautiful things, because that’s what she deserves, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to give her everything.

  “Want to go for a walk?” I ask Jaime after we gorge on lasagna and garlic bread. Between the mouthwatering Italian food and the gorgeous woman beside me, this meal ranks in the top five meals ever consumed, that’s for sure.

  “Sure,” she replies, offering me her hand.

  Together, we walk hand-in-hand out the back door. The younger couple is sitting on the back deck, watching the waves crash along the shore. After a friendly wave to the others, I lead Jaime towards the gray sandy beach forty yards out.

  For a bit, we walk quietly along the wet sand. I have her flip-flops and my own dangling from one hand, her soft hand in my other. Every so often, she bends down to pick up a seashell, and before too long, she has her hand full of iridescent shells of every shape and size. I could probably release her hand so she can collect more, but she’s not volunteering to let go either, so I’ll hold on a little longer.

  “I can’t believe how beautiful it is here,” she says, watching the whitecaps crash on the beach, while we stroll leisurely along.

  “I agree,” I say as we head into the ocean. We don’t walk out far–only ankle deep. It’s just enough to feel the wet sand beneath our toes and the cool water wash over our skin.

  “Tell me about the Hazelton place. I hear they’ve been considering putting in their own bowling alley.”

  Before I answer, I glance over. Her brown hair is blowing in the breeze, and she looks about as carefree as you can possibly be. The image causes a smile to slide up the corner of my lips. “Well, there isn’t a bowling alley in the plans as of right now. Though, I guess it wouldn’t surprise me since he was a champion bowler back in the 80’s.

  “They’ve been super easy to work with since they had an idea of what they wanted from the start. I was able to take their specifications and help them find a layout. They didn’t make too many changes to the original plan, just a few tweaks here and there.”

  “I bet it’s going to be amazing when you’re finished.”

  “It will be. This is, by far, the biggest job I’ve ever completed. I’m eager to see what the finished product is going to look like.”

  “I’m sure they’re going to love it,” she adds with an encouraging smile.

  And because I can’t help it, I stop her and steal a kiss. It’s a slow, tease of a kiss that leaves my pants tight and my blood pumping. That’s exactly what happens every time my lips lock with hers. I want more, and if the way she slides against my chest and purrs is any indication, she’s ready for more too.

  But not yet, pushing aside my growing lust, I start to walk again. Jaime follows suit, grinning and gazing up at me from beneath those long, dark lashes. The smile I give her in return lets her know I’m thinking the exact same thing she is: I can’t wait for later.

  “So you’re building a huge masterpiece for someone else, but have you ever thought of building your own place? Or are you going to rent from Mrs. Hanson for the rest of your life?” she asks, humor laces with each word.

  “Oh, I’ve thought of it. When I was in New York, I knew I wasn’t going to stay forever, so I didn’t put much stock into the idea. But as soon as I set foot in Jupiter Bay, I started giving it a little more consideration.”

  “You should do it. There’s plenty of land around to develop. Unless you’re wanting directly along the Bay. Those parcels of land are going for a pretty penny.” Jaime stops in her tracks, our hands pulled until they’re almost apart.


  “Unless you’re not staying
around here. I mean, you might plan to head back to New York someday,” she says, her words trailing off until the last is barely audible.

  My eyes widen as I take in her stricken face. “No,” I say loud and forcefully. “I’m not leaving. I’m not going back to New York. Not now, not ever.”

  “You can’t be sure of that though, right?” Again, her words are a hush.

  “I am sure. Even if this didn’t work out between us, Jupiter Bay is my home. Honestly, Jaime, I’m not leaving,” I reassure her, dropping our shoes in the sand and pulling her flush against me. “Why would I want to leave when my home is right here, in my arms?”

  And then I kiss her. I kiss her with every ounce of passion, every piece of my heart I possess. I always wondered about my friends who would talk about their wives as if they hung the moon and the fucking stars. I never understood it. I never got the power that that sort of love possessed on your soul. But I get it now. I understand because Jaime owns my heart completely. There’s no way I could ever love another woman the way I love her.

  I lock eyes with hers because I want her to know that the words I speak are one hundred percent the truth. I want her to feel the words I say, not just hear them. “I’m not going anywhere because I love you. You, Jaime Summer.”

  Through hazy eyes, she gazes up at me, the sweetest smile gracing her lips. “I love you too.”

  “Come on,” I say, pulling her back the way we came. “I want to make love to the woman I love.”


  I’d fly up the stairs two at a time, the way we used to when we ran bleachers during hockey training, but Jaime’s slightly shorter legs keep me from making a complete ass of myself. I’m tempted to throw her over my shoulder, but Phyllis appears at the top of the staircase with a knowing smile on her face.

  “Good evening,” she says sweetly as we approach.

  “Good evening,” Jaime replies.

  “You look like you’re retiring to your room this evening. You two skipped out on dessert earlier, so I saved you some. There is a container on the counter, the ice cream is in the freezer, and the caramel sauce is by the warmer. Heat it up for fifteen seconds and that should be perfect to drizzle over the ice cream. Help yourselves when you’re ready.” Phyllis gives us a wink and starts to head down the stairs.

  “Oh, before I forget, the final guests have arrived. They’re in the room directly behind yours.”

  “Thanks,” I say as she descends the stairs. Before she reaches the halfway point, I pull Jaime towards our room.

  Once inside, I slam my lips against hers in a hungry, needy kiss. Jaime locks the door behind her before winding her arms around my neck. Reaching around and grabbing her ass, I hoist her up and press her back against the door. Her legs wrap around my waist, lining us up perfectly as she starts to grind against my cock. I’m so fucking hard right now, I’m afraid it might do some sort of permanent damage from the pressure.

  Jaime latches onto my bottom lip, each suckle rippling through my body like a lightning strike straight to my dick. Using the wall as leverage, I’m able to slide my hands up her body. Her soft skin is peppered with goosebumps and her nipples are hard little peaks against my chest. My mouth waters for just a little taste, knowing that I won’t be able to stop at just one.

  “Damn, I want to take you right against this door,” I ground out, refusing to break the connection of our mouths.

  “Yes, yes, I want that,” she pants breathlessly. I can feel the heat of her pussy through two layers of clothes.

  Tearing my lips away from hers, I set her on her feet and quickly start to rid her of it all. First her shirt is thrown somewhere in the room, followed very quickly by her white lace bra with red trim. Then I set my sights on her shorts. After unbuttoning them, I give them a hard tug. My eyes never leave the white lace with red trimmed thong she had hidden beneath. She must have brought them with her because she wasn’t wearing them when I devoured her before.

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven,” I whisper, transfixed by that tiny scrap of lace.

  “Please,” she begs. She wiggles slightly, her legs trembling from need.

  “Is this what you want, sweetheart?” I ask, leaning forward and swiping my tongue along the lace-covered seam of her lips. I’m rewarded with a deep moan.

  “Do you want more?” I ask, glancing up and locking eyes with her cloudy green ones.

  “More,” she demands, her body craving another touch.

  Sliding the thong aside, I part her folds with my fingers and run my tongue between them. Again, her moan is pure music and fuels the already raging inferno inside of me. I savor the taste of her arousal, loving the way it coats my tongue. Licking and sucking on her clit, I run a single finger through her wetness.

  When I push gently inside her ready body, Jaime starts to buck against me. She’s wild as she grinds down on my hand, chasing the orgasm she craves, the one I promised. Before I slide a second finger inside of her, I use my other hand to lift her left leg up and over my shoulder. She’s open wide, a buffet for only me to enjoy. And I’m fucking famished.

  I push two fingers inside of her and latch on to her clit with my mouth, sucking on her swollen flesh. Jaime’s hands dive into my hair, gripping at my scalp and tugging on handfuls of hair. I ignore the sting. Instead, it drives me further. The desire to make her come is overwhelming as I work my fingers in and out of her sweet pussy.

  “God, Ryan, that feels so good. Your mouth feels so fucking good.”

  Her muscles start to tighten against my fingers. They’re pulling against me, drawing me in deeper, as her legs start to quiver. She’s close now; I can feel the orgasm cresting.

  “Let go, baby. I want to feel you come on my fingers and tongue.”

  My words are the spark she needs because she ignites right before my eyes. Her orgasm sweeps through her, powerful and all-consuming, as I work my fingers inside of her and alternate between licking and sucking on that magic button. I watch, hypnotized as her body rides out wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. It’s fucking beautiful to watch, and even more magnificent to feel against my fingers and tongue.

  When the last wave sweeps through her, Jaime sags against the door, spent and sated. But I’m not done with her yet. Not even close.

  Standing up, I rid myself of clothes, all while keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t fall. When I’m naked, I gather her in my arms once more. Jaime wraps those long legs around my waist; only this time, there’s no barrier between my throbbing dick and what it craves.

  I spin around, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I slide back enough so that my feet still reach the floor, and gently lift Jaime until I feel the head of my cock nudging at her entrance.

  “I want you to ride me,” I tell her.

  Those hazy eyes start to brighten as she gives me a little smile. “I’m not sure I’ll have the energy.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll gladly assist,” I say as I lower her down and slide inside.

  She’s unbelievably tight from her previous orgasm that she clutches my cock in a death grip. “You’re so wet. You feel abso-fucking-lutely amazing,” I groan as she slides all the way to the base of my dick.

  “God, I love it when you talk to me,” she whispers, her cheeks pinking with her confession.

  “Yeah? You like dirty talk?” I ask, moving her up again until I’m almost out.

  “I didn’t know I did until I heard it coming from you.”

  “Then prepare to come harder than you ever have, Jaime. I want to feel you come all over my cock.” Then I slam her hips down on me. She grips me internally, and I swear I hit something deep inside of her that pushes me towards my own release. It’s barreling down on me, getting closer with each second I’m inside her.

  “Oh God,” she whimpers.

  I grasp her hips and slam them down again and again. Jaime uses her legs to help move and adds a little hip thrust each time she reaches the
root of me. My balls are already tingling, but I refuse to let this end too soon.

  I lean down and suck her nipple inside my mouth. It’s hard and begs for me to bite down just a bit. I know instantly when she feels the bite. Not only does a gasp erupt from her mouth, but her body clamps down on my cock in the best way possible.

  “Do that again,” I instruct. “Your body fucking grips my dick so tight, I almost lose it. But I won’t. Not yet. Not until you come again,” I say just before I bite down on the other nipple.

  Her body convulses above me. Just as I go to do it again, I hear a loud thud against the wall. It’s loud enough that both of us stop in our tracks and stare at each other. Quietness surrounds us for a few seconds and I start to wonder if we imagined the entire thing.

  Just as I get ready to plunge into her once more, a deep muffled moan pierces through the wall. Jaime tenses above me, eyes as wide as hubcaps, which I’m sure mirror my own. The moaning on the other side of the wall intensifies, followed by a whole lot of begging and pleading to the big man upstairs.

  Jaime and I both burst out laughing at the same time. “We weren’t that loud, were we?” she asks, her cheeks flushing darker than they already were.

  “Not yet we weren’t. Come on, babe. Let’s see who can make the walls shake more,” I say just before pulling out and slamming back up into her ready body. It’s a challenge I’ll gladly accept.

  She’s still clamped down on me, but her face says she’s not quite on board with the idea. “Ignore them,” I recommend just as a shout echoes through the wall.

  I’ll be damned if I’m going to let our neighbors kill the mood. We were both so fucking close to getting off before the amateurs auditioning for the lead in the next porn flick interrupted us. There’s no way in hell I’m not getting her off right now; not until fireworks are erupting in her mind and she blacks out from her orgasm.


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