Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 10

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter VIII

  The City of Tajiksin

  The descent went as easily as could be expected, a few scrapes and bruises but nothing too bad to complain about. The fresh smell of pine comforted their senses once more. Est took up trying to convince Nicholas that he should couple with her. Nicholas took up a position behind Nishga so as to protect himself from the very self-assured Est, not that it actually kept Est away from him if she was anything, she was committed to her cause. Perhaps because over the years she had learnt to be self-reliant, being the only one who had her own best interests at heart.

  Andreas was beginning to feel sympathy for his young companion though feeling it was very different to showing it.

  Est stopped them by a small running stream so she could scout ahead and find the path. Achil and Nicholas were relieved to drop their holdalls to the ground while Andreas had taken to carrying Nishga’s since the loss of his own; which of course was lighter than the others and less cumbersome.

  “While we have a chance check your bags to make sure everything is where it should be.”

  The three rummaged around in their things, nothing seemed untoward. Nishga checked her holdall, the cloak was there, but something was not quite right.

  “Achil the Orbs missing.” There was a slight tremor in her voice.

  The other three fell silent as the words registered in their minds.

  “How can that be? See if it's smashed in your bag,” replied Achil.

  The other two joined her to check her bag and the surrounding area to see if it had dropped out.

  “No! There are no broken remains in my holdall. I’m afraid it's missing all right, or lost.” Her voice now contained urgency to it.

  “With all that’s gone on could you have left it in the cabin?”

  “I don’t see how. I think I may have taken it out of my holdall once whilst in the cabin and then I’m sure I put it straight back in again. No; it either slipped out while I was carrying it or it's been taken.” She did not voice it, but she was beginning to think that perhaps Est was not all that she seemed.

  “Est could not have taken it. I’ve kept my eye on her all the time, except when I went out to catch our supper last night. But when I wasn’t around I’m sure she was hovering around Nicholas. Also out here in the wilds she wouldn’t dare take it. Just in case she were discovered, let's face it four against one is not very good odds. I think perhaps it's simply lost and that’s it.”

  “What about if she took it thinking that we would think it was actually lost,” said Nicholas,

  “Without evidence Nicholas,” replied Achil. “Any thoughts like that are just speculative and frankly counter productive. You may as well imply that the Manitou took it. I would suggest we concentrate on the task at hand and leave the subject of the orb for the time being.”

  “You're right this discussion is going round in circles,” said Andreas. “We don’t know what’s happened to it. Therefore we should proceed as though everything is fine. Let's face it we can’t exactly call on any help out here.”

  “Perhaps the Manitou did take it.”

  “Okay Nicholas perhaps you should stop thinking now.” Achil passed him some dried out venison to chew on, in the hope that if his mouth were occupied it might just stop him from talking.

  Nishga packed her things away. Then went over to the stream and sat by its edge bathing her feet for a little while. Achil crouched down by her side. The freshness of the water running over her small feet brought them back to life. Invigorating and revitalising her entire body. She began rubbing the souls of her feet. Achil could see she was doing it with difficulty, so he took her foot and began massaging it himself.

  “What do you think?” Achil looked around not wishing to be overheard by the others.

  “Nicholas could be right,” said Nishga. “Est may not be all that she seems; It's impossible to say. As it is we have no other way of contacting Findolin. We’re on our own again.”

  “Est is coming. I’ll leave you to paddle.”

  Est approached them a broad smile on her face. She had found the path that led from the mountain, and with the sun high in the sky she was sure that they would reach the bottom by nightfall. They gathered their things together and followed her toward the old path, once used by trappers for the long dead fur trade. They made their way across the stream, the cold mountain water bringing life back to their tired limbs. On route they passed more strange tracks, but these ones were old maybe two or three days old. They followed the path down the mountain side as it cut a passage between the trees until finally it opened out at the base of the mountain, onto a plain. In the distance could be seen a large city. From where they were they could here distant bells ringing. They could see a large coral filled with animals as you would expect to find from a cattle market. Smoke drifted up from the houses. Est was happy with her accomplishment, all four of her clients safely to the other side of the mountain and only with the loss of the horses and a few personal items. She stopped to let Achil catch up to her before pointing toward the City.

  “That’s Tajiksin, it means Golden Sun, and it is the oldest City here. It was built long before the Mandrake came. That over there was once a river, which has now been enlarged and redirected to be part of the Great Eastern Canal. Notice the Pantheon, that’s where you will have to register with the Praetor. Over there is the Agora. It's amazing that it's still being used after all these years. On this side, well outside the city limits is the Amphitheatre have you seen the like, built into the side of the mountain. When the sun sets it bathes the entire area in gold hence the name of the city. As you can see there are no walls surrounding it, they are forbidden. Only the capital and a few major towns are permitted to have them. But then what do you need walls for when you are living in the Imperium and are well guarded by its ever vigilant legions. Speaking of which over there you can see the garrison which holds about ten thousand men. I can see by the look on your face you're surprised. I know, its not much but apparently it will soon be enlarged to three times that amount. Most people are currently busy working on the canals and tunnels. Ever since Jin’s decree that every mother should bear as many children as they can, with a reward of one gold piece for the first child born which doubles each time you have a child. The population has increased dramatically and got richer. Come you will soon be able to eat well. I told you I am the best guide there is.”

  “Now at least I fully understand why you want a husband,” said Achil with a smile.

  “Of course, I’m hoping to open up a store in that new settlement we’re building. I will provide travellers and prospectors alike with climbing gear. I intend getting townies to stay in log cabins in the summer, so they can enjoy the great outdoors all this will be possible once the new canal and carriage lines are completed.”

  Achil looked back and saw Nicholas hiding warily behind Nishga.

  “Do you here that Nicholas according to Est here, you’re a bit of a gold mine.”

  Nicholas chose not to respond, but ground his teeth instead. They slowly walked out onto the plain. The city rose up before them and became a metropolis. Soon they could hear the turmoil and the daily sounds reminiscent of all big cities, haggling over prices; peoples raised voices echoed above the rattle of passing wagons. Troops marched down cobbled streets it was a true city of the Imperium. Est took them over to the Pantheon where they could register with the local magistrate, she bid them all a farewell and tried one last time to persuade Nicholas to join her.

  Once they had cued for some time they finally got in to see the Praetor, an elderly gentlemen of some distinguished bearing. His clothes loosely fitted him, over which was a black cloak signifying his dual purpose of both magistrate and head of the community, after some brief questioning on their business, their forms were stamped, which meant they were now able to go wherever they wished in the Empire. First though they went to find themselves a place to lodge for the night. Most places were full but they did find one
empty cottage which had been vacated by the previous occupiers who were apparently criminals to the state. The mother had not been able to conceive children which meant that the Gods were displeased with her. If she offended the Gods it stood to reason that the wife and husband were also offensive to the state. Also it did not help that the husband had been a political agitator, and had stood up against the corruption of the Guilders. And so their belongings had been appropriated and they had simply disappeared, apparently they had been resettled elsewhere. Achil was not too keen at having to take such a house even though it was for one night as it made him feel just as culpable as those that had made the young couple disappear. But what better way to blend in with the Imperium than to occupy such a place. While Nishga and Nicholas settled into the house, Achil and Andreas went out shopping. Andreas needed to get some clothes and they all needed horses. They first went over to the Agora, the market place where people bustled and jostled for wears. People were quibbling over the smallest items, striking bargains remonstrating with one another. There was another side to it a not so pleasant side. There were also people in cages. Slaves to be sold, young men, women and children; to fat man with turbans on there heads, long beards, large stomachs and even larger purses, actually those making a purchase were of every size and persuasion all wearing strange coloured turbans. Apparently you needed a turban to make a purchase at Auction. It showed that you had paid your premium to the Auctioneers Guild and indicated to what house you belonged. They strolled down the avenue the Agora ran along, people would stop them to ask if they wished to make a purchase. If they were interested they would be treated like honoured guests, if not they would be ignored in favour of the next person that might come along.

  “I purchased my new wardrobe I really don’t need much else. The decision now is do we take the line east or do we go by horse, across the plain.”

  Achil silently looked around making sure they were not being listened to.

  “I would prefer to cross via the old silk route on the map; it still seems to be running. We can follow it straight to the province of Quinn. From there we might be able to get to Jinopolis.”

  “Fair enough let's buy some fruit, some bread and some honey. We still have some dried out salted venison left. Then when we’ve purchased some horses we’ll head back to the house.”

  The coral where the horses were kept was very busy. The Imperium had its pick of the best horses. There was one magnificent looking stallion that would not allow itself to be ridden. The Merchant challenged anyone to ride it, if they could do so; they would keep the horse. Achil did not need a second invitation he accepted the challenge and prepared to mount up. People gathered round; the legionaries that were on site began betting on how long he would last. The commander of the nearby garrison, who was there purchasing horses for his men, took a look at Achil; as he passed Andreas his Sword, Shield and bow. He smiled quietly to himself and laid a bet that Achil would succeed and tame the horse. A blindfold had been placed over the horses eyes, until Achil was comfortably sat on top of it. It was then withdrawn and the struggle commenced. The horse stood still a moment as if sizing up the situation, then leapt into action tossing Achil this way then that way. Like a jumping bean, he was propelled from side to side. The horse leaping from one end of the coral to the other, but still Achil would not let go. Eventually the horse tired perspiration hanging from its hair like dew in the morning. As it came to a standstill Achil directed it to go one way then the other. The Merchant smiled as did the garrison commander at his side. They whispered something to each other and applauded Achil’s triumph. Achil purchased more horses and then he and Andreas made their way back to their rented cottage. The journey back was mercifully uneventful only interrupted by a few beggars pleading to be given money for a bite to eat, and by an old man who stopped them to admire Achil‘s new steed.

  As they entered their small lodgings they noticed that there was a sullen silence. Nishga was sitting with Nicholas and they were staring into the empty hearth. The room had a cold barren air to it.

  “I've purchased the horses; what’s wrong?” Achil dropped the food stuffs on the table and went over to them.

  “We were just visited by a guard. Its okay nothing to do with anything we’ve done. He just wanted us to know when we had last seen Est. Apparently she's been found on the mountain dead. She must have been heading back home, when something happened.”

  Achil and Andreas pulled the chairs out from beneath the table and slumped down into them.

  “Was it an accident, did she fall, or was it one of those creatures that attacked the cabin we were in.” Achil murmured more to himself than to the others.

  “Not unless such a beast uses a garrotte. She was murdered. Apparently someone had tried to disguise her death to make it look like she had fallen from the cliffs. They said normally they would have assumed she had slipped, except for the fact that she was an expert climber. So they brought the body down for a closer inspection and found bruising on the back of her neck consistent with what they believe to be a garrotte.”

  “Murdered!?!” They both muttered the word distastefully.

  “How can they be sure of that, any fall would prove treacherous in those conditions and could cause such marks, why on earth would someone murder her?” asked Andreas more perturbed than ever.

  “Why indeed? Why indeed?” Achil mulled the words over.

  That evening they ate in silence each left to their own thoughts. A Municipal guard came to their house to ask them some further questions about Est. He had come to see if there was anything new that they could recall that might help him with his investigation. They told him that she had been their guide and nothing more, and that they were genuinely shocked by the news of her demise.

  The Guard informed them that the investigation was well underway and that he was becoming more convinced that it was nothing more than a regrettable accident, which was the conclusion of a second opinion as to her cause of death. Apparently in the Mandrake Imperium you always considered the worse case scenario first. People were considered guilty until proven innocent. After he left they all gave out a collective sigh of relief.

  “What do you think?” Andreas tone was thoughtful contemplative.

  “This empire’s crazy.” Nicholas’s voice was filled with derision.

  “Yes, we all know that but do you think we’re under suspicion?” said Andreas directing the question at Achil or Nishga.

  Achil was the first to comment. “It's all very strange. Without seeing the body ourselves we’re not going to know whether it was murder or not. As you say such marks could easily happen from someone who's fallen from a great height. I think we should leave the questioning for now. It’s a shame we‘ve lost the Orb, we may have got some answers from it.” Achil leant back in his chair stretched out his legs for comfort and unfolded the map.

  “I think everyone should get an early night so we can all be fresh in the morning and start anew. There‘s something you should know.”

  Everyone’s attention was aroused Achil’s voice had a sense of hesitancy about it that meant they were due for some bad news.

  “After we pass the plain of Tajiksin, we enter the lands of the Wrath.” Achil placed the map on the floor for them all to see. There was Tajiksin and next to it a picture of a ravenous wolf, blood dripped down its savage teeth, with the words beneath it ‘The Wrath.’

  “That’s strange; I thought the Wrath didn’t have a land of their own?”

  “Well they certainly have their own lands now, and what's more they are allowed to roam freely within the Mandrake Imperium as there are no borders within this empire of theirs. That’s something for everyone to think about.”

  They all retired to there rooms Achil and Nishga to one room, Andreas and Nicholas to their own. The room had a double bed to it. That was about all that was left. When the house had been confiscated most of the furniture had been confiscated along with it. All that remained was the bear minimum.

  “There’s one thing you should know.” Achil lay back next to Nishga.

  “Oh yea, only one thing, what’s that.”

  “When we were in the Agora I overheard someone say that the lands of the Wrath are where anyone who riles the state is sent for resettlement, to live amongst a pack of hungry merciless wolves.” He breathed a long sigh.

  “I see, in other words there not resettled at all.” Nishga sounded disquieted by such a revelation.

  “No.” Achil’s voice was quiet, almost sad.

  “What’s wrong with these people?” She now sounded irritated.

  "The only way to succeed in a world such as this is to act corruptly, though they do not see deceit as corruption. In fact the only two things they truly honour are strength and wealth; although I think it's safe to say that they fear the former and desire the latter."

  Achil rested his arms around Nishga, she in turn cradled him. They fell into an uncomfortable sleep. In the night she woke suddenly with the howls of Wolves in her ears. It was nothing more than the wind but it had seemed very real. Nishga rose and looked out of the window, all was quiet, outside it was dark and the drifting clouds obscured the moon and stars.

  Along the cobbled streets where their house was, the moonlight escaped the confinement of the clouds and shone down, catching a figure unawares. It moved quickly back into the shadow from whence it had momentarily appeared.

  The next morning they mounted the horses and rode out of Tajiksin. With the news of Est's untimely death, the city had taken on a more unwholesome feel and the four of them were glad to leave it behind. They entered a flat plain of long grasses intermittently broken up by wooded areas, grassy knolls and rocky climbs. The map showed the new road ways, canal routes, and symbols indicating where the prospective new carriage line would run. They kept on the road until the city diminished into the distance; they then turned off it, to take a more direct route leading to Quinn.

  “Did you learn anything of use from the traders at the Agora,” said Andreas taking the map from Achil.

  “Yes, apparently we should keep to the roads, unfortunately that’s a luxury we cannot afford to have. Also this area here is home to a race known as the Panthurians,” said Achil, who gave Andreas a quizzical look.

  “Who are they?”

  “More what than who, apparently they are large wild savage Panthers. Jin offered to turn them into men if they would but serve him. They knew already that he wielded great power and thinking that they might become the same, they took up his offer. But things did not go according to the plans of Jin, from what I understand they betrayed him, by turning on the Wrath. The two had an uneasy truce and cannot abide one another. Anyway Jin punished them for their disloyalty by forcing them to remain in their own land which they now cannot move away from. They are now strange Werebeasts not human and not quite animal that can only move at night, if ever the suns rays descend upon them, by its touch, they are turned to stone. Or that‘s the story.”

  “Oh great that’s all we need Wolfmen and Panthermen.”

  “Well it gets better,” said Achil smiling grimly.

  “How can it get better?” asked Andreas incredulously.

  “He made it so that the Panthurians can only chew the cud like cows, and believe me, for such regal creatures, to have to do such a thing, is an insult indeed.”

  "Not to be able to eat properly that is bad," said Nicholas.

  “Who said that Jin doesn’t have a sense of humour,” Achil smiled wryly as he spoke. “Beware everyone; they still long for meat, and they’re as vicious as ever, more so because they’re really angry that eating meat can now poison them. Wouldn‘t you be driven insane if you were forced to act against your natural state. So anyway here’s the plan, if we run into the Panther people we'll try and break the spell that binds them. Let's face it; they would make excellent allies.”

  He adjusted the shield hanging from his saddle, and patted the horse, calming it as it had been agitated by this movement. The others looked at him startled at such an idea.

  “If you think we should ride on into a lair of savage angry Panthurians then I guess their not the only ones that have been driven insane,” said Andreas. “What makes you think they'll be cooperative? I don’t suppose they’ll be very trusting of strangers, especially those that are usually on the menu.”

  Andreas and Achil continued their discussion while Nishga fell back to ride by the side of Nicholas.

  “Is everything okay Nicholas you haven’t said more than a few words since we left Tajiksin.” As She spoke she gently brushed aside her hair and lightly tugged on the reins shifting her horse closer to his.

  Nicholas looked up from his daydream.

  “It’s Est,” he breathed a long sigh. “When I think of her I get a tight knot in my stomach. I still can’t believe that she’s dead. I know what you're going to say. Focus on the mission and all that, but still." His voice trailed off into silence.

  “Of course the mission is vital, but the thing with Est is this, even though you may have known her for only the briefest of moments you still felt a connection with her, and she was clearly drawn to you; I wish you had time to grieve unfortunately that is not a luxury we can afford.” Nishga tilted her head down a little, trying to catch Nicholas’s eyes.

  “I know you're right, its just she didn’t deserve what happened to her,” Nicholas sadly stared into the distance.

  “That, I’m afraid is life. Life isn’t fair; it's not all roses and cake. In fact most of the time it’s a struggle, the idea is how to cope with those struggles I'm afraid there are many good people that deserve to live that have died, and isn't that one of the reasons why we are on this road.”

  “I know that. It’s just when things like this happen, only then are we reminded of how fragile and how painful life really is.”

  Nishga reached out and took hold of Nicholas’s reins pulling the horse closer to hers and extended a consoling hand over his.

  “I understand, look around you, we have all been their. The important thing for you to do now is concentrate on the road ahead and the things we can change. The past is a road already travelled. Yes.” Nicholas looked up and sadly nodded.

  They followed the map, travelling for many days far across the rough shod earth, stopping briefly every now and again to rest and eat, and for Achil and Andreas to advise one another of what was the best route. The two of them had been together for so long; they had begun to adopt similar mannerisms. Not that either of them noticed. The earth calcified beneath their feet due in no small part to a lack of water, the sun beat a path in front of them. The nights were cool and tranquil, the days stifling; thus far this was probably the hardest part of their journey, and it did not involve an enemy that could be seen or touched, but was fought against their own desires to return home. The cold fresh mountain air was nothing more than a memory. The peeks were far behind them now. Since leaving the road they had not had sight of anyone except once. Days previously in the distance some dust was thrown up by a group of riders that were more like insects scurrying across the flat plain, after that there was nothing. Further days past before to the relief of all they approached some thick wooded areas atop some rolling hills. Andreas was the first to spot the tracks in the ground. Those made by wild cats. The four of them stared down at the ominous markings as they past them by.

  “Well Nishga according to this map we’re almost in what’s known as the ‘Land of the Panthurians‘.” Achil held the map up and handed it to Nishga.

  “I think we should make camp by the tree line. Have a fire going with enough wood to last all night. No one should venture to deep within the Wood. The suns low in the sky so we had better gather everything together while we can still see. What do we do with the horses? We don't want the Panthurians to get a hold of them.”

  “It’s a gamble but we’ll release them. Everyone let's get to it. We’ll also build a small stockade to give us some protection.”


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