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Achil & The Kingdom of Jin

Page 31

by David Papa-Adams


  In Jinopolis, there was a small terraced house; it was vacant except for a few furnishings on the first floor. Telallamain peered through some curtains staring down at the harbour as the flames raged from ship to ship. He turned and quietly sat back down opposite the burning hearth, a hooded figure stood in the shadows and passed him a small bowl of water, reaching down he began to wash. As he did so Marshal Ti entered the room followed by four shadow warriors. 'The Night of the Scythes’ had reached its climax nearly all of Jin’s adversaries had been culled except one. The four shadow warriors were dressed in chain mail coats that shone out beneath cloaks that but for the insignia of the empire were jet black; they were all as tall and as broad as Marshal Ti, being once Askalons. Hair as dark as the deepest night flowed from under burnished helmets, some had clear stern cold blue eyes others were as black as the deepest pit. Dark breeches sunk into knee length boots that glistened in the fire light. They were formidable indeed.

  Marshal Ti walked over to the man who was still seated facing the hearth. His trusty mace hung loose at his side. Telallamain grasped a cloth by his side, and began wiping his wet face dry as he did so a transformation took place it was as though he were wiping away makeup. He stood up turned to face the Marshal casting the cloth aside, he began to laugh; there in front of Marshal Ti stood Jin.

  “Did those Guilders really believe that they could go behind my back and deal with the Witch King in order to turn this Empire of mine into some trader's municipality?”

  He thumped his fist hard on the table.

  The Marshal smiled, “Today was a mighty victory but a costly one, we have lost more than two thirds of the fleet and the Deep Sea Warrior was sunk. The Finns have proven themselves worthy warriors, when the time comes they will make a fine addition to the Empire."

  “In time my friend; let us turn our thoughts to the present, 'The Night of the Scythes' was a great success, more so for what it now offers us, You went from house to house and despatched all that would oppose me; did you get the Guilders puppet: General Romm."

  "He had an unfortunate accident whilst bathing, I believe he drowned," replied Marshal Ti.

  "And so with the guilders no longer dabbling in our affairs, and my hold on the Empire assured, there shall be no more compromises, no more protestations,” remarked Jin sternly.

  “So is it to be the Barren Lands and...” said Marshal Ti.

  “And beyond lies The Witch King of Baronia and his army of Death Stalkers,” interrupted Jin. “And you and I both know what that means, the final reckoning. For too long he has harried our interests, destroying mines, farmsteads, and entire settlements that would treat with us, and while the Merchant Guilds looked on professing that a war against him would be too costly; whilst some were being paid to look the other way, not realising how weak we would look by being so easily bought. So instead we were directed away from Baronia by reports that a new power had risen in the West that could menace us, and for that, too many good men on both sides were lost; now the Guilders have paid a heavy price for their intrigue. So before we act let us set the stage; spread the word that it was at the command of the Witch King that ‘Guild house’ was destroyed. I want the people baying for bloody revenge. Send out edicts that those executed today were Baronian spies. No one must ever suspect our part in all this. Make sure the Guilders that died, get an honoured burial, as they died in the service of the Empire. We can now also withdraw our legions from Mead, they have served their purpose, let's face it the Finns would never have been so accommodating had they not believed we intended another assault. I knew I could rely on Achil to play his part, he is a great warrior indeed, only such a man as he could have made it so far; though he did not realise that since Mead he’s been indirectly working for me. Our first aim must be to rebuild the fleet. The Straits of Phuss need to be protected from any invader. And it is for this purpose that the army will be redeployed there. We will proceed with the farce of the trade treaty made with the Baronians which was finalised by the Merchant Guilds before their demise, even though we both know it to be a facade, and so we shall pay them the duty demanded so that our settlements may have a semblance of peace. This should at least protect them for a short time at least from the scheming of the Witch King, and that will afford us the respite needed to build up our forces and prepare the foundations for the greatest battle these shores will ever see, and let us hope there is time for us to act. As you are aware, if news reaches him of what has happened this day, or if he discovers our true design, which of course depends on whether we managed to get all his agents or not, then his own plans may alter and he may strike, before we are able to. So we must in all haste ready ourselves. By the end of the sixth full moon I want the fleet rebuilt. We shall then sweep over the Baronians like a mighty tide, and end once and for all their threat to our borders.”

  “And as for the Finns,” said Marshal Ti.

  “They are not a danger, they never were,” replied Jin. “It is a shame that Achil and his companions died in the destruction of 'Guild House' they were worthy adversaries. And let us not forget, it will take the Finns even with the help of their friend's years to recover from the heavy losses we inflicted upon them; and by then for better or worse the situation regarding Baronia would have concluded.”

  Jin rose and walked toward the door; before he left he faced his people with an unflinching fire in his eyes.

  “And so with our design well rewarded and the die cast, let us now turn our attention to the main, and that great power from across the sea; he who is our most bitter foe, the Witch King of Baronia, but know this certainty, that the victor of the great rage to come, will become the ruler of Suberia for the next thousand years.”

  Jin turned and marched from the room as Marshal Ti grimly followed, and the figure that had up until that moment remained in the shadows also stepped forward into the light and pulling back her hood she grimly smiled; it was Est, the finest of Jin's assassins, and the destroyer of 'Guild House'. And the last to leave, were the Shadow Warriors, who strode proudly behind their Lord.


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