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Wild Side: A Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Book 7 (The Temple Chronicles)

Page 8

by Shayne Silvers

  Callie returned the smile, remembering. I was about to glare at Gunnar when I realized the room had turned uncomfortably silent.

  Because of Carl.

  He was staring at Callie, very directly, but not speaking. Her face was completely blank as she met his eyes. His tongue flicked out like a snake, and then he began thumbing one of his blades, squinting at her, now. Faces slowly turned to face him, wondering why he wasn’t speaking.

  “She smells like you, Master Temple,” he finally said. “I approve of you two mating.” My face flushed red, and Callie abruptly sat down, taking a big drink of water from the nearest glass.

  Alucard burst out laughing. “Fucking Carl…” He shook his head, still laughing until Tory smacked him in the chest.

  “You may have missed it, Callie,” I began, “but he politely introduced himself as Carl. Creepy Carl. I didn’t hear him say anything else.” I didn’t make eye contact with her.

  Carl frowned at me. “She smells like you do when you sleep,” he added, sounding confused.

  If possible, my face flushed even darker, and I desperately wanted to dump some ice water over my head. Gunnar stared openly at Carl. “How do you know what Nate smells like when he sleeps?”

  Alucard leaned over to the Reds, pointing a thumb at Carl as he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. “He knows how to fucking party.” The Reds were trying not to fall out of their chairs with laughter.

  Carl cocked his head, the openings of his reptilian ears contracting. “I watch him sleep, of course. I protect him.” He turned to Callie. “I will protect you, too, if you wish.”

  Callie cleared her throat, politely deflecting Carl’s offer to watch her sleep. “Nate gave me a stuffed animal and a book. Maybe that’s what you smell?” she asked in a helpful tone.

  Carl shrugged uncertainly. “Possibly,” he said, looking frustrated. “I don’t understand you people. It was a compliment. Master Temple smells pleasant when he sleeps.”

  “Right,” I butted in quickly. “Carl, please raise your hand if you want to say anything else.”

  “I don’t see why I’m the only one…” he began, then let out an angry breath. “Fine.” His tongue flickered again, this time looking hostile.

  Tory piped up. “I’m Tory. I run Shift, Nate’s school for wayward children.” She elbowed Alucard next to her. “This is Alucard, my secretary. Daywalker Master Vampire on the side.”

  Alucard scowled at Tory, but nodded begrudgingly. “Pleasure,” he said, flashing Callie a courteous smile. “Heard you kicked some serious ass a few months ago, but Nate wouldn’t share the details.”

  “Just some carebears and a few demons,” she replied humbly, shrugging with a smile. Alucard studied her more intently, nodding absently, wanting to hear more.

  The Reds, Aria and Sonya, piped up, staring at Callie as if they had found their new role model. “We’re dragons. We help out at the school, and Alucard’s our stepdad. Not officially, or anything, but he’s the best we could ask for.”

  Alucard squinted at them suspiciously, likely wondering if that had been a jibe, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t. Alucard and Tory had stepped in to look after the Reds after their mother had been killed, and the two teenagers thought the world of him. Then again, the two weredragons also had mind-manipulation abilities, and were still learning when it was acceptable to tap into that. Like calming an angry stepdad after he was called a secretary, for example.

  It was a good thing that Tory was a Beast Master, able to control shifters at will, because anyone else would have been wrapped around the teenagers’ fingers.

  Callie gave the two a mischievous grin. “I love your hair. Dragons, you say? I’ve never met a dragon. Maybe you can show me your stuff after brunch? Perhaps we can go play outside for a spell.” The Reds beamed, loving the fact that they had not only received direct attention in a room full of powerful adults, but that the newcomer had basically shown them the most interest.

  Callie then turned to Tory. “Shift… such an interesting name for a school. But, of course, they aren’t just wayward children, are they?”

  Tory’s eyes flicked to mine, and I gave a subtle nod. “True. Nate saved a bunch of shifter kids from a monster who was using them for an illegal fight club. Nate shut it down, and we took them in, hoping to rehabilitate them into society. Give them a normal life.”

  Callie shot me a considering look that I pretended not to notice. It hadn’t just been me that saved the kids. Everyone here had helped. “I take it many of them were… mentally damaged as a result of their captivity…” Tory nodded sadly. Callie leaned back, looking pensive. “You’re the one Nate was talking about. Able to control shifters…”

  Tory again checked with me before nodding.

  “I’d like to speak with you after brunch, too, if you can spare a few moments. But maybe I should clear it with your secretary…” she turned to Alucard with a teasing grin, and I knew that Tory and Callie were going to get along just fine. Alucard rolled his eyes, smiling.

  Tory smiled. “He’s really not that good of a secretary. I’d love to chat if Nate can spare you for a few minutes.”

  “I’ll somehow manage,” I added drily.

  Othello leaned forward. “My name’s Othello, and I think you and I have a lot to talk about,” she said, grinning conspiratorially as she not-so-discreetly pointed her head in my direction.

  Callie nodded. “That sounds positively… ominous,” she grinned as if the two were speaking in code that only they understood. “Tell me when. I think I’ve got some questions for you, too.”

  Othello leaned back, looking satisfied. What the hell had that been about?

  Callie turned from face-to-face, tapping her chin with a finger. “This is fun. But I think I like Carl the best.” Which earned very different reactions from each person present.

  I bit back a laugh, because that statement right there proved how clever Callie really was. I wasn’t sure if I had ever met anyone as deft at manipulating people, or reading groups, motivations, and fears of those around her. She was like a Chess player in that regard. And she won over Carl as easy as that. And piqued the interest of everyone else. “No offense,” she added to the others. “You’re all better than Nate, if that’s any consolation.” And she won the rest of them over with that comment.

  I shook my head. “This is going exactly as I hoped. Let’s eat.”

  I sat opposite Mallory in a gaudy white chair that was taller than the rest as Dean began bringing in platters and trays of savory foods. I listened absently as everyone began to talk back and forth. I answered when addressed, but for the most part, I let them get to know each other. Because I could feel Sir Muffle Paws grinning at me from his perch atop the cabinet. He was eating a mouse, ripping out the internal organs as he stared at me with golden, unblinking eyes.

  I turned away, not wanting to ruin my appetite, and found Hugin and Munin staring at me. They weren’t eating, but they looked very… focused on me.

  I turned back to the table, hoping to get sucked back into the conversation, ignoring both the furred and feathered psychotic beasts, and found Mallory staring at me.

  His eyes flickered with golden fire, and his face was entirely expressionless, the face of a creature unfamiliar with his surroundings. His mouth opened to speak, but no words came out.

  I could still read his lips, though.

  Tick Tock…

  I shivered, and turned my eyes down to my plate. I ate mechanically, refusing to look at any of them after that. When the meal was finished, and everyone was saying their goodbyes, I pulled Tory aside. “Do you have a second?”

  Her eyes roved past me to where Callie was patiently waiting by the stairs with the Reds. She looked up and our eyes met. We smiled at each other, and then she turned back to the dragons, who were staring up at her as if seeing a Rock Star. They led her towards the front of the house, no doubt to go show off their skills and impress their new best friend. But she cast one more lo
ok at me before she left, and it was curious. Was I talking to Tory about her?

  Truth was, it had nothing to do with Callie, but—

  “You should totally hook up with her. She’s a fox.”

  I blinked, realizing I was still staring at the space where Callie had been standing. I turned back to see Tory grinning at me, Alucard smiling in agreement.

  I shook my head. “Thanks. But romance is kind of what put us in this pickle.” Their smiles faltered and died at that. “Look, I need to ask you something, and it’s probably good that your secretary is here for it.” They grew instantly serious. I scrubbed a hand through my hair, wondering if there was a specific way I should phrase my question. Mallory was gone, so I couldn’t just ask him.

  “Okay. I need to go help Mallory with something soon. And given the location, I think it might be a good idea to offer you a ticket on the bus.”

  Alucard’s shoulders tightened, not sure what the words meant, but not liking the sound of them. Tory furrowed her brow. “Okay. No need to be cryptic. What’s up?”

  “I’m going to the Fae. To help him. Or… help his brother, I guess. Sir Muffle Paws and Carl are also going,” I said before I really thought about it, realizing for the first time that I had subconsciously decided to bring them. “I need two women to join me, and since you have unfinished business with the Fae, I thought this might be a great opportunity to settle some accounts, especially since we’ll be helping Mallory’s brother, who I believe to be an important person over there. Maybe even enough to get the Queens to listen to him.”

  “I’m going, then,” Alucard said quickly.

  I shook my head. “Love the sentiment, and if it was up to me, we would all go, but someone needs to look after the kids at Shift. That’s you. They trust you. Gunnar will need to look after the army while I’m gone,” I added, feeling nauseated at the sudden thought that Gunnar might permanently be in charge of the war if I did as War had advised.

  Alucard shook his head. “If you need two women, why not take Callie and the Huntress.”

  Tory shook her head. “The Huntress told me that she would never, ever go to the Land of the Fae. No matter what. I think she must have done something unforgiveable over there, because she isn’t scared of anything. Besides, she’s doing something mysterious for Nate in London. With Van and Baba,” Tory added, studying me. The fact that she knew about that at all was a little concerning, because I had only told Othello about it. But even she didn’t know the reason.

  “All the more reason Tory shouldn’t go,” Alucard argued. “They already want her.”

  I ignored Alucard. “This is completely up to you. You don’t have to go, but I thought with the rest of us already going, and to do a favor for Mallory’s brother, you really couldn’t ask for a better chance to rectify things with the Queens. Remember, they have no love for me, either. At least you two didn’t directly piss them off…” I smiled weakly. “It’s not like either of you drop-kicked them in the boobs, or pinned one to a wall like a butterfly in a science exhibit.”

  They nodded, but didn’t smile. Because our brief encounter had left them entirely enthralled to the Queens. Being wise and adept at social interactions, I didn’t remind them of that.

  “Just think on it. I’m not asking Callie. She’s a badass, but she still has some things to learn, and I need anyone going with me to be a bit more jaded, cynical, and ruthless. The Land of the Fae would eat her alive.” Tory arched an eyebrow at me, no doubt taking it as an insult against women in general. “And this trip has nothing to do with her. She isn’t one of us. She works for the Vatican… kind of. And lives in Kansas City. I don’t want her dragged into our problems unless we have to.”

  “Who else were you going to ask?” Ashley asked from directly behind me.

  I flinched, so engrossed with my conversation that I hadn’t even sensed her approach.

  I turned to her, considering. “Well, to be honest, I hadn’t decided yet.”

  “I’ll make it easy on you, then. If Tory goes, I’ll go, too. We girls need to stick together.”

  “Go where?” Gunnar slipped out from a side hall, approaching us. “Because it sure as hell isn’t the Land of the Fae…” he growled.

  “This doesn’t concern you, Alpha. It’s not pack business.”

  His lips actually curled at that. “Then as your fiancé, I say no.”

  She leaned into him, planting a quick peck on his bearded cheek. “It’s so cute that you think our relationship works like that. No man tells a woman where she can go.” His lone eye squinted, veering my way as if to take it out on me.

  I held up my hands. “I didn’t even ask her!”

  Ashley saved me. “Look at it this way, Gunnar. I’m either facing war with a God here, or a quick trip through the woods with a powerful Fae backing us up over there. How long is this trip?” she asked, turning back to me.

  “Two days. Tops.” Because that would be a requirement of mine. I couldn’t risk being gone longer than that. The defenses I had set up here could last quite some time without me here to help. But at some point, they would weaken without me here to juice them back up. Two days was perfectly safe.

  Gunnar grunted, but Ashley wrapped her arm through his, calming him. Then she looked up at me. “Let me know when. I’ll be ready.” Then she was leading Gunnar away.

  He shot a cold look over his shoulder at me, and I did my best to look apologetic and innocent, because I hadn’t asked her to join.

  But deep down, I knew that she would have been my second choice, and that if she hadn’t offered, I would have likely sought her out about ten minutes after asking Tory.

  Alucard began to pace. “I don’t like it. Let’s both go.”

  Tory shook her head. “No, Nate’s right. Someone needs to be here to watch over the students, and the house, and… the Reds.”

  Alucard froze, face growing angry. “Not fair. You would use them against me?”

  “No. I thought I was asking my dearest friend to watch over the two most important things in my life while I’m away. Even though you did such a splendid job last time,” she added teasingly.

  Alucard sighed, shoulders sagging. “Doubly unfair,” he muttered. Then he looked up at me. “You better keep them safe, Nate. Or else.” I nodded solemnly. The two weren’t romantic, but you would have thought they were long-lost brother and sister, or something. And they cared more about those troublesome Reds than any parents I had ever seen, despite neither of them being blood related to them.


  Alucard called out over his shoulder as he led Tory down the hall. “The Reds can’t afford to lose two mothers, Nate…”

  I swallowed, feeling sick to my stomach at the thought.

  Mallory had said I needed two women or all hope was lost. Normally, I would have simply brushed off Mallory’s request at this point. We had more important things to focus on. Like war.

  But then the Hatter had chimed in, and making it sound like this quest might just be the most important thing in the world to me, even though I was going in blind.

  We were going to meet Mallory’s brother. Or Mallory’s other self. To do him a favor.

  And the Hatter thought I had something to learn from it, something important.

  Thinking back on my conversation with War, he had seemed troubled, like he was desperately trying to make me understand something. Was it related to this or the war? Because Matthias had said that Death was at least aware of these Invitations, so War must know about them, too. Was this some ancient rite of passage that everyone knew about, but wouldn’t share with initiates?

  I had been kicking ass for years now, even taking down some pretty heavyweight bad guys.


  Why did I feel like it was suddenly my first day on the job?

  I turned to find Callie staring at me from the shadows, having returned from outside. “Show me your lair, rascal,” she said playfully.

  My heart skipped a beat both at see
ing her there without warning, and her words.

  Then again, I knew she was a master at manipulation, even though I was pretty sure she wasn’t entirely aware of her gifts in that area. Still, she subconsciously knew how to mess with people’s minds, and how to use that to her advantage.

  So those words messed with me.

  Or maybe it was just because it had been a long while since a pretty woman asked me to show her my lair from the dark shadows of a hallway after everyone had left.

  I smiled, nodding.

  Chapter 13

  We strode through the halls of Chateau Falco, and I watched Callie study everything like a kid at her first museum. Sometimes I felt like her older kid brother, and then other times…

  She bent over to pick up a cat toy on the ground, then jingled it playfully at me.

  Yeah, other times…

  I nodded innocently, smiling.

  “Your cat doesn’t seem that friendly,” she said absently. “Didn’t really give me the playful vibe,” she said, inspecting each painting we passed.

  “Oh, I don’t know. He just has to have the right toys to play with.” Like a fluffy, white magician’s rabbit in front of a crowd of screaming children. “Once you get to know him, he’s not that bad.” For a sociopath.

  She nodded, continuing on, not really waiting for me to guide her, but choosing her own path. I let her, watching her all the while. I really wasn’t sure how I felt about Callie Penrose. We had met a few months ago when I was in Kansas City for an auction. I had jumped in to help her on a case with a stolen artifact since her mentor had been injured. To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure why I had offered to help. Well, she had needed it, and I wanted to be sure that the stolen artifact didn’t fall into the wrong hands, but something else had pushed me to help her. I wasn’t sure if it was attraction, or protectiveness.

  Because Callie, although dangerous in her own right, was also very naïve to the dangers of the world. Pleasantly so. She wasn’t as jaded. She had a spunk to her. A fire of life in her eyes that made me happy to be around her. Her shirt very accurately portrayed this, saying I’m mostly peace, love, and light, and a little go fuck yourself.


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