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Wicked Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 4)

Page 11

by Primo, Jaz

  “You’re the love of my life, the one chance I have at true happiness in centuries. I can’t live without you, so you don’t really have any choice in the matter.”

  An impromptu inspiration struck me.

  “This is your alpha mate, ordering you to get well,” I said in a loving, yet commanding, tone. “You will obey me, my love. I haven’t given you leave to do otherwise.”

  Suddenly, he stirred slightly, as if returning from a deep sleep. My eyes darted to meet his, but they remained closed. And then, almost as soon as it began it was over and his body resumed its sedate state.

  “You heard me,” I whispered encouragingly in his ear before kissing him lightly. “I love you, and I need you, just as much as you need me.”

  We need each other.

  Despite the rekindling of anguished feelings, I paused to reflect on the previous night’s dire events.

  “And this time, I’ll do a far better job for you,” I promised with a resolve that slowly welled from deep within me. “I’ll be the alpha vampire and dedicated lover and mate that you’ve always dreamed of, that you deserve.”

  I placed a soft kiss against his cool, dry lips. Then I reached to the small hospital table beside me and retrieved a stick of lip balm that the nurse had left, which I applied to his dry lips.

  Please get well, my love. Return to me…

  The door to Caleb’s room opened, and I turned to see Ethan and Alton regarding me with solemn expressions. Both were dressed in blue surgical scrubs, which surprisingly seemed to suit Alton.

  “It’s almost time,” Alton said. “They’re making final preparations for us.”

  “We’ll need to draw your blood now,” Ethan said.

  “How in the hell did you manage to arrange all of this?” I asked.

  Alton shrugged, as if were nothing at all. “I explained that Ethan was a qualified surgeon in his own right, and that this hospital was about to become the first hospital to conduct a highly-secretive but cutting-edge experimental procedure that may revolutionize the treatment of cerebral hemorrhaging,” he said.

  “Ethan, you’ve conducted brain surgery before?” I asked.

  “Yes, on a couple of occasions, actually,” he said.

  Wow. That’s impressive.

  “My man is Dr. Amazing,” Paige said as she slipped past him to enter the room.

  I looked at Alton. “How did you ever get the administration to approve this?”

  “Well, it might have had something to do with their desire to be on the cutting edge of medicine,” he said.

  I noticed that Ethan, however, adopted a wry expression.

  “Or it could have something to do with Mr. Rutherford’s freshly-signed contract to fund the construction of a new, two-story surgical center in the namesake of the current hospital CEO,” he said.

  My mouth dropped open.

  Alton appeared completely at ease. “Don’t worry, Rutherford Enterprises will be taking quite a nice tax deferment this year.”

  I darted across the room to embrace him in a tight bear hug. “Thank you, Alton,” I said. “I owe you.”

  “It’s quite all right, my dear,” he said. “Although you really should wait to thank me until after the surgery.”

  I pulled away from him to look at him sadly.

  Please, don’t let him doubt himself. This has to work.

  “Now, now,” he chastised me mildly. “If you carry on like this you’re bound to wrinkle my scrubs.”

  I smiled despite myself.

  My attention shifted to a blue-eyed, blonde-haired vampire dressed as an R.N. as she appeared in the doorway.

  “We’re ready in surgery, Mr. Rutherford,” she said.

  “And this is?” I asked.

  Alton turned and gestured to the nurse. “Katrina, permit me to introduce you to Bonnie Lund,” he said. “She just arrived within the hour from Boston.”

  “Pleased to meet you, ma’am,” she said crisply.

  I thought I noted a slight European accent.


  “Swiss, ma’am,” she replied.

  “Interestingly enough, I worked briefly with Nurse Lund at a hospital in Europe some years ago,” Ethan said. “She’s very accomplished at what she does.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” she said. “I certainly recall your good work, as well.”

  “Bonnie has worked for me for many years in various medical capacities, and is a fully qualified RN. She’ll be assisting both with the surgery, as well as with Caleb’s recovery process,” Alton added.

  He’s already considering recovery. That’s hopeful.

  “If you’ll please accompany me, Ms. Rawlings, I’ll draw your blood for the procedure,” Nurse Lund courteously said.

  I nodded, but paused to place a quick kiss upon Caleb’s lips before departing the room.

  “I’ll see you after surgery, my love,” I said.

  Please let the surgery be successful.

  I reluctantly followed Nurse Lund from his room.

  * * *

  After donating a small vial of blood for the procedure, I paced around a virtually deserted waiting room just outside the surgery center. Apparently, most surgeries took place during the day, so I had the run of the place that evening, which I was actually grateful for.

  Paige had left an hour or so prior to retrieve some fresh clothes for me from the estate.

  “Frankly, you’re beginning to smell a little stale, Red,” she had teased.

  Though it had been the last thing on my mind, I conceded that fresh clothes and a shower wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Ethan had arranged for me to be able to use the employee showers when I was ready.

  He’s such a good man. I only hope that he’s an equally good surgeon.

  I glanced at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time.

  God, this endless waiting is killing me.

  As a last ditch effort at retaining my sanity, I closed my eyes and attempted to meditate.

  My weary mind drifted for an indeterminate period of time upon fond memories of Caleb.

  The scent of his body.

  The sweet taste of his blood on my lips.

  The sexual pleasures that we shared.

  His laugh.

  His thoughtful nature.

  The love that he so freely gives to me.

  My Caleb, my love.

  Chapter 12



  I jolted awake, my eyes wide open.

  Damn, I fell asleep!

  “Hey, it’s just me,” Paige said, placing a supportive hand on my shoulder. “I brought your clothes. Sorry it took me somewhat longer than I’d originally planned.”

  “No problem,” I said.

  “Any word on Caleb yet?” she asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Hey, were you actually asleep?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied.

  It was a classic no-no for vampires to sleep in public; marking one of the few periods when we were highly vulnerable to attack.

  “Well, you probably need it,” she said. “But you should’ve waited until I got back. Do you want to go home and get some more rest? You can borrow my Harley.”

  “No, I’m fine,” I said. “I don’t want to risk leaving.”

  I didn’t want him to die while I was away.

  The thought of Caleb dying filled me with a fresh sense of dread.

  “Why don’t you go take a shower,” she suggested and handed me a small overnight bag. “I packed some clothes and other grooming items for you.”

  “Thanks, Paige.”

  I gave her a quick hug and headed for the employee locker room with bag in hand.

  The hot shower felt rejuvenating and the fresh blue jeans and camisole were comfortable.

  And my mood had improved somewhat as well. I felt more hopeful.

  Not more than an hour after I had returned to the waiting room to sit vigil with Paige, Alton and Ethan appeared
wearing neutral expressions.

  “The surgery went extremely well under the circumstances,” Ethan said. “Alton’s careful application of blood and estimations of dosage were remarkable.”

  “Dr. Reynolds is too kind,” Alton said. “Rather, his surgical techniques are exemplary and precise; truly impressive.”

  “Why, thank you,” he said.

  Paige slapped her forehead with the flat of her palm in exasperation. “Yes, yes, you’re both amazing. Will the two of you please continue your bromance later and tell us how Caleb is!”

  Ethan ushered us into a nearby empty conference room for privacy. My heart was in my throat as I waited.

  “Well, he’s not out of the woods yet, but I’d say his odds of recovery are very good,” Ethan said.

  “That’s if his body doesn’t attempt conversion, of course,” Alton said.

  I frowned and hiked my hands on top of my hips.

  “What does that mean?” I asked. “I thought you said the surgery went well.”

  “Under the circumstances, it did,” Ethan said. “Frankly, I’m relieved he survived the surgery; that was half the battle.”

  I tightly closed my eyes to regain my composure.

  Time to get it together…and keep it together.

  I opened my eyes and settled my attention on Ethan.

  “Where do we stand?” I asked calmly.

  Alton and Ethan exchanged quick glances.

  “Over the next seven to ten days, Caleb’s brain and the surrounding tissue will be very fragile while your vampire blood heals him,” Ethan said. “However, it’s also during that time that his immune system will be fighting your blood cells. If the balance isn’t delicately maintained, his body either won’t heal fully before the vampire blood has dissipated, or your blood will overtake his brain and instigate a vampire conversion process. If that happens, his brain tissue might not be healed enough for him to survive conversion.”

  I paused a moment to assimilate what he’d said.

  “It’s a hopeful start,” I said with a nod.

  “Precisely,” Alton said.

  “What about his concussion issues?” I asked.

  Ethan rubbed his chin introspectively. “Well, if all goes well, the healing properties of your blood should take care of that for him, as well.”

  “That’s good to know. Can I see him?” I asked.

  “Not for another hour or so,” Ethan said. “He’s still in recovery.”

  “Nurse Lund is tending to him,” Alton said.

  I frowned. “About Nurse Lund.”

  “She’ll stay on duty with Caleb while he’s in the hospital, along with two other human nurses who I’ll introduce to you very soon. Naturally, they’re also employed by me,” Alton said.

  “The hospital has agreed to designate me as Caleb’s presiding physician with the nurses reporting to me, as well,” Ethan said. “In addition, I plan to stay here most of the time until he’s released, just in case something comes up.”

  Paige hugged him and tilted her face upward to kiss him. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She looked at Alton. “And you, too, old man.”

  “Yes, thank you both so very much,” I said.

  “My pleasure, Katrina,” Ethan said.

  Alton walked over to hug me and kissed me on top of my head. “Fear not, my dear,” he said. “We’ll see that young man in top form again in no time.”

  For the first time since the unforgettable and horrible event, I dared to embrace his optimism in whole.

  And I can’t wait to see Caleb again!

  * * *

  In Caleb’s room, I sat at his bedside holding his hand in mine and patiently waiting for him to wake. He’d stirred on a number of occasions but remained unconscious.

  That had gone on for hours, though it felt like days.

  Nurse Lund regularly took his vitals and recorded information on his chart a number of times with the precision of a Swiss timepiece. She seemed quite accomplished at her nursing duties.

  “Have you been working with Mr. Rutherford for very long?” I asked.

  “Approximately seven years now,” she replied.

  “And what sorts of work have you done for Mr. Rutherford?”

  “Medical related, for the most part. However, I’m afraid I must refer you to Mr. Rutherford for specific details, ma’am,” she politely said.

  “Of course,” I said.

  I’ll be sure to ask Alton later.

  Caleb mumbled something unintelligible, and I quickly leaned closer to him.

  “Stop fight—,” he murmured.

  To Caleb, it must’ve looked like a veritable free-for-all between Paige and me, though I wished he’d never seen it. In truth, it’d been nothing to be worried about; we’d only been venting our frustrations on each other.

  And on Caleb, in the end.

  “Everything’s fine now,” I said soothingly.

  “I’ll inform Dr. Reynolds that he’s rousing,” Nurse Lund said, and quickly departed the room.

  Caleb’s eyes fluttered open slightly and he blinked a number of times. He sluggishly brought his right hand up to his face and tried raising his left arm, but it caught on his IV tube, so I reached out to steady it.

  “Wha—? Where am—?” he asked.

  His pulse rose significantly, so I attempted to calm him.

  “It’s okay, my love. You’re in the hospital, but you’re going to be just fine now,” I reassured him.

  “Kat?” he asked, squinting at me.

  “I’m right here, my love,” I said, holding his left hand and lightly stroking his knuckles.

  My heart soared with optimism as the man I loved had finally woken up. Despite the uncertain road remaining ahead of us, it felt like my nightmare was finally coming to a close.

  “I was at home and—” he struggled.

  Then his eyes widened. “Fighting…you two were fighting. Then, I only remember flying…or tumbling?”

  The horrific images replayed in my mind; hearing the crash and seeing his prone body on the floor, then the blood streaming out of his nose and mouth.

  I barely managed to suppress a shiver over that image.

  “I thought you and Paige were trying to kill each other!” he said. “How could you?”

  “Caleb, please, calm down,” I said, gently patting his arm.

  “Don’t,” he said. “Don’t go there. You— Your damned Fight Club episode flattened me.”

  My stomach clenched and I suddenly felt nauseous.

  Oh, God, no. He hates me now.

  How could I have let it happen?

  Ethan and Nurse Lund hastened into the room and walked directly to Caleb’s bedside.

  “Well, well, our prized patient finally awakens,” Ethan said.

  “Ethan?” Caleb asked weakly, completely ignoring me. “What’s going on? Why---”

  “Everyone’s just fine, Caleb,” the doctor assured him. “But let’s talk about you instead. We’ve all been worried sick about you.”

  “Well,” he said, and then paused and frowned as if searching for words. “I guess it’s good you’re in a hospital, Doc.”

  Despite my worry over his feelings and his condition, I rolled my eyes.

  I suppose it’s a hopeful sign if his humor’s still intact. I missed that so much.

  “Ever the comedian. I like that in a patient,” Ethan said. “I’m going to examine you further, if that’s all right. How are you feeling?”

  Paige slipped into the room to stand next to me while Ethan examined Caleb and tested his reflexes. Her face appeared relieved as she regarded him.

  “Any odd sensations?” Ethan asked.

  “Tingling…some pain in the back of my head,” Caleb said. “My arms and hands feel kinda’ numb…my back aches. Uh, a wicked headache.”

  I felt so sorry for him.

  And it’s my fault.

  I wanted to scream with rage over the unfairness of the situation. We’d only just mana
ged to get our relationship back on track.

  Now, this.

  “Shape I’m in—” he said, once again seeming to struggle for words. “How bad?”

  I felt too miserable to speak, and patiently looked up at Ethan to describe his condition.

  “Caleb, you had some very dangerous bleeding around the base of your brain,” Ethan said. “We operated to relieve the pressure and drain the unwanted fluid. Then we applied some of Katrina’s blood to accelerate the healing process. Our hope is that your brain and surrounding tissue will heal over the next couple of weeks, but it’s something that we’ll have to monitor closely.”

  Caleb’s features turned serious, and then he got a blank expression on his face. I sensed he was trying to assimilate everything.

  “Do you understand what I’ve told you?” Ethan prompted.

  He looked up and slowly nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Good,” Ethan said, gently patting his arm. “The important thing to know is you’ve made an excellent start. Actually, it’s pretty amazing, considering the severity of your injuries.”

  “How long?” Caleb asked.

  “We’ll know more very soon,” Ethan said. “Let’s take things one step at a time and appreciate our small victories. I’m going to let you visit for a short time but then I want you to rest. If you need anything, just ask.”

  “Wait,” he said weakly. “What happens next?”

  Ethan considered him and then adopted a supportive expression. “Given the scope and seriousness of your injuries, we’ll focus on managing your pain until the healing process advances. As with anytime that vampire blood is injected in you, your body will begin a cleansing process, so you should expect a slight fever, body aches, and maybe some chills,” he said. “As to other symptoms, there may be some lingering headaches or eye strain; maybe some sporadic sensations of confusion or fleeting disorientation. Just let us know if you experience anything so that we can track it, okay?”

  “Sure,” he said with a tired expression.

  Ethan and Nurse Lund stepped to the other side of the room, and I heard them whispering about symptom tracking and prescription regimens.

  I refocused my attention fully upon my mate and reached out to lightly caress his forehead with my fingertips. He stared back at me with a searching look and frowned, as if struggling to recall something.


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