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Never Over You

Page 13

by Ryleigh Andrews

  Snuggling up to her sexy quarterback, she found the right spot and easily fell back asleep, but that sleep was short lived. The dual cries of her sons woke her, and Ethan too, but with a kiss, she told him she had it.

  “I love you, suga,” he said sleepily, drinking from her lips.

  A lazy grin fixed itself on her face. “Love you too,” she replied before going to their boys.

  Entering the room, she found two very hungry little guys. After feeding them, Mia brought the babies down to the great room while she made some breakfast and started some laundry, busying herself with domestic chores to keep her mind off what they’d be discussing once Ethan woke up. A little before ten, the boys were ready for their naps. She put them in their cribs, but Pierce continued to cry and she knew why. Lifting him back out, she sat down on the glider and put him to her breast to eat.

  Resting her head back against the cushioned fabric, Mia felt her body relax, but she jumped when the door flew open with her husband.

  “Hi, suga, I have an appointment I have to get to. I’ll try to be home for lunch,” Ethan said, quickly kissing her forehead and then Pierce’s.

  “Okay,” she murmured, a little disappointed he’d be gone. He strode over to Rory’s crib and smoothed his curly hair, before running out of the house.

  She sighed and switched Pierce to the other breast. Guess she’d just have to wait to talk with him. Looking down at Pierce, a smile crossed her face at her now sleeping son. Carefully getting up, Mia placed him in his crib. With a quick glance over at Rory, she saw he was fast asleep. With a hope that the boys got a nice and long nap, she crept to her bathroom for a long, relaxing soak in the tub.

  Turning on the baby monitor, Mia turned on the water, adding her favorite bubble bath, and let the bath fill.

  I wonder if I brushed my teeth today …

  Not able to remember, she made quick work of that while she waited. A stupid grin plastered her face as she thought of last night with Ethan. It had been a long time since she had felt like that and she had missed it. Big time. She felt more like herself than she had the past year. That’s when she knew Ethan could help her the rest of the way. That Luke had been right about trusting her husband to help her.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned as her body relaxed under the weight of the warm water. It had been ages since she’d been able to just chill like this. The boys were pretty much on the same schedule which meant she was finally on one. Well, somewhat. She was still figuring it out.

  Mia quickly washed her hair, just in case, and it was a good thing too because when she brought her head from underwater, one of her boys was crying.

  “Shit!” she swore. Quickly getting out of the tub and drying off, she put on her robe and hurried to the boys’ room and found Rory crying.

  “You can’t be hungry again, can you?” she said quietly. It was with those words she realized that Rory had fallen asleep before she’d been able to feed him. She lifted him out of the crib. “Hi, sweetie. Mommy’s sorry. Are you hungry?” she asked as he searched for her breast. “Hold on, mister! Let me at least sit down.”

  About five minutes later, she switched sides and let herself continue to relax with her son. The next time she opened her eyes, though, the wall clock across from her told her it was past noon. Ethan should be home soon. Regarding the peaceful, sleeping face of Rory, her heart filled with the love she had for her two boys. She wondered if her mother ever felt that way. She knew she’d never leave these boys. In that way, she knew she was not like her mother, but it was the other questions Mia had … were there other similarities between her and her mother? The pull she had to her career was so strong, but at the same time she felt so much guilt, like she’d be abandoning her family, and that was where she had a problem. She really hated all this guilt.


  Walking into the kitchen, Ethan found his wife eating at the counter, her head resting in one of her hands. He couldn’t really see her face, but the pose concerned him. He really hoped the plan he, Luke, and Allie had come up with would help his wife because he really hated seeing her so sad and not herself.

  “You are not your mother, Mia,” he said in lieu of a greeting, needing her to know that straight off. Her head whipped up, shocked at him being there or by what he said … or maybe both. She rose from her stool and walked to the sink where she placed her dishes. She remained there, gripping the edge of the sink.

  As he walked over to her, he continued talking. “You don’t leave. You are loyal. Loving. I know you love our boys. But you need more and feel guilty about it because you fear you’d be like your mom.”

  “Yeah,” she said heavily, the weight of that one word pushing down her shoulders.

  “Oh, Mia,” he said as he walked to her. Spinning her to face him, he enveloped her in his strong arms. “I never expected you not to go back. I knew you would eventually.”

  “Well, thanks for telling me that now,” she said jokingly. He tilted his head, his eyebrows raised, as he looked at her. With a contrite exhale of breath, Mia continued. “I know. I’m sorry. I should have—I will talk to you when things are bothering me from now on.”

  “Thank you. This doesn’t have to be hard,” he said, pausing for a moment, collecting his thoughts because there were many. He lifted her onto the counter, her face now even with his. He wanted her to hear this. “You don’t need to give up your life to prove you are not your mom. Do what you need to do, Mia. Seriously. We will figure the rest out. I don’t like you not happy. We’ll hire a nanny. Get you an assistant. We can set up some room downstairs for a studio space. We will make this work.”

  She smiled broadly, like the world had been given back to her, and really, it had been. “I love you, Ethan Christopher.”

  “Well, it happens that I love you, too, Mrs. Christopher.”

  “You do?” she said, her sparkling, dark brown eyes on his.

  “Yeah,” he said, touching her lips with his. Her arms loosely wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

  “Ethan?” she asked expectantly.

  “Yes?” he answered, his forehead against hers, content with the fact that everything would be all right.

  “I’ve got an idea,” she said, sliding her hands from around his neck, down his chest, following the delineated path of his abs, before finally stopping at his waist.

  “And what would that be?” he asked, hoping that it involved him burying his cock inside of her.

  Instead of an answer, she unfastened his jeans, her hand snaking down his pants and grasping his dick.

  “Oh, God, I love your ideas,” he groaned, his lips attacking her neck while his hands worked on removing her pants. He yanked them and her underwear right off and went straight to unbuttoning her shirt, not caring that they were making a racket. Ethan wanted his wife.

  “Please …” she begged.

  “You can’t wait for some foreplay?” Ethan didn’t wait for her to answer. He took her already hard nipple into his warm mouth, licking it, before sucking on it hard. Months he’d been missing the taste of her breasts. They were different—still larger, firmer, but he loved them just the same.

  “Ohhh …” she moaned loudly as he continued at her breast. Before switching over to the other breast, he lined up his cock and slid easily inside of her. Mia clasped him hard, her hands bearing down on his shoulders as he filled her completely.

  Impromptu kitchen sex was awesome, but even more so was the fact that his wife was getting back to herself. He hoped his plan to help her get back to her music would get her all the way there.

  Ethan stopped when he was fully sheathed inside of his wife’s pussy and raised his head to take in the sight of her, a grin teasing his face. “Hi there, suga.”

  She smiled back and the easiness of it did him in. “Hi.”

  Capturing her mouth, he began to move quickly inside of her, their pleasure building just as fast. As the orgasm started to claw its way out of her, one of Mia’s arms fla
iled out, trying to grip the cabinet but knocking her dishes into the sink instead.

  “Oh, baby, please …” she moaned, begging for her release.

  Mia held tight to him, her legs wrapped around his waist as he rammed inside her, harder and harder, each thrust had her screaming in pleasure before finally both of them fell over that wondrous cliff of bliss. Before they even had a chance to catch their breath, the loud slamming of a car door pulled him out of his sex-induced daze.

  “Shit!” he cursed. Allie!

  “What?” she asked, her lips leaving a sweet trail of kisses along his collarbone.

  “You made me forget that I had asked Allie over,” he replied, moaning loudly as Mia sucked upon his skin. Fuck, he hated leaving her right now.

  “It’s okay,” Mia said matter-of-factly. “She’s seen me naked plenty of times.”

  Even if it was just Allie, a surge of jealousy shot through him. He didn’t like the idea of anyone seeing her naked. She was all his.

  Ethan pulled away from his wife, with each step his cock leaving its home. Quickly pulling up his jeans, he looked at his wife, her shirt still unbuttoned and legs still very much uncovered.

  “Uh, you gonna get dressed, suga?”

  “I really don’t want to,” she pouted. Here was his motherfucking wife. Pout and all. He kissed her hard and fast, thankful that she was back. Turning in a circle, he searched for where he’d thrown her pants and panties. What the hell? All he could come up with were her pants which he quickly slid up her legs.

  “So wish those weren’t going on,” Mia said, playing with his hair, messing it up even more than it probably was. Damn woman, he thought with a grin. She loved flustering him.

  “Hello?” came Allie’s voice along with a belated knock on the side door as she let herself in.

  Finally, Mia jumped off the counter and finished pulling up her pants, though her shirt was still wide open, revealing those beautiful breasts of hers that he loved so much. As Allie walked into the kitchen, Mia’s fingers found the buttons and slowly slipped one after the other into the holes.

  Ethan’s eyes flicked to Allie and saw her take in Mia’s unkempt appearance with a shake of her head. “Seriously? The kitchen?”

  With a small chuckle, Mia winked. “Yeah, it was fucking good too!”

  Ethan gasped and felt his cheeks actually heat up. Mia looked over in his direction and smiled that smart ass smile of hers. “She knows we have sex, Ethan, as evidenced by the two sleeping babies upstairs.”

  “This is true,” Allie agreed with a chuckle.

  With her shirt finally buttoned, Mia sat at the island by Allie. “Hey, Allie, I think it’s time I put you back to work.”

  “You told her?” Allie asked him.

  Before he had a chance to answer, Mia did it for him. “Why do you think we had sex in the kitchen?” his wife asked.

  He ignored her comment and proceeded to tell her what’d happened when he’d met with Luke and Allie. “So that’s where I was earlier … talking to Allie and Luke. We were trying to figure out how we can get you back to your music without feeling all this guilt. I want you happy and happy includes your music. So … Allie is going to be working on getting a studio set up in the basement and help you hire a P.A. Luke said he’d set up some interviews for us to help us find a nanny …”

  “You guys …” Mia said, her eyes getting all watery. Nodding her head, accepting this from him, she wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for doing this … for helping me.”

  “Mia, you’re my wife. I’ll always be there for you. Always.”


  Sitting in bed, Mia stared at her sexy husband, his chest bare, and even though her body wanted him desperately and the twins were still asleep, they had things to discuss.

  “Ethan,” she started, tracing a finger down the valley his toned abs made. His eyes shot up from whatever he was looking at on his phone and locked on her, a wicked smile lighting his face. She stilled her hand and continued to speak. “We need to get our sons baptized now that you’re done with the season. We need to pick godparents.”

  He let out a loud puff of air and glanced down his torso. Her eyes followed his gaze and she tried not to smile at the delicious, hard cock poking at his pajama bottoms. “I know.”

  “So, who?” Mia asked, absently sliding her index finger from side to side.

  “Luke and Allie. There’s no one else.”

  Hmm … that was a great idea. Mia had wondered if Ethan would have wanted his family, but Luke and Allie made a whole lot of sense.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes … ever since reading your journal, it just seems right.”

  “Husband, I’m glad you’re on board with my plan.”

  “Wife, your plans take forever. Now that I’m a part of it, it’s time to speed things up.”

  She opened her mouth to act outraged, but he was right. Mia needed her best friends happy. “My plans may take forever, but at least they are solid. Like the plan I had to get you back,” she said, tilting her head to the side and smiling proudly at him.

  “Best plan ever,” he said, rising up to kiss her cheek, his hands snaking through to find her waist.

  “I thought so,” she replied as he pulled her to him and found her mouth. As he kissed her, he pushed up her nightgown, his touch sending such wonderful shivers throughout her body, readying her for him. “So … when are Allie and Luke coming over today?” she asked as his lips traveled to her neck.

  “Ten. We have plenty of time,” he replied, tugging on her earlobe as he positioned himself between her legs. She moaned, wanting him so much, but they both had to get ready. She had to cook the food. The boys needed to be fed. Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone …

  “How about in the shower?”

  “We have time for that too.”

  Damn, he was insatiable. After they’d broken their dry spell, the two of them couldn’t get enough of each other, having sex quite often—whenever and wherever they could. The kitchen island, the desk in his office, the laundry room, not to mention what went on in the basement. He had her all over—the booths in the bar, on the actual bar top, and even the pool table.

  “I wish we did …” she spoke against the junction where his neck and shoulder met. He ignored her and proceeded to push his hard cock inside of her. Biting down on his skin, she did a shitty job of containing her groan of pleasure. He pumped into her a few moan-inducing times, drawn out but hard thrusts before withdrawing from her completely.

  “Ethan!” she hissed as he left the bed and headed towards the bathroom. He turned around, his glorious cock catching her attention.

  “Starting the shower. Give me two minutes.”

  Rory and Pierce didn’t hear their father. They decided it was time to wake up. Ethan’s loud curse from the bathroom made her giggle as she tossed her robe on and hurried to the twins’ bedroom. Pierce was the one causing all the ruckus. So like his father—an early riser.

  Thankfully, Rory, the little angel that he was, still slept. She fed and changed Pierce and then set him down on the playmat with a few toys while she took care of her other son.

  Ethan came in freshly cleaned while she was still feeding Rory. Squatting on his knees, he regarded his son with a smile full of pride. He put his finger out and Rory latched onto it, his eyes locked on his dad. “I do not like this situation, Rory. It was my turn,” he said before placing a kiss on his son’s forehead and then continuing on up to her. Mia chuckled and accepted the kiss he gave her before he went to sit on the floor with Pierce.

  When Rory finished, she adjusted her gown and then changed his diaper before handing him off to Ethan. She hurriedly showered and got ready because she needed to make breakfast. She couldn’t wait to find the right nanny. So much that she wanted to do. One big thing was to be able to do her hair and makeup. She missed it. Her hair was constantly curly now. She missed the straight hair. How vain was that? But it made her feel better. More
like herself. She knew it was a weird thought. Feel more like yourself while covering up what you were born with.

  Hopefully Luke would have some leads when he came this morning, she thought as she headed down to the kitchen to begin making breakfast.

  “Mia!” Ethan yelled from the stairway about fifteen minutes later. “I think they’re hungry again.”

  She sighed. That’s what she got for trying rush through their feeding. “Give me five minutes, okay?”

  After quickly putting breakfast together, she put it in the oven. Ethan would just have to take care of the fruit and hopefully she could trust him to bake the bacon for her as well. After setting the timer, she hurried upstairs to her boys.

  Entering the room, Mia saw her husband doing his best to keep the twins happy, but they both cried out the moment she walked into the nursery.

  “Both of them?”


  “Let’s go to the bedroom. I don’t have time to feed them separately.”

  Ethan took Pierce and Mia picked up Rory and the small family made the trek to the master suite. Ethan took Rory from her, holding both babies, while she situated the pillows around her to support the boys. She nodded at her husband who gave her Rory then Pierce.

  “No fighting,” she cautioned as they started to eat. Turning to her husband, she saw a look of wonder on his face as she fed them both. She was a damn milk factory right now.


  “Yes,” he said, his eyes still on his sons.

  “I need you to put the bacon in the oven and cut up the fruit. Can I count on you?”

  “Yes, suga.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Cut the bacon and bake the fruit. Got it!”


  Chuckling, he got off the bed. “I’ll come back up afterwards to help.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled.

  Before she knew it, Ethan was back upstairs and the boys were asleep. He put them in their cribs and she went to the kitchen to check on things.

  Not bad, she thought as she observed his display of cut fruit. She checked the ovens. Things should be ready for when Luke and Allie arrived.


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