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Bayou Safari: Axl Dane Volume Two

Page 4

by Crow Gray

  “There we go,” Amos said, removing his fingers and pressing his cock against her asshole.

  “I don't—” Jenna said, but she gulped and her eyes bulged as Amos slid his massive cock into her ass. She didn't scream but whimpered instead as Amos grabbed her hips and started to fuck her ass.

  The other girls were helpless as they watched their friend being sodomized. Jenna weakly tried to scramble away, but Amos grabbed her hips and pulled her back. “Come on back, don't go forward now. Let me work that hole. That's it, let me work it,” Amos said.

  Jenna had tried anal a few times, but never with a cock this large. She wasn't a fan, as it always made her feel bloated, and there was too much pain mixed in with the pleasure.

  Amos wasn't fucking her roughly, just slow and deep. Jenna tried to relax as he forced his cock into her tightest hole. Jenna was twenty-two, and probably over forty years Amos' junior, a thought not lost on either of them, as he started to fuck her ass harder.

  Everyone in the shack watched, mesmerized by the sight of Amos' huge prick going in and out of Jenna's tight butthole. Jenna was making little moaning sounds each time he pulled out, the timbre changing each time he went back in.

  Jenna grunted each time he went deep. It felt as if a hot telephone pole was packing her asshole. Amos was breathing heavier, the workout rough on a man of his advanced age.

  He started to fuck her ass harder, the fat old man riding the petite young woman. He reached under and started to rub her clit, working it better than she'd have thought a man like him would have been able to.

  “Yeah, come for me blondie. Come while I fuck your ass. I want to feel you squeeze it,” he said.

  Jenna tried to fight it, but she couldn't. The pain and pleasure were mixing together and the sensation was incredible. She groaned and came, her ass squeezing his prick tightly.

  “Ohhh, this little thing is about to squeeze my dick off! Oh fuck, I'm going to come!” Amos yelled, and pulled his cock out. He came all over Jenna's firm ass, hot thick spurts of cum so forceful some of them went all over her back and even onto her shoulders. Amos may be old and his sperm may be weak, but there was still a copious amount of cum in his heavy balls.

  He finally stopped coming, everyone in the room amazed by just how much cum he had produced. He slapped his cock on Jenna's ass a few times, noticing it was gaping slightly after the invasion.

  “Damn, the old man’s still got it,” Delacroix said with a laugh, the other's joining in.

  “Okay that's enough for tonight. Let these girls get cleaned up and then tied down for the night on the cots. Leave the guys where they are,” Amos said.

  The girls were ashamed and embarrassed as they were led from the shack. Each one had a dripping pussy filled with the cum of these backwoods hicks, and Jenna also had cum all over her ass and back.

  The girls had never felt so humiliated before. The most degrading thing of all, however, was that every girl came, and Jenna came twice.

  Chapter Four

  Axl pulled into the first service station he saw once he passed the “Welcome to Shady Moss” sign. The station looked archaic, like it had been built about the time the Model T Ford was manufactured.

  Rosita tried both her phone and Axl's but wasn't surprised when she couldn't get a signal.

  Axl gassed up and walked inside, passing an old man on the porch who may have been sleeping, or may have been dead. He walked in and was greeted by a weaselly looking clerk. He could have been anywhere from fifteen to fifty, as his features just didn't match up.

  “Yes, sir, can I help you?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I just got twenty in gas. And whatever she wants,” Axl said, noticing Rosita had entered and was filling a shopping basket with various items.

  He stepped back onto the porch, glancing around the town. There was nothing but trees and plants in sight, and nothing resembling a town was visible. There was one mobile home across the street, and a black man was working on an old SUV in the yard. That was the extent of human habitation in the area.

  “You lookin' to get to Mardi Gras?” the sleeping and/or dead man said, proving himself to have just been sleeping. Maybe.

  “Yeah, I'm thinking about it. Why do you ask?” Axl said.

  “That road over yonder is a shortcut,” the man said. “Take ya right to the main road right near New Orleans.” He pronounced it “New Oryuns.”

  “You don't say? I may have to try that,” Axl said, knowing right away there was no way that crappy dirt road went anywhere close to New Orleans.

  Axl walked back in, finding Rosita at the counter with the clerk leering at her. “So hey, uh,” Axl said, squinting at the clerk's name tag. “Clovis. That old guy on the porch said that road across the way leads to Mardi Gras. Is that right?”

  Clovis peered out the window as if seeing the road for the first time. “Yeah, I reckon that's right where it leads,” he said, a smug look on his face as if he was daring Axl to argue with him. Axl wanted to slug the guy, but he didn't have time.

  “How much do I owe?” he asked, pulling out his wallet.

  “Seventy-nine even,” Clovis said.

  Axl paused. “Seventy nine dollars? What the hell did you buy?” he asked Rosita.

  “Supplies! This place is expensive, it must be the only store in a hundred miles!” Rosita said.

  “Hundred and twenty-five miles,” Clovis said.

  Axl handed Clovis eighty bucks. “Keep the change,” he said and the two walked outside. The man working on the SUV had been watching Axl closely since he arrived, making Axl leery.

  Axl and Rosita climbed in, and Axl started the Bronco and headed down the dirt road.

  “Where the hell are we going?” Rosita asked.

  “I'm following a lead,” Axl said.

  They had only gone about a mile when Axl looked behind him and saw the SUV from earlier, coming up behind him like a bat out of hell.

  “Shit,” Axl said.

  “What is it?” Rosita asked.

  “Trouble,” Axl said, pulling the .357 revolver from the console. Rosita pulled her .45 automatic from the console as well. “Uh, don't shoot until I do, okay?”

  Rosita smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  Axl stopped the Bronco in the middle of the road. The car had been bullet-proofed and outfitted with armor plating, so if the SUV crashed into them he was sure they would come out on top.

  He watched as the SUV slid to a stop behind them, and the black man got out with his hands in the air, waving them at Axl.

  “Wait here,” Axl said, sliding his gun into his belt behind his back and climbing from the Bronco.

  “Sir! Listen, I don't want no trouble! My name is Montgomery Merritt, and I'm a fisherman. I just need to talk to you a minute,” he said.

  The man seemed harmless enough, but he was as big as a house. Axl approached him cautiously. “I'm Axl Dane. What's up?”

  “I saw you talking to those men at the store. I bet they sent you down this road, didn't they?”

  “Yeah, they did. Said this road would take me to Mardi Gras.”

  Montgomery shook his head. “No, sir, this road don't lead anywhere but to hell.”

  Axl frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “The Declan clan lives down this road. There ain't never been nobody meaner on God's Earth. This road is one way, and I mean that in more ways than one.”

  Axl's stomach sank as he pondered the man's words. “Have they sent other people down this road?

  Montgomery sighed. “Yes, they have. I try to warn them when I can, but if I ain't careful them Declans will come after me and mine. I ain't too worried, but my mama, she's old.”

  Axl shook his head. “You don't have to explain yourself, you put yourself at risk just talking to me, if I understand what's going on here. Did you happen to see an old car come through here a few days ago? A 1978 Bonneville, had 5 young people in it?”

  Montgomery shrugged. “I didn't personally, no, but that don't mean they ain
't back there. I sure hope they ain't though.”

  “I guess I'll find out,” Axl said, heading back for the Bronco. “Thank you for your help, I'll take it from here.”

  “Wait, you going back there?” Montgomery said, horrified.

  “I have to,” Axl said.

  “Hang on, hang on,” Montgomery said. “If you have to, you have to. But don't go like this, right down the road. I know someone who can take you there by a backway, someone you can trust. Her name is Winter, I don't think she has a last name. She knows these swamps better than anybody, and she hates the Declans more than anybody too. You pay her, she'll take you. Hell, she knows you’s after the Declans, she might do it for free.”

  Axl thought about it a second. “Where can I find her?”

  “She right back down this road. You take the next left past the store, and she’s at the shack at the end of the road, you can't miss it. Just tell her what's going on, and tell her I sent you,” Montgomery said.

  Axl nodded. “Thanks, Montgomery, I'll do that.”

  Montgomery waved and started to climb back into his SUV.

  “Hey, Montgomery,” Axl said.


  “If I find out you're lying to me, I'll be back. And I bet I can be meaner than any of the Declans.”

  Montgomery waved his hands. “I ain't lying Axl. And trust me, ain't nobody meaner than the Declans!”

  Axl waved and climbed into the Bronco. We'll see about that.

  Axl followed Montgomery's directions and arrived at a small cabin near the water. He got out and Rosita followed.

  “So who are we looking for again?” she asked, having been briefed only slightly by Axl on the way.

  “Her name is Winter. She's supposed to know the swamps like nobody's business,” Axl said. He walked over to the cabin and knocked, but there was no answer. Rosita tried to see inside, but there was too much glare on the windows.

  Rosita admired the water as Axl knocked again.”I guess no one's home.”

  “Axl,” Rosita said. “What were you telling me about how I should dress again?”

  “Huh?” Axl said, wondering what she meant. Then he saw Winter. She was on the bayou in a skiff, pushing along the bottom with a pole. She was also wearing cut off jean shorts and a white tank top, with no shoes. She was a knockout. She had chestnut hair and light skin, not pale but not tan either. She was tall and thin, her breasts smaller but her ass high. She also had very long legs. She looked ridiculously out of place in the swamp; like she should be shooting for Playboy rather than living here.

  “Get your eyes back in your head,” Rosita said.

  Axl was a little embarrassed to be caught staring, but then he saw Rosita. She was staring just as hard, and even licking her lips. He wondered if Rosita liked women, as it wasn't something they had discussed. He looked at Winter, and the image popped in his mind of her and Rosita writhing together naked in bed. He bit his bottom lip so hard it hurt to get that image out of his mind. This wasn't the time for that.

  “Can I help you?” Winter said, directing her question to Rosita. Axl could swear she was giving Rosita the same expression of lust; a look she then turned on Axl himself. It had to be his imagination, he thought.

  “I'm guessing you're Winter?” Axl asked.

  “You guess right,” she said, and smiled. Both Axl and Rosita went silent at her smile, temporarily tongue tied. “Uh, is there something I can do for you?”

  What a loaded question, thought Axl. “Yes, there is. I'm Axl and this is Rosita. This is going to sound a little odd, but Montgomery told me I should come see you about taking me to the Declan place.”

  Winter was suspicious. “There's only one reason Montgomery would send you to me for that reason. I suspect you have bad intentions for the Declans?” Winter's voice had a lilt to it, a hint of a creole accent.

  “Uh, yeah you could say that. I think they kidnapped my friends, and I want to get them back,” Axl said.

  “How long they been missin'?” Winter asked.

  “About four days,” Axl said.

  “Girls or guys?”


  “The guys are dead, and the girls probably wish they were. But if you want to get them back, I'll take you. You better be something special though. The Declans are killers, plain and simple.”

  “Then it sounds like somebody needs to deal with them, and I'm that somebody.”

  Winter laughed. “You sound badass, but are you really badass?”

  Axl smiled. “Take me to the Declans, and judge for yourself.”

  Chapter Five

  1 Day Earlier

  The men led the girls back into what they called “the love shack,” this time not having to carry them as the women walked, albeit under duress. It was dusk and the sun was barely peeking through the thick trees.

  The girls had been allowed to bathe in the main house that morning, although the men watched them the entire time. The girls had been kept nude ever since the bath, and were still nude. The winter had been harsh, so the mosquitoes weren't bad. Otherwise the bare-skinned march from the main house to the shack would have been unbearable. The men had also bathed, much to the girl’s relief.

  They were allowed to see Barrett and West, at least from the doorway of the shed. The boys were still tied up and hanging from the rafters, but they seemed okay. All five of them had been given water and some type of jerky earlier. They were very hungry and had eaten it down without questioning what it was. It had been salty, but palatable.

  The girls filed into the shack, Amos already waiting with the shotgun. Jeb locked the door and the men surrounded the girls. They were now standing straight with their arms at their sides. They still weren't sure what to do, but decided to go along with things for now. None of the girls had spoken of the night before, all too ashamed at the events. It wasn't so much the sex that was humiliating, it was the fact they'd enjoyed it. They also would never admit it, but were looking forward to today. So far the girls had been in a shocked stupor, so the possibility of being pregnant hadn't really registered yet.

  “So, tonight is game night!” Amos said, triggering a round of hooting from the men.

  The girls glanced at each other uneasily, wondering what game night could possibly entail. They did notice Amos had an old fashioned record player sitting on a table near him. The girls hadn't really thought about it before now, but it was strange that all of the ramshackle buildings had power. They could hear a slight chugging in the distance, and assumed it must be a generator. It was strange they hadn't really noticed it before.

  “What are we playing?” Judd asked.

  “All of em!” Amos said, and the men hollered even louder.

  “You ladies are in for a treat,” Delacroix said, giving them a creepy wink.

  “First off, let's start with 'alone time',” Amos said. “I want you girls to lay back and spread your legs. Come on, we don't have all night. Well we do, but we have a lot to do tonight, so get with it.”

  The girls laid down but kept their legs together, staring at the ceiling.

  “He said to spread ‘em!” Jeb shouted, scaring the girls into opening up. All three spread wide, showing their pussies to the men.

  “Now, pretend we're not watching, and touch yourself. Just as you do when you're by yourself. Just don't mind us none at'all,” Amos said.

  “Yeah think of your little wussy pretty boys if you need to,” Delacroix said, getting a high five from Jeb.

  The girls started to rub themselves mechanically, not really feeling the mood. They all started to get wet regardless, their bodies responding to their fingers. The girls started to wiggle a bit, as the men demanded they keep up the finger action. When they tried to pause, one of the men would step forward and stomp the mat, the physicality scaring them into submission.

  “Can we start the game now?” Judd asked. The men had been staring, and Judd breaking the silence brought them back to reality.

  “Yeah, we can start,�
�� Amos said, standing up and started to strip. The other men complied, and soon were totally buck naked stroking their hard cocks. The girls started to rub their pussies a little faster at the sight of the erect dicks without even noticing it.

  “Let's start off with the sucking line,” Amos said, and the men all lined up side by side before the girls. Amos dragged the table over near him, bringing the record player close at hand. “You girls get on your knees. When I play the music, you walk down the line, then circle to the front and keep going. When I stop, you suck whatever cock is in front of you. Its musical chairs, but instead it's musical cocksucking.”

  Amos started the record, and some old scratchy zydeco started playing. The girls were unsure but began to hobble along on their knees, circling the guys. Then the music stopped, with Zoe before Amos, Jenna before Delacroix and Natasha in front of Jeb.

  “Aw, shit,” Judd said, left out this round.

  “Get to sucking, baby doll,” Delacroix said, the girls all sighed and took the cocks into their mouths. They weren't sure of the rules so they just sucked as best they were able, the large cocks not the easiest to work with.

  “Mmm that's nice, that's real nice,” Amos said as Zoe bobbed her head on his shaft. The girls could see one another in their peripheral vision, the familiar ducking motion evident.

  The music started up again, startling the girls. “Come on, get moving,” Judd said, wanting his chance.

  The degrading game continued for several minutes, although to the girls it felt like hours. Each man got sucked by each girl, doubtlessly engineered that way by Amos. The cocks were all wet and dripping with precum by the end of the game.

  “That was the best game of sucking line I've ever played!” Judd said, grinning.

  The girls were panting, their jaws sore and throats aching from all of the fellatio they had just performed. They watched the men, having no idea what they would be doing next.


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