Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 11

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter IX

  The Panthurians

  The four of them set to work immediately, gathering wood to build a pyre. Making and then banging long sharpened wooden stakes into the ground. They freed the horses, which stuck around amongst the chaos grazing. They made their preparations as best they could before the sun began to sink below the horizon. Soon though their lengthened shadows faded, the veil of night lowered, and the moon began its weary ascent across the sky, and as the forest came to life, Achil lit the fire. It blazed with a flaming body taller than that of a man. The crackle of flame was a sharp contrast to the indignant echoing hollow sounds of what lurked within the trees. The horses nearby stiffened, there ears twisted toward the wood, there nostrils gaping as though taking in some hidden threat. There was a distant crack, close enough to be heard, like a small twig breaking. The horses reared up startled by the sound and raced away into the dark. Out of the wood stepped three dark shadowy powerful looking creatures. They ominously towered above them, one of them calmly stepped forward as if appraising the intruders, its armour covered its torso and its black leather breeches were as dark as its skin. Its face was feline in shape a small nose, oval eyes. Its ears were long pointed, pulled back at the side of its head between which was a long dark mane of hair; it had a sinewy muscular body with a long legged robust frame. The Panthurian stood a moment; a spear held menacingly in one hand, there was no sign of fear, more contempt in those deep unfathomable eyes. Then just as suddenly as the creatures had appeared they were gone, disappearing within the dark from whence they had come.

  “Okay not quite the reception I was hoping for, but at least we’re still alive,” said Achil with a shrug.

  He picked up a torch from the fire, and stepped from behind the stockade. Achil checked the creature's tracks to confirm that they were the same as the ones they had seen earlier and stood by the edge of the trees, but dared not enter, the torch illuminated only a small area. Slowly he backed away and withdrew within the perimeter of wooden stakes. Achil knew that the one thing the Panthurians would be expert in was stealth. They were after all nocturnal creatures. The four of them did not have long to wait soon enough the inevitable encounter occurred. From the darkness crept the Panthurian Guard. They were well armed, as powerful as the ones they had seen briefly only moments before. One stepped forward. He spoke in the common tongue of Suberia, which was a side effect of the malady they were afflicted with.

  “Who is it that comes to these lands unheralded?” He said in a low hollow voice as the others began to circle the small camp as if stalking prey.

  “I am Achil. We seek an audience with the Leader of the Panthurians.”

  All the Panthurians laughed.

  “What makes you think the Queen would be willing to see such as you? You have nothing I’m sure to offer us. I think we might just kill you for trespassing and have done.”

  “You could do that, but only if you wish to remain as you are forever.”

  There was silence. The Panthurians stared at one another.

  “What do you mean?” The lead Panthurian motioned to the others to spread out more.

  “I mean we can reverse completely what Jin has done to you. You’ll be free.” Achil gestured for Andreas and Nicholas to take up positions opposite the Panthurians and ready themselves for what seemed to be an unavoidable confrontation. Nishga came and stood by Achil’s side. This was one time where she would employ her crystal magic.

  “Why would you do this?” The lead Panthurian raised his hand as he did so the guard stood motionless. Achil could not tell whether the gesture was to stop them from attacking or to ready them to pounce.

  “We have the same enemy the one called Jin and his Wrath army.” Achil passed Nishga his torch and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

  “Jin means nothing to us, as for the Wrath, we will deal with them in good time.” the Panthurian looked around at the rest of the guard; he had been given pause to think and now seemed uncertain. “If you can do such a thing then show me now.”

  “We do not treat with mere soldiers but with their masters, so take us to your liege.” Achil could see the Panthurian hesitating further. “Let us help you. If we cannot then do with us as you will.”

  The Panthurian stood a moment sceptically contemplating Achil's words.

  “Very well, but should you fail understand this, there will be no punishment too severe,” The Panthurian lowered his arm slowly and beckoned them forward.

  “Understood,” replied Achil.

  Achil stepped beyond the stockade. “I am Achil this is Nishga, Nicholas and Andreas.”

  “I am Zannou. Our Queen is called Sabaza. Be reverent when you greet her.”

  The four of them set off under close guard of the Panthurians to their Lair. The Woods stretched out in front of them each step taking them further away from safety if indeed the flimsy stockade they had built could have been called safe. The Lair was found deep in the woods, in a clearing of rocky outcrops within which were ancient caves leading to vast underground catacombs that had been tunnelled out of the bedrock in some forgotten time. When they arrived Zannou led them into one of the caves in the upper rock face. As they entered they were flanked either side by the Queens personal guard, torches on the walls lit their way as they drove deeper beneath the surface. Finally entering the Queens private chambers, she was laid across a long stony platform covered with rugs and large cushions. By her side was a large bottle with some goblets. She waved her guests forward.

  “I have been told that you know how to lift this curse,” said the Queen gravely.

  She was a vibrant beautiful creature with deep blue penetrating eyes that glistened like the reflection of the moon on the waters surface.

  “When I was a young, a man came to my father promising many things. At that moment we were a proud race feeling invincible. This man offered us great glory, great power. We did not know then what price we would have to pay for it. It was at this time that the Wrath invaded our realm, we drove them back. My father won a great victory against our most vile foe. We thought were at the height of our powers. And so afterward that same man returned asking us if we were willing to accept his offer. Our victory was won at the loss of many a Panthurian, and hoping to end the threat of the Wrath once and for all we treated with this man. Little did we know then that the potion he placed in our waterhole for all Panthurians to drink was not what he had claimed, but instead it was stained with his lies. That man was Jin; he was the one who had sent the Wrath invaders to us in the first place, though at that time we did not know it. It was he who had made us think we had triumphed. Only so that we might, through our own need to rid ourselves of the Wrath threat once and for all, reach out to him. Now we suffer for that choice. And here once again are people telling us exactly what we want to hear. So tell me why should we believe you?”

  Achil stepped forward. “There is no reason why you should believe us. All we ask is that you let us try to help. We are not Jin nor are we part of the Mandrake Imperium. And the only way we can prove to you we are sincere is by lifting this curse from you.”

  Queen Sabaza smiled at him and sat up. In appearance her feline face was astonishingly beautiful almost hypnotically so.

  “I shall give you a chamber to use. This here is some of the potion that was poured into our drinking water.” The queen pointed to the phial at her side. “The sun rises soon. You have until it sets to find a cure. If you have not found one by then you will receive….” her voice trailed off.

  “Understood,” said Achil gravely.

  The four of them were shown to a chamber. It was filled unexpectedly with comforts. Four beds a large wooden table, a large rug at its centre. Achil went over to one of the beds lay down and to the consternation of the others began to sleep.

  The other three gathered round his bed, “What are you doing, we have a potion to make remember. You can‘t just go to sleep.” said Andreas standing by his bed waving his hands in the a
ir in an animated and vexed manner.

  “Why not?” asked Achil, who yawned turned on his side and faced the wall.

  “Do you want to let us in on your little plan? You got us into this mess how do you intend getting us out of it?” asked Nishga curiously, she sat down on Achil’s bed facing the front of the chamber; peering at the entrance to see if there was anyone listening to their exchange.

  Achil turned round and sat up.

  “As you are aware Jin was originally from Askalon,” said Achil. “Well the Queen of Askalon gave me the potion that would reverse the effects of shapeshifting in the great Marsh, it was meant to be used to help any that wanted help, and she was hoping to use it to help persuade others that had left Askalon, that it was now okay for them to return, that they didn’t have to remain as shapeshifters that they could change and be true Askalons again. She left the potion in the hope that it might prove helpful. It returns any that have been altered to their true state. And what we’ll do, when the sun sets we’ll give the Queen the potion and that will be that.”

  Achil lay back down facing the wall and promptly went to sleep. Andreas and Nicholas looked a bit exasperated that they had not been informed earlier that he already had a cure with him, and went over to their beds. Nishga merely rummaged through Achil’s holdall found the Phial of potion in a small wooden case, gave out a sigh of relief and handed it to Andreas who placed it beneath his cushion for safe keeping. That evening they were summoned to the Queens presence. Achil rummaged through his holdall looking for the small little wooden case, but it was not to be found. He emptied his belongings onto the bed but still it wasn’t to be found. He then lifted the furs up throwing them to the floor and still nothing. He turned to face the others who were sitting on Andreas’s bed laughing, Nishga stretched out her hand. Andreas with a pleased look on his face placed the small case into it. She then handed it to Achil. Achil walked out of the chamber followed closely by his companions. He was taken to the Queen’s Hall and ushered into her presence. The hall was a large underground cavern. Sturdy pillars held the ceiling aloft, they had been carved out of the rock by some race from a previous age long before the Panthurians had dwelt in that place. Now it was the heart of their lair. An entire assembly of Panthurians stood waiting for the arrival of Achil and his companions. The four of them walked in slowly moving passed the expectant crowd of onlookers until they stood in front of the Queen.

  “It is time, have you been able to find a way of lifting this curse.”

  The hall was filled with her subjects; by the side of her were two large guards with very long two headed axes.

  “I believe so,” Achil handed her the ampoule.

  The Queen took it, and asked to be handed a goblet filled with water.

  “Zannou you are the one who vouched for these creatures you shall be the one to drink first.”

  The Queen poured a few drops into the goblet and handed it to Zannou. He took the goblet paused looking at the strangers a moment closed his eyes and drank from it. At first nothing happened. Then suddenly he grabbed his throat as though he were choking and fell to the floor. Before their eyes his shape altered his limbs grew long his back lengthened his face got bigger and wider his canine teeth extended. He was a Panthurian again. He let out a loud proud roar. Zannou was free.

  “We are in your debt indeed,” said the Queen, a look of such relief on her face that her eyes glistened.

  “You have said that you are the enemy of the Wrath and Jin.” As she spoke the Queen seemed more proud than ever, now that the dignity of her people was being restored.

  “You are free to wonder the lands of the Panthurians and remain as honoured guests for as long as you wish but should you so desire it, you will be taken by escort to our borders. You should know this. The lands occupied by the Wrath are not a place for people to roam. They hunt at night in mighty packs of hundreds, sometimes thousands strong. There territory is vast. You should not venture from the roads which are guarded by mystical symbols that let the traveller pass unhindered. If you keep them you will remain safe.” said the Queen earnestly.

  “Thank you, I must admit that is something we were not aware of. We did not wish to take the roads. As we wished to keep our movements secret, how much land do they actually occupy?" asked Achil concerned by this revelation.

  “The Wrath came from the high tundra steppe. It is as vast as the sea.” The Queen spoke with some distaste; the thought of the Wrath and how powerful they had grown had been a constant menace to her.

  “Is there another way across this steppe?” Achil new the less they drew attention to themselves the less likely they were of being discovered.

  The Queen moved closer to Achil her voice lowered. “You may have allies that might be willing to help. They know every nook and cranny of the Steppe. They are the Golden Bears of Suberia; before the Wrath got so powerful they had mastery over that entire region. Then one day Jin went to them as he did to us offering a different type of life, if they would but join with him. But the Bears saw through his deceptions, realising immediately that he was really after their lands. They told him so. He left apparently enraged. After a time Jin returned to the great cavern halls of the Bears with his Mandrake Imperium. That was the first War of the Steppe. The Golden Bears were completely overrun they were all but wiped out by the Wrath. Who had been promised over lordship of their lands. A few survivors sought shelter amongst my people. We unfortunately were taken in by Jin’s promises even though we warned by the Golden bears of his intentions, I'm afraid those were desperate times. Our war with the Wrath came to be known as the Second War of the Steppe. And a mighty battle it was. But Jin is a wily old serpent; he resolved to treat with us in a manner different to that of the Bears as I have told you and the consequences of which you know. It was then that we learnt that he was too powerful for any one clan to attack. That it is only with guile that he might be defeated. So you see the Golden Bears probably hate the Mandrake Imperium more than we do, and are just waiting for an occasion to strike a blow against them. Though there numbers are few, I am sure one or two of them might be persuaded to guide you securely across the Steppe."

  Achil listened to what the Queen had to say and warily accepted her offer.

  “Okay, if the Bear is willing to help then a guide that knows every secret passageway would certainly be more helpful than a map.”

  If one of those Bears could be persuaded to guide them, then they might just be able to cross the steppe unseen. The Queen told them that she would send word to Calkis, leader of the Golden Bears to meet with her. They placed some of the contents of the Phial into the waterhole so that the Panthurians could return to their original forms. Achil and the others returned to their chamber to discuss what to do next. Some of the Panthurians attempted going out in the light of day which to their delight they found they were able to. The Curse had truly been lifted. The problem they had was how not to let Jin hear of their good fortune too soon. They made an agreement that only if they were threatened would they strike at the Wrath again which would also give them time to prepare to rejuvenate their numbers. One Panthurian could after all have a litter of ten cubs. The next two years would prove the most difficult after that they would be back to full strength. They would be more than a match for the Wrath, though it would be a much longer time than that to have enough numbers to hold off the Imperium.

  Later that evening Zannou came to them he was in full armour from his shoulders to his haunches, His long tale had on its tip a sharp sheath with horns on either side of it, a formidable weapon in itself. He wore a helmet which covered his crown that had three horns coming from it, in the shape of claws.

  “I have come to take you to the Bear Moot, being held in their Grotto. Calkis wishes to see you.” Zannou’s clear blue eyes were alert, the dignity of his race had returned to him and now he looked like he was a Panthurian ready for war. Achil and Nishga followed Zannou out of the cave. As they passed through the catacombs they noticed t
hat more Panthurians had returned to their natural forms. Achil thought how strange it was that he had been told that when they were half Man half Panthurian they had been considered an abomination and yet they were actually proud looking, beautiful creatures, in whatever form they took. It had probably been slander of the Empire another form of control. They left the catacombs, as they did so Zannou sniffed the air he had a concerned look on his face.

  “Is anything wrong? Can you smell danger?” asked Achil.

  “No but I can smell food. I haven’t had fresh meat for a long time. Look here's Zeano. For the purposes of speed she will carry your friend Nishga, I will carry you on my back. Come let us be on our way; the Golden Bear Grotto is near our northern border.”

  They set off at speed, the Panthurians leaping across the craggy rocks and racing through the woods. Achil saw the ground flash beneath him. It was more exhilarating than being on the back of horse. At times Zannou would be forced to leap over fallen trees. At one point the two Panthurians leapt across a stream almost in seeming synchronicity. The trees began to thin and by dusk they were at the borders of the forest and suddenly they were out in the open. Their speed immediately increased. The Panthurians sped along the edge of the wood before turning toward the open plain. The steady rhythmic thump of their footfalls matched by the sharp sound of the wind whistling passed. It was as though the world outside were but a dream. Just then the two Panthurians slowed and came to a halt.

  “Can you smell that?” Zannou stood a moment sniffing the air.

  “Unmistakeable. It’s the Wrath. Only maybe six, travelling at speed, must be important for them to venture into our territory at night.” Zeano began scratching a claw into the ground as if she wished a Wrath were beneath it.

  “Not now Zeano, they mustn't learn that the curse has been lifted: we must get to the Grotto.” With those words Zannou leapt forward closely followed by his companion. He felt also that it was disturbing indeed, that the Wrath had entered their domain at night and in few numbers. They had never shown that much confidence before. As their legs stretched out beneath them they raced across the northern plain reaching speeds twice that of a horse. Nishga thought of how with her Crystal Magic she had been able to control time around her, slowing it down so that it seemed she could move incredibly fast. This was something else; riding on the back of a Panthurian had an almost reckless excitement about it. She could feel the blood racing in her veins.

  “Zeano, how are you able to maintain such speeds over long distances.”

  Zeano’s ears pricked back as Nishga began talking. She wore the same body armour as Zannou but as she was part of the personal guard of the Queen on both sides of her helmet was the outline of a Crown beneath which was a Panthurian.

  “We Panthurians can go much faster but as we are carrying you and your friend, we are restricted. It was for this reason that Jin wanted us in his service. We are able to cover vast distances quickly, and without requiring the rest that would prevent other creatures from fighting at the end of their journey.”

  Nishga who was once a smithy wondered also about Zeano’s metal plated coat. She felt how thin and yet strong the plates were.

  “How is it you are able to make such things?” she enquired.

  “We do not make such things; it is the Golden Bears that make them for us. That is why we are such allies. They have helped our people many times against the Wrath and the Mandrake Imperium. Wait a moment Nishga; I can taste the Wrath in the air.”

  She slowed once more, Zannou stopping at her side. They both lifted their heads taking in the air. Their eyes glistened in the light of the moon. Zeano looked behind her as if peering deep into the dark. Her ears stood erect like soldiers standing guard.

  “Zannou, there are Wrath ahead of us as well as behind. I cannot tell whether either group has changed direction toward us.” Her head turned this way and that, confused by the different scents in the air.

  “Is it possible that the Wrath are massing for an attack.” She spoke ready almost to turn back.

  “Possible but unlikely, no matter what, we must continue on our course. Calkis expects us and soon. If we are being followed then we should make for the Deep Canyon, the river will cover our tracks and the Canyon will hide our scent.”

  Their speed if it could be believed increased. The moon was now high in the night sky; by the time they had got to the canyon it had begun its descent. They made there way steadily down. At the bottom it was so dark that only the eyes of the Panthurians could see. They gradually made their way across the canyon, stopping every so often to smell the air. The Canyon was long and wound like a serpent across part of Northern Panthuria, cut out of rock by a river that still flowed through the heart of it. At one end there was a mighty cave where the water poured out most likely from an underground lake. The Panthurians crossed the river and made their way to the other end of the canyon. The rocky gorge seemed to close in around them and even though Achil and Nishga could not see how near they were to the rock face, they could feel the tightness in the air, that was encapsulated by the way the darkness seemed to swallow them up, at least their progress had been steady and measured. Eventually they began their steady rise from the canyon floor. As they reached the top of the Canyon the veil that had descended on them below lifted, the air they breathed felt fresher more alive the stars that much brighter. The Panthurians stopped a moment to taste and smell the air they could not sense the Wrath anywhere near and set off in the direction of the Grotto of the Golden Bears. Achil and Nishga saw the ground disappear beneath them as they practically flew across the Northern Lands. In the distance they could see large craggy hillocks; they overlooked the terrain for leagues and made the perfect lookout. On and around the hillocks were trees, it was like an oasis in a desert of tall grasses. In the sky many miles away there was a raging storm, it was far off and in stark contrast to the calm that surrounded them, the ground seemed to light up, thunders haughty sound rumbled on, until it faded to nothing.


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