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IF: Nowhere To Run (Camryn Morgan Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Anjallia T. Chase

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  "Kara! I'm trying to keep you out of prison! Why did you have sex with under aged boys?" He asked.

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  "Would it be better if I had sex with under aged girls?" She asked.

  * * *

  "Stop being a smart ass," Mitchell said.

  * * *

  "Oh, come on Daddy. I'm only charged with five. Your daughter sucked a lot of underage cock during the four years of teaching. "She said. She smiled.

  * * *

  Mitchell felt some vomit in his mouth. "Despite how despicable you are I will make sure you have good legal counsel." He said.

  * * *

  Kara laughs. "I guess the exclusive country club won't be calling you anytime soon." She said.

  * * *

  Mitchell left before he slaps his pregnant daughter again. Miriam is about 7 pounds and 17 inches according to Dr. Maddox she is “on track" with development. Kara stopped. Did her water break?

  * * *

  "Am I in labor?" She asked before bursting into tears.

  "Daddy! Daddy!" She shouted.

  "Hello?" Camryn said.

  * * *

  "Camryn, tell me this isn't true?" Niecy said.

  * * *

  "What?" Camryn asked.

  * * *

  "Anna had 30 grand when she died, and all you sent Lisa is a box of ashes and two thousand dollars?" Niecy said.

  * * *

  "The box of ashes is Anna," Camryn said.

  * * *

  "I need money!" Lisa said.

  * * *

  "I need money too. Anna left me in charge of her...things. She had debts, so there isn't as much money as you think." Camryn stated.

  * * *

  "We want proof. We want receipts of things you paid, and then we want more than two thousand." Niecy said.

  * * *

  "We? Aunt Niecy you said you were not stutin' Anna, you didn't even want her ashes in your house but now you want her money?" Camryn is disgusted.

  * * *

  "That money belongs to us and not you," Lisa stated.

  * * *

  "No. It doesn't." Camryn stated.

  * * *

  "I'm her sister," Lisa said.

  * * *

  "So. Anna's decision and she was of sound mind when she made it. If Anna owed $30 grand, we would not be having this conversation. You and Aunt Niecy would be sitting around saying how you're glad it wasn't on you." Camryn stated.

  * * *

  "I'm going to sue you! Greedy bitch!" Lisa said.

  * * *

  Lisa is still shouting when Camryn hangs up. Lisa calls back. Camryn doesn’t answer.

  Alison frowns. She looks out the window at the rainy New York City morning.

  It’s been so long ago she’s beginning to doubt if she’ll ever know what happened to Barry. Well, she knows what happened to him… he was murdered for his haul. How killed him? She’s had better luck tracking down the quack therapist from her childhood. She misses Barry. He understood her. He didn’t shame her or try to change her. They were good together.

  She’s looked over the police report. She’s looked over the private investigator information. She’s considering asking the witch for help. Minerva…she doesn’t want to owe that woman any favors. Someone murdered her Barry and has gotten away with it. It’s unacceptable.

  Alison flips through the book. She looks at the photo of Dr. Helen Trak. This cow has taken the lives of her patients and made them into a story a faux self-help book. She’s considered an expert on childhood trauma.

  An expert! Alison scoffs.

  Michael Trak, her son. She looks at his photo. He couldn’t older than 14 in the photo. She recognizes the look in his eyes. Anger. It’s the anger that someone gets when one needs help, and the world has turned its back on you. She wonders how Helen failed her son. Was she busy believing she was saving others children and lost her own?

  Alison looked at a photo of 42-year-old Michael Trak. He still has the anger in his eyes. Alison smiles.

  Wesley is pleasantly surprised, Camryn "kidnaps" him for a day of R & R. The tornado season tour schedule means she and Wesley will frequently be apart over the next few months. Camryn told him a little lie that she won the spa trip. Wesley isn’t broke. He makes good money but past experience with male gold diggers she’s decided not to disclose her wealth.

  * * *

  Wesley and Camryn felt like they were floating to their room after their 80-minute massages. They had intended to eat lunch but instead fell asleep. They ate an early dinner and went back to sleep. It had been a fun, relaxing day. She pulls the curtains together and turns on a room lamp.

  * * *

  She lay next to Wesley watching him sleep. She carefully traces his long nose. Wesley told her when he was a child other kids would call him names like Big Bird, anteater face, stupid things. He said he's heard every big nose joke under the sun. His nose isn't is long it fit his features. She and many other women agree he is one hot looking man. Camryn hopes Wesley never watches her sleeping. She probably has her mouth opened.

  * * *

  Wesley’s eyes open. She caresses his face.

  * * *

  "Sorry, my fingers are cold." She grins.

  Wesley places his hands around her hands until her fingers are warm. He kisses each finger. Her nipples protrude through her shirt. The idea only some cloth stood between him and her amazing breast...he had a mission to complete at the moment...and then to her amazing breasts.

  * * *

  "Camryn, will you consider being my wife?" He asked.

  * * *

  Camryn is speechless. It is the last thing she expected. She's had guys ask her to marry her before. But those guys we’re looking for someone to live off.

  “I don’t think I would make a good wife. I’m … I have things I need to work through. Things that I don’t understand.” Camryn said.

  “Camryn if people only got married when their life is perfect…no one would ever get married.” Wesley said.

  * * *

  "Wesley...are you sure?" She asked.

  * * *

  "I am." He said.

  Beverly gathers everyone at the Sandoval office. Beverly likes it when Katrina isn't around---people listen to her.

  Richard frowns no Katrina in the meeting. Since asking Shelby to marry him Katrina given him attitude.

  * * *

  "This handsome fellow is Wesley Hunter. The brother to Shelby Hunter- our bosses' fiancée."

  * * *

  "Fiancée!" Nina said.

  * * *

  "Yes," Richard said.

  * * *

  "The smoking hot Wesley is suspicious of Richard. He believes he's hiding something." Beverly smiles.

  * * *

  "He is." Nina chuckles.

  * * *

  "Yes, Wesley is a real and hazardous road block. Camryn's become attached to him. He's whispering more doubts in her ears about me. "Richard stated.

  * * *

  "Can't we kill him?" Nina asked.

  * * *

  "No," Beverly said. "Katrina had two visions. One being we kill Wesley and Camryn becomes distant from Shelby because she doesn't trust Richard. Or two, we make Wesley into an ally." Beverly said.

  * * *

  Everyone glances at each other. No one had high hopes for the ally plan.

  * * *

  "We need to give Wesley something to find. Hear me out... Richard's day job is being a fee-based financial planner, so I'm thinking the big 'OMG' secret is Richard is a former gambler." Beverly smiles.

  * * *

  "What!" Richard said.

  * * *

  "The reaction, wouldn't a person that is a financial planner never want anyone to find out he had a gambling problem? It's like meeting a fitness instructor with a pot belly...who would hire that person. It explains why you would be hiding something...right?" Beverly said.

  * * *

make a pretty good living being a planner...I don't like that. What if that got out it’s going to make getting new clients harder?" Richard said.

  * * *

  "That's the point. The potential loss has to be high to explain the secrecy." Beverly stated.

  * * *

  "What about I had sex with a client?" Richard said.

  * * *

  "No. That would only give Wesley ammo that could make Shelby start doubting you. A gambling secret will make her compassionate towards you. It's a good secret that will make Wesley back off. Maybe he won't start liking you, but it will make him stop sniffing around. "Beverly said.

  * * *

  "We can't go grab Camryn and take her to the coven? “ Nina asks.

  “The guys we sent landed in Big Bend National park, one is dead, one is missing, and the remaining are freaked out. The driver found himself driving on the wrong side of the road in Quebec. We got him back yesterday. "Beverly said.

  * * *

  “Really? Damn.” Nina said.

  "This gives him something to mull over. Something he can wrap his mind around and explain his instincts. He was a good cop so bury it well." Richard said.

  * * *

  "Too bad this plan doesn't require sex with Wesley. Did I mention I think he's hot?" Beverly said.

  Camryn likes having sex with Wesley. He has a great body. He’s attentive. The way he looks like her helps her feel beautiful.

  * * *

  She keeps her hands on him to prevent her mind from wandering. She’s having sex with someone that likes her that loves her.

  She no longer needs the coping behavior of distracting herself to deal with sex. That’s something a woman does while having sex with someone you know doesn’t like you but for some reason, you’re having sex with him anyway.

  She didn't want to give Wesley the impression she didn't like sex or worse she didn't like having sex with him.

  * * *

  She presses her body against him. She repositions herself and places his arms so he could lean back. He could feel Camryn relaxing again. No objections from Wesley her nipples are close to his mouth. He sucks one and then the other into his mouth. While she lowers herself up and down on him. She likes seeing his beautiful face and blue grey eyes it helps her focus on him. She can also touch more of his body in this position.

  He scoops her up in his arms and lay her against the bed. He rotates his hips when Camryn came. He loved seeing her coming. She looks and sounds beautiful. She wraps her legs around his back pulling him closer. Wesley comes. He wanted to wait but oh well. He isn't ready to let go of Camryn...not yet.

  Zeina would never say this to Holly, but Minerva did the correct thing removing her loudest critics. When she demonstrates a formidable ability, it reminds the coven why she is the Youn Pwisan (Powerful One).

  People had been giving her shit for not fixing an issue that's plagued the coven for over 200 years. All her years in the coven she had never seen such an open disrespect to the Youn Pwisan until Minerva.

  * * *

  Zeina flips through the magazines three times she is wondering what is taking Holly so long. She's been in council with the Momma Pow for three hours.

  * * *

  Zeina knew that Abigail was correct about fear. The estate men came into their ancestor's homes raping women and sometimes in front of the men and their children.

  Abigail witnessed her father being whipped and the overseer rubbing red pepper and turpentine into her father's wombs this repeated over five days. There were no mp3 players back in those days so even when a pregnant Betty- Abigail's mother covered four-year-old Abigail's ears. It did little to mask the screams of her father being tortured.

  George knew he would be punished, but he also knew what would happen to his wife and daughter if the men got their hands on them. George didn't care if the world didn't consider Betty his wife and Abigail, his daughter. They did not belong to the overseer or the estate they were his family.

  * * *

  George was hiding Abigail and Betty so they could sneak away to a local native tribe. George was a good home builder and Betty a gifted seer. He traded his talents for a place to hide and protection for his family. The Chieftain of the tribe was intrigued by Betty's abilities.

  * * *

  Betty had a frightening vision of the overseer bringing his two sons, three brothers and four male cousins to "take" her and Abigail. Betty was a rare slave woman no man from the estate had sex with her. Every time one attempted to ‘take her’ the person or persons would disappear. The estate people blamed the disappearances on the local native tribes.

  * * *

  Betty had turned 18 when another slave attempting to prevent being lynched told the estate men it was Betty responsible for the disappearances. He told them she had sex with a demon and made a baby girl from the union. He didn't know the child's name, but he claimed it was obvious she was the spawn of evil. The slave man wasn't lynched instead his reward beaten and buried alive.

  * * *

  No one knows how or where George found the strength, but he got his family to the safety of the tribe. When the estate people went to the tribe’s camp, they were gone and never found.

  George died when he was 26, but he lived as a free man for three years. He died from a blood clot Abigail was only seven at the time, and the estate where her family were slaves was torn apart. It was said a tornado of fire, and a horde of avenging angels leveled the city. A few slaves survived the attack.

  * * *

  Even after George died Betty, Abigail and Matilda stayed with the tribe. It's unknown if that was out of respect or fear.

  Zeina is disgusted by the pious attitude of members of the coven; fear was the only successful weapon they had.

  When 19-year-old Abigail learned her coven being attacked by the locals did anyone think she would sit back? She could put a stop to it and her reward being cast out. The coven that had been a family to her betrayed her. Her betrayal was the shame of Ayiti.

  * * *

  Zeina believes the only way to recover the coven is to bring Camryn back into the fold and not kill her. Camryn possess the same if not more strength of Abigail.

  Minerva quieted her critics it is only a matter of time before she’s replaced by Camryn.

  Kathy trembles. Roland kneels in front of her.

  * * *

  "You have to do the homework." He said.

  * * *

  "I have," Kathy said.

  * * *

  “As you're surrogate it's my responsibility to work through the uncomfortable areas with you. I can tell when someone hasn't done the homework. "He said.

  * * *

  "I was attacked by a woman. Why am I having a hard time letting a guy touch me?" She asked.

  * * *

  "You probably presumed a woman would never sexually attack another woman. The safety believes been disrupted.” Roland said.

  * * *

  Kathy walks away from him. She's used her savings to work with Dr. Ray and her sex surrogate team. She must make an effort in the sessions. Kathy slips Rob's rob off.

  * * *

  He stands relaxed in front of her. She looks at the thick brown pubic hair around his penis. She is glad to see his testicles weren't attached to his penis. She's seen that before and finds the image unsettling. She hugs Roland. He hugs her. Resting his head against hers. They stand hugging each other for the remaining of the session.

  Wesley and Camryn work with an apartment agent. Wesley is ready to sign a lease and move but the last three places Camryn didn't like. He waits on his fiancée to finish looking around.

  * * *

  Camryn laughed the agent's eyes bugged out when she saw Wesley. He never seems to notice women's reactions to him. He doesn't think of himself as this hot guy that women drool over---even though that is the guy he is.

  * * *

  Camryn likes the layout of the apartment. She needed her own bedroom. Wesley seems to legitimate
ly understand when she told him it was a sleep thing not that she was trying to avoid him.

  Camryn schedules herself a few more reformer Pilates classes. She realizes she needs better sexual stamina being with Wesley. She must get into better condition.

  * * *

  She thought the master bedroom would be a good area to convert into an office. The bedrooms were separated by the living room. The price of the apartment for its size...Austin reasonable. She and Wesley would pay $900 each for this space. They agree that if something happened to the others income source they could handle paying the full rent on their own.


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