Book Read Free

Changing Perspectives

Page 11

by Jen Silver

  Penny smiled. “Okay. No problem.”

  “And I would like a list of any clients you think we can take with us.”

  Penny nodded. “So what happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. When I saw you on Wednesday, you were away with the fairies. Then on Thursday morning you breeze in here and take charge. Like you’d had a personality change.”

  “Maybe I did. Can we just leave it at that?”

  “Yeah.” Penny clearly wasn’t convinced but knew when to stop pushing. “Okay, I’ll go and do those ads.”


  Camila got up slowly after taking her time with a long bath. She studied her face carefully in the mirror. Did it show, she wondered? Would everyone know how she had spent the night? She had to be awake for the presentations this morning, and she wasn’t sure she could even make it through breakfast. And she needed to meet with Eric Redmond to discuss the Berlin business; she was amazed she even remembered. All she wanted to remember was the feel of Dani’s hands and mouth on her, inside her, everywhere.

  The breakfast room wasn’t full when she arrived at half eight. The first session was at nine fifteen, and the marketing team would have wanted the crew to do a thorough run-through before their multimedia extravaganza. Luckily Eric was still sitting at a table, reading the Financial Times. She helped herself to orange juice from the buffet, asked a passing waitress for coffee and toast, and sat down opposite him.

  He looked across and raised his eyebrows. “Late night? I didn’t see you in the bar after dinner.”

  “Thanks, Eric. I will refrain from making personal comments about your appearance, at least until I’ve had some coffee.”

  He laughed good-naturedly, “Fair enough. You taking Josh on this trip?”

  “Yes. I thought it would be good for his development. He wasn’t too keen on setting off on Sunday evening, though.”

  “Of course not. It cuts into his football-and-bonking time. He’ll survive.”

  Camila smiled. With any luck it might be cutting into my bonking time too. Her coffee and toast arrived.

  “They’re trying to get us to agree to price cuts.”

  “Don’t worry. They think I’m a pushover because I’m a woman. What they don’t know is I speak German.”

  “You do?”

  “And French. I can get by in Spanish and Italian too.”

  “I didn’t know you’re a linguist.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Eric.” And a lot I don’t want you to know, either.

  “No doubt. Look, there are a few details I need to talk to you about. I’m sure Josh has got the demographics of the region covered, but I don’t think he is too clued-up on the pricing and the margins we expect to make on this project. Could we meet later?”

  “Yes. I’ll find you during the break.” Camila drank the coffee and left the toast. She didn’t feel like eating and was glad Eric had finished his full English before she sat down.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dani checked her bruises in front of the full-length mirror on the back of the wardrobe door in her bedroom. The beating Lisa had given her on Monday hadn’t been very severe. The stripes were already making the transition from purple to yellowish-green. In another day or two, the marks would fade to almost nothing. She was sure Camila hadn’t noticed anything the night before, but if they were to make love during the day, hiding them from her would be difficult.

  She pulled on her shorts and sat on the bed. Camila hadn’t said anything more about the cut on her face, but neither of them had said much of anything; their mouths were otherwise engaged. It was too early to tell how things between them might work out. One night that had been a lifetime of joyful lovemaking, but she knew better than to let herself dwell on the future. One night at a time, take it as she comes. She smiled at that thought, Camila coming again, and again. It had been a long time since she had made love to a woman like that. She hadn’t been sure she would be able to get into it, but she had. And she was getting horny again just thinking about the delights of Camila’s body.

  How long would it last? A novelty for a few nights, maybe, and then she would want another whipping. But she didn’t think Camila would understand, somehow. A few nights of a vanilla diet and Dani would be back round at Lisa’s knocking on the door.

  She glanced at the clock; just after nine thirty. Camila had said she would be late back from Brighton. Dani stood and looked around the room. It was tidier than it had been for a while. She finished dressing and went downstairs; the living room needed a bit of work. By the time she managed to make it look presentable, it was after ten. She washed her hands, took a can of Pride from the fridge, and went out to the patio to watch the lights on the river.

  The doorbell rang just after she’d opened her second can. Nervously, she ran her fingers through her hair as she walked to the front door. Camila stood there holding her suit bag and overnight case, looking like she had just stepped off the front page of a fashion magazine.

  “Are you going to let me in?” she asked.

  Dani stood aside to let her pass. She took the bags from her and put them down by the stairs. “Do you want a drink?”

  “If the bar’s still open, I’ll have a gin and tonic, please.”

  Dani led the way into the living room; Camila made a beeline for the open patio doors and stood in the spot Dani had recently vacated.

  She was still standing there when Dani returned with her drink. “Did you come straight here?”

  “No. I went home, changed, and packed clean underwear. I’m going to Berlin on Sunday. I thought I might as well go from here; you’re closer to the airport. That is, if you want me for the weekend.”

  Dani swallowed. “Yes.” They both drank in silence for a few minutes.

  Camila looked around the room. “Your maid has been in.” Dani nodded, not trusting herself to speak. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. Not really.”

  Camila stood and faced her. “There is something. Is it about last night? Am I rushing you? I’ll go, if you want.”

  Dani bit her lip. She felt about sixteen years old, on her first date with an older woman, not knowing what to do. “No. I mean, I just can’t believe you’re here.” God, I even sound fucking sixteen.

  “Dani, put the beer down. Put your arms around me.”

  Dani did as she was told. Then they were kissing and she didn’t have any problem figuring out what to do next.


  Camila stood by the window watching the play of morning light on the water. The tide was in and there were little waves. She watched several rowers going past; it was the start of a bright, breezy day.

  She turned back to look at Dani, asleep. The bedclothes were a tangled mess and Dani was sprawled inelegantly amongst the heap. Camila could see the unmistakable outline of welts across Dani’s buttocks. They would have to talk about it, but she didn’t know how to start. It wasn’t something she had any experience with and it was easy to react negatively—shocked, revolted—but what did she really feel? What did Dani really feel?

  She had a choice, of course—leave now and never see Dani again. It had been fun, two nights of the best sex she had ever had. Keep the memory intact. Before anything went wrong. Before they found out what they didn’t like about each other.

  But she couldn’t, not right away. She felt tears starting; Dani had somehow unlocked the floodgates, emotions she didn’t know she had. Looking at Dani, remembering her touch, she was getting wet. Camila wanted her to touch her again now. She was sure it had never been like this with Allison, even in their early days together.

  “Dani.” She shook her shoulder gently. Dani rolled over and opened her eyes. Camila couldn’t read her expression. Was she just sleepy, or was she wondering where she was and why? Camila bent over and kissed her. Dani seemed awake enough to immediately find and grasp one of her breasts. Dani knew exactly what she wanted; her touch was firm and accu
rate. Camila heard herself crying out her pleasure, her desire for more. She had never been a “screamer”. She had never thought of herself as being very sensual at all. She had been wrong.


  Later in the day, much later, they managed to get out of bed, get dressed, and go for a walk. Dani’s buoyant mood was infectious, and Camila enjoyed the feeling of freedom that enveloped her as she held hands with her lover out in the open. When they reached the end of the road where it turned by the church, Dani led the way into the graveyard. She found a secluded spot and pulled Camila close to her. They kissed again.

  “Dani, we can’t do this here,” protested Camila as they broke apart for air.

  “Why not? No complaints from the clients.”

  “No, but….”

  “You’ve never done it in a cemetery?”


  “Do you want to?”

  “Dani, I….”

  It didn’t matter what she thought; her body was responding again to Dani’s touch. A little while later, she found herself sitting in the pub around the corner. Dani brought her drink over and grinned at her. She grinned back. They were like two kids with a secret. The world of Redmond and the imminent trip to Berlin were light years away.

  “So what would your friends think, if they could see you now?” Dani asked, looking at her over the rim of her pint glass.

  “You’re really hung up on my friends, aren’t you? Why should they be so different from your friends?”

  Dani shrugged and traced a pattern with some spilt beer on the table.

  Camila took a deep breath and spoke to the top of her head. “If you really want to know what my friends would think, you could meet some of them. I’ve been invited to a birthday barbecue. It’s the week after next.”

  Dani looked at her then. “You wouldn’t be embarrassed?”


  Dani’s eyes locked on to hers. It was a direct challenge. “What would I wear?”

  “Whatever you like. It’s not that formal.”

  Dani drank some more beer and changed the subject. They talked about other things and eventually got back to their previous lighthearted mood.

  It wasn’t until they returned to the house that Dani mentioned the subject again. “About this party.”


  “Where is it?”

  Camila wrote the address on the telephone pad. “Starts at eight. You’ll have to make your own way there. I might be late as I have a board meeting.”

  “Don’t you need to ring and let them know you’re bringing someone?”


  “So you could do it now. You might forget tomorrow.”

  “I don’t forget things.”

  “You might.”

  “All right.” Camila picked up the phone handset and dialled. She wasn’t sure what Dani’s game was, but she was willing to go along with it. “Hi, it’s Camila. I’m off on a business trip tomorrow, so I just wanted to let you know in advance that I’ll be bringing a guest to the party. Hope that’s okay. Leave a message on my machine if it’s not. See you then.” She put the receiver down. “Answerphone. Satisfied?”


  “You had better be there. Don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t. Thanks.”

  “Now come here and kiss me.” Camila was aware of a surge of power. And she knew Dani liked it. They made love on the living room floor before making it upstairs to the bedroom.


  The river passed by in swirls of grey, the sunshine of the day before a distant memory. Camila sipped her black coffee. It wasn’t her normal Sunday routine. She wouldn’t still be sitting around undressed at midday, not having looked at a single line in a Sunday paper, not having spent a few hours on her laptop. But she didn’t think anything would seem normal again. She heard the front door open and Dani appeared carrying a box of cornflakes, a pint of milk, and the Sunday Times.

  “This was all they had. If you want anything more substantial, we’ll have to go to The Black Lion.”

  “This will be fine.” Camila found herself looking into Dani’s green eyes again. This was ridiculous, she told herself sternly. She was like a teenager in heat.

  “What time’s your taxi?” Dani asked, breaking the spell.

  “Two fifteen.” By her standards, that was cutting it fine. She followed Dani into the kitchen watching her open the box of cereal and pour flakes into two bowls. Then she handed Camila the milk.

  “You’d better pour your own. Do you want sugar?”

  “Have you given the maid the weekend off as well?”

  “Yeah. Good help is so hard to find.”

  Camila put the milk down on the counter and pulled Dani close. “The flakes can wait. I want you, now,” she whispered in her ear.


  Snapping open her laptop as soon as the flight attendant had finished her welcome routine, Camila tried to concentrate on the figures on the screen. It was the best way of fending off conversation with her young colleague. She couldn’t fault his enthusiasm. As a recently promoted brand manager, he was keen to make a good impression. He had hardly stopped talking since they’d met at the Departures desk. But this afternoon she couldn’t focus. It was no use. She stowed the machine under the seat, giving in to the desire to sleep. When she woke, the plane was just coming in to land.

  After Passport Control, she left Josh to wait for the luggage and slipped into the ladies’ room. As she feared, she looked like she hadn’t slept in a few days. Camila splashed her face with cold water. She didn’t have time to do her eyes, but at least a touch of lipstick made her look less dead. She combed her hair and straightened her outfit.

  The memory of Dani watching her dress flooded back. Dani had been half teasing, half trying to tempt her back into bed. “Pull yourself together, Camila,” she told her reflection. “Helmut won’t be amused.” The thought of the next two days with the Germans was enough to banish thoughts of Dani, for a while at least.

  Helmut was waiting for them in the Arrivals hall. He took Camila’s case from her, leaving Josh to fend for himself and shepherded her out of the building and into the company car. With any luck, she thought, she would be able to have a bath before having to attend the corporate dinner. Taking this trip this straight after the conference had been bad planning, but she had fully expected to have a quiet weekend in her flat to rest and prepare.

  In the bath, at last, she found herself thinking about Dani again; the bruising—no disguising the fact they had been caused by a whip or a cane. Dani hadn’t said anything and Camila hadn’t asked. It raised a lot of questions in her mind, though. And the main question was if Dani were into something kinky, how long would she be satisfied having ordinary vanilla sex with her? Camila couldn’t quite see herself in the role of dominatrix, but if that’s what turned Dani on, if that’s what this woman did for her, the one who had hit her on the face….

  Camila pulled the plug and got out of the bath. She took her time dressing and applying her makeup. The bath and the short nap on the plane had restored some of her strength. She would be sticking to mineral water at dinner, as she hadn’t eaten anything all day, not even the snack on the plane. Giving herself one last check in the mirror, she decided she would pass muster, but it was going to be a long two days and nights.


  It was three in the morning. Camila was in her hotel room in Berlin, staring at her laptop. Helmut had provided her with a modem when she asked, saying she needed to email her report to Eric. The dial-up time was even slower than the one in her office, but she was rewarded with an Internet connection eventually. Finding specialty topic bulletin boards hadn’t been difficult, and the flow of information was seemingly endless.

  She read on, unaware of the passing of time. Finally, she’d had enough. She disconnected the modem, switched off the laptop, and lay down on the bed. This is ridiculous, she thought. I’m an executive. I have an important meeting in the morning, I
should not be thinking about this.

  Finally, she reached for the phone and dialled Dani’s number. It rang for a while, but she knew Dani would answer if she hadn’t gone out. Her hand was shaking.

  “Dani,” she said, “did I wake you?”


  “You’re lying.”

  “Yes. I’m lying down.”

  “I was thinking about you. I have to ask you something.”


  “I mean, we should have talked about this before, but—”

  “What is it?” Dani sounded more awake now.

  “Dani, what really turns you on?”

  “I…Jesus, Camila, it’s four o’clock in the morning.”

  “Would you like me to give you a good whipping?”

  “Christ! Have I dialled a sex line in my sleep?”

  “Well? Dani, are you still there?”


  “Is that an answer?”


  “What do you like to be whipped with?”

  “A cane,” Dani answered without hesitation. “They’re difficult to get hold of. Anything would do, really. A riding crop is okay. But a cane is the best. It really hurts, can’t sit down for days. That really turns me on, since you asked.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you go back to sleep now. Sweet dreams.”


  “Goodnight. See you on Tuesday.”


  Dani put the receiver down slowly, wide-awake now. She turned on the light. Had she really just had that conversation with Camila? Or had she been dreaming?

  Camila must have seen the evidence of Lisa’s handiwork during the last two mornings they had spent in bed. Her question reminded Dani of the time Bea had caught her handling one of the canes in the room the mistress jokingly called her “tart’s boudoir”. When Bea entertained her clients, Dani usually went out and roamed around museums and art galleries. But this day her curiosity had got the better of her and she had gone into the room for the first time while Bea was out shopping.


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