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Igniting the Wild Sparks

Page 24

by Alexander, Ren

  “No, I’m in love with my stubborn-as-hell left fielder and I want to protect her, so please, just let me.”

  “She sounds like a lucky bitch.” I can’t help but smile into the shower water.

  “Well, I’m a lucky bastard.” I laugh and his chest heaves against my back as he laughs with me, our playfulness echoing off the shower walls.

  Sparks kisses the top of my wet head and turning around, I peer up to his damp, brown hair. He warily eyes me, probably waiting for me to fight with him. Instead, I send my arms around his waist and give him a hug, holding onto him under the water and feeling his heart beating against my cheek, loving him even more for being there through my craziness. For loving me when even I don’t. He truly is my best friend.

  “I love you, too, Sparks. More than I realized.”

  He lifts my chin and bends to kiss me. Smiling over his lips, I reach up and trail my fingers along the side of his face, through his rough stubble, and let my hand fall until I snag the chain around his neck to hold onto his key.

  The bridal shower was fun. Morgan received so many gifts for a last-minute shindig, as Rod called it. I gave her a frilly wedding album, glass picture frames, and deciding she can pick out whatever else she wants, a gift card for Macy’s, her favorite store. Tonya was in charge of games and she did cute, wedding-related word puzzles, and a wedding-themed game of Charades. Rod would’ve had a field day with his rude comments if he had seen Tonya play. At least she wore a very short skirt to act out sliding the garter on. I’m still speechless about that.

  After the shower Saturday, I listened to Finn and stayed home while he coached practice. He said everyone was asking about me since most of my coworkers saw me at the shower and I had said nothing about skipping practice. He told everyone I was fine and just needed some rest.

  That night, Sparks refused to let me go to Mass and he didn’t want to go without me again. I feel monumentally bad. He missed it last week, too. Am I a bad influence on him? He wanted me resting, so that’s what we did. We vegged out together on the couch and watched a movie. I laid my head on his leg, while he stroked my hair, making me fall asleep a quarter through the movie. I suck as a date.

  Sunday, we stayed in bed most of the morning…actually sleeping. It’s nice to share mundane things with him, instead of feeling like we’re on a timetable until one of us leaves Sunday evening. Now I forget why I fought it so much.

  When I come out of the bathroom, Sparks is eating a bowl of cereal on the couch while watching The Weather Channel. Okay… Not expected from him. Since we don’t watch a lot of TV together, I thought he only watched the News or ESPN when not watching a movie with me. He has his glasses on, his hair is a beautiful mess and he’s wearing a pair of dark blue boxers with a gray T-shirt. Perfection. However, I must control myself.

  I walk over to him, stopping at a respectable distance. “Where do you have to go for your trip today?”

  He swirls his cereal around with his spoon and says, “Pennsylvania. A big dare at a grade school tomorrow before they let out for the summer. My buddy Sam dared me. We met at Philip Merrill sophomore year. Now, he’s a station manager at our affiliate up there. He keeps trying to snag me and giving me my own show like the one I have now, but paying a hell of a lot more than I get paid here.”

  “Why haven’t you?”

  He shrugs and takes a bite. Remembering what Val told me about his green aura and his lofty ambitions, I hesitantly ask, “Don’t you want more in your career?”

  Sparks glances up at me from behind his glasses as he finishes chewing. Damn, he’s so sexy. Must. Focus. “Sometimes, but I’m good.” A heaviness settles in the pit of my stomach. I think he’s being less than truthful.

  I bite my lip and mull the million-dollar question. Taking a deep breath, I ask, “What’s stopping you from moving up there?”

  He looks from me to the TV. “Nothing.” Me. He’s definitely lying.

  I tilt my head and watch him as he studiously avoids me. “Finn.” I’m so on to him and my tone reflects it.

  Shaking his head and tearing his gaze from the Midwest’s weather report, he digs into his cereal. “Becks, I know you have your career, too. I don’t want to interfere with that. I have a hard enough time living across town from you. I couldn’t live across states from you.” Wouldn’t he want me to go with him?

  “I don’t want you to miss a great opportunity.” I don’t want to hold him back.

  He swiftly bobs his head at the TV as he tries to drop the subject. “Don’t worry about it. I like living in Richmond. My heart’s here.” His gaze finally slides back to mine and I smile at his cute smirk.

  I casually cross my arms and ask, “What about on Wednesday? Where are you going?”

  He’s suddenly cagey again as he looks down into his bowl. “Uh, I forget.”

  “You forget?” What’s he hiding now?

  He holds a spoonful to his mouth and mumbles, “Kentucky, I think.”

  “Wow. You’re all over the place.”

  He swallows with a nod. “I know.”

  “When do you get home?”


  “I won’t see you until then?”

  He looks down into his bowl to answer, “Yeah. Sorry.” It’s almost like he’s a rock star on tour. Jeez.

  I glance at the tan carpeting. “That’s okay. Are you coming home after practice before you leave?”

  Looking to his face again, his eyes meet mine. “Yeah. I don’t want to not kiss you goodbye.”

  I dubiously smile. “You’d come home just to give me a kiss?”

  “Well, yeah.” He hugely grins.

  “I’m sorry you’ll have to go home to get your things together. It’s been harder for you living in two apartments at once.” I wince at being such a burden to him no matter what I do. His career is floundering because of me.

  He slowly shakes his head as he peculiarly observes me.

  “What?” Unsettled by his staring, I tuck hair behind my ears and shift on my feet.

  “You said, ‘home.’ Like I said at Fenwick Lighthouse, ‘Home is wherever my Becks is.’ I can live anywhere, but it’s only home if I’m with you.”

  I just fell even more in love with Finn Wilder, if that’s possible anymore.

  Tremendously grinning, I move closer to him and he transfers his bowl to his other hand so he can put his arm around my hips. His fingers graze under my T-shirt, onto my waist, but it’s more of a sweet move instead of one to get me excited, though, it could if he does it too long. After Friday’s incident, I’m weary of having sex with him until my bruise fades some more, in case I get wild again. I know he’s reluctant, too. At least he won’t have to put up with my insanity this week.

  Shortly after Finn leaves for practice, I notice he left his clipboard. I think he’d need it so he can give it to Ricky for next week’s first game, since he won’t be there and Ricky might need it ahead of time due to Finn’s notes about positions, batting orders and whatnot. I don’t think he’d get too mad at me for dropping it off to him. I’ll leave right after if he doesn’t want me to stay.

  I try calling his phone, but it goes to voicemail, so I grab my car key and head out.

  As I walk to where Morgan is sitting on the sidelines, I watch my coworkers on the field playing catching with each other. Sparks told me Rhonda is going to take my spot in left field. Lucky her.

  “Hey, Had,” Morgan greets me from the bench. “I thought Finn said you weren’t coming. What’s up? You feeling better?”

  “Yeah. He forgot his clipboard and I thought he might need it.” I look around again. “Where is he?”

  “They were here. Finn told everyone to warm up, and then said he and Ricky would be back. I saw them walking to the parking lot. You didn’t see them?”

  “No, I didn’t.” I glance around once more, as if I’m afraid he’ll see me first. “Is Cara here?” I ask with a little too much vitriol.

  Noticing, Morgan laughs. “No.
Just Heckle and Jeckle.”

  I giggle. “Which one is my boyfriend?”

  “Hopefully whichever one is better in bed.”

  “Shut up!” I laugh. “I’ll give him this and I’d better go before he gets mad that I’m here.”

  “He’ll get mad?” She taps into her phone and shakes her head at it.

  “I’m supposed to be resting before our game next weekend. If not, I can’t play.”

  She rolls her eyes with a scowl. “Sucks to be dating our coach.”

  “I’m living with him now.”

  She looks up, perplexed. “You moved in with him? I thought you were waiting until after my wedding?”

  “I am, but it just sort of happened after I got hurt. He’s been staying at my apartment and I don’t want him to leave me. When you’re on your honeymoon, I’ll move into his apartment, depending on the fallout.”

  “Think positive.”

  “I’m positive I’m going crazy.”

  “That’s better. I’ll only be gone a couple days since our original honeymoon is still planned and paid for the week of the 19th. So when I return, I’ll stop by and help point where things should go.”

  I purse my lips and smile. “Thanks. You’re a lamb.” I glance back to the field, not seeing everyone out there. “Where’s your lover?”

  Her face harshly crumples. “Dear God, I hope you’re joking, bitch.” I giggle and snort as she glares at me. “I have no idea where Dick Rod is. I’m sure he’ll bless us with his presence soon.”

  “Is that who you just texted?”

  “Shut up. He was supposed to stop and get my nail polish remover I ran out of last night. I was only confirming the pickup.”

  Shaking my head, I suspiciously laugh. “What are you doing to poor Rod?”

  She pokes at her phone again. “What? He needs a purpose in life.”

  “I bet he’s trying to snuggle up to your sister so he can be your brother-in-law, too.”

  Morgan slams her phone down against her thigh. “Shit! Don’t even joke like that! She left this morning, thank God!”

  “You love him.”

  She dramatically pouts and flips me off, making me roll my eyes and laugh. “Well, I’m off. Have fun with Rod.” Smiling at her frown, I wave as I spin around and head to the parking lot. As I approach Ricky’s truck, I see Ricky and Sparks wearing their red ball caps, leaning against the driver’s side with their backs to me. I can hear the vibrato of Sparks’ deep voice even if he’s keeping his volume down, but can’t make out what he’s saying yet.

  As I get closer, something Ricky says makes me stop.

  “I know. You’re agonizingly and annoyingly conflicted about your life right now. You’re worse than a damn woman.” Ricky turns his head to look at Finn, and I quickly dive behind the red truck next to his, peeking around the cab and praying they don’t notice me.

  “I know I’m taking a risk, but…I can’t stop. Hell, she can’t stop. Friday night she would not take no for an answer.” Finn, what the hell? Shut up right now! I’m going to die. I’m going to die!

  “Why would you tell her no? Did you lose your sanity membership?”

  Finn shakes his head with a frown. “She’s still hurting from the accident. She did not care, though. She wanted fucked.” I can’t believe he’s telling him this! I need Rod to hit me in the head now.

  Ricky pushes Finn’s shoulder. “Hadley should’ve called me instead of settling for you.”

  Finn’s scowl deepens. “Shut the fuck up, prick.”

  Ricky readily laughs at the look on Finn’s face before probing, “So, did you?” Oh, no.

  Finn looks at him and a cocky smirk suddenly lifts his lips. “Yeah. It was a tough job, you know.” A lightning bolt would be merciful!

  Ricky nods. “Right. So you’re complaining about her wanting sex. That’s such a shame. You have it so rough, having an ugly girlfriend and all. I feel so sorry for you. I bet you need Popsicle sticks and floss to hold up your cock.” Finn shoves Ricky’s arm, making him slide against his truck. Hysterically laughing as he straightens, Ricky says, “Relax, Wilder. She’s pretty.”

  Finn gapes. “Are you checking out my girlfriend, asshole?” Ricky thinks I’m pretty?

  Sporting an enormous grin, Ricky shrugs while happily chewing his bubblegum. “She’s obviously attractive. You can’t help but look at her.” Wow.

  With a bogus frown, Finn teasingly snaps, “Well, don’t or I’ll rip your fucking eyes out of your damn head.” Finn would never hurt Ricky, but he has no problem hurting me.

  Ricky loudly laughs and shakes his head. “You know I love Hadley. You two are so damn good together.” Ricky punches Finn’s arm. “You could spread the love to your best friend, though. It’s a mandatory part of the Bro Code.”

  “Jealousy is not a good look for you, Tesco.”

  “I am, though. You snatched Hadley up before I could.”

  “She wouldn’t have given you the time of day.”

  “No because if she had seen me first, she wouldn’t have cared about the time.”

  “That is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”

  Ricky boisterously laughs and Finn looks at the ground, shaking his head. Ricky asks, “Speaking of jealous, what about Cara?”

  Finn looks up, confused. “Cara? What about her?”

  “You know she wants to ride your midnight train to the Big O.”

  Finn narrows his eyes. “How do you know that?”

  “Come on, man. You can’t tell?”

  Finn shrugs. “We’re just friends.”

  “You don’t notice she’s jealous of Hadley? I’ve seen Cara giving her dirty looks all through practice. That bitch wants to ride your cock and I think she’d push your Becks onto the tracks to be next in line.” What?

  Cringing, Finn looks away and crosses his arms. “There is no ‘next in line.’ She knows I’m with my left fielder. I’m not interested anyway.” He’d better not be!

  “You’re fucking blind. She watches you more than anything else. And she wears those low-cut tops, hoping you’ll stare at her tits.”

  “Yeah, her tits are hard to miss.” He’s looking?

  “As long as you’re not wanting to test those waters.” What? Would he?

  Finn’s eyes questioningly crinkle. “You think I’d sleep with her?”

  Ricky squints his eyes and says, “I wasn’t sure if you’d…”

  “No. I’ve told you that before. I have the only woman I want.” They’ve talked about if he’d cheat on me?

  Ricky sadly says, “I didn’t plan to cheat on Nina, Finn, but I let it happen.”

  Finn adamantly protests, “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Ricky nods and a sudden grin takes over. “I know you wouldn’t. Unlike me, you are a good guy. I don’t even know why in the hell I put up with your sorry ass. Find a hobby, at least. Fuck, you’re boring.”

  Finn mockingly smiles. “I’d hang out with Richmond’s Finest, but instead I’m stuck with Richmond’s Runoff.”

  “Damn, you’re a grouch. You need to get laid before you leave.”

  “I’m not doing that.” Finn tugs on the back of his hat to realign it on his head.

  “Oh, right. Injured player.” Ricky shrugs and adjusts his own ball cap. “If she can’t fully participate, have her suck your cock then. I think that one’s in the playbook.”

  Finn laughs. “She probably wouldn’t do that.”

  “Why not? Do you think she’s still hung up about doing it? You said she tried at your mom’s. She hasn’t done it again?” If I thought I was mortified before, this is beyond! He said he doesn’t tell Ricky everything. I guess this doesn’t fall into the everything category!

  “No.” Holy shit! Shut up, Finn!

  “Why? Did you have to give her a roadmap and a magnifying glass to find it?”


  Ricky pops another bubble and smilingly adds, “Sit next to her, whip your dick out and shove her head down. She’
ll get the message.”

  “She’s supposed to be taking it easy.”

  “She is taking it easy if she’s fucking you.”

  Finn incredulously laughs and before he can reply, Ricky says, “Well, it’s definitely not your sex life making you a grouch. That was embarrassingly evident at Easter.”

  “I didn’t tell you to spy on us, dickwad.”

  “I didn’t have to spy. You were doing a pretty good job of advertising it. I’ve never heard you that loud before.” What the fuck? Ricky’s heard us having sex before? This only gets worse!

  Ricky stretches his arms above his head and I duck. Peeking through the window of the truck, I see him looking toward the field. Shit.

  Finn says, “Before we head back, I wanted to tell you that I, uh, told her the one thing I didn’t want to.”

  Ricky drops his arms and his jaw. “You actually told her you’ve wanted to marry her for three years now? Are you engaged?” He gawks at Finn in disbelief. “Shit, why didn’t you tell me, man? We’ve been talking and you just now mention it?” Three years? I’ve been praying for that long he’d change his mind! What the hell, Finn?

  “We’re not engaged.”

  “What do you mean? Are you going to officially propose then?”

  Finn glances at the ground. “Um, I did get down on my knee, but she didn’t give me a chance to ask before she took off. She’s not stupid. She knows I won’t marry her.”

  Losing his smile, Ricky actually glowers. “Fuck. You’re an idiot. I told you that you’re going to lose her.”

  Not looking up, Finn shakes his head and mutters, “We talked. She says she understands.”

  “Like shit she does.”

  “I’m getting closer to being able to, but… I don’t know. Maybe soon.” Soon? I think I feel my orange flaring.

  “You think you’ll really marry her?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, but…” But what?

  Ricky roughly sighs. “I know, Finn. Don’t be. Look at all the other shit you do. You don’t let anything get the best of you.”

  “I know this, but marriage is different. It’s not a stunt, Rick. I don’t want to ruin what we have together or go through what my parents, my sister, or you have. If Becks and I don’t get married, then we won’t get divorced.”


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