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Uniform Doll

Page 18

by Penny Birch

  My bum was glowing, the smacks, making my cheeks wobble and bounce, each one sending a little jolt right through me. She was getting lower too, onto my sweet spot, making my pussy react, bringing me towards that most special orgasm.

  ‘Like that, harder,’ I panted. ‘Much harder, hurt me.’

  Her grip tightened. She laid in, hard, just in the right place. I let my mouth come open, closing my eyes, feeling the slow rise to orgasm begin as smack after smack landed on my burning bottom . . .

  It stopped, abruptly, Heather letting go of me.

  ‘I can’t!’ she said. ‘Ow! My hand! She can take some, can’t she!’

  ‘Please, Heather, you nearly had me there!’ I wailed, turning back.

  ‘I really can’t, my palm’s already bruised,’ she said. ‘You’d better take over, Rupert. She’ll be used to a man’s strength.’

  It was true. I was sure he would be able to do it, and my feelings were warring in my head as he quickly climbed into the back and settled himself beside me. Like Heather, he took me around the waist and set to work, his first smack making me cry out.

  ‘That’s more like it!’ Heather said. ‘Let me keep you ready!’

  I felt her arm touch me and knew she’d taken his cock in her hand. It was rock hard, I’d seen as he moved back, ready for pussy, ready for my pussy. I was ready too, physically, my vaginal mouth wet and vulnerable, open behind me. I couldn’t stop it, I was just too horny, and I wasn’t at all sure he could.

  He smacked me again, catching my sweet spot, a touch high, then perfectly. I cried out in ecstasy, a choking, high-pitched squeal that rang in my own ears as the next slap caught me, harder still. It was enough, I was going to get there, and suddenly nothing else mattered, just the stinging pain and my approaching orgasm.

  ‘Harder, beat me, hurt me!’ I screamed and I was coming, Rupert smacking his hand into my bottom as hard as he could, over and over.

  It hit me, every muscle in my body tightening, my whole being focussed on my sex, dizzy with pleasure, screaming out as my back arched, my bottom fat, throbbing, smacked . . .

  He was on me, mounting my back, his fat knob round and firm against my flesh, my pussy-flesh, and up, in my hole, pumping into me with desperate energy, his body on mine, humping me, the way dogs do it. I had a cock up me, and all I could do as my orgasm slowly faded was lie inert beneath him, letting him have his way, until at last he pulled it free, jerked hard and came all over my bottom.


  I’d been fucked, something I’d told myself I’d never do again. Not that I said anything. After all, what was there to say? He’d fucked me and that was that. I could hardly claim it had been against my will, and making a big deal out of it wasn’t going to turn the clock back. I could sympathise with him, too, because I’d lost control no less than he had.

  He did at least have the decency to be sheepish about it, instead of gloating, the way most men would have done. That made it a little better, but we were still silent most of the way back from Heather’s house, both feeling rather guilty. The only thing we did talk about was Heather’s uniform. We’d got it, but we had a problem. Two problems in fact. She wanted the uniform back, and she expected to be shown some juicy spanking photos of me, with Rupert doing the punishing.

  We didn’t even discuss the possibility of just cutting her completely. She was too nice, and too much fun. With someone like Naomi I could have done it and not felt even a twinge of guilt. Not with Heather.

  So we were going to have to run with it, which meant either pretending the uniform had been ruined in the wash or replacing it. It also meant two or three photo shoots to provide a convincing number of pictures of me getting my bum warmed. I didn’t have enough dignity left to object to that, accepting it with both resignation and expectancy, ambivalent as always.

  We didn’t have much time either. Rupert was off to Sarah’s in Cornwall on the Friday night and wouldn’t be back until late on Sunday. That gave us two days, on both of which I was supposed to be working. That left Thursday evening, and I agreed to come straight to his house after work, for spanking, dinner and more spanking, in a variety of styles and outfits.

  He was also feeling a touch of guilt about Sarah, who was apparently getting seriously keen on him. Nothing had been said as such, but he was pretty sure that she would have been less than happy to learn that he had had sex with two other women, especially when one of them was me. She was apparently jealous of my intimacy with Rupert, which was annoying, but at least made me feel a little better about my fucking.

  I was half asleep on Thursday, Rupert having dropped me off at my flat at nearly one in the morning, and having had considerable trouble getting to sleep even then. Work was at Sam’s office again, and she was her old self, bossy and cruel, making me show her my boobs and bum in the store room just to humiliate me. Alert and in a naughty mood, I would have enjoyed it. Sleepy, I didn’t, but I did it anyway, and was rewarded with Naomi’s address when I asked for it, saying I fancied a date. That really made Sam laugh, and she gave me the line about knowing me better than I knew myself again. I said nothing, thinking of Andrea with my determination growing inside me.

  Rupert met me at my flat, which we’d decided would provide a useful alternative background for the spanking photos. We got down to it without preamble, with me across his knee in my office clothes and the camera stood on the mantelpiece and set to automatic. It was a good set, with me looking very prim and also very sorry for myself with my grey woollen skirt turned up, first to show my big white panties, then my bare bum.

  I was still bruised, especially under my cheeks, where both he and Heather had done me pretty hard, AJ and Sam too, so we were careful not to take any real close-ups, or to let too much light to my bum. The flat shots done, we gathered up a selection of my clothes and made for Highgate, stopping in Queen’s Wood on the way for a few of me flashing my panties and bum, also getting it across the seat of my jeans with a stick while the camera was balanced precariously in the fork of a tree. I put my hair in bunches for those, which drew Rupert several dirty looks from people who guessed that he was up to no good with a woman half his age, if not exactly what.

  At Rupert’s house the bunches came out and it was into combats and skinny top for a session in the garden, with what was left of Wednesday evening’s mud pool kept carefully out of shot. He had fetched a tripod, which made it easier. It was trousers, then panties, then bare, with a few rude poses to add variety, and my boobs out at the end. By then my bum was too red to start a new session, so we broke for dinner, Rupert cooking while I made adjustments to my make-up and once again restyled my hair.

  I was beginning to realise how the models in his dirty magazines must have felt during their photoshoots. There really is nothing like a good spanking, but I’d had three in a row and there were more to come. My bum was sore and I was tired, and while my pussy felt wet and urgent I knew that if I let my feelings go we’d very likely never get it done. So we ate quickly and he took a set of me washing up in just a pinny, with my smacked bottom showing behind. He seemed to have a thing about the kitchen table, and finished the roll off with me rolled up on it, the same way he’d been spanking Sarah when I’d caught them. Rolled up is very rude, with the cheeks wide and not the slightest concealment. That got to me.

  The next session was in his living room, spanking and corner time, very carefully posed. By then I was nude, and the shots were getting ruder, with more and more pussy and bumhole on show. His cock was getting seriously hard too, and I could feel it through his trousers as he did me across his lap. I knew where it would be going, and was simply too far gone to feel more than a little contrite.

  Sure enough, after a few pictures on the stairs it was up to his bedroom. His cock came out, and into my mouth, as I lay sideways on the bed, red bum turned up for the attention of his belt. That got photographed, and I got my mouth filled, although I wouldn’t have stopped him if he’d wanted to fuck me. I did come though, on my
knees with one hand on my pussy and the other stroking my hot, sore bum-cheeks, an exhibition which got photographed as well.

  By then I was truly exhausted, and I ended up going to sleep in his bed. Slightly to my surprise, he didn’t take advantage of me, although it would have been so easy to just slip his cock up my wet pussy. There was a touch of regret too, in the morning, which brought more awareness of my feelings than I really wanted.

  I was late for work, but not by enough to warrant more than a mild rebuke. That didn’t bother me, but what Sam had to say did. She had been to Whispers, and apparently a big woman had been asking about a small, curvy girl, and in less than friendly terms. From the description it could only be Mo.

  Sam hadn’t let on, which left me seriously grateful, almost grateful enough to strike her off my revenge list. Unfortunately, too many other people knew who I was for me to feel secure. I was nervous all day, and in the evening, imagining what Mo would do to me if she found me. It was scary, but it was impossible not to find it sexy too, and I ended up masturbating over the thought of how severely she might punish me.

  Andrea arrived late on the Saturday morning, alone, as I’d requested. I explained what I wanted her to do, painting it as a fantasy treat for a friend. She was delighted by the idea, and agreed, which just left the problem of getting Naomi into the right place at the right time. That proved easiest of all, as she rang me, having been tipped off by Sam that I was after a date. What was less easy to plan for was that she wanted it that evening. Fortunately Andrea was up for it, and after a frantic afternoon’s shopping, we were ready.

  I had told Naomi how much what they had done to me on the Heath had turned me on, and asked if our date could start with an outdoor punishment for me. She had agreed with enthusiasm, and we’d settled on the loneliest part of the Heath, where hardly anyone but cruising gay guys go, and there’s enough dense foliage to get away with some bare flesh and a few pained squeals.

  Andrea and I drove up in her car and parked behind Jack Straw’s Castle. I left her there, walking slowly down the hill until I found my place. Five minutes later Naomi’s old blue BMW appeared, pulling up beside me. Even before she’d stopped I had realised that she wasn’t alone, with Sam in the passenger seat beside her. That was not how I had planned it, but it was too late to back out.

  ‘Dressed the slut, I see,’ Naomi greeted me as she stepped out of the car, her eyes flicking quickly down over my straining top to where my little floaty skirt ended more than halfway up my thighs.

  I just shrugged. She was dressed for it, no doubt, in tight leather trousers and bra, all black. Sam was the same, like to like, from her brightly polished boots upwards. Both showed plenty, nipples, bums and pussies clearly outlined, revealing, yet as strong as ever.

  Naomi took me around my shoulders and kissed me, hard on my mouth. It was so forceful, too much for me to stop, and my mouth came open under hers, despite the disapproving glance of an elderly woman walking her dog. My eyes had closed in pleasure, which made it an even bigger shock when Sam’s hand settled on my leg, casually slipping it up my skirt to take a handful of my bottom. They would have had me so easily, just from the rough, uncompromising way they were treating me, except for Andrea.

  She appeared around the corner, right on schedule, over six foot tall in her thick-heeled shoes and as stern as anything. The uniform suited her to the ground, and she wore it with absolute conviction, from the plain stockings, through the neat navy-blue suit, to the little hat with it’s tell-tale yellow band. I’d have been fooled, and Naomi never questioned it for an instant.

  ‘Shit, a warden!’ she swore.

  ‘Aren’t we safe, after one o’clock?’ Sam queried.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Naomi answered. ‘Excuse me –’

  ‘Is this your vehicle?’ Andrea interrupted her, speaking in a voice that just oozed officiousness.

  ‘Yes,’ Naomi answered. ‘I –’

  ‘You are parked illegally,’ Andrea went on brusquely, ‘on a yellow line and too close to a corner, also –’

  ‘We’ll move,’ Sam said hastily.

  ‘No,’ Andrea answered. ‘In accordance with our new zero tolerance policy you are subject to a one hundred pound on-the-spot fine.’

  ‘One hundred pounds!’ Naomi gasped. ‘You’ve got to be joking!’

  ‘Come on!’ Sam put in. ‘Be reasonable. We’ll go, now.’

  ‘Let them off, be fair!’ I put in.

  ‘That’s out of the question,’ Andrea retorted. ‘The zero tolerance policy means all illegally parked cars are subject to on-the-spot fines. If you leave your car here it will be towed away, at much greater expense.’

  ‘What about these other cars?’ Naomi demanded, waving her hand at the long line of other parked cars behind hers.

  ‘They’re all due to be towed,’ Andrea told her. ‘Now, your ticket . . .’

  A convincing ticket was one of the things we hadn’t been able to get. I acted.

  ‘Hang on,’ I said, addressing Andrea. ‘I recognise you, I’m sure I do. You appeared in Slap!’

  ‘I did no such thing!’ Andrea answered angrily.

  ‘It is you!’ I accused. ‘You know what it is, don’t you? Why else get cross?’

  ‘I . . .’ Andrea began, only to stop abruptly and begin again. ‘My private life is not at issue, here, especially as those photos were taken before I joined the service. Now, our zero tolerance . . .’

  ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ Sam broke in. ‘What, Jade, has she been in a dirty magazine?’

  ‘Not just any dirty magazine,’ I crowed. ‘A spanking magazine, aimed at dirty old men in macs. She was a school teacher, caning a pupil, then getting it from the headmaster for abusing her power.’

  ‘That’s not going to stop you getting a ticket,’ Andrea said coolly.

  ‘Isn’t it?’ I said. ‘From the look of those pictures I’ll swear you loved it. How about the three of us, in the bushes for a few strokes and a lick, and you let us off?’

  ‘No fucking way!’ Naomi exclaimed, Sam echoing her angry answer immediately. ‘What the fuck are you talking about, Jade!?’

  I’d hoped she’d go for it. Alone, maybe she would have done. Not with Sam there, and of course Andrea had expected her to catch on at that point and go for it. The whole thing was going to fall apart, but I got an inspiration at the exact moment I needed it.

  ‘It’s from AJ, a set-up,’ I hissed, leaning in behind Sam and Naomi.

  ‘It’s what?’ Sam demanded.

  ‘A set-up,’ I said. ‘AJ set it up for you. She’s not a real traffic warden.’

  ‘Why?’ Naomi demanded.

  I just shrugged, my inspiration having run out as suddenly as it had arrived. Naomi and Sam exchanged glances, puzzled and a little worried. As we’d spoken Andrea had held her poise, despite having no idea what was going on.

  ‘Hang on,’ Sam said, and pulled Naomi by the arm.

  They stepped aside, conferring in insistent whispers. I was dreading them deciding to phone AJ, but I was hopeful. They always deferred to her, and I was praying that went as far as taking the occasional punishment. I was right.

  ‘Okay,’ Sam said as she came back to Andrea and I. ‘Sorry if we spoiled the surprise. It was just such a shock. You’re so convincing!’

  The last comment was to Andrea, who smiled and nodded. Sam was nervous, and so was Naomi, but they were going to go for it. My heart was absolutely hammering as I introduced them, the girls responding to Andrea’s cheerful greeting with sulky looks.

  ‘I bet you’ll find a tawse in the boot,’ I told Andrea, ‘that or something as good.’

  ‘Open the boot,’ she ordered, nodding to Naomi.

  Naomi went, with such a gorgeous look of consternation on her face that it was a real struggle for me not to laugh out loud. She was going to take her punishment, but that didn’t mean she had to be enthusiastic about it, which was just the way I liked it. She opened the boot, and sure enough, t
hey’d packed some kit, kit which had been intended for me, and was now going to be used on them. There was no tawse, but there was a vicious-looking black riding whip, and rope, along with a gag, some real mean-looking nipple clamps and two strapons. It made me swallow hard, just to see what I would have been in for – punished, tortured and fucked, probably up my bum.

  ‘That will do nicely,’ Andrea declared. ‘Take it all.’

  They obeyed her, concealing what they could and passing Andrea the whip. She took it, and gave Sam a cut across the seat of her leathers, which brought out a little hot sob. Naomi scurried across the road before she could be given the same treatment. We followed, down one of the little sandy tracks and across an area of grass, into woodland, scrubby gorse and rhododendrons. Andrea chose her place without much fuss. It was risky, a little area of grass shut off by gorse bushes on three sides and a big holly tree. We weren’t the first to use it for sex either.

  ‘Here?’ Sam queried.

  ‘It’s as private as the place you made me serve topless,’ I pointed out.

  ‘Well, okay, but I’m not stripping,’ she said, Naomi nodding hasty agreement.

  ‘You won’t need to,’ Andrea told her. ‘Right, first, I’m not having any screaming. Samantha, open wide.’

  Sam was going to protest at the use of her girly name, but thought better of it, quickly cutting off her words and meekly opening her mouth. I gave Andrea the ball gag, and she put it in Sam’s mouth, strapping it tight behind her head. It was wonderful. Just having that big red plastic ball in her open mouth changed her completely, from a hard leather dyke to a frightened girl about to be punished.

  ‘Only one proper gag, I’m afraid,’ Andrea addressed Naomi. ‘Let’s see . . .’

  ‘Panty-gag her!’ I cut in immediately. ‘Go on, Andrea, do it!’

  ‘Don’t forget you’re getting it too!’ Naomi answered me.


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