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Rescuing Gracelynn (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 1)

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by Anna Blakely

  “Well, I thought…if you wanted…we could get together soon so we can iron out all the details. Figured since they’re doing a joint thing, you and I should probably plan it all together, too.”

  “Makes sense to me. When do you want to meet up?”

  “You doing anything tomorrow night?”

  She frowned. “Yeah, sorry,” she said sincerely. “I have a date with this really hot guy. He’s going to take me to dinner, then we’re going dancing. After that, who knows what the night will bring.”

  Her voice sounded all low and sultry when she said that last part, making Nate want to hack into her phone and find out who the hell this guy was.

  “Oh, uh…okay. We can do it another night, then.”

  Gracie snickered. “I’m just kidding, Nate. A hot date? Please. I’ve barely been in town a week, and most of that time has been spent either unpacking, hanging out with Sarah and Kole, or at work.”

  Ignoring the insurmountable relief he felt, Nate narrowed his eyes playfully. “Funny girl.”

  Still chuckling, she shook her head. “I can’t believe you actually bought that.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re a beautiful, single woman. Not that hard to imagine someone wanting to take you out for dinner and”—he made his voice low and sultry when he said— “whatever the night may bring.”

  That last part made her laugh even harder. “Sarah told me you were the class clown of the group.”

  “I wear the red nose with pride.”

  Rolling her beautiful eyes again, this time at him, Gracie said, “Okay, so seriously. When and where would you like to meet tomorrow night?”

  “You like Chinese? There’s this little restaurant called Chu’s around the corner from my place. It’s not fancy, but the food is really good. If I remember correctly, Kole said your apartment is only a few minutes from mine.”

  “That’s what Sarah said, too. And Chinese is my favorite. What time?”

  “How about seven? That way you have plenty of time to get everything on your to-do list done.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then, Nate.”

  “See you tomorrow, Gracie.”

  She turned and walked down the sidewalk. Nate waited at the door until she got into her car, giving her one last wave as she drove off.

  He went back inside and shut the door, nearly running into Kole when he turned back around.

  “Jesus, man. The fuck are you doing, sneaking up on people like that?”

  “I wasn’t sneaking, just checking to make sure you hadn’t fallen in.”

  “What?” Oh, right. Bathroom. “I was just walking Gracie out.”

  “That was mighty nice of you.”

  Nate had been around Kole long enough to recognize when he was saying one thing but meaning something else.

  “What? We were talking about the wedding.”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “We were, jackass. We’re meeting up tomorrow night to figure out this whole joint bachelor-bachelorette nonsense.”

  “It’s not nonsense. Sarah thought it would be fun to celebrate together, and I agree.”

  “That’s what the wedding reception is for, dickhead.” Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he added, “And by the way, you do realize you’re totally cheating the rest of us out of a hell of a good time, right?”

  Kole’s brows turned inward. “How do you figure that?”

  With a deadpan expression, Nate said, “One word. Strippers.”

  Laughing, Kole shook his head. “Dude, there weren’t going to be any strippers even if we didn’t have a joint thing.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  Kole put a hand on Nate’s shoulder. “I know this is hard for someone like you to believe, but when you find the one, your interest in all that other shit goes away. Like immediately.”

  Nate shrugged out of Kole’s grip. “What the hell do you mean, ‘someone like me’?”

  “Um…someone who’s afraid of commitment and doesn’t believe in true love. A guy who’s last, serious relationship was in the second grade with a girl named Becky who wore a pink and purple polka dotted bow in her hair.”

  “It was pink and white, asshole, and Becky was a very nice girl until that fucker Max Brumwell moved into town. Bastard brings her one rose and suddenly I’m out of the picture.”

  Both men stared each other down for all of three seconds before simultaneously busting up laughing. Mainly because there was no Becky from Nate’s past, nor was there a Max Brumwell.

  “Look,” Kole said with a smile. “I’m sorry you and the guys don’t get to spend the night shoving your hard-earned dollars into some random woman’s G-string, but this is what Sarah wants.”

  “And what about you? What do you want?”

  Kole grinned. “To make her happy.”

  Nate released an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. No strippers. But I do intend to talk your future sister-in-law into having a penis cake made for Sarah.”

  With a silent shake of his shoulders, Kole agreed to the compromise. “Penis cake, it is.” Then, erasing all humor from his face, he looked intently at Nate and said, “You know I love you like a brother, right?”

  “Sure.” Nate was taken off guard by his friend’s sudden words of affection. “I feel the same about you, although I’m wondering why you’re telling me this now.”

  Kole ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair. “I saw the way you were looking at Gracie today.”

  Nate’s heart rate kicked up a notch. “How was I looking at her?”

  “Trust me, man. I get it. She’s easy on the eyes. But…”

  “But, what? What exactly are you trying to say, Kole?”

  “Part of what I said is true, and you know it. You are afraid of commitment. You meet a girl, take her out, and have your fun with her. But after a few weeks when it looks like there’s a chance it could turn into something more, you high-tail it out of there.”

  With a shake of his head, Nate adamantly disagreed. “Just because I haven’t wanted to get serious with anyone doesn’t mean I’ve been running away.”

  “Scooby-Doo, man.” Kole raised a brow, but said nothing more.

  Shit. Nate hated it when Kole was right. If he knew anything, it was that numbers don’t lie.

  Why bother letting someone in, only to lose them later on? Statistically, that’s what would happen, so why put himself or anyone else through that?

  Nate had decided a long time ago to avoid the whole mess before it even started. Was that so wrong?

  “I’m not afraid of commitment. I’m just not interested in it. There’s a difference.”

  “Which is why I’m asking you to steer clear of Gracie.”

  What the fuck? “You’re warning me away from your sister-in-law?”

  “Future sister-in-law. And yeah. I guess I am.”

  Nate could tell Kole was serious, which pissed him off even more. “Not that I have to explain myself to you or anyone else, but I have no interest in dating, or doing anything else, with Sarah’s sister. So, why don’t you go give this big-brother speech to Turner. He was the one laying on the charm with Gracie earlier, and we both know his reputation with women is way the fuck worse than mine.”

  Rolling his eyes, Kole shoved his hands in his pockets. “Quit being such a drama queen. I’m not trying to be an asshole.”

  “Could’ve fooled me. But don’t worry. I got the message loud and clear.”

  Digging into his pocket, Nate pulled out the keys to his truck and turned for the door. “Give Sarah a kiss goodbye for me.”

  “Seriously? You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah. I’m leaving.”

  “You okay to drive?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?”

  The guy’s Mother Hen bit was getting really old, really fucking fast.

  “I had three beers over four hours and then switched to water.” Nate glanced at his watch. “That was two hours ago. I’m fine.”

sp; “What about your cooler?”

  “Keep it.”


  With that, Nate walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him. He was still steaming about his and Kole’s conversation two hours later while sitting on the bar stool at Bucky’s, sipping on a beer he’d paid to damn much for.

  To his surprise, the woman from last night was at the bar when he’d first walked in. Less surprising was the fact that she’d gotten up without saying a word and walked out the door the second she saw his face.

  Since then, Nate had been scouring the room, looking for someone who caught his eye enough to approach. It was ladies’ night, which meant there were plenty of hot women to choose from. Some had even come on to him.

  They’d flirted, and he’d reciprocated. Normally, that would have led to them going back to the woman’s place—he never brought them to his apartment. For some reason, though, the idea of meaningless sex wasn’t quite as appealing as it had been last night.

  He didn’t want a relationship. That most definitely wasn’t the issue. The problem was Nate didn’t know what he wanted anymore. Whatever it was, it was pretty clear he wouldn’t find it in this bar tonight.

  To hell with this. He stood, threw a ten down to cover the one drink he never finished, and left.

  Once back at his apartment, he took a quick shower, not wanting the smell of smoke from Kole’s fire on his sheets. When he got to bed, he lay there for what felt like hours.

  Nate tossed and turned, trying to think of anything other than golden eyes and honey-colored hair. Eventually, he gave up the fight.

  “Fuck it.”

  Knowing he’d never get to sleep if he didn’t find a way to relax, Nate decided to take matters into his own hand. Shoving the elastic waist of his boxers down below his balls, for better access, he wrapped a hand around his hot, pulsating cock and began to stroke.

  Starting out slowly, he thought of Gracie’s beautiful, smiling face. Laying back on his pillow, Nate closed his eyes and smiled back, imagining what it would feel like to run his fingers through her long, silky hair.

  Before long, he saw himself leaning in and tasting her lips with his tongue. He began pumping his swollen shaft more forcefully as he fantasized what it would be like to feel her naked body beneath his. To slide into her delectable heat.

  Nate’s dick jumped beneath his palm. His breathing picked up and sweat began to bead on his forehead as he imagined them in a different position. He moved his fist up and down with more urgency as he envisioned Gracie lying on her back with her legs lifted and spread, his face nestled between her thighs.

  Then, in his mind’s eye, he dove in. The essence he knew would be sweet coated the tip of his tongue as he licked her body’s most sensitive flesh.

  “Ah, shit,” he panted out, the familiar tingling in his spine telling him he was close.

  Nate’s balls tightened and his cock became impossibly full. His entire body shook with the need for release and a loud grunt escaped his throat as he jerked himself into blessed oblivion.

  Despite his earlier convictions, it was Gracie’s name that fell from his growling lips as he came. And after he cleaned himself up, Gracie’s smiling face was the last thing he pictured before finally falling asleep.

  Chapter 2

  Gracie stood in the middle of her living room and smiled. She really liked how everything had come together.

  She’d been a little skeptical at first. After all, who signs a lease agreement for an apartment they’d never actually seen in person? But, living across the country in Maryland, Gracie hadn’t had a lot of options.

  Kole and Sarah had offered to let her stay in their spare room until she found a place, but they’d just bought their first house and were busy with work and planning a wedding. The last thing they needed was her getting in the way.

  So, she’d done some online searching and found a few places that fit her needs, wants, and budget. After closely inspecting the pictures from the ones she liked, Gracie had chosen this place. And she loved it.

  The open floor plan made it appear even bigger than it actually was. The kitchen was sleek and modern and the living room’s floor-to-ceiling windows offered a great view of the spacious balcony, which overlooked downtown Dallas.

  Speaking of downtown…

  Gracie glanced at the large clock she’d hung behind her couch less than an hour ago. Crap. She needed to leave now in order to be on time for her date.

  Giving herself a mental smack on the head, she reminded herself this was not a date. She and Nate were meeting to discuss the plans for her sister’s and Kole’s party. Period.

  Then, why does the thought of seeing him again make your heart race?

  Ignoring that annoying little voice, Gracie grabbed her purse and keys from the coffee table and gave herself a once-over in the small mirror hanging next to her front door. Since this wasn’t a date, she’d gone with her favorite jeans, a white V-neck, and her high-top Converse.

  The white was a bit risky, since they’d be eating. She’d just have to be extra careful, especially since it was going to be Chinese.

  Fluffing her hair with her fingertips one last time, Gracie opened the door and left. On the way to her car, she used her phone to pull up directions to the restaurant where they’d be meeting. The GPS told her it was an eleven-minute drive from her place.

  Ten minutes and thirty-two seconds later, Gracie pulled into the establishment’s parking lot. Creeping across the pavement, she carefully avoided the multitude of potholes and loose asphalt, finally finding a solid place to park at the far-end near a large dumpster. He was right when he said the place wasn’t fancy.

  Double-checking her doors to make sure they were locked, Gracie made her way across the lot and around the side of the brick building. She spotted Nate immediately through the business’s large glass window facing the street.

  He was at the end of the long counter where people were placing their orders. His head was bowed, and he was leaning on his elbows, casually scrolling through something on his phone.

  When she walked in, a tiny bell above her jingled to alert the employees another customer had arrived. Hearing this, Nate’s head swiveled in her direction, his eyes locking with hers.

  Gracie’s lungs seized inside her chest. Lord, have mercy, he’s gorgeous.

  Ignoring her heart’s overactive imagination, she began looking for the best path to take to get to him. It wouldn’t be easy since the place was packed. As in, shoulder-to-shoulder, standing-room-only packed.

  Thankfully, Nate pushed himself off the counter and began squeezing his way over to her. She waited, watching as he politely asked someone to move before smiling back at her.


  Last night, he’d looked sexy as sin in his ball cap and sunglasses. Tonight, though…tonight he was positively panty-dropping.

  Standing right at six feet, he was well above her five-feet, five-inch frame. The pale blue of his eyes reminded her of the beach her parents took her to as a little girl. The water was so crystal clear she could see the tiny fish swimming near the shallow bottom.

  Gracie continued to study Nate as he slowly made his way toward her. His hair was a little darker than what she would consider light brown, but when the light shone down on it just right, hints of auburn peeked through.

  With those mesmerizing eyes and a strong jaw, Nate’s face was a perfect combination of chiseled features and boyish charm. And when Nathan Carter smiled, his entire face lit up.

  Doesn’t matter.

  The tiny voice was right. None of that mattered. He was Kole’s best friend and, most importantly, a co-worker at her new job.

  Of course, Jake had told her during her phone interview that the guys are only at the office a couple times a week, if that. Still, it would probably be in bad form for her to start something up with one of them.

  At least she’d have something good to look at on the days he was there. Just think of it as another perk of the

  “Hey,” Nate’s deep voice rose over the noise of the crowd.

  “Hi,” Gracie responded loudly. She looked around at the swarm of people. “Is this place always this busy?”

  “Not at all. A bus full of tourists pulled up about two minutes after I got here and took all the tables.

  Dang. Eating Chinese food while standing would be a bit challenging. Her white shirt would be on the losing end of that, for sure.

  Gracie still was trying to think of another alternative when Nate began talking again.

  “I hope it’s okay, but I went ahead and ordered for us both so ours would get done before theirs.” He tipped his head toward the crowd.

  She leaned in a little closer so he’d hear her better. “That’s fine. I’m not picky.”

  Nate glanced around the room, then back to her. “It’s going to be impossible to get anything done here.”

  “I agree.”

  “We should…”

  Whatever else Nate said was drowned out by a loud eruption of laughter coming from some of the other customers.

  “What?” Gracie practically yelled.

  Scooting closer, Nate put his hand on her upper arm and leaned in more closely, talking directly next to her ear.

  “I said, we should get our food and take it to my place.”

  Between the gentle way his fingers were holding her arm and his lips touching her ear as he spoke, she could barely breathe, let alone speak.

  The slight hint of whatever cologne he was wearing was simply icing on the delectable Nate cake.

  Ignoring the electric jolt she felt from his simple touch, Gracie nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Mid-answer, she turned her head toward Nate’s so he could hear her better. He was still leaning down, and when she made the move, their noses nearly touched.

  With their eyes locked, they both froze.

  The longer they stood like that, the darker the blue hue in his eyes became. For a second, she was sure he was about to kiss her. She was also certain she would let him.

  Instead, Nate blinked then jerked away, bumping into the man standing behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he held a hand up to the guy to show him he meant no harm.


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