Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 2

by Barbara Speak

  Sadie was the first one to speak up.

  "We heard you talking to Mike. You were so awesome, Marissa!"

  "And you did it with attitude! It's about time you realize he's just like any other cocky, arrogant man."

  "Kate's right. The only way he will ever respect you is for you to keep this up. Don't fall all over him. All the other girls do. Be different."

  First it was Sadie, then Kate and finally Heather. It was like I was a bobble head trying to keep up.

  "You guys, it’s not like that. He was making fun of me. He even called me Daisy! What the hell was that? I don't even know who that is."

  "Shut up! It's only every boy’s fantasy girl from childhood."

  Heather shocked the hell out of me with that one. Fantasy? Yeah right!

  "Well then he didn't mean it that way. You know he didn't. He's never paid any attention to me."

  Sadie walked over to me, grabbed my shoulders, looked me in the eye and said, "He just did and you are practically the spitting image of her. The long blond hair, huge boobs, perfect figure. He nailed it."

  I was so overwhelmed, I needed to get away, but I couldn't go anywhere without a car and it was supposed to be about Heather.

  "Guys, we need to change the subject quick. Marissa is freaking out."

  I wasn't freaking out completely but Kate was right, we needed to get off the subject now.

  "Let’s talk about what game we are going to play when they get back with the alcohol. Kate was at least trying to lighten the mood but Heather's face fell.

  "They? Did Jason go, Marissa? He better not have. I need him here."

  "No you don't. You have us. That's all you need. Besides, it used to be just me and you against the world. Now you have three friends here for you."

  Heather and Sadie have been friends forever, something that always reminded me of Zoey.

  Zoey was my next door neighbor my whole life and my best friend. When she got accepted to the college in New York we had always dreamed of going to together and I didn't have the test scores to get the scholarship I needed, we were forced to separate for the first time in our lives.

  "You ready, Daisy?"

  That voice brought me out of my thoughts and my focus onto the man standing in the doorway. All of my friends got quiet and looked at me, I guess to see what I would do. I had no idea myself.

  "Well, I can wait here all day or you could move that fine ass quicker into my car."

  It was the fine ass comment that got me to say, "Have fun standing there."

  I never wanted to be one of those girls to him, the kind that jump at his every command. All he would do was treat me like he treated them. We would have sex and then he would never talk to me again. Yes I wanted him, but I wanted his respect, also.

  I looked over at the girls all smiling and then back to Mike as he said, "Don't make me do it."

  Fear immediately took over my body but my head told me to hold strong. What could he do anyway? It's not like he could make me...

  "Put me down!"

  It happened so fast. For one second I looked back at Kate, then the next he had me over his shoulder.

  "Not until you are in my car and buckled in."

  My legs kicked wildly as I squirmed to get out of his hold, but there was no use. He fought for a living; I didn't stand a chance. But, that didn't mean I was giving up.

  "Put me down!"

  All of my friends were laughing at me as I fought him all the way out the front door, down the sidewalk, and even as he opened the door and put me in the car, buckling me in as promised.

  "You're an asshole, has anyone ever told you that?"

  He leaned into the car so that we were practically nose to nose and said, "More times than you can count, Daisy."

  I could feel his breath and it only made me want to close my eyes and let him kiss me, but all too quick he was pulling himself back from me and closing the car door. As he walked around to the driver’s side I thought, "I am so literally screwed."

  Chapter 2

  After pulling out onto the road he said, "Don’t think it went unnoticed that you wanted me to kiss you back there."

  I quickly shot back, "You're delusional!" while embarrassment took complete hold of me.

  He reached for the radio and turned it on as I looked out the passenger side window, not wanting him to see my mortification. I hated being in his car, forced to have to communicate with him. This was all I ever wanted but the pressure I felt made me want to jump out of the car, even if it was moving.

  He pushed a few buttons and then I heard Pink singing “Just Give Me a Reason”. The selection shocked me. Never would I have guessed he liked this kind of music, more even that he would pick this song.

  We both remained quiet until it was over and we pulled into the liquor store. Mike jumped out, coming over to my door and opening it for me.

  "You didn't have to do that. I'm perfectly capable of getting out myself. "

  "I know this, but I didn't trust you to get out at all. Your attitude makes me think you would rather stay in the car."

  Damn, he was dead on. The look in his beautiful green eyes told me he wasn't going to let that happen. I reached to unbuckle the seat belt just to prove him wrong when I felt his hand pass mine and get to it first. I went stiff, feeling his large muscular arm rest across my stomach. He stopped and turned to look at me. For the first time I could see the want in his eyes. They bore into me, as if somehow I could feel what he was giving off. But I wouldn't do it. I refused to let him use me and I knew that was all he was doing this for. He was used to getting whatever he wanted from women.

  I cleared my throat and said, "Are you having issues with the buckle? Because if so, I can take care of that myself too."

  His face came even closer to mine when he said, "The only issue I'm having is the fact you are denying what you want from me." He got even closer until his lips were practically touching mine and said, "The sooner you quit this game you're playing, the sooner you will get what you really want."

  My body was pressed as far back into the seat as it would allow me to go, testing my resistance like I never had before.

  "Are you going to move so we can buy the wine or are you going to keep pretending there is something that is going to happen between us?"

  I felt the belt give and then he was backing away from me. "That's too bad. I thought we could have some fun. I guess I was wrong."

  I jumped down out of his car, landing next to him. "Maybe we just have a different idea of what fun is? What is the one liquor you would never buy because it tastes like shit?"

  His back straightened and I could see the muscles tense in his arms and chest when he looked at me and said, "You were right about different, that's for sure. Caramel vodka, if you really want to know. Why am I answering this?"

  "Mine is premade strawberry daiquiris. Now, the first person to find a bottle of the other's pick has to drink the whole thing they hate. Get it?"

  His eyes locked on mine and I could see his mood change again. As if the idea of a contest put his adrenaline into overdrive. God is he competitive.

  "Yeah, I got it. Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?"

  "Let’s just see. On your mark, get set..." Before I could say "go", Mike took off running. I bolted through the door after him, knowing exactly where the caramel vodka was because it was one of my favorites. The store was set up with four aisles on either side of the register that was centered once you walked in. I went left, immediately going straight for aisle two. Half way down on the right was where the bottle should be, but it wasn't. They moved their stock, apparently.


  I looked over at Mike, watching him run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I passed the margaritas on my way to the other side of the store so I knew I had the advantage. He ran toward me but before he passed, he grabbed my waist and spun us around a dozen times making me dizzier than hell.

  "Thought I'd make it a little mor
e fun."

  And then he was gone again. Just when I could focus properly, the bottle came into view. I ran as fast as I could, grabbed it and held it in the air triumphantly screaming, "I got it! I got it! You lose, sucker!"

  Mike came walking back toward me, wearing a very pissed off look on his face, until he came to stand within breathing room from my lips. Just the smell of him had me close my eyes.

  "You cheated."

  That got them to open right back up.

  "No, I didn’t. I won fair and square. You, my friend, will be drunk as hell by the time the night ends. And I can’t wait to see it."

  His hands came from out of nowhere as he placed them on either side of my face. Before I could even ask him what he was doing, his lips were pressing softly against mine. It wasn't anything that was disrespectful in public, it was merely just a sensual kiss and then it was over. Millions of thoughts went through my head as my heart beat almost out of my chest. Mike Harrison just kissed me. Me!

  "What was that for?" I had to know why. Why all of the sudden was I noticeable? What changed his mind?

  "I wanted for you to see that I want to be so much more than just 'your friend', as you called me."

  Speechless. I was struck completely speechless. And just like that, his mood changed back to as if it didn't happen.

  "Come on, Daisy, we have wine to buy."

  He took hold of my hand and guided me over to the wine selection.

  "I’m going to go grab some beer for Jason, do you think you can handle this alone?"

  "Why do you keep treating me like I'm incompetent?"

  "Because I like the idea of taking care of you."

  I looked over at him, ready to bite his head off. To tell him how I was not a child and didn't need anyone to take care of me, but that's when I saw the sincerity in his eyes and knew he meant it.

  "Just go get the beer."

  "Yes, ma’am."

  He turned, walked away, and all I could do was watch him. He was by far the sexiest man on the planet and he just kissed me a few seconds ago. He said he wanted to take care of me. He held my hand. What caused the world to tip off of its axis in my favor was beyond me, but at this moment every dream I've had of him was coming true. “Should I believe him?” The thought was very alive in the back of my mind.

  "You haven't grabbed anything yet? What have you been doing?"

  “Thinking about you and your motives,” was what I wanted to say. "Trying to find a good brand," is all that came out.

  "You can do better than that. Just pick one. We've been gone long enough. I'm sure Jason needs me after all this time with just the girls."

  And there it was. The sobering moment when I realized nothing about what just happened should be important. I needed to focus on Heather. I reached for a bottle of each type of wine and then turned right into Mike. He had set the thirty pack of beer on the ground and had me in his arms in mere seconds.

  "I like the feel of your lips. I just thought you should know that I'm going to taste them again, right now."

  His hands went to my hair and his lips met mine. The soft pull he took on my bottom lip turned into a hard tug as his tongue entered my mouth. I couldn't believe what was happening. I wonder if the store would sell me the surveillance video for documentation purposes. You can never fault proof when you wake up convinced it was only a dream. Don't think like that. Of course I'm not going to believe this tomorrow. Plus, I would love to show my roommate, Blythe.

  "Where did you just go?"

  Before I could register what was happening, his lips were no longer on mine and I was hearing him say something.


  He looked at me confused and said, "I can honestly say, I can't remember there ever being a time when a kiss from me didn't have a girl wanting more. Then there’s you. You aren't even paying attention, like I'm boring you or something."

  I couldn't believe what he just said. Like I could ever be bored with him. Overwhelmed, maybe, but never bored. I wanted to grab him and show him how not boring he was, but I knew where it would lead and I wasn't ready for that.

  "Sorry", was all that I could say.

  I knew he expected something else. Especially when his jaw dropped open causing me to look away as fast as possible so he wouldn't catch the smile that wanted to take over my face.

  Without warning, he grabbed onto my cheeks and once again his lips were on mine. This time I could feel all of the determination he was putting in to it. Every tug, pull and swipe of his tongue had me wanting him that much more. Before I could think it through, my arms were wrapped around his shoulders still fisting the bottles of wine I had picked up. His hands left my face and were on my ass, picking me up so my legs could straddle his waist. The store employee started to whistle when I also heard "Get a room!" from someone else. That was all it took for me to pull away from him and start struggling in his arms to get down.

  "Where do you think you're going, Daisy?"

  "Let me go!"

  "Not a chance. An erection is not something I sport in public. Right now I am hard as a rock and I don’t see it going away any time soon."

  I could feel what he was telling me and it turned me on even more to know I caused this situation, but he was crazy if he thought I was going to do anything to rectify his issue. I leaned down to kiss him again and felt his hold on me loosen. I took the advantage and jumped out of his arms, putting some much needed space between us. I set the bottles down and looked at him.

  "That's something you’re going to have to take care of on your own." I pointed at his very obvious problem and then walked away saying, "I'm just going to go wait by the car" as I walked out the door smiling and into the parking lot.

  I didn't look back over my shoulder to get his reaction but I knew two seconds later, when he came storming out the door, that he didn't find the humor in it that I did. He looked even sexier pissed off. I had seen him fight on more than one occasion and nothing was sexier than just before he took them down. Well, I used to feel that way, but that was before he had that anger pointed at me. I looked him straight in the eye, though. I refused to let him intimidate me. He came to stand mere inches from where I was, seething. I watched as his nostrils flared and his mouth would open to say something and then close again. Unsure if it was wise to speak or not, I bet on the latter and said, "Didn't you forget the wine? It is why we came here."

  "You did that on purpose! What is wrong with you today? You've always wanted me and now that I give you your chance you want to play games. I'm not some college punk that finds it endearing, Daisy. Not one fucking bit!"

  He was irate but nothing about it made me care.

  "Screw you! Give me my chance? What makes you think you deserve a chance with me? I might have come to this town young and naive but I'm the furthest thing from it now. And you just showed your hand, asshole. Don’t flatter yourself. Go get the alcohol and have fun telling all of them why I didn't come back with you. I'm out of here."

  I spun on my feet and started walking. When I heard him scream, "Daisy!" my arm shot up, exposing my middle finger that was now raised and waving high in his honor.

  Dick! How was his problem my fault? I didn't ask him to start kissing me in the middle of the damn store. I never pictured how if I ever got the chance to feel his amazing lips on mine, he would do it in a liquor store and then get mad because I didn’t drop to my knees. Or, even crazier, how the hell was he going to carry me, get all the alcohol up to the register, pay for it and then carry me and it out to the car? He's fucking crazy. I'm glad I got to see what it would really be like to be with him because my crush just officially ended.

  When I looked around for the first time, taking in my surroundings, I had no clue where I was. I had walked blocks in my rage. I stopped, looked back over my shoulder and noticed Mike's car come to a rolling stop. What was he doing? I turned back around and just kept walking. Surely he wouldn't be stupid enough to follow me all the way back to my dorm. "Shit!"
/>   I couldn't go back to my dorm. All of my stuff was at Sadie's house. I looked around again and finally came to know where the hell I was. I had a couple miles before I got there, but my rage would fuel me to go thousands at this point.

  I heard the engine come closer and then it cut off. A door slammed shut and I knew he was near me by the sound of his footsteps. No, I didn’t stop walking. Hell, I didn't even break my stride. Mike's hand grabbed ahold of my shoulders and spun me around to face him, giving me no choice with his strength compared to mine.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  I wanted to punch him in his smug face I was so mad.

  "Me? You have so many issues I could go on for days listing them."

  "Whatever your problem is, I'm not going to let you walk to wherever you think you’re going. It's getting dark and it's not safe."

  I walked right into his personal space, inches from eye-level and said, "I am not yours to worry about. Get back in your car and leave."

  I stepped back, never letting the focus I had on him go. His eyes squinted, his head went back, his hands went to his head and he screamed, "Fuck!" as loud as he could, dragging it out even. When he was done, he lunged for my legs, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder again. I don’t have any idea why he continued to take this caveman approach with me but I hated it.

  "Put. Me. Down. Now!"

  There was no point in struggling. He had me beat in strength by a mile. I went limp as he carried me with ease to the car, opened the door and set me in the passenger seat, once again buckling me in.

  "I don't want to be here with you, why are you forcing me to?"

  He grabbed my face and pulled it to look directly at him.

  "You’re not that much fun yourself, Daisy, but I'm man enough to bear through the next five minutes of being with you to not leave you in the street where you belong."

  "Did you just refer to me as a whore?"

  I was shocked to say the least. I may have been the only one in the world who knew I was still a virgin but never has someone compared me to a prostitute.

  "Only you would take what I say and spin it to be an even worse comment. Just be quiet, it will make the ride back at least tolerable."


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