The Falling of Grace (The Falling Series Book 2)

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The Falling of Grace (The Falling Series Book 2) Page 21

by Marisa Oldham

“He called yesterday.”

  “I can’t wait to meet this man that will not stop pursuing my sister.”

  “He’s gorgeous, Michelle. Absolutely gorgeous. He’s got an air about him that’s unlike any man I’ve ever met,” Grace says, as Ben’s handsome face flashes into her mind.

  “I still think you should give dating him a shot.”

  Grace shakes her head as her eyes wander around the garage. “That would be wrong of me knowing how I feel about Ian.”

  “You’ll never get over Ian unless you put yourself out there.”

  “I know, but I’m not ready yet.”

  “Sometimes you have to force yourself to do things you are not ready for, in order to be ready for them.”

  “Have you heard from Becca?”

  “You’re changing the subject, but no.”

  “I wonder how she’s liking Istanbul. I haven’t talked to her in so long.”

  “I’m sure she’s having a blast. Let’s get back to you.”

  Abigail pushes the door to the garage open and saunters in with a teddy bear dangling from her tiny hand. James pokes his head around the corner and watches until Abby is safely inside with Grace.

  “Abby just came in. I gotta go, okay?”

  “Sure. Give her a kiss from her favorite auntie.” Michelle snickers.

  “Oh, I will as soon as I hang up. I’ll give her a big fat kiss, from me.”

  Michelle laughs. “Bye, honey.”

  “Bye. Love you.”

  “Je t’aime aussi. Please call me every day after court, okay?”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Grace lifts Abigail into her arms and squeezes her tightly, snuggling into her hair and nuzzling her. The fresh scent of her baby shampoo makes her happy.

  Grace, James, and Jaden pull into the parking lot at the Los Angeles County courthouse. Grace’s entire body shakes as she anticipates having to be face-to-face with Sean again. Jaden walks with his warm arm gently resting on Grace’s shoulders as they approach the courtroom.

  “You’re going to be just fine,” James says, taking Grace by the hand as they enter.

  Prosecutor Amelia Sanchez greets Grace by taking both of her hands into hers. “Hello, Grace.”

  “Hi, Ms. Sanchez,” she says, taking comfort at the sight of her.

  “How are you?”

  Grace forces a smile. “I’m a little nervous.”

  “We’ve got a ton of evidence. It’ll be fine. I promise. Some things to discuss before court starts. The defense has opted to waive a jury trial in favor of a bench trial.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that instead of a jury, the judge will hand down the ruling on the charges and will sentence him after his ruling. I do not understand the move, except the defense is incredibly certain that we don’t have enough evidence, even though we have more than enough.”

  Grace’s eyes waver to the defense table, which sits empty. “Where is his attorney?” The last she had heard, Sean had a court-assigned public defender. The absence of any attorney worries her.

  “That’s the other thing,” Ms. Sanchez says. “The defendant has opted to represent himself.”

  “What?” Grace’s surprise floods her tone. “Why would he do that?”

  “Like I said, defense is cocky. I imagine that it is the same reason he waived the jury trial and requested a speedy trial. He truly believes he’s getting off.”

  “How long will the trial last?”

  “With all the evidence and forensic testimony, as well as the detective and eyewitness testimony, a few days for our side. We have to figure in that he will also present evidence and testimony as well, possibly five days at the most. I’d be surprised if it runs longer than that.”

  Grace takes a deep breath. “I didn’t realize it took so long.”

  Ms. Sanchez places her hand on Grace’s arm. “It’s mostly going to be technical, legal things. But, I do have some good news for you. Because we have so much evidence, I’m not calling you to the stand. I won’t subject you to his cross-examination. He probably wanted to represent himself to victimize you all over again through a cross-examination. That’s not happening on my watch.”

  Grace’s smile grows wide. Her main fear for the whole trial, outside of Sean getting off for his crimes, was her testimony. She worried about holding up under a skilled defense attorney’s cross, but now she could just sit back and listen like every other person in the room.

  “Thank you,” she says. A thought crosses her mind. “Could he still call me to the witness stand when he presents his case?”

  Ms. Sanchez grinned. “I prepared a twenty-page brief last night to object. He won’t stand a chance.”

  Relief washes over Grace. She shakes the prosecutor’s hand and joins James and Jaden at their chosen spot for the trial. As they take their seats, the squeeze of James’s hand consoles her.

  Detective Ramirez, who first helped Grace in the hospital, fixes his gaze on Grace and smiles. His kind eyes tell Grace that everything is going to be okay, but Grace’s stomach still twists with the possibility that Sean could get away with what he did to her.

  A door opens on the opposite side of the room from the empty jury box. Sean comes out with a bailiff holding onto his arm. Sean glares in Grace’s direction and his lips pull into a sinister smile. The bailiff tugs on him after looking at his face and Grace’s eyes follow Sean. Her body trembles and she grips Jaden’s arm.

  Sean sits upright at the wooden courthouse desk. He is wearing a cheap-looking, dark gray suit and too much gel slicks back his greasy hair. His pale skin appears stretched over his emaciated face. Grace’s stomach churns at the thought that she once found this monster of a man attractive.

  The door behind the judge’s bench opens.

  “Please rise!” the bailiff calls.

  Grace struggles to her feet, her weak legs threatening to give out on her. She keeps her composure while the judge takes his seat at the bench. He appears to be a friendly, grandfatherly man, which helps calm some of her nerves.

  The bailiff tells the courtroom to take their seats, and she leans back in the cold, hard bench. The judge begins to speak, and Grace attempts to keep up with the legal jargon. Sean makes a motion to dismiss all charges, which at first frightens Grace. After listening to both sides speak, the judge denies the motion. With James and Jaden for support, Grace settles back for the first day of the trial.

  For the next three days, Grace tries to block out the mass of evidence the prosecution presents, including eyewitness and forensic testimony. She also steels herself against the endless objections of Sean, most of which are overruled. Halfway through day two, she understands that Sean kept throwing objections out which made little sense, probably in the hopes that the judge would take out some of the evidence.

  Though the legalities of the case are a blur to Grace, she soon realizes that Sean has zero experience at this and his knowledge is less than fans of court drama television shows. She spends her time trying to decipher the legalese and staring at Sean’s back and listening to his grating voice, visions of her horrifying experience flood unwelcome through her mind. Her chilled body shakes uncontrollably from the nerves throughout each day, despite Jaden wrapping his arm around her back. James continues to reassure her that everything will be okay, but she has her doubts.

  At the end of day three, when the prosecution rests, Sean declines to call any witness, nor to testify on his own behalf. The move shocks Grace, especially since the thrust of his defense appeared to be trying to steer the testimony into the idea that Grace attacked him and he only defended himself against her. Even the prosecutor appears caught off-guard, but quickly recovers. Though she is still concerned, she doesn’t mind the trial ending early. The less she has to look at Sean and hear his voice, the better.

  The judge lets the courtroom know that he will render his decision in the morning and the bailiff dismisses the court. As Grace walks out of the building, she alre
ady knows she will not sleep at all that night.

  The next morning, the banging of the gavel brings Grace out of her fog and she looks at the judge.

  “The defendant may rise as I read my verdict,” the judge’s voice roars throughout the courtroom.

  Sean rises from his place at the table and turns his head to stare at Grace. He scowls at her, the most menacing look set upon his face, as if he blames her for the situation. Grace quickly looks away and darts her eyes to Jaden. Jaden shoots an angry look at Sean, and Grace notices Jaden’s hands pulled into tight fists. She imagines that if Jaden could, he would beat the hell out of Sean without paying mind to the consequences.

  “Young man, your crimes against the victim in this case are heinous and unforgivable. I am only glad that this young woman was able to escape. I hereby find you guilty of kidnapping under penal code 207 and 208 and sentence you to six years in the state penitentiary.

  “I also find you guilty of assault with the intent to commit a felony, namely rape with possible oral copulation and/or sodomy, under penal code 220.1 and sentence you to an additional two years, to be served consecutively in the state penitentiary.

  “Finally, under penal code 222, I find you guilty of administering a controlled substance with the intent thereby to enable or assist yourself with commission of said felonies. For this crime, I sentence you to an additional 16 months, to be served concurrently in the state penitentiary. Court dismissed.”

  Grace’s heart threatens to pound out of her chest when the gavel bangs and the bailiff asks the court to rise. She is beyond relieved at the sentencing. Jaden pulls her tight against his body and James nods with a grin that stretches from ear to ear.

  The bailiff immediately slaps cuffs around Sean’s wrists and escorts him out of the courtroom as he stares Grace down.

  Grace stares back at him. Filled with strength, she mouths to him, “Fuck you.”

  Grace’s phone rings as she walks in the front door of Jaden’s home, Jaden already in the house and James right behind her.


  “How did it go?” Michelle’s words are rushed.

  “He got eight years total,” Grace says, suddenly feeling more empowered than she has since the night Sean kept her captive.

  “Oh, thank God! I was hoping for life, though.”

  “Me, too, but that wasn’t an option. That creepy asshole stared at me as if I were the one to blame.”

  “I hate him. I hope he has a ton of boyfriends in prison.”

  “I’m so glad this is over,” Grace says, placing her purse on the couch and taking a seat next to it.

  She can hear that James and Jaden are in the kitchen discussing the case. Grace leans back onto the couch as relief claims her body. Suddenly, the weight of the day crashes down on her and she bursts into tears.

  “It’s okay. He can’t hurt you ever again,” Michelle cries.

  Grace is unable to get words through her sobs. James and Jaden rush into the living room, both of their eyes wide, and brows furrowed. “I’m okay. I’m okay.” Grace waves one hand while she uses the other to wipe away tears. Holding the phone with her shoulder, she sniffles.

  “Are you? Are you really okay?” Michelle shrieks.

  “These…are…happy tears.”

  Jaden sits down next to Grace and pulls her into his arms, his eyes still wide with concern. His touch eases her mind.

  “I wish I was there. I can’t stand this.” Michelle’s voice pulls Grace back into the conversation.

  “I’m okay, honey. I promise. I’ve got Jaden and James right here. It’s so good to hear your voice though.”

  “I love you so much, sister. I’m so glad that fucknut got what he deserves.”

  “I am, too and I’m so glad that he is behind bars for quite some time.”

  “Thank the Lord. Listen, sweetie, I’ll let you go. You should go lie down and get some rest. Promise me you’ll call me later, okay?”

  A smile makes its way across Grace’s face. The discernable love in Michelle’s voice makes her grateful.

  “I promise. Je t’aime.”

  “Je t’aime.”

  James lifts Grace’s purse and sets it on the floor then takes the place on the other side of her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, boys. Just fine. I think it all kinda built up inside me over the past seven months and,” she sobs. “And it’s all just coming out now.”

  James motions his head while looking at Jaden, asking him to leave the room with his eyes. Jaden takes his cue, but before he leaves, he kisses Grace’s cheek. Placing her hand on his face, she holds his head still, making his lips linger on her cheek. “Je t’aime, Jaden.”

  “I love you too, sugar.”

  Once Jaden is out of the room, James takes both of Grace’s hands into his. “I’m proud of you, kiddo.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “It took a lot for you to sit there and rehash all the terrifying bullshit you went through. I could feel your hand shaking in mine. I know how scared you were to face him again. You’re a brave woman.”

  Grace gives a weak smile. “Thank you.”

  “It’s time for you to heal from everything you’ve been through. The trauma of what you went through at the hands of that sick fuck and the heartbreak you went through over Ian.”

  Ian. She had not thought of him once the entire day. Grace slips her hair behind her ear and stares at her feet. The mention of his name causes a heaviness to build inside her chest.

  “It’s time to pick up the pieces and show this world how strong Grace Hathaway really is.”

  Grace nods. “First, I’m taking a shower and a nap.” As happy as she is, having to see Sean for four days still makes her skin crawl, as if he violated her all over again. She needs to cleanse him from her body once and for all.

  James pulls her to him and wraps his burly arms around her.

  “Thank you for coming with me today and for everything you’ve done.” Grace hugs him tighter.

  “Anything for you, sis.”

  After a long nap, Grace walks out of the front door and onto Jaden’s porch and finds him strumming his guitar. She is dressed in her light pink pajama shorts and a light pink tank top that matches them. She rubs her arms when the brisk, cold air hits them. Jaden puts his guitar down and walks into the house. He returns with a thick, weaved blanket then lays it over her.

  “How are you feeling, shug?”

  “Much better after that nap,” she says, as she snuggles into the throw.

  “Today was a hard but good day. Everything went just as I hoped it would.”

  “I’m just glad it’s over.”

  “Are you going to go back to Paris now?” Jaden asks, as he takes a seat next to Grace, puts his arm around her, and pulls her to him.

  Grace lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes. “Yeah, I’m going back to Ocean View with James and taking the rest of my work to the gallery. Then I’ll spend a few days with my family, not working,” she laughs. “And then I’ll go home. Ben said that he will send my checks to the loft as my work is sold.”

  “Is he still bothering you?” Jaden asks, bending his head to look into Grace’s eyes.

  “He doesn’t bother me.” She smiles. “He’s just super persistent.”

  “Was that him you were talking to on the phone before your nap?”

  “Yeah, he called to see how the case went. He’s very sweet and was worried.”

  “I’ll bet he is,” Jaden says, sounding annoyed.

  “Oh, stop that. He’s a good man. Under different circumstances, I wouldn’t have hesitated to date him.”

  Grace nestles her head back onto Jaden’s chest and he squeezes her again. His body heat warms her as the night breeze brushes over her skin.

  “He sounds like an arrogant fuck from what you’ve told me.”

  Grace laughs. “The man is extremely and I mean extremely good looking and he knows it. He’s always sweet to me. We’ve talked on the
phone a lot lately. He calls every day to check on me.”

  “I’m not sure I like this Ben dude.”

  Grace giggles. “You’re so overprotective.” Jaden falls silent, so she pushes herself up to look at him. “What?” she asks.

  “I wasn’t overprotective enough.”

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare do that! What happened with Sean was no one’s fault but my own. It wasn’t yours, Michelle’s, or Ian’s. I made the choices that got me tied up in a motel room and I have to live with that, but I won’t have you or my family blaming yourselves for what happened. I’m a big girl, Jaden. I make my own decisions.”

  “I know but—”

  “No ‘buts.’ I’ve spent hours and hours learning to accept the blame for what happened. No one shoved those drinks down my throat, not even Sean. It was my choice to be so reckless. I just didn’t know how else to deal with my broken heart.”

  “Shug, you’re not to blame. Sure, you made some poor decisions, but that does not give a man the right to drug you and kidnap you. That’s like saying just ‘cause a girl is drunk that it’s okay to rape her. That’s total fucking bullshit. The only person you need to spend hours and hours blaming is the sick fuck going to jail for what he did. It’s not your fault, it’s not Ian’s fault, it’s not my fault, and it’s not Emma’s fault. Sean is the only person to blame. Shitty things happen to good people all the time, Grace. You’re no exception. It’s how you let it map out your life and who you become that defines who you are.”

  Jaden’s sincerity blows Grace away and gives her a clarity she searched for during her entire ordeal with Sean. “You’re right,” she says, after taking a quiet moment to place her face into her hands and really let Jaden’s words sink in. “I guess I felt like I had to blame someone and I was the easiest target due to the stupid choices that I made. But, you’re right. The only one to blame is Sean.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Jaden brushes his fingers over her arm.

  “It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Are you comforting me?” Jaden laughs.

  “I guess I am. I’m serious, J, no more of this shoulda-woulda-coulda stuff. The past is the past.”


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