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The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant series)

Page 17

by Lynn Landes

  In relief Seth drops the net and falls to his knees, exhausted. Heather rushes to him, as Scott begins frantically calling for Sophia. Jake watches the crystal warriors wondering what is coming next; it seems too good to be true.

  Scott rushes back calling for Jake, grabbing him by the shoulders he pleads, "You have to follow the tracks! Help me find my wife"

  "Of course" Jake starts to walk back toward the trees, when in the distance they hear the sound of thunder followed quickly by a creaking sound.

  "No, no, no more,” Heather says in terror, clinging to Seth. A rumbling begins under the ground just as before; except much stronger. The group is thrown to the ground and Jake screams for everyone to, "FALL BACK!"

  Scott rushes back and Seth and Heather move, closer to Daniel. "What's happening?" Scott yells over the noise. The crystal warriors fall into a protective formation standing guard in front of the group.

  Heather sees they are truly made of crystal. The crystal formation of each warrior’s body appears transparent like ice, yet stronger as if carved from solid diamond. In the dark of the night they glow with a bright white light; illuminating the fields in front of them. The rumbling beneath the earth grows louder and stronger, until a large chasm rips across the earth releasing an unearthly steam.

  Rising out of the ground; more demons pour out, roaring, snarling, and digging their way to freedom. They stand panting; ready to destroy. Like a wave crashing on the shore they flow forward and are met by the crystal warriors. For every one they destroy, two more take its place.

  Seth and Jake join together; creating an energy shield to protect them. They hope they can hold it against this new army of demons. "How many are there Seth?" Heather asks in a shaky voice. "Too many to count," Seth replies watching as one of the crystal warriors begins to struggle to battle five demons on his own.

  With each soul it takes the obsidian sword becomes heavier and heavier. The blackness of his sword begins to glow red hot at the tip, spreading down the blade to the handle. Stepping away from the demons, the crystal warrior opens its silent mouth in an empty scream. He grabs at the arm holding his blade. His crystal brother’s watch, as his hand begins to change color. His once clear hand begins to fill with an inky black steam, spreading down his arm. Dropping to his knees his chest begins to fill with the black fog and it slowly spreads through his body. Without hesitation a crystal warrior steps forward and swings his sword shattering his brother before the corruption is complete. With a spin he returns to the battle; taking out six demons before he too begins to struggle with his sword.

  "What's happening to them?" Daniel asks the group. "It looks like they are turning,” Jake replies. They all watch in horror as the three remaining warriors surround their brother. Heather buries her face in Seth's chest unable to watch anymore. The sound of glass shattering is like an explosion in her ears, causing her to jump in his arms. The warriors return to the fight as if nothing happened; continuing to battle with everything they have.

  As quickly as the fighting begins the demons begin to fall back; with the crystal warriors following closely. A clap of thunder fills the night and the demons spread apart making way for their leader. Stepping forward a deep voice says "Cease!" With a clap of his hands a concussion wave rolls across the night exploding the warriors into icy mist. The force of the sound wave throws everyone to the ground and Seth tries to shield Heather with his body. The sound of falling trees can be heard behind them as it passes into the distance.

  Walking slowly though the sea of demons, he rests his hand on the head of one saying "Well done brothers." Looking up he continues walking forward. "I am Tu'rel." He tells them. Jake is helping Scott stand and Seth is pulling Heather close. Joining hands with Seth and her Father; Heather whispers "the body does not belong to one, but too many." Scott looks at her and reaching out grabs Jakes hand, urging him to reach for Daniel. As Jake grasps Daniels hand; the shield around them flares with a white hot light, causing the demons to flinch as if in pain.

  Stepping closer, the demon smile does not reach his black eyes. He stops about half a football field away. He looks small next to the night walker demons at only six feet but his power is evident in the muscular build of his body. He is hairless and wearing only a pair of black leather pants, but it is his skin that causes the most fear. Every inch of his body, from the top of his bald head, down his arms disappearing over his muscular shoulders is covered in tattoos. They are ancient Aramaic scripts, and as he gets closer they swirl and shift around his body; as if alive.

  Looking at the group before him he says, "You are correct Heather; there is power in unity, as you can see here" he gestures with both hands. "Your mother wishes you had figured that out sooner though," he says with a wicked smile revealing black pointy teeth. "Bring her to me!" he commands. Two demons break free, racing away.

  With a sharp inhale, Heather knees threaten to give out. He is right she should have kept her closer. Seth squeezes her hand tighter saying, "don't listen to him." Scott flinches and begins to pray for strength, as he struggles to keep it together for his daughter.

  Snarling and snapping at each other, one demon races back dragging Sophia by her arm, allowing her body to bounce behind him. Dropping her lifeless form in front of the master, he backs away slowly on all fours as a sign of reverence. The other monster races back and bites at Sophia's arm, like a dog chewing on a bone. Hissing down at the night walker; he snaps his fingers and a new chasm rips through the ground behind him. Walking forward he kicks him over and over, finally shoving him into the fiery pit. Just as quickly he snaps his fingers and the earth closes back.

  "Where were we, oh yes Sophia. Unfortunately for us your Mother decided to leave us before we had a chance to get to know one another. I will make sure that doesn't happen with you. You have a mighty tongue Heather and I would like to see it closer."

  Daniel begins to weep, for the daughter he failed. How has it come to this, "It should be me!" he sobs covering his face with his hands. Dropping Jakes hand the light on the shield dims.

  "You will not touch my daughter, demon!" Scott rages at him. Clinging tightly to her father’s hand, Heather tries to calm him. "Dad, he's trying to upset us. Stand strong for Mom," she whispers to him.

  Walking over to Sophia's body Tu'rel picks her up by her shoulder length hair looking closely at her "You look like her. She was beautiful at one time wasn't she?" he asks leaning in to smell her. "Mmmm she smells good, but that would be the smell of death and fear lingering!"

  Scott's screams echoes through the valley, as Seth and Jake struggle to hold him back. Heather falls weeping to the ground and the shield dims yet again. Each time the shield dims the demon and his dogs move closer. Now the shield flickers and begins to fade.

  Laughing Tu'rel tosses Sophia aside saying, "I'll save her for later." All eyes watch as Sophia's body soars through the air, only to stare in astonishment as she is caught gently by an unseen hand. Held in a loving embrace she is gently carried away and carefully placed on a bed of soft grass.

  A whisper flows through the night air sounding in the ears of the watchers. It says "We are the light." On their knees in the dark of the night, they begin to have hope. The shield grows brighter; Seth reaches for Scott's hand and pulls him to his feet. Heather reaches out and grabs her Fathers hand, as Jake helps Daniel to sit up and holds his trembling hands. "We are the light" they hear again and Heather smiles through tears.

  "No!" Tu'rel screams at the sky, "They are mine. Kill them all!" He orders the night walkers. Hearing no sound behind him he spins and stares stupefied at the empty field behind him.

  "We are the light." Elina says walking up behind Jake touching his shoulder."In the darkness of the night," walking to Scott and looking into his eyes "In the depths of terror, fear and pain, We are the light" The shield grows brighter.

  Turning to Daniel "We were chosen for more than crouching in the dark, cowering in the face of death," with a smile and a gentle touch she says "We
are the light."

  To Heather and Seth, "Let his light shine through, We are his light." Exploding through the top of the shield a holy light fills the darkness; in a blink Elina is gone.

  Enraged Tu'rel says to the woman walking slowly towards, him dressed in a pure white dress, "Raphaim told me all about you, Elina. How he destroyed your family while you watched. How about a compromise? You join me Elina and we can rule over heaven and hell with the power of the book.” As she moves closer he tells her, "I can give you Raphaim."

  "There is power in words Tu'rel, but you talk too much. I have no need of you." In a heartbeat she is standing before him. Placing her hand flat on his chest, he finds his feet lifted off the ground. Her eyes flare with a holy light as her power flows from her hand, into him. His head falls back as he begins to scream, unable to move or fight back.

  "You have no right to bear these marks," she tells him and the light piercing his body flares brighter. The tattoos on his body swirl and flow down to pool under her hand forming a cross in the center of his chest. Lifting her remaining hand; she lays it on top of her other hand and concentrates her power. Tu'rel's body begins to glow red hot and the very skin on his body begins to bubble. Dripping like sweat from the top of his head, his skin melts like wax, pooling beneath his feet on the ground. Only a cross of burnt skin remains. The heat pouring into his body incinerates his very soul, leaving an empty shell. Removing one hand, Elina taps her foot on the ground. A chasm rips open and she drops his body back to where it came from; sealing his tomb. Turning she walks back to the others.

  Even the night is silent as Elina approaches; the only sound is the swish of her long white dress as she walks. Stunned by all they witnessed, no one moves afraid to break the spell. She is backlit by the ember colored sky from the fires left to burn in the barns.

  Heather is the first to speak "Who are you?" she asks.

  Smiling at her, Elina moves closer and staring at them through the protection of the shield, "I am the keeper. That has not changed and we have to leave. More will come."

  "I won't leave Sophia behind" Scott says fiercely, stepping through the shield he rushes to her body.

  "She is at peace Scott. Her spirit has moved on. Right now we have to get your family to safety," Elina tells him.

  Seth supports Heather as they drop the shield. They are all exhausted, in shock and weary but ready to fight for each other, "I won't leave my mother like this. We can't..." Heather says her voice breaking.

  Jake walks over to Seth stunned they survived. He finds it hard to look at Elina; her power is disturbing, yet amazing to watch.

  "I want to see my daughter," Daniel says from behind. Seth hurries to pick him up and carries him over to her. His weeping fills the night and Heather joins her Father and Grandfather as they mourn.

  Feeling a sense of urgency, Elina knows that decisions need to be made. Turning to Jake and Seth she asks, "Jake I must get back to my family, will you be joining me?"

  "Of course. After this I want to meet this Aunt of yours and see what she can teach us, and check on Elsbeth.” Seth returns and Jake asks him “What will you do Seth?”

  "I don't know...I won't leave Heather," he tells them looking over at her. Walking towards the mourning family Elina tells them "There is safety in numbers. We are strongest when we are together. I need help finding other watchers." She turns when she hears Scott’s weeping.

  Walking to the grass where Sophia's body rests she drops to her knees and reaches for Heather's hand, touched by the devotion of this family. "This is not your fault. We are all made for a purpose and called home when he decides. The rest of us are left behind to deal with the pieces of our broken hearts. Your Mother loved you deeply, but she is not here any longer."

  Looking at Scott she says, "Not many people are gifted with the decades of love that you shared, her last thoughts were of you. She is at peace, you will see her again." Wiping his eyes Scott gently releases Sophia's hand and says, "I can't leave her for them to find...can you help me?"

  "Of course," rising up from the ground she tells them to back away and sends a blue flame dancing over Sophia's body. Then a soft cool wind lifts her ashes and carries them off to the mountains she loved. "Thank you," Heather whispers.

  A rumble is heard in the distance and they all look towards it in fear, "Better get going,” Jake says. "That would be a storm moving in. I think we will be okay over night, but we have to move on in the morning. I need to check the house." Elina tells them as they walk back.

  Jake and Elina lead the way back to the main house, as the first rain drops are felt. Seth carries Daniel and Heather follows with Scott. Arriving home they are surprised to find that it is still standing. The main fires and damage seems to be centered in the yard and barns. The house is tossed furniture broken and floors ripped up. Windows are broken, and the main desk has holes blown into it. Walking through his home, Scott walks slowly around taking stock of the damage. After a quick search of the house they find no more bodies. Exhausted and broken he heads upstairs.

  Elina heads straight to the library to look for the stones. Jake watches her walk away, still seeing the images of her and the demon in his mind. Seth settles Daniel down on a chair and leaves him with Heather, walking over to Jake. "Shocking wasn't it? To see that kind of power come from her, amazing, we are lucky she came back."

  "Yes, but where did she go in the first place?" Jake asks frustrated by the lack of information.

  Scott comes back with a wheelchair for Daniel. "Your room is still in order, Daniel. Let’s get you settled in," he tells him and rolls him back. Heather walks up and Seth pulls her close.

  "You will all stay in the rooms upstairs; they are good enough for the night. Heather will show you the way." Scott tells them, "I don’t know if anyone will sleep but we all need to try to rest, sunrise is in a few hours. We can regroup in the morning and figure this out then."

  Returning from the library; Elina stands back and follows them up the stairs to their rooms. "Elina you will have the last room on this hall. It's ready for you," Heather tells her.

  "Jake your room is next to Elina's, and we are on the third floor upstairs," she says yawning as Seth leads her away.

  Jake turns to go to his room, stopping he turns to Elina and says "Thank you Elina. We could not fight them anymore; if you hadn't come back..."

  Looking at Jake closely she tells him, "You’re welcome Jake." Pausing to look at him she says quietly "your shield would have held Jake if your faith was strong enough. He could not get to you, so he used the power of doubt and weakened you all. You are strongest when you stand together in faith.”

  “Where did you go, Elina?” Staring into her turquoise eyes he asks the question they all want to know.

  “Jake, I wish I could tell you everything, but I can’t. I would have been here if I could have been,” she says looking up at him. He moves closer to her and she backs away saying quietly, “Good night, Jake."

  Entering her room she finds a queen size bed with a beautiful white canopy. The room is lit with a golden fire, and her suitcase is resting at the foot of the bed. Sighing deeply, Elina wishes she could enjoy the room, but she has one more task before her day can end. Quickly changing into jeans and a midnight blue sweater she pulls on her boots. Walking to the balcony, she pictures the crystal cave in her mind. Hoping her crystal warrior found the stones before the demons did.

  Jake stands in the hallway for a moment, before turning to his room. Oblivious to the fire glowing, and king size bed he grabs a quick hot shower, thinking about what Elina said about the power of unity. He would not forget it. Crashing on the bed, Jake sleeps a dreamless sleep.

  Steam pours from the bathroom as Heather enters the bedroom she shares with Seth. Running a brush through her hair, she can't bring herself to look at Seth, sitting in the chair next to the fireplace. Seth knows she has been crying again, thinking of her Mother and Father. "How can you stand to look at me?" Heather asks. “I can barely s
tand to look at myself!" she says on the verge of tears again.

  Seth smiles and pulls her onto his lap. "Heather I was a watcher long before you came into my life. I watched so many die in a war that was not my own, with no hope of making a difference. What you have given me is a gift. How will I ever repay that? He asks gently wiping away a stray tear from her cheek.

  Hope fills her beautiful eyes as she looks at the man she loves. "I'm scared Seth. All this talk of war and this "gift" you call it-What if the next person isn't as understanding? What if I choose the wrong person? Could I have helped Mom if I had…”

  Seth stops her with his mouth. Turning around to straddle him Heather stare into his dark eyes as Seth sinks his hands into her chestnut hair and takes his time tasting her. He pulls away for a moment to look into her eyes. "Right here, right now I can't make myself care about anything but this moment with you. I almost lost you, Heather! This is all we are promised, so let’s make the most of it!" He growls before diving back in, stopping long enough to get skin to skin.

  His hands are everywhere followed by his mouth, Heather can't think, can barely breath with the intensity of his passion. "Seth" she whispers and in that word he hears heaven. Smiling they spend the next few hours holding each other, laughing, making love and watching the sunrise together before exhaustion overtakes them.

  Scott sits in the bedroom staring at a picture of his beloved wife. With shaking hands he drinks a glass of whiskey and through his tears prays for forgiveness, for he knows what really drew the demons here. Tu’rel had promised that no one would get hurt, if he gave him the information he wanted. When Sophia ran from the room, it gave him the opportunity he needed to tell the demon the keeper had come. He thought he was protecting his family. They can never know the truth he thinks; quickly he pours himself another drink.


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