Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin Page 12

by David Papa-Adams

  Chapter X

  The Wrath

  They approached the trees, turning this way and that to make sure they were not being followed or that their whereabouts had not been made known to the enemy. As they entered the tree line they made straight for the Grotto. It was a sunken open faced craggy outcrop with a large round stone boulder to the front of what must have been the entrance to a cave. There was a small hole cut into the rock at the side. Zannou growled into it. He then stepped back as if expecting a response. Achil and Nishga dismounted and waited to see what would occur. After a moment the large stone rolled away and flickering torchlight shone out. A large Golden Bear stood peering at them before falling on all fours. Leaning against his shoulder was a large mace, spikes protruding from its bulbous head. It wore armour the like of which Achil and Nishga had not seen before. It began growling something that to Achil was merely loud rasping sounds.

  Zannou explained to Achil what had been said. “This Bear is called Kallis it means Sharp Claw in your tongue. A crow messenger told of our coming, and so they have been expecting us. Earlier scouts were sent out looking to see if we had been waylaid on the road. They found Wrath tracks instead and followed them. Apparently the Wrath are massing on our borders, why, we do not know. But the omens are not good. They usually don‘t gather in such numbers unless they have some ill intent, it could be coincidence, or that the enemy knows of your passing. Come let us enter; the Bear Moot awaits us.”

  Zannou gave out a growl to which the Bear stepped aside to let them pass into the cave. The bear, together with another rolled the large stone back in front of the opening to the cave. He then led them down the tunnel. Torches hanging from the smooth walls lit their way, the cool sandy earth scattered beneath their feet. At the end of the tunnel was a large opening leading out into the Grotto, at one end, on a large stone platform sat the largest bear that Nishga and Achil had ever seen. He wore a golden crown and silver armour his sad eyes seemed to be searching his subjects for answers that would not come. Banners were arrayed around the cavern with the insignia of a bear wondering over an open plain. In front of him on either side were other great bears. For such a gathering there was a sombre silence. In the middle of the Moot one of the Panthurians stepped forward to speak. The great King of the Golden Bears listened intently, and once Zannou had finished he waved Achil and Nishga forward. The King began to speak. The Panthurian listened to what was being said then translated it.

  “The Great Colkis which means Iron tooth in your tongue bids you welcome. He says that they have been debating the significance of your arrival from distant lands. They had not realised that people such as you existed. They thought you were all hunters, destroyers or conquerors like the Mandrake.”

  Achil looked around him at the entire assembly before speaking. “We have travelled many leagues and yet I feel our journey has not even begun yet. We also did not know that such creatures as magnificent as the Golden Bears existed. And to be honest before I had entered the Imperium if someone had told me of such as you I would have thought the person telling me a drunkard or fool; you have kept yourselves secret from the world I come from very well. The reason for our coming is simple the Mandrake Imperium came to our lands they burnt our settlements, destroyed much of what we thought precious and carried many of my people off into slavery. They told us that all we had to do was live under the banner of their Imperium and we would have been safe; secure in the knowledge that the Empire with all its vast resources and overwhelming manpower would protect us from all intruders. But the cost was too heavy. It would have meant the loss of who we are, our freedoms, our laws, our history. So we told him No. No to tyranny, No to slavery, No to Empire.”

  As the Panthurian repeated his words there was a large hammering as the bears stamped on the ground with their mighty paws. Achil continued raising his voice above the tumult.

  “If it was not for the mighty walls of my city and the Great Alliance forged out of desperation with the Peoples Osgaroth and Askalon. Findolin would have fallen. We know the Mandrake will return one day across our border already we have heard that a great Imperial army is massing in the lands of the Mead though we do not know their purpose. What we do know is that the next time they come they will bring with them such a force that the result of that War will decide the fate of the whole of Suberia. That is why we ask for your aid. This is not a war for the salvation of one people or one land but for all peoples, all races that stand up for freedom, liberty and justice. It is for this reason that we dare not fail.”

  Again the words were repeated there was once more a commotion. Colkis gave out a loud roar. There was a long silence before he then spoke to the Panthurian. Zannou bowed and turned to leave.

  “We have been asked to wait outside. The great King wishes to discuss this matter further with his subjects before any decision is made.”

  As the five of them waited in the tunnel they could hear roars, growls and calls in the Grotto. Only the Panthurians knew what was being said and they did not translate it. After a while a bear came to the cavern entrance to call them back. They stood facing the great King once more, again Zannou explained to them what was being said.

  “They have agreed to help you. Be mindful of the fact that there are some Bears here that are still distrustful of Men. What has swayed their decision in your favour is that you helped us Panthurians return to our natural state. There are Bears that have volunteered to take you across the occupied lands. They know every hidden nook, cranny, crag, cave, brush and wooded area from the steppe to the lands east of here. There are in fact two Golden Bears and two Panthurians that will go with you. The Golden Bears have suffered much under the yoke of the Mandrake. They would like any opportunity to strike out at the Wrath. They also intend to send out spies to find out what else the Mandrake are up to. So it is fortunate that you have common interests. The two bears who have volunteered for this task will come back with us to our lair. From there you will with your companions make your way to the lands of the Wrath.”

  The four made their way out of the grotto and waited for the bears to join them. It appeared even bears had to ready themselves and say their goodbyes to loved ones.

  Once the bears appeared they moved off without further delay toward the Lair of the Panthurians, the sun was beginning to rise; the air that had seemed stifling when they had first arrived at the Grotto now felt cool, free, fresh. The distance back felt a lot shorter, there were no detours en route to hinder their time travelled, no wasteful stoppages. No scent of Wrath to disturb the air and distract them. The two bears that ran at their side were young. One was called Allegra meaning sour mouth because apparently he always complained, though he said it was more due to him being the only one who took life seriously and that is why he volunteered. The other was called Grandig, which meant he who slumbers; apparently Grandig did not take things seriously enough. He was the perfect foil for Allegra; the two had been close friends since they were cubs. Both had lost parents in the first war of the Steppe and both thirsted for revenge. Dusk was upon them by the time they reached the Lair of Panthurians; and they were greeted by an excited commotion, the Wrath were indeed in great numbers at the border but had paused there, the Panthurians felt this was definitely a possible prelude to invasion, which also meant that the border would soon be impassable. Andreas and Nicholas on hearing this news had prepared their things ready to leave once Achil and Nishga had arrived back.

  “Good of you to join us. Especially since things are about to get extreme. It appears The Wrath are about to make their move. The Panthurians believe that we have been betrayed or they have, and that Jin who has spies everywhere knows of their transformation or knows of our mission or at least guesses it, and wishes to destroy either them or any that might aid us. So the question is do we stay for the party or not?” Andreas handed Achil his holdall while Nicholas gave Nishga hers.

  “Our mission takes priority and we don't really know whether we have been truly found out, i
t is more likely that Jin has found out that the Panthurians have recovered and wishes to strike them down once and for all before they are too strong.” responded Achil. “As for staying we won’t be able to help any one if we’re dead, which means we must be on our way, and the bears have agreed to carry you two on their backs. Zannou and Zeano are the two Panthurians coming with us and they will carry us.”

  As Achil explained what had occurred at the Bear Moot, the Panthurians began marching out of the caves, two abreast. They had all been returned to their normal state and though the odds were against them they intended to give a good account of themselves. They would join forces with the remaining contingent of the Golden Bears and then draw the Wrath into a narrow pass from which their larger numbers would have no advantage. Once there, they would close the trap. Dealing it was hoped, a savage blow to the Wrath, once and for all deterring them from ever entering their lands again. As line after line passed him Achil had to admire how proud the Panthurians were. Zannou was eager to be on their way. It caused him much pain to see the pack leaving like this. By the time preparations were laid and the lair had emptied the sun had burnt away the morning mist. They moved away from where the army of Panthurians would engage their enemy, and were now heading toward the Great Steppe. That endless sea of grass, only divided up in certain areas by thick forests and craggy climbs. Allegra began explaining where they intended going first.

  Zannou again repeated what he had been told to the others. “When we have made it across the border we shall first go to Claw Gorge. With the Wrath making their move Allegra says he no longer needs to find out their purpose. It is apparent he will alter his task so that he concentrates on getting you across the steppe. This will actually prove easier with the Wraths eye firmly fixed on our lands. It will be ironically the diversion you need to safely get you across.”

  Running either side of the Panthurians, the Bears did not tire or spare their limbs as league after league passed them by, until some days later they reached a large abandoned redoubt. All around were vast empty tracts of land, barren of all other forms of life. Even the skies were devoid of birds. It was certainly possible to go for days without spotting a single soul, and the fact that they did not wish to be seen, meant that the likelihood was, that they would not be. Behind them in the distance, storm clouds were brewing like great mountains in the sky that devoured all light. Ahead of them the sky was an endless blue, where there were only faint wisps of cloud. They travelled long through the day, only stopping the once to rest by a river that stretched to the Northern Inland sea. Achil and Andreas waded into the cold water and caught fish enough for all to eat. After they had briefly rested they crossed the river and followed along its edge as it wound its way north, the sun waxed and waned many times before they had made the long trek to the border and heading well away from the rivers edge. For days they had not seen a sign of anyone or anything. Not only that the scent of the Wrath was stale and old. The next stop was at a cave long since disused, this was the old sanctuary the Golden Bears had spoken of. A large rock lay in front of it, which the two bears rolled out of the way. One of the Bears checked to make sure there was nothing untoward in the cave. Allegra sat outside sniffing the air as if searching for something, one of the Panthurians went over, sensing something was amiss with the Bear.

  “Allegra finds it strange that we haven’t seen hide or hair of the Wrath. It's as though the entire country has been emptied. Also he is concerned that we have heard no word for good or ill of the conflict in my land.”

  Zannou stood at the mouth of the cave staring out as if hoping to see what was occurring in his homeland many leagues away. Achil went and joined him, if he could offer him some comforting words he would, but there was nothing comforting about the Imperium.

  “It is difficult to second guess Jin. This empire of his is filled with contradictions. I have seen many great innovations; the man made river, the Horseless Carriages that enable people and goods to be passed from one side of the empire to the other. Everyone seems to have food aplenty. And so outwardly the empire appears enlightened, only when you look closely at its heart and see its Zero tolerant laws does it become apparent that fear is the tool that controls the populace. If you are against their Imperium that’s it you are punished and painfully so. They have slavery. They don’t actually think twice about destroying other people's ways of life. They have an almost absolute belief in that what they are doing is right. People follow Jin blindly, as though he were some deity and not a man. It's as though they are all trapped within a gilded cage. Where individual creative thinking is outlawed unless it is within the parameters of what Jin allows. And at the heart of it all the very thing that keeps it all running smoothly is his army and behind the army in the shadows the Guilders.”

  Zannou lay down, his legs stretching out in front of him; his hind legs slumped to the side.

  “I think you understand the idea of the Imperium well. That’s all it is a gilded cage. The slaves within it aren’t the only ones actually enslaved. My ancestors watched it grow from its birth and you are right Jin has done many marvels but slavery is still slavery whether it is dressed in silk stockings or in rags.”

  Achil crouched down next to Zannou. “Like most empires it will probably destroy itself from within before it is destroyed from without. This is the one truth that lies behind Jin’s lust for power. In the end power is a fatal illness that conquers and consumes all that it engages with. That’s why empires never last and that‘s why in the end we will succeed and he will fail.”

  “Very good Achil, there’s just one problem with what you’re saying. You see there’s always a first time for everything. Perhaps this will be the one empire that does last.”

  “Zannou every empire believes it will be the one to last, and every empire fails, because what is self-evident to the people, is the need for self-determination, and the need for the rule of law. In the end an empires own laws will eat it up. That which is designed to control the people will set them free. Their own laws will eventually trap them, by causing people to rebel against them, or by evolving to a degree that power will simply be ceded to the people.”

  “And in your lands, are the people free?” asked Zannou.

  “Yes, though we have a King instead of a Queen like yourselves whose sole purpose is to work for the benefit of the Kingdom. And I certainly do not envy such a charge. And around the King we have a council of administrators and advisors who are taken from the best of us, and who also work for the betterment of the realm. And the purpose of this is so that the people live happy and contented lives and because of this; power rests with everyone. How else could we have fought off the empire when they came to our door? It was through our system of governance that we were able to develop the dragon chambers, that we were able to seek aid from other peoples, who were willing to give us aid and why because good people find friends that are there in times of trouble; the thing about those that promote malice is that they will always remain isolated in the preservation of their own power. After all this empire is only held together by the Merchant Guilds, which plainly means people live by their desires, and can be easily tricked into believing they have a false want or need for something, the way you were, but when the crunch comes people will see that their realm is built on an illusion of dreams, instead of being a fulfilment of them; then they will free themselves.”

  Andreas who had stood nearby grimly stared across the steppe, "Are you sure or will they realise that the dream they are in is more a nightmare from which they cannot escape. You see their house may not be built on bedrock but on sand, and the funny thing about sand is that it can be friable, and easily blown in the wind, or it can be as immovable as rock when it's packed tightly together and left for the eons to pass."

  As Andreas moved off the two sat in thoughtful silence staring out over the vast territories they could see a storm raging far off; the lightning struck the land as though someone were piercing it with a mighty sword. T
hey decided that from then on they would only travel at night on the open steppe. Once they reached Claw Gorge things would be different they would again be able to move during the day. It was a canyon that ran like its name suggested Claw like through many leagues across the steppe like a scar cut into the land bordering the Northern Approaches. And though at certain points it was narrow and difficult to pass through, there were many places within it that would conceal their movements. That night as they made their way towards it there was silence as each thought about home, except for the Golden Bears who were thinking about the land they were passing through. Recognisable land marks that had now become nothing more than memories from their youth. The harshness of the moment was made more difficult for them by the fact that this land had been lost to them in their life time. The Panthurians were now in a desperate race against time; impatient now to get back to their people and join in the fight. Achil who also felt anxious could see in the pain of the Golden Bears and the concern of the Panthurians a glimpse of his own future. He was more determined than ever to see the task completed, to see that future not come about.

  “Zannou do you know how long before we reach Claw Gorge.”

  “We’re not that far from the Gorge at the moment. Considering that the cover of night will not protect us much longer; it’s not a moment too soon.”

  The Bears began to cut across the plain moving ever faster all were now wondering whether they would encounter the Wrath and just as the sun was rising they reached the Gorge. The four riders dismounted as they would now move just as quick on foot as well as on the back of their companions. There was a small narrow track that led down to the base of the Gorge. As they reached the bottom they found something unexpected the Wrath had passed through there. Their were traces of their passing pressed into the soft earth. Everyone stopped to look around to see if they were being watched. Grandig gave out a raw followed by Allegra, and then they began sniffing the air and stamping their paws. A sense of unease descended upon the group. Jin’s plotting and ability to intrigue was at a level they had not conceived off before which meant they had to either learn fast this new way of thinking and acting, or accept that in the end the Empire with all its subtlety would succeed.

  Zannou was the first to break the silence.

  “Grandig understands why we have seen no Wrath up to now. He believes they came through here as part of a surprise attack against Panthuria.”

  Andreas placed his hand on the ground; he could feel no vibrations, no indication that there was movement of any kind coming toward them or moving away.

  “The Wrath did come this way but these tracks are old. I’d say two maybe three days. I don’t believe there purpose was a surprise attack. There numbers would not have been of significance to mount a serious offensive. It's more likely they were doing something covert. I know the tracks in this narrow gorge give the impression that many Wrath passed through here; but when you look at the tracks more closely you can see that there’s maybe ten or twelve different types.”

  Achil had already placed an arrow in his bow, just in case a Wolfman were to appear. He began to relax, as it became clear that there was no immediate danger.

  “I’ll feel a lot better when we’re through this Gorge. It's making more sense to me as to why the Wrath are massing on your border. It isn’t I believe about an all out attack on your lands. That is a diversionary tactic; the real reason is so that the Wrath could slip through your lands unnoticed. Whatever they are doing it must be important. Otherwise why did Jin mobilise an entire army.” said Achil, “We should be moving on. Whatever the Wrath are up to it's in the opposite direction which may give us the opportunity to pass unnoticed.”

  The bears were beginning to get more agitated, and Zannou had to give out a growl to calm them, that only echoed through the ravine and made everyone look to the cliffs.

  "Grandig is disturbed to see that the river has dried up, usually at this time of year it is rushing through here. He believes this is some dark magic of Jin's that has affected it so."

  "There's nothing we can do about that now, let us be on our way the sooner we're through this place the better for all of us," replied Achil.

  They set off along the narrow Gorge. Each of them looking over their shoulders or above their heads expecting at any moment for arrows to rain down on them, yet nothing happened. The Gorge with its close and narrow way was keeping its secrets to itself. Achil and Andreas scouted ahead to make sure the path was clear; as they were halfway across it another mystery presented itself. Something they had not seen before, in the middle of the Wolfman tracks were other tracks. Achil and Andreas stood over them a moment trying to work out what they meant.

  “It looks to me like the Wrath were escorting someone.” said Andreas who was crouching down studying the new tracks more closely. One hand resting on the hilt of his sword the other feeling the texture of the earth, as though that might indicate who they belonged to, he began following them, moving as they moved.

  “At this point the person is moving at the side of one of the Wrath warriors. There not a prisoner because look how they're moving freely. These tracks over here, notice how they’re deeper in the soil, at this point the person the Wrath are escorting is being carried. Either for speed or because their tired and there’s no time for them to stop to rest.”

  They agreed that the only thing to do was to proceed across the lands now occupied by the Wrath as quickly as possible. Once out of the Gorge they would chance moving during the day and with the Wrath so preoccupied it was better to use the current situation to their advantage. So they picked up the pace with renewed vigour. Prior to this turn of events they had all recognised that crossing lands occupied by the Wrath would have proved difficult if not impossible even with the help of the Golden bears. But with the Wrath distracted and their eyes firmly trained elsewhere their chances of successfully getting through had increased. As long as they kept to the Northern Approaches with the wind blowing from behind them, they might just make it. The Gorge narrowed in front of them the sides looming ever closer. They were near the most difficult part to negotiate, where it was at its narrowest point. As they slowly swung round into it, they found the way was blocked. A high wall was barring their way. They could here a noise on the other side like distant thunder. Achil and Andreas were discussing what it could be. The two Golden Bears took one look at the wall built of large boulders that were layered in front of them, and without any hesitation began removing them. Above their heads on the other side they could see small outlets in the rock face where water spouted out. The bears stopped removing the boulders and began to step back as the wall began collapsing. Then the bears gave out a large growl turned and began running back the way they had come. The others followed as best they could but it was too late. The boulders had acted as a damn blocking the river from running through the Gorge. At least they now knew why the river was not running freely. The structure began to collapse and cascaded down. Nishga and Nicholas managed to hang onto the bears, while Achil had Andreas in one hand and in the other he was holding on to the tail of Zannou just above the armoured sheath. Zannou in his turn was clambering up the side of the rock face onto a small ledge dragging Achil and Andreas with him. Once the Surge had finished the water was up to Achil’s shoulders. The only one whom seemed most unscathed and most amused by the whole occurrence was Zeano who had been furthest to the rear and had managed to jump onto a ledge out of the way before the water reached her and had watched the others struggle to safety.

  There was only one thing to do and that was to swim down the narrow ravine which would prove strenuous and difficult especially since they also had there holdalls on their backs. Nicholas gave out a cry to the others. He gestured to the far side. He had spotted hidden behind some rocks four canoes, and two of them still looked in a reasonable condition. Achil, Andreas and Nicholas swam across to them dragging them into the water. As they clambered aboard, they found the paddles beneath the seats. The bear
s could not fit into the canoes but they were so large they could move with ease across the river. The two Panthurians jumped into the canoes almost tipping them over. Once they had settled down they moved comfortably over the water. Achil and Nishga were paddling one canoe, Andreas and Nicholas the other, the rushing water meant it was difficult to hear what each had to say so they paddled hard to get beyond this point. At least they were making faster time rowing than they had walking. As the river twisted first one way then another, in the distance they could see a mighty water fall coming clear out of the rock face probably from some underground lake or sea. None but the bears had seen that sight before, the spray stuck to them like droplets of honey. The water flowed out of the rock face like a giant claw falling into the river. They steered the canoes to the bank and leapt out. Achil and Andreas placed the canoes behind the water fall, and covered them over with whatever foliage they could find. Grandig showed them the path leading out of the gorge. As they reached the top the sun had begun to set. There was a strange kind of taste to the air. Nishga remarked how the atmosphere had altered had become heavy almost foreboding. What light there was left to see by, merely exaggerated the haunting landscape they were moving into. They could make out a hilly grassy vast plain that stretched out in all directions. It was as though they had stepped into the afterlife. They continued their journey; coming across some ravished bones scattered and mutilated on the ground, the only sign that something had lived there. Moving across the steppe at night was quite eerie. It was a strange kind of wilderness. It was possible to believe you were being watched and yet there was nothing around to indicate it. That night their macabre journey across the steppe went without incidence and the only hindrances they encountered were their own imaginations. As dawn broke the Golden Bears had led them to an area of land surrounded by low lying hills with a wooded area to one side that would have made the perfect refuge from prying eyes.

  “I believe we should proceed on, especially while the Wrath are preoccupied with doing whatever it is they are doing.” Achil spoke with an urgency in his voice. The lands that the Wrath occupied had them all a little unsettled and it was beginning to show.

  “He’s right,” said Zeano, who was concerned that the air was now thick with their stench.

  Zannou was also alert to the scent of their foe. “I agree this place does not feel safe to me, more like the perfect place for an ambush.”

  Nicholas came running up to them he had scouted ahead through the trees.

  “Everyone I think you’ll find our decisions been made for us. Some one ask those bears what they expected to find behind those hills.”

  One of the Panthurians spoke to Grandig. Zeano then told Nicholas it was once known as the Little Rockies but it had been abandoned by the Golden Bears many years before. It had been one of their Lairs prior to the War of the Steppe.

  Nicholas listened gravely, “Actually I have some bad news for you then. Over there though it looks lifeless at the moment, there’s a small outpost what we would call a provincial town.”

  On hearing this they all went to take a look clambering to the top of a hill. It was not a place you would expect to find on the steppe; these were not circular huts that were clad with animal furs as found with nomadic peoples these buildings were built of wood and stone. The first signs of life they had seen for some time. The two bears ground their teeth in anger at the sight of it. This had been their home. Now all trace of it even the caves they had once lived in had been shorn away. It had been overrun. It appeared that the Mandrake Imperium discovered that water was retained not far beneath the surface. The land had been irrigated, cultivated, farmed. For miles around there were acres of fields of Wheat. What the Mandrake did in only a few years others would have taken decades to do. They moved people in built up settlements expanded communities. The Panthurians were also shocked at what they saw. It was as though they were looking into the future at what Jin intended for their lands.

  Achil parted some brush for a better look. “Well no one seems home at the moment it seems pretty deserted.”

  Zannou had as stealthily as he could moved closer to the scene, his dark form making him appear nothing more than a shadow a boulder beneath some trees. At his side crept Andreas.

  “Don’t be so sure. I can smell Wrath in the air. I believe they are here just out of sight. Also there’s more, there are Easterlings here as well.” said Zannou.

  “I maybe no farmer, but even I can tell these fields can feed a town ten times the size of this one,” replied Andreas who had seen enough and was beginning to back away.

  The two Bears just looked on tears welling up in their eyes. Their homes were no more, in there stead something altogether alien. Nishga reached out and placed a comforting hand over Grandig as he began to growl and hum.

  “Grandig says his people have a tale for these times." Zannou began repeating the words sung.

  'What are memories of a land lost,

  are they not the biting winter frost.

  When your lands are gone forever

  You can no longer smell the heather

  Who mourns those distant caves

  The bones of ancestral braves

  The Bears that roamed free

  Are all lost to bitter memory

  Where do the cubs now play

  Where now might they stay

  In foreign lands, in foreign lands

  Far away far away.'

  Behind Nishga’s eyes she too looked back to a time when she had wandered the wilds not knowing where her home was.

  “I know it is of small comfort but there are other places that someone can call home. Yes I understand that it takes time to adapt to them but in the end they will do; they'll have to.”

  Zannou looked at her shaking his head. “You speak the way men speak. You have forgotten yourselves, you that used to be one with the land. The Golden Bears are one with this land if they are removed from it they cease to be the Golden Bears. This is their great dilemma, their great fear; what does their future hold, what will they become?”

  “I cannot offer any comforting words for such a loss. As you say, we think differently to you.”

  Zannou stared stoically at Nishga; it was difficult for her to tell what the big cat was thinking.

  “Come let us leave here.” He began to back away with Nishga quietly following him. Grandig stayed a moment before doing the same.

  Within the confines of the trees a decision had to be made, were they to continue on or remain. The Panthurians felt it best to keep going as did Achil and Andreas. The Bears and Nicholas felt it would be better to use the advantage of the cover they had around them and proceed later when it got dark. It was left to Nishga who came up with something unexpected. She intended sneaking into the town wearing her cloak to find out exactly what was going on. They would then find out where all the townspeople had gone.

  “Look that’s a very risky idea. If there are Wrath in the Town which I’m sure there will be they might be able to discover you. They have other senses than just sight,“ said Achil gesturing toward the settlement.

  “Then I’ll be careful. And besides that town won't just have Wrath inhabitants but people also so I'll blend in. This is the first real opportunity since we were in Kush to find out what’s going on in this Empire of theirs. We should take full advantage of it.” Nishga stood her ground adamant that this was the right thing to do.

  A heated argument took place as to the rights and wrongs of such a venture, Achil pacing back and forth knew that she was right but did not like the idea lest she be discovered. Soon everything subsided into silence. After the silence came 'the what ifs?' And after that, all those that had disagreed with letting Nishga accomplish her task slowly relented; seeing that she could not be dissuaded. Nishga took out from her Holdall her cloak and wrapped it around her. The Panthurians and the Bears were amazed to see her disappear from view though they could still smell her scent. She told them that she would be back by nightf
all at the latest. As Nishga stepped out of the tree line she crept into town. The area once home to the Bears was now a quarry, the stone and rocks cut out to build the town. Nishga made her way through the main avenue as quietly as she could stopping every now and then to make sure she had not been heard, or to see if there was anyone nearby. The roads were deserted. It was a strange kind of silence. She began to hear a murmuring like the humming of bees. Only close up could you tell that the houses were all vacant; they were built of stone with slate tiled roofs. The town square had the usual statue of Jin at its heart. The large town hall had mighty columns to the front which ran round in a semi circular fashion above which an adorned architrave sat with great friezes of strange mystical creatures. The building was a sharp contrast to all the other buildings in the town. The Murmuring had increased and was coming from inside it. Nishga was sure that this was the place where the people had gathered. The large adorned wooden doors with their decorative patterns of wild animals of the steppe were flung back. Nishga climbed the steps leading up into the building and entered. She walked through the atrium to the great assembly hall inside which was where the towns folk were gathered. A man had stood up in the centre and was addressing the people.

  “The legions that we sent across to destroy the Panthurians met with unexpected resistance. News reached us some days ago that they were forced to withdraw back across the border. The Mandrake Imperium has as we speak decided to construct what will be known as Jin’s wall. It will stretch right across the Panthurian border effectively cutting them off from the rest of Suberia. Once it's completed we will never again be threatened by them or their Golden Bear allies. It will prevent them once and for all from terrorising our homes and lands. There is nothing of value beyond that border anyway unless you like stifling heat and barren landscapes.”

  A cheer went up amongst the throng.

  The Praetor stood up to calm the tumult. “The General of our western legions wishes to address us.” There was another loud clamouring as the General stepped forward. He was a tall man his armour was bright his breast plate was golden in colour. He were a leather jerkin beneath it his shoulders were broad his long dark hair flowed down to his shoulders his blue eyes seemed icy, he stood confident and proud. Beneath one arm was his helmet to his other side hung a short sword. He was flanked by two guards swarthy rough looking men. One had a scar across his forehead the other guard had one down the side of his cheek. Both were taller even than he was. Their stoic expressionless faces seemed to mask a steely hard inner self.

  “I’ve come to ease your fears the War against the Panthurians is effectively at an end and those that aided them are dead. Once Jin’s wall’s built they will never again threaten the security of the Empire. Jin has decreed that behind that wall in the lands of Panthuria we will resettle all undesirable elements of the Empire. We shall box them all in and let them fight over who has ownership of that patch of dirt. Jin has also decreed that all men are to be sent home for the harvest. Leave will commence with effect immediately and is only subject to any state of emergency that might occur. Those elements of the legion that were not conscripted shall stand guard at our borders.”

  Nishga had heard enough and made her way out of the hall and headed across the avenue passed the statue of Jin. She had intended investigating further but this was too important not to tell the others immediately. Back behind the trees Achil was still upset that Nishga had been allowed to leave when she stepped out amongst them. She told them what had transpired. And once more a heated debate ensued. Eventually they all agreed to leave at once so that the Panthurians and the Golden Bears could get back to Panthuria while they still could. They made a mad dash across an open meadow while the people of the town were still at assembly. The fields offered some protection but their real ally was the speed they were travelling at. By the time the assembly had left the hall, they were well beyond the town, and were fast approaching the border of the Steppe but before they could cross it they had to get past one final obstacle, The Wolf's Lair. A castle built into the side of a mountain overlooking a flat plain. There was a pass that lay between it and an impenetrable mountain range: to the other side of it lay the Dark Sea. The castle the oldest in the Mandrake Imperium was shaped like the jutting teeth of a raging wolf. Imposing intimidating it was able to survey the land all around, always on a state of alert, always Watchful. It was difficult to know what went on behind those jagged walls of stone, but everyone was sure it was not pleasant.

  The Bears had directed them to an area of brush and tree, the last such area before entering the plain within which were some caves hidden from view and covered over by vines that hung down their front. The Bears cleared these out of the way and ushered everyone inside. Zannou paced back and forth at the entrance to the cave.

  “Grandig and Allegra will not make it across the plain unseen. I do not think night will afford them cover.” Zannou stood staring out, with Achil at his side trying to weigh up what to do next.

  “You and the Bears should head back to Panthuria. We can go on from here on our own. Once beyond the Castle we will be close to the land of Quinn after that we should be nearing Jinopolis.”

  “I’ll tell the bears, they have found this journey difficult to endure and will be pleased to head back. Your next road will be a difficult one. Once passed the Castle you should make for the Red Forest its not far, there is something therein that even Jin's wolves are afraid of. It will be a dangerous road but with luck you will pass unmolested, beware the Shadows. In there is a demon that lived here long before man ever set foot on this land. Once through make for the mountain that in the common tongue is called the Jewelled Throne, from there you should be within easy reach of Quinn City. We will stay with you until you leave tonight then we shall make our way back to Panthuria.”

  The Golden Bears began to pull the vines across the front of the entrance blocking out the light they then blocked up the entrance with boulders. This was not finished a moment to soon as a Wrath patrol passed by. They did not enter into the wooded area. The fact that they were not expecting anything strange meant that they did not notice the tracks leading into the brush and trees. Everyone held there breath as the patrol passed by. One of the riders stopped and looked in the direction of the cave. Someone rode back from the front lines to see why he had halted. They had a sharp exchange and the rider fell back in line and the column rode out onto the plain.

  “That was a close one I wonder why they stopped?” asked Achil staring over the boulders and through the vines.

  “He said he thought there was something different about this place. The other rider said that he was imagining it and that they had to get back to the fortress to meet the new emissary from Quinn.” said Zannou who had been listening at the entrance.

  Achil looked at him barely concealing his astonishment. “You heard all that from here.”

  “We do not just have great strength; we also have good sight, and good hearing. Why else do you think Jin wanted us to become part of his Imperium.”

  There were no further alarms that day and though the cave was uncomfortably hot, it was like being baked in a clay oven, it did prove to be a safe place to hide in.


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