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IF: Nowhere To Run (Camryn Morgan Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Anjallia T. Chase

  "Why would anyone need to know?" Niecy said.

  Gloria locks the door. “Goodbye apartment 43…I want to forget all about this place.” Gloria said.

  “Easier said than done. I’m going to use dick therapy personally…the more the better. Maybe I’ll finally go to that sex party. “Niecy said.

  “No, we need to dedicate ourselves to church.” Gloria said.

  “You panic your way… I’ll panic my way.” Niecy said.

  The women walk towards 52nd street and hail a cab.

  Lightening flash.

  The horse stable.

  "I'm not ready," Camryn said. She speeds towards the horse stable.

  "I'm not ready!" She shouts.

  Camryn finds herself standing in the horse stable.

  She is looking into the face of a little girl.

  “I know what you are.” 8-year Camryn said to the little girl.

  The little girl reaches for Camryn. She leaps out of her reach.

  The girl's tiny hand becomes large, gray, with long nails and hairy fingers.

  A surge of energy springs from Camryn's body knocking it away from her.

  It laughs as a ring of fire surrounds Camryn.

  "Do you think this can stop me?" She said.

  "Yes, I do," Camryn said.

  It morphs into a massive gray skinned thing with deep black eye sockets with sharp teeth.

  * * *

  "I'm Ethan. Your fake mother is a cunt. Your real mother is a cunt. Your fake dad is a prick. Your real dad is a pussy. You belong to me." Ethan said.

  "You have no ownership to anything or anyone. I do not belong to you." Camryn said.

  "You're practically my sister. Your little ring of fire." Ethan laughs.

  "I'm amazing. You are an abomination." Camryn said.

  "Big word. Do you know what that big word means?” Ethan asked

  “Loathing. Vile…like you, Ethan.” Camryn said.

  “Ralph and my Gloria will die and no matter what anyone says it's your fault," Ethan said.

  "Stop speaking." She commanded it.

  Ethan couldn't speak.

  "Ethan, go back to your darkness. Go back to your shadows. Go back." Camryn said.

  Ethan chuckles as he disappears. Camryn isn’t sure why Ethan is pleased. She realizes Gloria and Ralph standing in the doorway of the horse stable both looking freaked out.

  "Ethan!" Gloria said.

  * * *

  Camryn is back in the tornado with her angel. A few weeks later her parents died in the car accident on their way to another exorcism attempt. She did believe it was her fault.

  She never realized before Gloria recognized Ethan.

  She's been twisted by guilt, grief and shame she had forgotten she was fierce with Ethan. She had forgotten her exchange with Ethan. How much crap did she pile onto that interaction to forgetting something like that?

  * * *

  She bought into the doubts and stopped herself from achieving in life. She would do the work for the demon by getting in her own way. She's been remarkably unremarkable in her life. Author Elizabeth Gilbert is correct, fear is boring.

  * * *

  "It’s all about choices Camryn Morgan.” Her angel said.

  The angel kisses her cheek.

  * * *

  A swirl of colors and Camryn sits on grass watching the tail of the tornado going back into the clouds.

  Camryn is soaked...upside she’s out of the tornado.

  One side of the street the area is destroyed. The other side of the street builds stood many missing windows.

  A puppy is licking her when she wakes. She isn't sure if the puppy is brown because of its color or if it's dirty. A German Shepard or mix ...whatever he...yes, he is a good looking animal.

  Her left shoulder is numb and hurts.

  The world is odd.

  Things emerge sparkly; other things present themselves blurry, colors hum. She stumbles a few times.

  She walks towards a house the house number 4352. The door swings open. Camryn can see a dim light inside the house.

  “Camryn. It’s your Mom baby come in the house.” Gloria said.

  The dog barks and growls. He keeps getting in Camryn’s way not allowing her to walk towards the house.

  “I have to find Ana,” Camryn said.

  “She’s in here with me. Come on baby.” Gloria said.

  “That’s not your mother!” Ariel shouts.

  “Grandpa!” Camryn smiles.

  “Go on baby the dog knows where to go for help,” Ariel said.

  The door swings closed.

  Normally the drive from Oklahoma City to Wichita Falls Texas was about two hours via I-44, but that wasn't a viable option at the moment. Manny and Wesley look over maps.

  "I think OK- 70E is the best option," Manny said.

  Wesley located it on the map. "That will get us towards OK- 79 which will get us into Wichita," Wesley said

  "We're hour or more out from where we heading," Kathy said.

  "It won't take long," Wesley said.

  Miyu pokes her head out the van door. "The tornados gone and there is a report of a woman came out of it. The report says she's alive." Miyu said. She smiles.

  Kathy remembers Jeremy making fun of her for having an MP4 player with FM radio, but she is glad she didn't let his teasing talk her out of the purchase.

  "We've gotten an update over the wire service, and the woman pulled into the storm is Texas native, Camryn Morgan. She apparently was part of a tornado tourist company. "One DJ said.

  "Wow, that tour better have good lawyers!" Jokes the other DJ.

  * * *

  Miyu glances at Devon. "They know its Camryn." She whispers.

  "What about Camryn?" Wesley asked.

  Kathy, Miyu and Devon all exchanged glances. "The news is reporting she's the person picked up by the tornado...” Kathy said.

  Wesley bites his lower lip and looks over the maps. It was late in the day, and they were losing the light. The storm the lights on the highway will be sparse.

  Manny is relieved signs with miles to Wichita Falls listed. "You want to go to the general hospital or police station?" He asked Wesley.

  "Hospital. The police department will direct us there anyway. "Wesley said.

  Miyu has experience handling distraught people in medical situations. Kathy worries if they find Camryn has died there will be no corner on this planet Rosemary could hide.

  Devon can finally use his cell phone. No one called him. He hopes there is some malfunction with the voicemail versus people in his life didn’t give a fuck.

  Kathy uses Devon's phone to check voicemail over 60 messages. She must call Lance and her parents everyone else can wait.

  Miyu is relieved a few voice messages. Someone missed her. Someone is concerned about her well-being. She figures Manny and Wesley have people to call but... Wesley would call no one until he knows... She hopes Camryn is... If…she hopes they make it before she dies.

  Tadgh's breath is taken away. It is all over her. She's been in the company of angels. He embraces her hand. He is immediately filled with warmth. He looks into her beautiful dark brown eyes and losses his heart.

  * * *

  Camryn smiles. "Hello, Tadgh." She said and squeezes his hand before Valda the nurse pulls her away from Tadgh.

  Martha explains to Valda she saw the tornado drop Camryn to the ground across from their restaurant. Valda briefly gets the German Sheppard puppy away from Camryn. Once she explains she and the dog will be examined.

  Valda has to keep Camryn calm. She's in shock.

  "Martha, I don't have any money on me. I can send you gas money for getting me here." Camryn said.

  "Don't worry about it, sweetheart," Martha said. She smiled. Poor girl been traumatized but manners rarely fail.

  "Camryn did you eat anything?" Valda asked.

  "Is there a place we can hide if the tornado comes back?" Camryn asked.

  "I think sh
e may have a concussion so no food a sip or two of water," Martha stated.

  "She's in shock," Valda said.

  "Is there someplace we can hide?" Camryn asked.

  "Yes. Yes Camryn. The closet here is on an interior wall. It's secure. I've been caught in tornadoes working in this hospital, and it's safe." Valda said.

  Martha leaves the exam area to locate the dog.

  * * *

  Camryn has a dislocated shoulder, broken left arm, laceration on her right shoulder requiring stitches. She had a multitude of cuts all over her and large bruise around her right ankle. It's the concussion and hypothermia that has Valda most concerned.

  Valda and a nurse's aide help reset Camryn's shoulder. Many people on the ground died while the girl taken for a joy ride by the tornadoes is still standing.

  "I have a hot fiancé. His name is Wesley." Camryn tells Valda.

  * * *

  "Oh." Valda laughs. "Every woman should say that about her fiancé." She smiles. Valda turns to the aide. "Set a timer 2 hour. We must check on her every two hours. She has a concussion. Got it." She said.

  "Yes, I got it." The aide said.

  "When Wesley gets here, he'll be the tall, good looking guy he's calm and insistent. I want my Wesley." Camryn said.

  "I'll let you know," Valda said.

  Valda hopes this is true. She's had patience telling her someone is coming and no one shows.

  The coven is buzzing. The weather event is proof. Minerva sits at the head of the table.

  "Everyone please. Yes, the tornadoes exposed Ms. Morgan to us in ways she's unaware. It's perfect." Minerva said. She smiles.

  "How? "Robert said.

  "Robert please don't be so thick. "Minerva said. It's moments like this one makes her wish she was a lesbian. If men didn't have dicks, she have no use for them.

  "I didn't realize this is the level of strength we are dealing with...we all know the ability to manipulate the elements usually takes years to master. Witnessing an ingé has me concerned if she can be dealt with swiftly." Karen said.

  Minerva nods. "I understand the concern. But as usual for you're off course in your thinking Karen. As we all know many study alone for years before joining a group. So let's not believe she's some untrained newbie." Minerva stated.

  Karen nods. After surviving Minerva's wrath Karen been careful not to cross her.

  "Shall I start roll call?" Zeina said.

  "Yes, please," Minerva said.

  "Minerva asked me to do the roll call differently this meeting. The following people, please stand Daniel and Nicole Padmore, Norman Cord, and Savannah Jacob those standing all an opportunity to reach out for assistance because all reported making less than $100 thousand this year." Zeina said.

  Zeina dislikes being the coven treasure.

  "Everyone but the Padmore's please sit. Nicole. Daniel. Explain why a couple fails to produce $100 thousand?" Minerva asked.

  "Nicole spends days at a time having sex with Rizon that stupid companion of hers," Daniel said.

  "You lying sack of shit! Daniel has expensive habits, is lazy and sucks at the stock market. The $80 thousand is my solo effort. You have a tiny dick so who would blame me for outsourcing the sex." Nicole said.

  "Fuck you!" Daniel said.

  "As long as you're not the one doing it I'm sure it would be a pleasure," Nicole said.

  The reaction of the senior members varied. Some laughed others shifted their eyes away from Daniel and Nicole.

  "Stop and sit," Minerva said.

  "I want to petition for a divorce," Daniel said.

  "No," Minerva said.

  "It's my right to take the issue to this group," Daniel said.

  "Yes, it is, go ahead Daniel," Minerva said.

  "It's been five years. I don't remember what it was I did to be saddled with this harpy. I want out. I went away from her. I learned my lesson. I throw myself on the mercy of you all the grant me the permission to divorce this...woman." Daniel said.

  "Nicole anything to say about the matter?" Minerva said.

  "Yes. I do. I would like a divorce from Daniel. He is a loser. He's ugly. His breath is never fresh. He's stupid. He can't fuck. He doesn't know how to make money. He is an anchor. He is a black hole. He is a whiner. Daniel, you published a book of Ayiti's spells remember. This coven removed every physical book, and any copies on a device have gotten a virus that destroyed the device and no way to recover anything on the said device. I pissed off Elder Scott, may she rest in peace. I want him out of my life. I'll accept whatever decision you all decide." Nicole said. She looks at each member of the senior council. Nicole already knows what Minerva's going to do. She wishes Daniel wasn't so stupid.

  "Does anyone want to vote on this matter?" Minerva said.

  None of the senior members would place the issue up for vote. Nicole isn't surprised.

  "What!" Daniel said. "No one will vote on this matter? Well, fuck you!" He said.

  "Sit down Daniel," Zeina said.

  "Let me remind everyone to stay in the senior group you must have an annual income of six figures. Coaching is available, and we have a proven track record. Padmore's you're on probation. Starting from today, both or individually must gross $25,000 per quarter. You must submit your quarterly's to the treasury department. Zeina, please supply them the 4 dates for the year they must submit the info to the department and copy me on the email please." Minerva said.

  "Of course," Zeina said.

  Daniel knows he's screwed. If he comes, in short, he's getting booted. If Nicole comes, in short, Minerva will give her more time. This coven is unfair to men. He knows they got probation because of what Nicole said. Now one more thing to hang over his head!

  Robert processes Nicole and Daniel's situation. He's not sure how he can use this to his advantage... yet.

  Jensen returns home to find Noni and Trina transfixed to the TV.

  * * *

  "Jensen, honey remember that weird girl Andrew dated? Camryn. She's been picked up by a tornado." Noni excitedly said.

  * * *

  "What!” He said

  * * *

  "She's fat. The tornado is strong." Trina said.

  * * *

  She and Noni laugh.

  * * *

  "Aren't you a size 24 Trina?" Jensen said.

  * * *

  Trina glares at Jensen. "I have healthy eyes. When your eyes are healthy, you're healthy." She said.

  * * *

  She's full of shit. Jensen thinks.

  * * *

  "Being delusional has nothing to do with eyes," Jensen said.

  * * *

  "Screw up!" Trina said.

  * * *

  "Hey, enough you two," Noni said.

  * * *

  Jensen sits and views news report. Camryn's Facebook profile photo is being used in reports.

  * * *

  It's been confirmed the woman in the tornado is 34-year-old Camryn Morgan. She was participating as a tornado tourist...

  * * *

  "34! Didn't she tell us once that she was 26?" Trina said.

  * * *

  "Lucky bitch with a baby face," Noni said.

  * * *

  The footage of her figure being sucked into the tornado. Jensen is terrified.

  * * *

  "We know someone famous maybe we call to talk to about what kind of person she was?" Noni said.

  * * *

  "Is she dead?" Jensen asked. He is numb.

  * * *

  "Were assuming," Trina said.

  * * *

  Noni grabs a shoe box and starts going through the photos. "I'm sure it’s here. I must be able to show the reporters proof. How does my hair look?" She said.

  * * *

  Jensen couldn't believe Noni and Trina clucking away about what they were going to wear when the media comes.

  * * *

  "Why would anyone want to talk to you?" Jensen said.

  * * *<
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  "Come on when they find out her last boyfriend disappeared and now she's killed by a tornado.... This is a goldmine for a reporter." Noni points out.

  * * *

  "Jensen, if Andrew is out there...maybe this story can help lead him home," Trina said.

  * * *

  Jensen walks away from Noni and Trina. He retreats to his incomplete man cave.

  * * *

  He's going to figure out a way to make Camryn his woman. The first step in his plan is to divorce Noni. How can he make himself an invaluable asset to Camryn?

  * * *

  "Joanna, hi this is Jensen Grimsby, you called me about an insurance investigator job. I'm wondering if you're still interviewing for the position. "He said.

  Valda has learned when someone experiences a trauma often something is clicked on. A heightened awareness so when Camryn told her that Wesley was in the ER and described him it is easy for Valda to locate him. Valda wishes she is 30 years younger Wesley is quite an attractive fellow.

  * * *

  "Wesley." She said.

  * * *

  Camryn is looking out the window when Wesley enters the room. He pauses for a moment.

  "I'm sorry I kicked were being pulled into the storm." She said.


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