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Sack: Eligible Receivers

Page 13

by Sarah Curtis

  And so, her bad mood was self-induced, wishing for a seemingly impossible future.

  But none of that was Jason’s fault. Inhaling a deep breath, she sighed, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I guess I’m just on edge. Nervous about the game.”

  He nudged her with his shoulder. The universal sign all was forgiven. “Try not to tie yourself in knots. It won’t change the outcome.”

  Ivy nodded, but it was easier said than done.

  Balling up his bag of chips, Jason stood. “I’m going to hit the can before the game starts. Do you need anything while I’m up?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks though.”

  He flashed her a smile then turned to make his way down the row of seats.

  The stands were full. All Ivy could see was a blanket of black and silver, finger pointers waving high in the air, and posters declaring a variety of encouraging statements. The fans were hyped for the game to begin and all their cheers and shouts proved it.


  She whipped her head around at the sound of her name. “Emerson?”

  “Oh, I can’t tell you how glad I am to see a friendly face.”

  “What are you doing here?” Emerson was the last person she expected to see there.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

  “I’m here for Colt.”

  “P. Colton? I didn’t know you two were dating.”

  Ivy shook her head. “We’re just friends. What about you? Who on the team do you know?”

  “Oz invited me.” She held up a hand. “And before you ask, we’re just friends, too.”

  Ivy noticed a glimmer of disappointment flash across Emerson’s face before she concealed it. There was more to that story, but Ivy didn’t feel she knew Emerson well enough to pry. So instead, she asked, “How’s business?”

  “It’s great.” Emerson sat in the seat next to her and got situated, tucking her bag under her chair and sticking her soda in the cup holder. “We’re so busy, at times there’s more than an hour wait to be seated. I guess having the news spread that a pro football player visits your establishment on a daily basis will really fill the seats.” Her eyes grew wide, and she quickly added, “And I’m sure your media campaign is doing wonders, too.”

  Ivy laughed. “Oh, no, I’m sure it’s all Oz. I built a rockin’ website, but I’m not so arrogant I can’t give credit where credit is due.”

  “Well, whatever the reason, I’m happy.”

  Ivy beamed. “Me, too.” Players started to run out onto the field. “I’m so excited. Oh, by the way, how much do you know about football?”

  Emerson laughed. “Not a damn thing.”

  Colt was one of the last of his team to emerge from the locker room. Ivy had already seen and said hello to Linc and then Oz before he left with a smiling Emerson. Ivy was standing at the mouth of the tunnel amid a few other waiting stragglers, so she saw Colt before he saw her. He created a presence even in the spacious tunnel he walked down. The overhead lights reflected off his wet hair and spotlighted his approach. His broad shoulders pulled the fabric of his t-shirt taut, as did his arm muscles filling the short sleeves. His jeans fit to perfection and were so soft and worn, they sported a few holes, the biggest of which uncovered his knee, the leftover strings flashing glimpses of tanned skin.

  She only had a few seconds to observe him unaware before he spotted her. A big grin transformed his face and he picked up speed until he hit a slow jog. His arms came around her as soon as he reached her, and her feet were off the ground less than a second later as he picked her up and spun her.

  Ivy was all smiles. How could she not be, his good mood was contagious. “Happy?”

  His lips landed on hers in a hard, but too brief, kiss. “I’m in the mood to celebrate.”

  “Emerson and Oz are celebrating at The Parting Glass. We can go there. I think Linc will be there, too.”

  He was shaking his head before she even finished. “I was thinking something a little more private.”

  “I know what that means.”

  He shook his head again. “No… Well, yes, eventually, but I want to celebrate traditionally first.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see.”

  They drove about twenty minutes before Colt pulled into a swanky hotel, coming to a halt in front of the valet station. The attendant opened her door and Colt swung out his side.

  “Great game today, Mr. Colton.” If the attendant was surprised to see Colt emerge from the car, he didn’t show it.

  “Thanks.” Colt tossed his keys and the attendant bobbled them a bit before catching them with both hands.

  He gave Colt a sheepish grin. “Good thing I’m not a receiver.”

  “Hey, a catch is a catch.” Colt took Ivy’s hand and led her through the glass doors.

  “Wow. This place is beautiful.” Ivy admired the painted mural on the domed ceiling of the lobby depicting chubby cherubs and women in flowing gauze dresses. Gold fixtures accented the walls and her sneakers squeaked across white marble. She was completely underdressed but so was Colt. At least they were a matched set.

  There was a line for the check-in desk with about five people waiting that Colt bypassed. They entered a glass-enclosed office.

  “Ah, Mr. Colton.” A woman in a tailored suit stood from behind her desk. “It’s an honor to have you staying with us. Please, take a seat.” She indicated a set of plush chairs.

  The woman started frantically typing on her computer. “We were able to accommodate all your specifications.”

  “Thank you.”

  She printed a key and held it out. “Do you need assistance to your room?”

  Colt stood and took it. “If you point the direction, we can manage.” He pulled cash from his pocket and peeled off five, hundred-dollar bills. “Please pass this among the staff.”

  “Certainly.” She took the cash and stood.

  Colt took Ivy’s hand and they stepped out of the office.

  The woman pointed. “That first bank of elevators will take you to your suite. Twenty-first floor. Step out and make a right down the hall. It will be the first door on the left.”

  Ivy managed to hold her tongue until they were in the privacy of the elevator. “Holy Sith. Do you always tip that much?”

  “I put the staff to work last minute and wanted to show my appreciation.”

  “Put to work how?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Again with the you’ll see. But she liked the first surprise well enough that she wouldn’t pester him for more. Besides, the elevator had just stopped on their floor. She’d be finding out for herself soon enough.

  Colt slid the keycard into the slot and opened the door. If Ivy thought the lobby had been something special, it was nothing compared to their room. They entered into a sitting area with a small kitchen on their right. A leather sofa and glass coffee table rested on plush cream carpeting and a large-screen TV hung on the wall. Toward the back of the room, a set of white, decorative wood doors stood closed.

  “I hate repeating myself but, wow.”

  Colt stepped into the kitchen. “It is nice.”

  “You’ve never been here?”

  He pulled out the bottle of champagne that had been chilling in a silver bucket and started peeling off the foil. “Nope.”

  “Then what made you decide to come here?”

  “I googled the most expensive hotel in the area.”

  Tossing the foil and wire basket in the trash, he aimed the bottle away from his face, fisted the cork, and popped it without one bit of fanfare.

  Well, that’s the boring way to do things. Ivy made a mental note. The next time they celebrated, she’d do the champagne popping. After pouring the bubbly liquid into two flutes, he handed one over, saying, “Want to be even more impressed?”

  “I’m not sure how that’s possible, but I’m game.”

  “Come on.”

  He started making
his way across the room. Ivy took a sip of her champagne before following. Oh, my. She didn’t know what kind it was, but she’d been drinking the wrong one her whole life. More than likely because she couldn’t afford what was in that bottle.

  Colt opened one of the large double doors, revealing a bedroom. The bed was ginormous, four-poster, and sported a white, silky canopy. Expensive looking, foil-wrapped candies rested on each pillow—something Ivy had only seen in movies and hadn’t realized it was a thing in real life.

  Color her impressed. But not as impressed as when Colt led her into the bathroom—if that’s what it could be called. Mini spa was a more accurate name. Everything was either white marble, glass, or gold. And everything gleamed.

  “Wow.” She really needed to hit a thesaurus to come up with a few alternatives for that word, but dang if it wasn’t spot on.

  A ginormous spa tub with a set of steps to climb into it was filled, its jets running, producing warm moisture in the air.

  Colt took the glass from her hand and set it on the counter. Then he stepped closer and without a word, started peeling off her clothes.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “A girl could get used to this.”

  They were in the tub. Ivy sat sideways on the bench seat, resting in the crook of Colt’s arm. The jets were at full power, and one was aimed at the low of his back. That and the hot water were working to soothe his aches from the game.

  “A man could get used to this, too. Maybe I should consider getting one for the house.”

  She tipped her head back to look up at him. “I would think you would already have one.”

  “I have access to one at work.” He shrugged. “Never needed one.”

  “And now you do?”

  “Now I have someone to share it with.”

  Ivy set her glass down on the rim of the tub, got up on her knees, then straddled him. Her hands landed on his shoulders, his cupped her ass. “Is the traditional celebration over? Can we start on the nontraditional one now?”

  He squeezed her ass as she rubbed herself along his dick. “I’m not going to argue with a great idea.” He dropped his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Ivy’s pussy sliding up and down his cock. “Don’t stop until you make yourself come.”

  “I don’t want to come yet,” she objected but didn’t stop what she was doing.

  “Don’t worry, we have the whole night ahead of us.” He spread her ass cheeks, dipped a finger in the crack, and played.


  He smiled. She liked that.

  Her hands tightened on his shoulders as she picked up speed. He pressed his finger a little deeper and she went wild, sliding and grinding on his dick. He heard her moan, and he opened his eyes to see her tits bouncing. He leaned his head forward and captured a nipple, sucking hard.

  Her body spasmed and her movements grew jerky until she collapsed against his chest face-planting his neck. One hand still planted on her ass, the other moved up her back in a soothing caress.

  It took less than a minute for her to recover, and she lifted her head to smile at him. “Your turn.” Her hand coasted over his chest and abs, grabbing his cock and giving it a stroke. “But I say we move this celebration to the bed. Not sure how well I can hold my breath under water.”

  Another great idea he wouldn’t argue. Wrapping his arms around her, he stood and turned to set her on the outside step. “Don’t move.” He reached behind him and grabbed a towel off the shelf. Then he slowly dried every inch of her before stepping out himself and wrapping the towel around his waist.

  He bent over and picked up her glass. “You want to finish this?”

  She shook her head. “Any more and it will just make me sleepy.”

  Something Colt didn’t want. He tipped the glass back and swallowed the last swig before taking Ivy’s hand. He led her to the bedroom.

  She sat on the edge of the bed but stopped him from following her down. “I said,” she tugged the towel and it fell to the floor. “It’s your turn.” She placed her hands on his hips and temptingly spread her legs.

  Ever accommodating, he stepped between them.

  She moved a hand to the base of his cock then her lips found its tip and sucked, taking him to the back of her throat. He groaned, spearing his fingers through her hair.

  Ivy gave great head, and he took advantage of that any chance he got.

  She worked him, her cheeks hollowing as his dick was swallowed by her mouth. She used her tongue, pressing it along his length, hitting some magical spot time and time again. Fuck, he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  He tightened his fingers in her hair and lightly pulled, giving her the cue to back off. She didn’t listen. Her free hand moved from his hip to his ass, holding him to her as she doubled her efforts.

  It wasn’t long before he was shooting his load. She held on swallowing.

  And he watched it all.

  Watching Ivy suck his cock was almost as good as experiencing it.

  He untangled his fingers from her hair. “Stay put but lie back.”

  He waited until she did as asked, then turned to head out the door.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  He went straight for the kitchen and the half-melted bucket of ice before returning.

  “What are you going to do with that?” It wasn’t hard to detect the suspicion in her tone.

  “Shh. No talking.” He set the bucket on the end table.

  She raised her brows. “That’s a tall ask.”

  He grinned and plucked one of the larger ice cubes from the bucket. “Just try.”

  She shrugged but kept her lips firmly sealed. He’d give her about five minutes before she cracked. But that was all the time he needed because in five minutes all she’d be able to utter was a moan.

  Sitting down beside her, he took the ice and ran it back and forth over her lips. A melted droplet ran down her jaw, and he lapped it up before running his warm tongue over her icy lips. “I haven’t kissed you yet,” he murmured, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth to warm it. “An oversight I’ll rectify right now.”

  She parted for him as he swept his now chilled tongue into her mouth, absorbing her warmth. Her hand went to his neck then brushed through the short hairs at the back of his head, holding it in place as he devoured her.

  The ice cube in his fingers had mostly melted by the time he came up for air. He reached into the bucket and grabbed another, Ivy eyeing him the whole time. But she didn’t say a word. At least not until he touched the cube to her nipple.

  She sucked in a breath and tried to shrink away. “That’s cold.”

  Yes, he could see. Her nipple was puckering nicely. “Don’t worry. I’ll warm it.”

  “Before or after it goes numb?”

  He reluctantly pulled his gaze away from her nipple to look her in the eyes. “I thought you weren’t going to talk.”

  Her eyes narrowed but so did her lips as she pressed them together.

  “It’s killing you, isn’t it?”

  Her eyes narrowed more, and he smirked before turning his attention to her other nipple. It puckered on command and he captured the tip between his teeth and softly bit.

  Ivy squirmed.

  Still engrossed with her nipple, he ran the ice down her torso making her stomach quiver. Palming the ice, he cupped her pussy. After a few seconds, her hips bucked.


  “Shh.” But he removed his hand, kissing down her body and sliding to the floor between her legs. His mouth found her, and he lapped between her folds, warming the icy flesh, knowing the temperature change would heighten the experience. He wasn’t wrong. Tonguing her clit, he had her squirming and bucking.

  “How close are you?”

  “Close,” she panted.

  Getting to his feet, he captured her under the thighs, raising her hips from the bed, and thrust into her.

/>   Ivy

  Fixated on Colt, Ivy did one of her favorite things—watched him as he moved inside her. Her eyes feasted on the long, strong fingers gripping her thighs, the flex and play of muscle as he used his strength to hold her, the rigidness of his jaw set in concentration. But what she loved most was the intense heat that filled his eyes as he stared at where they were joined.

  He watched them, but she watched him.

  At least until her orgasm took over, and she was forced to close her eyes, throwing her head back as her fingers dug into the covers.

  Before Colt, she’d never known sex could be like that—so all-consuming. It was usually hard for her brain to switch off, always thinking. But with Colt, in her moment of release, she entered a state of euphoria so overpowering, her mind didn’t have room for anything but the heady rush of pleasure filling it.

  Languid and boneless, she slowly opened her eyes to find Colt, head tipped back, his neck muscles corded, in the throes of what she hoped was the same state of bliss.

  If the universe were kind, everyone would find that one person who gave them that ultimate joy to experience. If not forever, at least, as in her case… For a little while.

  “Did I wake you?”

  Ivy set her e-reader aside and snuggled into the covers. “No. But I am in bed. Congrats on your second win.”

  “I’m sorry we can’t celebrate again.”

  In the background, Ivy heard an announcement over the PA system. “What time does your flight get in?”

  “Four a.m.”

  “I’ll be asleep by then.” His chuckle hit her ear, and she asked, “Will you be able to sleep on the plane?”

  “With as tired as I am, yeah, no problem.”

  “How’s the shoulder?”

  “A little sore. I’ll ice it when I get home.”

  “Do you want me to stop by tomorrow after you wake up?”

  He hesitated. “I have to be back at the field by one to watch game footage.”

  “Oh, okay. Maybe Tuesday then? It’s your only day off.” Ivy heard someone call his name.


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