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by Howard G. Buffett

  flooding, 363

  flood irrigation, 148

  flour, 289

  food, 172, 301

  in Czechoslovakia, 23–24, 25–26

  grown locally, 362–73

  Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, 281

  food aid, 20, 38–39, 64, 176

  availability of, 225

  extortion and, 238–39

  mistakes in, 219

  monetization of, 226–32, 323, 366–68

  for tsunami, 215

  US rules on, 227–28

  work vs., 210–11

  Food Aid After Fifty Years: Recasting Its Role (Maxwell), 229

  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 5, 14, 39, 189, 323, 358

  Food Bank of Corpus Christi, 375

  food banks, 91

  food budget, 88

  food ecosystem, 36, 38, 42, 60, 64

  food insecurity, 6, 13–14, 15, 18–19, 21n, 55, 81, 86, 88, 93, 173, 225, 278, 337, 377, 379–80, 403, 411

  in Afghanistan, 285

  food processors, 63

  food production, 14

  Forbes, 66

  forests, 189, 357

  forty chances, origin 10–11

  fragile farmers, 41

  France, 59

  Francis of Assisi, Saint, 152

  free market, 274

  Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, 145

  Fundar, 370–71

  Funwe Farm, 138, 139

  furrow irrigation, 181, 181

  Gabon, 156

  Gandhi, Indira, 176

  Garamba National Park, 262

  Gatsby foundation, 136

  Gayle, Helene D., 230

  GDP growth, 321

  genetically modified seeds, 312

  Ghana, 38, 67, 184, 253, 305, 315, 337, 338, 351–61, 403

  giraffes, 259

  Global Water Initiative (GWI), 248–53

  glyphosate herbicide, 354

  God Grew Tired of Us, 206

  gold, 113, 352

  Goldberg, Ray, 63

  Goma, 157, 159–60

  Gomes de Araujo, Ricardo, 329–30, 332–33

  Good Samaritan Inn, 84–86, 88, 90, 91, 124, 125

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 235

  Gore, Al, 55

  gorillas, 153–61, 153, 262

  Government Accountability Office (GAO), US, 227, 228, 231

  governments, 14

  GPS, 37, 168, 345, 389, 400

  Graham, Ben, xi

  grain elevators, 41, 81

  Grain Systems Incorporated (GSI), 9

  grains, 62, 101, 232, 365, 366–67

  subsidized, 225–26

  Grantham, Jeremy, 189

  Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., 189

  grasslands, 189

  Great Britain, 237, 332

  Great Depression, 276

  Great Lakes region of Africa, 2, 159

  Great Plains, 190–91

  Greece, 102

  Greenberg, Allen, 222

  Green House, 348, 350

  Green Revolution, 15, 137, 176, 177, 178, 183, 184–85

  GreenSeeker, 183

  green techniques, 37

  Guatemala, 38, 62, 99–104, 100, 103, 145, 364–65, 370

  Guinea, 106, 254, 402, 403

  Guinea savanna, 338, 357

  Gulf of Mexico, 182, 279

  Gundersen, Craig, 379–81

  Gunotsoga, Botswana, 270

  habitat preservation, 12

  Haiti, 144

  Harriman, Jake, 343–44

  Harvest, The/La Cosecha: The Story of the Children Who Feed America, 375

  Hawkins, Fred, 30–31

  haze, 51

  Healthy Ecosystem and Livelihoods (HEAL) Initiative, 260, 268

  hemorrhaging, 117

  Herat, Afghanistan, 290–95

  herbicides, 40, 312, 357

  heroin, 285

  Hershey’s, 341

  HIV, 117, 138, 170

  homelessness, 376

  Homestead Act (1862), 275–76

  Honduras, 145, 364–65, 370, 372

  Howard G. Buffett Foundation, 12, 16, 67, 68, 69, 131, 243–44, 295

  agricultural investment and, 318–20

  Good Samaritan Inn aided by, 90

  school feeding programs and, 145

  seed breeding funded by, 140–41

  social entrepreneurs supported by, 343

  2045 closing of, 17

  water management and, 244–48

  Huambo, Angola, 168–69, 172

  Human Rights Center, 217, 218

  human rights problems, 217

  human trafficking, 13

  human-wildlife conflict (HWC), 261–62

  Humphrey, Hubert, 225

  hunger, 12–14, 93

  body type and, 96

  conflict and, 5–6, 19, 96–97, 105, 184

  education and, 144

  in Nigeria, 95–98

  sex trade and, 115

  in US, 81–91, 85

  worldwide deaths from, 6

  worldwide numbers on, 12–13, 16, 35, 38, 64, 86

  Hurricane Mitch, 365, 372n

  Hussein, Saddam, 130, 237

  hybrid seeds, 13, 176

  Illinois, 9, 14, 180, 188, 191, 275, 279, 313

  Illinois, University of, 83, 379

  Illinois State University, 83

  immune disorders, 101, 102

  immunizations, 321

  improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 317

  India, 15, 30, 64, 178–79, 214, 243, 315, 343

  childhood malnutrition in, 178–79

  drought in, 176

  Indian Ocean tsunami, 213–21, 216, 285

  Indonesia, 60

  infant mortality, 169

  infertility, 117

  information resources, 36

  infrastructure, 36, 321, 325, 345, 363, 408

  Institute for Economic Stability, 325

  insurance bills, 88

  Intacta RR2 PRO, 336

  International Criminal Court, 106, 236

  International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 333

  International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 253, 254

  internationally displaced persons (IDPs), 157–58

  International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 353

  International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 202, 253, 254

  iodine, 100–101

  Iowa, 279

  Iraq, 128, 325, 359

  Iraq War, 237, 287

  Ireland, 102

  iron, 100, 102, 108

  iron triangle, 227

  irrigation, 60, 255, 255, 280, 383, 393

  irrigation canals, 130

  irrigation pivot, 393

  Islam, 113–14

  Ismael, Saleem, 139

  Iuvo, Angola, 170–74

  Ivory Coast, 129, 254, 338, 359, 368

  Jake, 313

  Jalalabad, Afghanistan, 317

  Jarslov, 23

  John Deere & Company, 10, 50, 314, 315, 389, 396

  Juárez cartel, 149

  Jubatus reserve, 67, 202–3, 205–6, 208–9

  Julio, 170

  Kabambare territory, DRC, 358

  Kabila, Joseph, 158

  Kailo territory, DRC, 358

  Kakuma camp, 237n

  Kandol, Pakistan, 224

  Kansas, 276

  Kasongo territory, DRC, 358

  Katie, Aunt, 89

  Kazakhstan, 398

  Kenema, Sierra Leone, 107

  Kenya, 136, 206, 219, 236, 252, 277, 305, 344, 372

  Kessler, Earl, 216

  Kibriya, Shahriar, 322, 323

  Kleinschmit, Francis, 34

  Koevets, 208–10

  Kono, Sierra Leone, 107

  Kony, Joseph, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Lake Malawi, 72

  land development, 217

  Landesa, 386–87

  land reform, 15, 199–20

  land tenure, 199, 387

  land tenure system, 36

  Lane, Jon, 138–40

  Lanjouw, Annette, 246

  LaSalle, Tim, 312, 314–15

  Latin America, 14, 403

  Liberia, 82, 106, 139, 140, 200, 211, 368, 370, 402, 405–6, 408

  life expectancy, 169

  Lilongwe, Malawi, 74, 78

  Lindsay Corporation, 9–10, 64

  Lingbeek, Brandon, 194–95

  literacy, 321

  Little Cromite, 16, 105–11, 109

  livestock, 55

  Livingstone, David, 74

  Lobo Sosa, Porfirio, 364

  Longoria, Eva, 374–76, 378, 381

  Lord’s Resistance Army, 1, 2, 3

  “Lost Boys of Sudan,” 206

  M23, 159, 161

  McCulloch, Graham, 260, 265, 269

  McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 145

  McLaughlin, Charles F. “Chip,” 58

  Macon County, Ill., 80–81, 83

  Madonna, 73

  Magdalena, 170

  magnesium, 108

  malaria, 169, 170, 184

  Malawi, 72–79, 76, 137, 193, 227, 338, 403

  Mali, 112–14, 117–18, 132, 139, 189, 219–20, 254, 403

  malnutrition, 12–13, 99, 105, 171, 178–79

  in Brazil, 333

  in Honduras, 365

  manganese, 352

  manure, as fertilizer, 312

  Map the Meal Gap, 376–77, 380, 381

  Maputo Declaration, 403

  Maqui, 149

  Maria, 99, 100, 101, 104, 121–23

  marijuana, 6, 149, 150–51, 286

  Martín, José, 382–85

  Maryland, 377

  Masai Mara National Reserve, 194

  Maxwell, Daniel, 229–30

  Mayans, 102, 190

  Meals on Wheels, 88–89

  meat, 219

  Mebarak, Shakira, 142–46, 143, 400

  mechanization, 37

  Mexican Revolution, 200

  Mexico, 5–6, 59, 147–52, 175–76, 298–300, 346, 370

  land reform in, 200

  MH26, 138

  mice, 77–79

  microcredit program, 304

  microloans, 381

  micro-macro problem, 140

  micronutrient deficiency, 100–101, 100

  millet, 323

  Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, 318

  mining, 357–58

  Misrak Badawacho, 38

  Mississippi River, 182, 279

  Mitch, Hurricane, 365, 372n

  Mitchell, Clay, 388–99

  Mitchell, Wade, 389–90

  Mohair, 114, 118, 118

  monetization, 226–32, 323, 366–68

  Monkey Bay, 138

  monocropping, 184

  Monsanto Company, 335, 336, 370

  moon landing, 24–25

  mopane, 263

  Morocco, 30

  Morrill Act (1862), 36

  mortality, 321

  mosquito nets, 140

  Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), 165–66

  Moyo, Dambisa, 140, 163

  Mozambique, 72, 132–41, 186–89, 187, 205, 225, 228, 248, 337, 338

  Mpherero Anchor Farm Project, 77–78

  Mucuna, 356

  mudslides, 60

  mulch, 352–57

  N2Africa project, 405

  Nairobi, 134, 136, 229

  Namibia, 271

  Nampula Province, Mozambique, 186–87

  Nangarhar University College of Agriculture, 317, 325

  Napa wine country, 102

  National Congress for the Defense of the Congolese People (CNDP), 157, 159

  National Food Reserve Agency, 372

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 279

  National School Lunch Program, 145

  National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), 165

  natural gas, 352

  Naval Academy, US, 343

  Nebraska, 275

  Nebraska Ethanol Board, 58

  Nebraska Furniture Mart, 51

  Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, 66

  “New Approach to a New Africa, A” (Blair), 404–5

  Nicaragua, 199, 248, 250, 364–65, 370, 382–86, 384, 386

  Niger, 95–98, 139, 254, 403

  Niger Basin Authority, 254

  Nigeria, 194, 254, 277, 338

  Niger River, 113, 114

  nitrogen, 180–82, 183, 196, 311

  Noildes Maria de Jesus, 334

  nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 13, 14, 15, 17, 69, 73, 78, 108, 115, 117, 123–24, 140, 159–60, 163, 168–69, 173, 210–12, 220–21, 230, 341, 344–45, 362–63

  advertising for, 215, 216

  cuts in funding of, 227

  extortion of, 238–39

  inefficiencies in, 322

  mistakes by, 219–20

  monetization by, 226–32, 323, 366–68

  poor coordination by, 216–17, 219

  short-term thinking, 296–97

  tsunami and, 214, 217

  water management and, 245–53

  women’s lives improved by, 302–4

  Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, 127, 177, 358–59

  North China Plain, 35n

  no-till farming techniques, 192, 192, 360–61, 398

  NoVo Foundation, 300

  Nuru International, 344

  Obo, Central African Republic, 3

  Ogallala Aquifer, 280

  oil, fueling Ghana’s economic rise, 352

  Okavango Delta, 246–47, 259, 262, 268, 271, 272

  Okavango Elephants and People Research Project, 260

  Okavango Panhandle, 261, 262

  Oklahoma, 276

  Omaha, Nebr., 19, 28–29

  Omaha University, 21

  Omaha World-Herald, 56

  Operation Demolish Everything, 108

  Operation No Living Thing, 108

  opium, 285, 286

  organic farming, 311–15

  organic movement, 37–38

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 321

  Orr, Kay, 58

  Osborne, Carrie, 138–39

  ovarian lottery, xiv, 69–70, 70

  oxen, 310–11, 316

  Pakistan, 176, 231, 233, 277, 304, 322

  earthquake in, 222–25

  palm nut oil, 161

  papaya, 161

  Partnership of Biodiversity and High-Yield Agricultural Production, The (H. G. Buffett), 63–64

  Pearl, Daniel, 322

  Pearl, Judea, 322–23

  pesticides, 40, 41

  Petraeus, David, 126, 130

  philanthropic colonialism, 218

  philanthropists, 14, 220

  Philanthropy Workshop West, 213

  phosphorus, 281

  phylloxera, 59–60

  Pili Pili Chili, 350

  Pima, 149

  Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed Company, 175

  Planter’s School, 9–10

  Plumpy’Nut, 97

  poaching, 12, 202, 262

  polluted water, 60

  poppies, 285, 286, 287, 291, 293

  population density, 74

  Portugal, 165

  potato famine, 102

  poverty, 14, 18, 74, 136, 163, 321

  in Armenia, 120

  conflict and, 5–6

  in US, 81, 87–88

  Prague, 409–11

  Prague Spring, 22

  Price, Ed, 126–31, 128, 271, 320, 321–22, 323, 325, 358–60, 406

  processed foods, 102

  Program for Africa’s Seed Systems (PASS), 137–38

  proka, 352

  Prosterman, Roy, 387

  prostitutes, 115

  protein, 103

  protein deficiency, 96

  psychological disorders, 101

c Law 480 Food for Peace program (PL 480), 225, 227, 229

  pumps, 293–94

  Purchase for Progress (P4P), 232, 364, 365–66, 370–73

  Pyat, Brenda Gorrell, 90

  Quran, 45

  radishes, 398

  Raikes, Jeff, 370

  railroads, 36, 41, 178

  rainfall, 41, 267

  rain forests, 12, 60, 61–63

  RAND Corporation, 149

  ready-to-use therapeutic food (RTUF), 97

  Red Cross, 166

  red-light districts, 115

  refeeding, 97

  refugee camps, 48, 51

  Revolutionary United Front (RUF), 106, 109, 109, 111

  rice, 15, 82, 129, 359

  roads, 36, 41, 130, 295, 406, 408

  Roberts, Bill, 31–32

  Rockefeller Foundation, 134, 136, 137, 175, 176

  Rodale Institute, 37, 311–12

  roller crimper, 309–15, 310, 313

  Romania, 125

  Rome, 102

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 175

  root louse, 59–60

  root systems, 195–96

  Rose, Charlie, 65, 67, 70

  rule of law, 91

  Rural Development Institute (RDI), 387

  rural electricity, 36

  Russia, 35n, 120

  Rwanda, 139, 154, 156, 307, 402

  rye, 398

  saffron, 289, 291, 291

  Sahel, 195

  Samulali, Nicaragua, 252

  San Joaquin Valley, 197

  Santos Galindo, Lucrecia, 371

  Sarawak, 128

  Sarobi, Habiba, 288

  Sasakawa, Ryoichi, 184

  satellites, 36

  savannas, 60, 77, 330–31, 338–39, 357

  Save the Children, 138

  school feeding programs, 144–45, 364

  schools, 45–46, 321

  Sea of Cortez, 182, 183

  sedimentation, 60

  seeds, 40, 41, 132–41, 151–52, 172, 211, 288, 296, 331, 336, 349

  genetically modified, 312

  hybrid, 13, 176

  loans of, 344

  transportation of, 178

  See’s Candies, 48–49

  Seifa, Adanech, 38–41, 39

  Semester at Sea, 30

  Senate, US, 55, 63

  Senegal, 43–48, 52, 337, 403

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of, 324

  Serbs, 27

  severe acute malnutrition (SAM), 97, 101

  sewing machines, 220

  sex slaves, 1

  sex trade, 114–15

  Shakhik, 124


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