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Wearing the Greek Millionaire's Ring

Page 16

by Jennifer Faye

  Now she was ready to start life once again.

  And she’d foolishly thought she’d found the right person to share it with.

  And she’d been totally wrong.

  She might have said all the right things to Roberto when he’d declared their night together a mistake. A mistake? Really?

  Because it’d felt like anything but a mistake. He’d been so passionate, so thoughtful, so giving. It was like the wall between them had fallen away and it was just the two of them on even ground.

  She’d thought it had been the beginning of something real for them. She glanced down at the diamond ring on her finger. It felt so heavy. She slipped it off and placed it on the table next to her laptop.

  She’d known what the deal was when she’d agreed to play his fake fiancée. Why should she think that would change? Her heart cried out: because it was what she’d wanted. Each day she’d spent with Roberto, they’d grown closer and she’d found out that he wasn’t the shallow playboy that she’d initially thought him to be.

  He was so different—so much deeper—than she’d ever imagined. But there was one thing that hadn’t changed—his determination to remain a bachelor. His grandmother couldn’t change his mind. The flood of vivacious single women on the ship couldn’t change his mind. And she couldn’t change his mind.

  She had to accept that he knew what was best for his life. And it didn’t include her—

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Stasia? Are you in there?”

  It was Roberto. She had thought he’d be off sharing the information they’d uncovered with his grandfather. She didn’t want to see him again.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Stasia,” he yelled. “I’m not leaving until we talk.”

  She jumped to her feet and rushed to the door. “Roberto, keep it down.” She glanced around to see if he’d disturbed any of her neighbors. She didn’t see anyone in the passageway. “Come inside.” Once he was inside, she closed the door. “What are you doing here?”

  His brows rose. “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”

  “I thought you’d be with your grandfather. You know, to go over things.”

  “My grandfather and I are getting together this evening. My grandmother dragged him off to Rome and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “I can definitely see your grandmother doing that. She’s a very determined lady.”

  “Looks like you’ve been busy.” He moved to the table. “What are you doing?”

  “Working on my five-year plan.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  She shook her head. “Not at this point. I’m finally getting started with the foundation.”

  He approached her. “And that’s my fault.”

  “Why would that be your fault?”

  “Because I kept you busy worrying about my life and my problems.” He gazed into her eyes. “And I haven’t thanked you nearly enough.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “I disagree.”

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  Stasia ran a hand over her hair. “If I knew I was going to have this much company, I would have gotten dressed up.”

  She moved to the door and opened it to find one of the ship’s crew standing there with a cart. What in the world?

  “I’m afraid you have the wrong cabin,” she said. “I didn’t order food.”

  Roberto rushed to her side. “Actually, you do have the right place.”

  Stasia stepped aside while Roberto opened the door wide for the cart. And then he rushed to the table and cleared it so the man could set up what appeared to be two covered plates, a bottle of bubbly on ice and a dozen red roses. What was this man up to?

  Once the table was set and the man was gone, Stasia turned to Roberto. “What are you up to?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You need lunch and I need lunch. So I thought we would eat together.” He approached her. “What do you say? Shall we eat?”

  “Roberto—” she shook her head “—this isn’t a good idea.”

  He held up the diamond ring. “Does it have something to do with this sitting on the table instead of being on your finger?”

  Her gaze moved to the ring that twinkled at her, but she made no move to take it. “The cruise is almost over. You need to take it back.”

  “And I’ve done a lot of thinking. What would you say if I said I didn’t want this to end?”

  “What? But you just got done telling me that this was only temporary—a show for your grandparents.”

  He reached out to her. His hands gently gripped her upper arms. “I made a mistake. You and I, we make a great team. If my grandfather offers me the CEO position, which I think was his motive behind this project, it’ll mean moving to Alexandroupoli. We can start a life there.”

  Her head was spinning. A life with Roberto? He was saying all the right things except for the L word. And there was no way she would plan a future with someone who couldn’t say he loved her.

  Wait. He said that he was moving. Alexandroupoli was quite a way from Athens. And she’d just made a commitment to start her foundation in Athens. It’d taken her a long time to figure out just the right thing to do with her life and this felt right. She couldn’t—she wouldn’t give it up. She had to break the pattern.

  And there was the crux of the problem. Everyone wanted something from her. His family wanted her to marry Roberto. He wanted her to give up everything to follow his dreams.

  She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t give up on herself again. She needed this foundation. She needed to know that she could do it. She needed to know that she could stand on her own two feet and follow through with her dream.

  “Roberto, I said I’d be your fiancée for the length of the cruise. Not any longer than that.”

  He stared at her for a moment. “I didn’t mean for you to continue being my fake fiancée. I want you to be there with me, by my side, in a real relationship.”

  Her gaze searched his. There was nothing about love. He didn’t feel the same for her.

  “I can’t do that. I’m staying in Athens. I’m starting the foundation. It’s something I need to do on my own.”

  His expression hardened. “And what about us?”

  “There is no us.” The words tore at her heart, but she knew in the long run that it was for the best. Roberto was not a man to be tied down. “We got caught up in the charade. It’s over now. We have to go back to reality. Alone. It’s the only way.”

  His eyes grew darker as a muscle in his cheek twitched. He surely couldn’t be mad that she’d beat him to the punch. He couldn’t actually think they’d last. Did he?

  “I should go.” And with that, he stormed out the door, closing it with a solid thud.


  Athens, Greece

  TODAY WAS THE end of their cruise.

  The end of their engagement. The end of seeing her every single day.

  He’d been up all night. Every time he’d closed his eyes, Stasia’s image came to mind. And he couldn’t forget her final words to him. They’d been sharp and had cut right through him.

  Early that morning, he’d meandered to the deck, where he’d watched the sun rise. Though it should have filled him with some sort of joy, it had done nothing for him. The brilliant colors of the sunrise were like a taunt to his gray mood.


  He inwardly groaned. The last person he wanted to talk to was his grandmother.

  “Roberto, what are you doing out here?” His grandmother stopped at his table and looked at him with confusion reflected in her eyes. “Shouldn’t you be packing?”

  “I already did it.” He didn’t want to talk. He just wanted to sit here alone with his thoughts.

  Yaya glanced around. “Where�
��s Stasia?”

  He shrugged, looking down at his lap, where he was holding the engagement ring. “I don’t know.”

  She sat down. “Roberto, what’s wrong?”

  He sighed. “It’s over. It’s all over.”

  “What is? I don’t understand.”

  He started at the beginning, telling his grandmother about the charade and how it somehow became real—or at least he thought it had turned into a real relationship. Obviously, he’d been mistaken.

  He handed her the engagement ring. “You need to take this back.”

  Yaya accepted the ring. She stared at it a moment. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Positive. She dumped me.” The acknowledgment was like an arrow through his heart.

  “And that’s it? You’re just going to let her walk away?”

  He frowned at his grandmother. “You want me to go back so she can do it again?”

  Yaya shook her head. “That’s not what I meant.” She reached out and placed a hand on his arm. “I know that this isn’t the first time you’ve been dumped. That was the exact word you used when your parents left you with us—”

  “I don’t want to talk about them. This has nothing to do with them.”

  “But I think it does. What your parents did was wrong and they hurt you deeply. You learned how to protect yourself by keeping others out. And you stopped telling people how you feel.”

  He turned to her. “What are you saying? That I’m the reason Stasia dumped me?”

  “I just want you to think about it. Did you give her a reason to stay? Did you tell her that you love her—really love her?” His grandmother looked at the ring and then placed it back in his hand. “You hang on to this a while longer. I have a feeling you might need it.” His grandmother stood. “Now I’m off to find some more bags. I’ve bought more things than I thought. Your grandfather is having a fit because there’s no room in the luggage.”

  Roberto didn’t hear his grandmother leave. He was too busy considering what she’d told him. Was she right? Had he been holding himself back?

  Would Stasia feel different about him if he told her the truth? Just the thought of baring his deepest feelings to her with the chance that she’d reject him—much like his parents had rejected him when he’d begged them not to leave—left him feeling more vulnerable than he ever had in his whole life. Could he do it?

  * * *

  Ending things with Roberto was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do.

  Stasia had cried herself to sleep. And now in the morning light, her face was still puffy and her head hurt, but not as much as her heart.

  As she exited the ship, her feet felt as though they were weighted down. Each step she took away from the ship—away from Roberto—was like another piece of her heart being torn away. What was she doing? Why was she walking away from him?

  She’d been telling herself that Roberto didn’t love her, but would a man who didn’t care about her put a family heirloom on her finger? She had to admit that was pretty extreme even for a fake fiancée.

  And then there was the way he’d spoiled her on her birthday, making her feel like a princess. And the way he’d talked with her about her future. And then there was their lovemaking. It had been so gentle and giving. That most definitely hadn’t just been sex. It had been the closest she’d ever been to a person—heart, body and soul.

  She glanced over her shoulder as though Roberto would be standing there. He wasn’t. Was it possible she was remembering what she wanted to?


  She turned her head forward, finding her brother standing there. “Xander, what are you doing here?”

  “Looks like I’m just in time.” He came to a stop in front of her. “Why are you crying?”

  She touched her cheek, finding it damp. She hadn’t even realized the tears had slipped down her cheeks. She rubbed at her face. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It’s a guy, isn’t it?”

  She couldn’t deny it.

  “Stasia, what’s going on?” Xander looked at her with concern reflected in his eyes. “Who upset you?”

  Maybe if she’d been more willing to be honest with herself, with Roberto and with her brother about her feelings, she wouldn’t feel so terrible now. This was supposed to be her chance to turn over a new leaf in her life. She would start with the truth.

  She leveled her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Xander, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Okay. I’m listening.”

  “I’ve made a decision. I’m not going into business with you.” Disappointment reflected in his eyes but she didn’t let that stop her. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve tried to include me and I really appreciate all you’ve done. But I have to follow my heart.”

  He arched a brow. “Follow your heart, doing what?”

  “I’m going to start a foundation to help support the families of cancer patients. There are so many programs for the ill, but there’s not a lot for the caregivers. I want to do something to support them so they can give their all to their ill loved ones.” She paused. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited to hear what her brother thought of her plans.

  “I think that’s a great idea. When you’re ready, let me know and I’ll donate or do whatever you need.”

  A smile pulled at her lips. “Thank you.”

  “But that still doesn’t explain what had you so upset when I first saw you.” His gaze searched hers. “If some guy has hurt you, tell me. I’ll take care of him.”

  She glanced away, finding Roberto standing on the deck of the ship speaking to his grandfather. She’d love to know what was being said. She hoped there would be peace between the two men.

  She turned her attention back to her brother. She was on a roll. She might as well keep going. “Xander, thank you for being there after Lukos passed. I really needed you, but I need you to understand that I have to figure things out on my own. I need to be able to make my own decisions without you watching over my shoulder and without worrying you’ll be disappointed with my actions.”

  “You never disappoint me.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just worry about you. I don’t want you to be hurt again.”

  “But I will be and you have to be okay with that. I don’t want to live in a glass house where no one can reach me and where I don’t feel anything. I want to takes chances and live life to its fullest.”

  Her thoughts circled back to Roberto. If she were going to take chances, it should be with him. If she were going to live life to the fullest, it should be with him. So why exactly was she walking away from the man she loved without asking if he felt the same way about her?

  Her gaze met her brother’s. “I’ve got to go. I have something to do.”

  She turned and rushed off in the direction of the ship. She heard her brother call to her but she didn’t care. She had to do this. She had to take this chance.

  As she drew closer to Roberto and his grandfather, she overheard his grandfather say, “You strike a tough bargain, but I think we can make this work.” His grandfather held out his hand to him. “Welcome back to the company.”

  Roberto shook his hand, all the while smiling.

  Stasia came to a halt. Roberto was smiling. He was happy. Maybe it would be best just to leave well enough alone.

  “Stasia—” her brother’s voice came from behind her “—what’s going on?”

  It was then that Roberto and his grandfather noticed her standing off to the side. Roberto’s gaze caught and held hers. Her heart pounded in her chest. She should say something, but no words came to mind.

  Xander stepped forward. His gaze moved between her and Roberto. “It’s him?”

  Stasia was done keeping secrets. She nodded.

  Xander’s expression hardened. He moved toward Roberto in determined st
eps. “You were supposed to watch over her—keep her from getting hurt.”

  Stasia rushed to stand between the two most important men in her life. “Xander, I love you. But this is none of your business.”

  “I can explain,” Roberto said.

  “We don’t want to hear it.” Xander pressed his fists to his sides with a glare written all over his face. “You screwed up. Big-time.”

  “Ignore him,” Stasia said to Roberto. “I want to hear what you have to say.”

  Just then Roberto’s grandmother joined them. “What’s going on?”

  “Shh...” Roberto’s grandfather said. “You don’t want to miss this.”

  Roberto approached Xander. “First, Xander, I resign. I’m sorry for the short notice, but with you moving most of the operations to Infinity Island, this is probably the best time for a change.”

  When Xander went to say something, Stasia glared at him and he closed his mouth without saying a word. She didn’t want her brother to ruin one of his closest friendships.

  “And second—” Roberto moved to stand directly in front of her “—thanks to your support, I am taking the CEO position. However, my grandfather and I have hammered out a deal where the headquarters are to be moved to Athens.”

  “Really?” A big smile pulled at her lips. The thought of Roberto being close by, the thought of being able to see him regularly, almost offset the sadness of calling off their engagement. “But I don’t understand. Why would you do that?”

  “You honestly don’t know?” When she shook her head, he said, “Because I love you. I love the way you smile. I love your laugh. I love your generous heart. I love everything about you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but someone set me straight.” He glanced at his grandmother, who had happy tears in her eyes. Roberto turned his attention back to Stasia. “And I plan to stick around until you realize that you love me too.”


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