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The Cagliostro Chronicles

Page 4

by Ralph L. Angelo Jr.

  “You do know we don’t even know what the indigenous species looks like, right?”

  Mark sighed, “Of course I do, Ari. C’mon let’s get ready, maybe I’ll even help you get dressed, if you’re a bad girl that is.”

  “Oooo, I can be bad, I can be very bad.” She fluffed her long, wavy blonde hair and cooed in his ear as they exited the conference room. All the while Mark Johnson fought a feeling of overwhelming dread as they entered Ariel’s quarters.


  Less than an hour later the entire command crew was gathered in the shuttle bay as Johnson and Ariel joined them. There were several small shuttle ships within the docking bay, and one larger, sleeker craft. It had a rounded nose and wings that jutted out from its sides and swept back on rounded curves resolving in points at the back of the ship. The craft was a gleaming beauty; beneath it two of the magno-disc engines spun slowly as pre-flight testing was being completed. The ship was large enough to hold six crew and supplies for any extended spaceflight, including bunks and sleeping quarters.

  “Are we ready to go?” Mark asked as he walked up the entry ramp into the smaller ship.

  “Just about.” Dan Sledge replied from within the Stargrazer. “Performing final pre-flight checklist right now.”

  “Very good Dan. Let’s get aboard and settled in.”

  The others followed, carrying duffle bags over their shoulders, filled with a few days’ clothes and gear.

  Within minutes they were strapped into their chairs on the command deck of the small ship which was really only one level, with the storage space and sleeping quarters behind the command deck or flight bridge.

  Mark and Dan sat in the two forward chairs and worked virtual control interfaces powering up the ships engines. Instantly the ship rose up off the deck and slowly moved towards what appeared to be a garage door, which began to rise as they approached it.

  Mark thumbed the communicator control and instantly was in contact with the Cagliostro’s command deck. “Mr. Jefferson, we are about to leave the Cagliostro, are you firmly in command of my ship?”

  The view screen on the console before Mark sprang to life, and Miles Jefferson, a young black man smiled as his visage filled the screen. Behind him, the secondary command crew began running through the Cagliostro’s diagnostics as every command crew did upon starting their shift. “We’re all set on our end Captain, we’ll take care of your ship, I promise. Good hunting, boss!”

  Mark smiled aboard the Stargrazer and he replied, “Thanks Miles, hopefully we’ll be the hunters and not the huntees.”

  With that the Stargrazer exited the Cagliostro’s shuttle deck and disappeared into the depths of space, accelerating towards the fourth planet from the systems sun.

  “Anything we oughta know about this place?” Dan Sledge asked.

  “It’s hot down there.” Red replied, “Like a hundred and five in the shade, but it’s like Arizona, a dry heat.” He snickered sarcastically.

  “Our uniforms will keep us cool enough,” Mark began, stealing an annoyed glance at Red, “the thermal venting system will pull the heat from our bodies keeping us at least ten degrees cooler than our surroundings. It’s not much but it’s better than nothing. The ships hatch will be code locked to each of our suits. Only we can enter and exit. They’ll have to cut through the hatch to get into her. So we should be safe from thieves and spies, I hope.” He added.

  The Stargrazer sped towards the planet in question, exiting hyper-warp just past the planet’s first moons trajectory. Casually Ariel thumbed up the comm and began speaking, “This is the ‘Stargrazer’ requesting permission to land at the spaceport in region 2.5 on planetary grid.”

  There was no answer at first. She tilted her head quizzically and shrugged her shoulders towards Mark, who waved his hand as if to say ‘relax’. The comm unit suddenly sprang to life as alien words were barked from it several times before the translator was able to catch up, matching inflection with syntax, until the beings voice on the other side suddenly became clear.

  “This is space port command for spaceport Z-59; please state your business here,” the voice ordered.

  Ariel immediately replied, “This is the Spaceship Stargrazer requesting permission to land. We are seeking additional provisions for our extended journey back to our own solar system, as well as a few days rest on a planet’s surface among other races and peoples.”

  The voice was silent a moment, then two, as if having a conversation with someone nearby before finally replying, “Very well Stargrazer, proceed to landing pad N-157. A landing beam will guide you in.”

  “Thank you, Spaceport command.” Ariel answered before thumbing off the communications unit.

  “We’re in.” She offered to Mark.

  “Yeah, I know.” He paused a second then added, “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  “Why are you worried?” Ariel asked.

  “It seems a bit too easy. They have no idea who we are or where we’re from, yet they have no trouble at all inviting us in. I expected a bit more resistance to our landing here, that’s all.”

  The landing beam made contact with the little ship before it broke atmosphere and helped direct them as they began its descent. The Stargrazer descended through the atmosphere, as the heat of reentry made the wings glow on either side of the sleek craft, turning them a bright yellow with heat, before they finally cooled as the ship slowed enough and vectored into its heading towards the spaceport.

  Soon, the ‘grazer was slowing enough that it shed all of the excess heat it had built up upon re-entry. Some had been converted to energy and stored, but the powerful magno-disc engines created energy for power as well as flight ability. It was a win-win science. Within minutes the ship hovered above a landing spot and descended for a feather soft vertical landing.

  “Should we take our bags with us?” Eddie asked.

  “No, the plan is to stay here tonight, within the ship. I’m not interested in looking for whatever passes as an inn at least for a day or two. Let’s do some shopping and see what supplies we can actually come up with in this place. Everyone take your universal scanners with you and scan everything you consider buying or whatever the heck we’re going to call it here. We have to know what is in everything we’re touching here. Again our suits will protect us, to a point.”

  They all nodded silently as they clipped their holsters to their uniforms and slid their energy pistols into them. The universal scanners went on their left hip.

  “Everyone ready?” Mark asked.

  They all replied affirmatively. Mark touched the ramp and door control. Instantly the door slid up and the ramp slid down to the ground. They walked out smiling and chatting amiably amongst themselves, putting on a perfect display of a crew that needed some time away from being cooped up in a small ship for a long time.

  Around them, human-like aliens worked about the other spacecrafts parked in stalls surrounding the Stargrazer. Their skin color was dark, but purple, not what Earthmen would associate with a dark colored skin. Their hair, if you could call it that, looked more like varying shades of lettuce then hair. The workers momentarily eyed the Stargrazer’s crew suspiciously, and then returned to their business.

  Mark punched a code into the ships door lock pad and the hatchway sealed up behind them, leaving the ramp to the ground in place.

  “Man, you were right about this place being hot.” Eddie wiped his brow before replacing his blue baseball cap once they were out of the Stargrazer’s shade.

  “Yeah ain’t that the truth.” Sledge dropped a pair of sunglasses in place, and popped a baseball cap atop his own head. The blue and white caps read “USS Stargrazer”.

  “Let’s head into that market we saw from above as we were landing. Remember, let’s not look for trouble, I have a feeling it’s going to find us easy enough.”

  “If it does I’ll be ready.” Red fingered his gun within its holster.

  “Take it easy there, Wyatt Earp,” Dan chided, �
�We may not run into any trouble an’ if we do, I got yer back. So don’t sweat it and let’s not look for it.”

  Red nodded stoically to Dan as they continued to walk. The streets were packed sand and the bright sandy color permeated everything as far as the eye could see.

  “This ain’t exactly a garden spot, huh boss?” Eddie asked.

  “Not in the least Eddie, not in the least.”

  Ariel kept quiet but was doing far more than ignoring her comrade’s banter. She gently probed those around them as they walked, listening in with her psychic ability for anything that would be of use to them.

  The group walked up to what could loosely be termed as a supermarket, which they entered through the deflector field doors. The doors served two purposes, one the deflector fields kept insects and other vermin out, and it also kept the air conditioned air in.

  “What is this place?” Eddie asked as he looked around.

  “What? The town?” Dan answered.

  “Yeah, weird place. Lots of different species walking around, most are humanoid, but some definitely aren’t.”

  “Not what I’m talking about Dan. This town, what is it? I mean it’s a rundown spaceport town, I get that, but something else is going on here. People live here. I’m seeing all run down one story buildings and homes. But there are a lot of ships in that spaceport. Nothing big, mostly ships about the size of the ‘Grazer. But something draws them here. What is it?”

  “Good question Eddie,” Mark replied quietly, “Ariel, anything?”

  “No. Not a thing. People are curious about us, but that’s about it. I’m not reading any hostile thoughts so far, just curiosity. Oh and by the way, this food here seems to be mostly edible for us, so far. Lots of different fruits here that resemble earthly melons and oranges and the like. Some meats here appear to be this world’s equivalent of cattle. Again, edible. Some other stuff I just came across I wouldn’t touch.”

  “Okay Ari, Thanks.” Mark answered, “Let’s maybe not be so inconspicuous now.”

  “Whaddaya got in mind boss?” Red asked.

  “What’s the best place to go for information on a new town, to get the lay of the land and what not?”

  “Where else?” Red replied, “A bar.”

  “Bingo.” Mark winked as he exited the market.

  Ariel paid for the few items they picked up with gold coins Mark had them each carry. Gold it seemed was still the universal coin, literally.

  A few seconds later Ariel and Red, who had stayed with her within the shop, re-joined the rest of the crew outside.

  “So where‘re we gonna find a bar in this dump?” Dan asked as he moved his big frame through the crowded streets.

  “That’s easy Danny-boy,” Mark replied with a sly grin, “Just follow the music.”

  The five adventurers did just that, wending their way through busy, sand covered streets clogged with dusty people. They exited into a wide thoroughfare where what could only peripherally be called music could be heard from a number of establishments. One gathering spot was larger than the rest, and seemed the busiest, with the most raucous crowd.

  “What do you think?” Red asked Mark.

  “I think this is the place we want.”

  The group of five entered the establishment and looked around. It was a dimly lit, smoke filled place, packed with different aliens. Plenty wore different uniforms, some just dusty work type clothes. A band played something that was barely melodic to say the least, and which seemed mostly ignored by the clientele who sat in small clusters and talked amongst themselves at dark tables. A few of the purple skinned indigenous females were out on the dance floor with a few men of differing species.

  Johnson led his people to a round table in a corner of the bar. They all sat down.

  “Now what?” Eddie looked around the room from under the brim of his hat.

  “Now we wait.” Mark Johnson answered.

  They did not have to wait long. A waitress finally sauntered up to the table they were sitting at, an electronic pad in her hands. She spoke in a tongue no one understood, but after a second the translators within their suits compensated and the words she spoke were finally heard in English.

  “Whadaya wanna drink?” She asked in a surly tone.

  “You have ale?” Mark asked.

  She laughed sarcastically, “Yeah I got twenty seven different kinds.”

  “Give us the most popular one. Five mugs.” Mark ordered.

  She nodded, smiled, and walked off.

  “Not sure if she was friendly or not.” Dan commented.

  “She was indifferent, as in just doing her job.” Ariel replied.

  “I guess that’s better than the alternative.” Red commented.

  “So what now?” Red asked in a conspirational whisper.

  “Now we wait and take in the show. Have patience. Someone will be interested in us soon enough.” Mark Johnson replied.

  “I hate it when you’re right.” Ariel replied, as she turned her head towards the bar itself where two men sat trying not to act like they were staring at the newcomers.

  “What have you got?” Mark asked.

  “Those two have been watching us the last few minutes. They followed us in from the street. They must have been tailing us for a while, but with all the white noise out there I only heard them clearly when they came in here.”

  “That’s funny, I’d a thought it would have been worse in here.” Eddie smirked.

  “No it’s more condensed in here. Actually there are less people in here than on that street and the ones here are all interested in finding a mate for the evening.”

  “In other words, hooking up.” Eddie finished.

  “You got it ace.” Ariel smiled and nodded.

  “So what are they thinking about us?” Red asked.

  “They know what we are, where we’re from. I distinctly heard the word ‘Earth’ in my mind. Right now they’re just curious it seems, but I do sense malevolence on their parts.”

  “Okay, let’s see how long it takes them to come over and say hello.”

  The two men were humanoids, but not from the planet they were all currently on. Both were big beings, with flat faces and bald heads, soft ridges started at their brows and went over the tops of their heads to their necks. Their skin color was a dull red. They each wore a dull brown coverall.

  The waitress returned with the mugs of ale. Mark paid her in a few gold coins. A moment later she returned with change in a coin of a smaller size, then disappeared into the crowd.

  “I have no idea what we just paid for these drinks but I have a feeling it was too much.” He commented with a slight laugh as he took a sip and shook his head up and down on an angle. “Not bad actually. I think this’ll do for now, gents.”

  “How long do we wait for our admirers to join us?” Red asked as he drank his ale.

  “As long as it takes, we’re explorers enjoying some down time out of our ship. Remember, we’re Earthmen who knew of alien life before but never met anyone of other worlds ourselves.”

  Sledge looked at Mark “That is the truth you know, boss.”

  “I know Danny. Let’s just keep all our cards hidden for now and play this hand warily.”

  Red shook his head and scowled, “I hate poker analogies.”

  “That’s ‘cause your poker game sucks.” Eddie chided Red, with a quick smirk.

  “Quiet,” Ariel hissed, “they’re coming over now to find out about us.”

  “Ari if you hear anything underhanded in their minds while they’re talking to us, tell us through your telepathy.”

  ‘Will do, Mark.’ Her mental voice rang through their minds in a bell-like tone.

  The two burly aliens walked to the end of the teams table and stood there, with what looked like an attempt at a smile on each of their faces. Finally, the one on the right started to speak.

  “Greetings, I am Endorf and this is Credom. We noticed you sitting here but were unaware of your species. We ha
ve never seen anyone that looked exactly like you do. Where do you hail from?”

  ‘That’s a lie, they know exactly where we’re from.’ The bell-like mental voice of Ariel pinged through their minds.

  “We’re explorers from a small planet several light years from here. What about you two gentlemen? Where are you from?”

  “We are from a world known as Tanzi-7. It is some light years from here. What brings you beings to this place?”

  Mark held up his mug and smiled, “The ale. We heard it was good here and decided to check it out for ourselves.”

  The alien on the left stared on with a perplexed look upon his face.

  “Seriously?” He asked.

  His companion nudged him with an elbow, and then resumed smiling at the team, “I beg your indulgence, you must ignore my friend here, he does not get out much.”

  “That’s quite all right, Endorf.” Mark replied congenially, “Why don’t you and your friend sit down and join us for a drink.”

  Both aliens nodded, after looking to the other and sat at the end of the table, each ordering a flagon of the ale everyone else was drinking.

  “So I’m curious, what do you two gents do here? You both have what appear to be work coveralls on, at least to my untrained eye. Are you ship mechanics?” Mark asked.

  “Yes that we are. We actually saw you land here earlier today.”

  “Ah okay, so how’d you like our ship? It’s the first of its kind.”

  “It’s very nice.” Credom replied enthusiastically enough that Endorf gave him another nudge in the ribs immediately.

  “We like it just fine,” the seemingly more intelligent of the two replied.

  Mark leaned forward, almost surreptitiously, and then asked,. “Have either of you ever seen anyone like us before? We’re looking for a lost friend. He’s going to look very much like us, with our skin tone and hair type.”

  “No, I cannot say that we have, I must apologize. You are the first of your kind we have ever seen.”

  ‘Another lie.’ Ariel’s voice rang in their skulls.


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