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Comet's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book 8)

Page 8

by R. E. Butler

  “Look,” he said, turning her to the side and pointing between cabins. “You can see our place, the one with the flickering lights in the window from the workers’ lanterns.”

  “Oh, that’s awesome!”

  Vaughn lifted his fist to knock on the door when it swung open and Jack smiled broadly at them. “Hey! Come on in.”

  He stepped aside, and Vaughn and Holly walked in and took off their coats, handing them to Jack to hang up. A baby’s cry echoed from the back of the house. “I think Clarise is telling Ivy she’s not moving fast enough to bring her to meet you two. She’s been cranky all day.”

  “Aw,” Holly said.

  They followed Jack into the spacious kitchen, and Ivy appeared with Clarise in her arms. Tears dotted the little girl’s chubby cheeks. The moment she saw Holly, her face lit up, the frown disappearing and a sweet smile making her look like an angel. She held out her arms, and Holly chuckled as she moved to her sister, taking the baby and hugging Ivy at the same time.

  Vaughn’s heart melted as he watched little Clarise snuggle in close to his mate and sigh happily.

  “Man, you’ve got the golden touch with her,” Ivy said. “Jack and I are convinced she knew you were coming here today.”

  “She just loves her auntie,” Holly said with a sweet smile.

  “Or maybe she’s psychic,” Vaughn said.

  “What?” Jack asked.

  Holly laughed and said, “I’m pregnant.”

  “What? Yay!” Ivy hugged Holly.

  Jack clapped Vaughn on the shoulder. “Congratulations.”


  “He or she should make an appearance in August, but we’ll know for sure once we meet with a doctor,” Holly said. “We’ve already picked names – Lucky for a boy and Lucy for a girl.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” Ivy said. “And I’m especially happy for Clarise, because now that you’re here to stay, she’ll get to grow up with her family close by.”

  “I’m glad for that, too,” Holly said.

  The group adjourned to the family room, where a crackling fire lit the room with oranges and golds, and an oval rug held a collection of baby toys.

  “I almost forgot,” Holly said, pulling a toy from her back pocket. “Merry Christmas, sweetie.” She gave the stuffed doll to Clarise, who squeezed it with a happy smile.

  “I think she likes it,” Jack chuckled.

  “Thank you. You’re so sweet,” Ivy said.

  “That’s what sisters – and aunts – are for.”

  “And uncles,” Jack chimed in, grinning at Vaughn.

  “Definitely,” Vaughn agreed.

  * * *

  The afternoon passed quickly. Holly felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders now that they were in NPC. She wasn’t sure why she’d been so against it in the first place, but she knew the right choice for them was to be where his people were. Where their baby and any future children they had would be safe from harm. Being without electricity in the cabin would take some getting used to, but she was sure it would happen fairly quickly. She wasn’t sure what she’d do in NPC, but she knew she’d find the right opportunity in time.

  “Ready to meet SC and Mrs. C in person?” Vaughn asked.

  “Yes,” she said, her stomach fluttering with nerves.

  “Don’t be nervous. They’re amazing,” Ivy said.

  “I know, but it’s still him.”

  Vaughn chuckled. “He’s just a male, you know. Who happens to have access to powerful magic. No biggie.”

  She snorted. “Oh yeah, no biggie at all.”

  “I’ll see you later in the barn,” Ivy said as they hugged goodbye. Clarise clung to Holly’s neck for a moment longer, babbling softly, then settled in Ivy’s arms.

  “What’s in the barn?” Holly asked.

  “It’s where we change into our reindeer for the sleigh ride,” Jack said.

  “Did you forget it’s Christmas Eve?” Vaughn asked, his eyes glinting with humor.

  “No.” Holly tried to hold back her smile. “I just didn’t know I’d get to see it.”

  “All the mates and kids watch the quads shift,” Jack said. “Especially tonight, when all eight of us are finally with our fated mates. It’ll be special.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Then we better hurry,” Vaughn said. “We only have two hours, and I still need to check my gear.”

  “Will you come back here after they leave so we can hang out?” Ivy asked.

  “I promised Violet I’d spend time with her, but we can hang for a bit first.”

  “Okay, see you soon!”

  Vaughn transported them to a cabin with another large fireplace loaded with burning logs. Stockings hung from the mantel that was loaded with pine boughs and strings of cranberries and popcorn.

  “Does he put stuff in his own stockings?” she whispered to Vaughn.

  A booming laugh made Holly realize they weren’t alone in the family room that belonged to SC and Mrs. C. She and Vaughn turned around and found the couple standing next to a large tree adorned with flowers and pinecones.

  “Yes, I do fill Mrs. C’s stocking,” SC said, wiggling his brows.

  “You old horndog,” Mrs. C scoffed, her cheeks turning scarlet.

  Holly laughed as her nerves eased.

  “It’s so wonderful to officially meet you,” Mrs. C told her, “and we’re thrilled you’re staying here full time.”

  “Were your parents surprised?” SC asked.

  “Very much so,” Vaughn said.

  The urge to hug SC and Mrs. C came over Holly. “Can I… hug you?” she asked tentatively.

  “Of course,” Mrs. C said. “But SC first.”

  “Why?” Holly asked.

  “You’ll see in a moment,” SC replied.

  He didn’t look exactly like Holly had envisioned. Instead of a big belly, he had the broad shoulders and tapered waist of someone who worked out. His beard was snow white and his eyes were an amazing blue color. She stepped into his embrace, the scent of hot chocolate surrounding her.

  All at once she watched as past Christmases swept by like a movie in her mind’s eye. From the earliest one she remembered, where a giant stuffed teddy bear had been waiting for her, to the last one she shared with her parents before their deaths, when she, Ivy, and her mother had stayed up late making cookies and fell asleep together on the couch. Before she realized it, she was crying, her tears slipping over her cheeks and sorrow filling her.

  “It’s all right, dear,” Mrs. C said gently, replacing SC and holding Holly tightly.

  The sorrow faded quickly, and the Christmas that had meant the most to Holly appeared in her mind. It was the first holiday after she had bought the bar, when Ivy had surprised her by decorating her office with a little tree and dozens of paper snowflakes and writing a special song for her.

  “That’s better, isn’t it?” Mrs. C asked.

  Holly laughed and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Definitely.”

  She returned to Vaughn’s embrace. “Now you know why SC goes first.”

  SC nodded. “My power shows all Christmases, happy and sad. My wife shows only the happiest one.”

  “Which one was it?” Vaughn asked.

  “The first one after I bought the bar. Ivy was really sweet and decorated for me, and even wrote me a song.”

  “You’re not the first set of family members to come to NPC to live,” Mrs. C said as she gestured for them to sit down.

  “Oh?” She and Vaughn sat together on a comfortable couch. Mrs. C handed them mugs of hot chocolate topped with mounds of whipped cream and dusted with chocolate shavings.

  SC nodded. “Arian’s mate, Charli’s, sister Kerri is mated to Sullivan. They met at Rhys’s and Merri’s wedding, which was held at Charli’s cabin in the human world.”

  “I’m glad Ivy and I are here together.”

  “At least you understood why she wanted to come here once you knew the truth yourself. Im
agine if she hadn’t been able to ever explain why she could only visit once a year.”

  Holly hummed in agreement.

  “So we have something to ask you,” SC said, leaning back against the couch cushions and resting his arm over Mrs. C’s shoulders.

  “Me?” Holly asked.

  He nodded with a smile. “We have a tavern that needs a manager.”

  She blinked in surprise. “You do?”

  “Yes. Some time ago, the lead singer of the house band and the bar manager had a falling out. The band split up and the manager quit. It’s the only tavern in town, and our people need to have a place to unwind after a hard day’s work. Now the band, minus the lead singer, are willing to come back and be the house band if we can find a manager. I’m very sure you’re the right manager for the job.”

  Holly blinked. “You are?”

  Mrs. C smiled. “When Vaughn was certain you were his fated mate, I felt like you’d be perfect to run the tavern. But we weren’t sure you’d be willing to come here to live. It was a relief when you decided to move, trust me.

  “You don’t have to worry about the tavern’s finances, as they’re handled by our accounting department. You just need to hire staff, create the schedule, and figure out the music situation.”

  “It would be a lot less stressful to run a bar if I didn’t have to worry about money. And also competition.”

  Vaughn laughed. “Very true.”

  “How would I get to the tavern?”

  “We can work out a schedule that allows Vaughn to take you to the tavern and bring you home, so you’re both working at the same time and off at the same time. You can hire and train an assistant manager, so if you need to alter your hours as you get closer to the time for your baby’s arrival, there will be someone there to handle things. And of course, if you ever want to step down entirely, that’s perfectly fine, too.”

  Holly looked at Vaughn. “What do you think?”

  “I think if you’d like to manage the tavern, you should. You could do a lot of good there.”

  “It won’t be the same working without you.”

  “I’ll be sure to patrol the tavern a lot so we can see each other,” he promised.

  She stared into his eyes for a moment longer, seeing the love reflected in the depths, and felt entirely content with her choice to move to NPC. Turning to SC and Mrs. C, she said, “I’d love to take the job.”

  “Excellent!” SC clapped his hands together. “A lot of our quads like to take the week after Christmas off to spend time with their fated mates, so you can start on New Year’s Eve.”

  “That sounds great.”

  They talked to SC and Mrs. C for a while longer, enjoying the most delicious cup of hot chocolate Holly had ever had. Then she pulled Mrs. C aside in the kitchen and asked about Violet.

  “I hope you don’t mind me prying, but Violet’s very sad that she hasn’t been mate-matched yet. I was just wondering if everything was okay. I don’t pretend to understand the magic you have, but Violet’s a sweet girl and she’s so ready to start the next chapter of her life.”

  Mrs. C gave Holly a long look that was part curiosity and part compassion. “I heard you used to make a wish on Christmas Eve when you were young.”

  “Did Ivy tell you that?”

  “Yes. She said you always asked for one thing.”

  “A pony,” she said with a laugh. “And then when I grew up, I wanted the bar to be a success.”

  “You can still make a wish,” she said, checking her watch. “Midnight is a while away.”


  “I’m just saying, a little extra magic isn’t a bad thing. And remember this: timing is everything.”

  Mrs. C hugged Holly and walked back into the family room, leaving her to stand in the kitchen.

  Am I supposed to make a Christmas wish for my sister-in-law?

  “Beautiful?” Vaughn called. “Are you ready to go?”

  “You bet,” she said.

  After saying goodbye, Vaughn transported her to the barn, and she watched him check his harness and gear for the flight. The barn was a hive of activity, with the quads preparing for the trip and the elves getting the sleigh ready.

  Vaughn stepped close and pulled Holly against him. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  “Lots of kids would be disappointed if SC didn’t visit.”

  “I hate to leave you, though.”

  “Don’t worry. Ivy and I are going to meet up for a bit, and then I’ll be at your parents’ house with Violet, waiting for you to return.”

  “I wish our place was ready.”

  “Me, too, but I’m also kind of glad that I get this time to get to know your family better.”

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Holly. I’m so glad you’re mine.”

  “You’re the best for me, too. I can’t wait to see what our future holds.”

  They kissed goodbye, and then she stepped outside of the stall and watched him strip. He winked and changed into his reindeer, her favorite of his four animals. Although she liked how sweet and cuddly the polar bear was, without the reindeer she and Vaughn might never have met.

  One of the elves put the gear on Vaughn and hooked him up to the sleigh.

  Ivy, holding Clarise, joined her, giving her a nudge. Holly put her arm around her sister’s shoulders and squeezed. Ivy said, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too. I’m just sorry it took me so long to make the decision.”

  “I don’t think you should feel bad. You both were happy in our old world with the bar. I would’ve missed getting to see you, but we could’ve video-chatted, and I always kind of felt like you’d eventually come up here to live anyway, so I wasn’t worried.”

  Holly snorted. “That makes one of us. I wrestled with the decision a lot.”

  “You’re here now, and that’s what matters. I can’t wait to meet your little one.”

  SC and Mrs. C walked into the barn. They stopped and wished each quad a good flight, then turned to the mates who were standing together.

  “For the first time since Arian fell off the sleigh, all of the quads have their fated mates in NPC,” SC said. “My wife and I are so happy you’re all here.”

  SC kissed Mrs. C and then leaped into the sleigh, lifting the reins.

  The roof of the barn slid open, revealing the night sky lit with stars.

  Holly was in awe as the sleigh and reindeer lifted from the ground and a strange, powerful feeling swept over her. She blew Vaughn a kiss and he snorted in acknowledgement at her, and then they were gone, rushing through the air at a rate too fast for the human eye to track.

  The barn ceiling closed, and Holly turned to her sister.

  “That was freaking cool!”

  Ivy hugged Clarise with a chuckle. “I thought seeing Jack change into the animals was awesome, and I kind of can’t believe we just watched Santa and the reindeer head out to deliver toys. I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  “Me, too.”

  Charli joined them. “We’re going to have hot chocolate with Mrs. C. Would you like to join us?”

  “Thank you, but no,” Holly said. “Ivy and I are going to hang out for a bit and talk, and then my new sister-in-law is waiting for me.”

  “Aw, have fun,” Charli said. “We’ll see you soon, I’m sure.”

  Holly nodded.

  Two elves introduced themselves and offered to transport them to Ivy’s cabin. When the elves left, Ivy said, “How will you get to Vaughn’s parents’?”

  “I just have to contact Abe,” she said, pointing to the communicator watch Vaughn had given her.

  “Let me put Clarise to bed, and then we can talk for a bit.”

  When her sister returned a few minutes later carrying a tray of drinks and snacks, they sat on the couch and talked about all the things that had happened to them over the last year. It was amazing to think that just a year ago, Holly had felt like things couldn’t get any worse. And t
hen Vaughn had sauntered in and firmly entrenched himself in her life. Now she had a beautiful home being finished, a job waiting at the tavern, and a baby on the way.

  When it was time to head back to Vaughn’s parents’ home, she contacted Abe with the communicator and he appeared a moment later.

  “Abe, this is my sister, Ivy. Ivy, this is my father-in-law, Abe.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said, shaking Ivy’s hand.

  “You, too.”

  She hugged Ivy once more. “Kiss Clarise for me when she wakes up in the morning.”

  “Lunch tomorrow?”

  “Sure thing. Merry Christmas, sis.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Abe transported her to the cabin, and Violet was waiting in her pajamas on the couch. “I wanted to make hot chocolate, but I figured you already had some at SC’s. And no one makes hot chocolate like Mrs. C, anyway.”

  “Let me get my pjs on and I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t let her keep you up too late,” Abe called out.

  “I promise,” Holly replied.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Penny said. “We hung up a stocking for you.”

  Holly looked at the fireplace and gasped at the beautiful dark red stocking with her name in gold thread and adorned with crystals and pearls. It hung between Vaughn’s and Violet’s.

  Mrs. C’s words rang through her mind as she said, “Thank you so much. That’s so sweet of you.”

  “You’re part of the family. Of course you get a stocking.”

  She said good night to her in-laws and headed to the room to change. Before she returned to the family room, she took a piece of paper from a notebook and wrote a Christmas wish.

  I wish Violet would find her perfect mate-match this Christmas.

  Then she rolled it up tight and carried it to the family room, tucking it into her stocking before joining Violet on the couch. They stayed up until well past midnight, talking about NPC, and when she couldn’t keep her eyes open a moment longer, she hugged her new sister and wished her a Merry Christmas.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Violet said.

  “Me, too.”

  Her life had changed in wonderful and amazing ways, and it all started when Mrs. C came into the bar. She’d forever be grateful to the woman with twinkling blue eyes and warm hugs for sending Vaughn to her. He was everything to her, and she couldn’t wait to see what the future held.


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